17 research outputs found

    Report on the International Indian Ocean Expedition Collections of Cumacea in the Smithsonian Institution Washington

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    The studies on the Cumacea obtained by the International Indian Ocean Expedition deposited in the Smithsonian Institution suggest that the Cumacean fauna along the east coast of Africa (Durban Bay, Nossi-Be-Madagascar, Grand Comoro Island) is very rich. They show aflSnities with those of Australian and Phillippine Coasts. Family Nannastacidae is widely distributed along the east coast of Africa, Malaya Coast and Singapore Strait. It is also noted that most of them were obtained from shallow waters. Only very few species are restricted to deeper regions. Campylaspts orientalis Caiman, C. rubincunda (Lilljeborg) are distributed at 2125 m depth off Madagascar. The specimens are mostly benthic and they are abundant in a fine sandy bottom with a small percentage of silt and are rare in coarse and fine muddy deposits. Sometimes they occur in sand which contains soft and hard corals, sponges and Sargassum. Nannastacus gibbosus is present in large numbers at Palau Hantu (S. W. Singapore). The benthic collections from the Red Sea show that Schizotrema aculeata prefers a sandy bottom in a very shallow depth. It is also noted that two species namely Nannastacus longirostris and Cumella limicola which had been previously described from Mediterraenan Coasts are widely distributed in the Nossi-Be-Madagascar area. Cumella limicola is known from west coast of Africa also. The ecological habitat of the Cumacean fauna of the east coast of Africa are essentially intertidal rocks, large masses of compacted mud rocks, coral and rook patches on the hard sandy bottom with coral reefs and mangroves. Leucon sp. and Hemilamprops sp. are quite common in the Durban Bay, while Nannastacus sp. are observed from Nossi-Be-Madagascar areas and Singapore Coast

    Aplicação do movimento kepleriano na orientação de imagens HRC - CBERS 2b

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    Nos últimos 20 anos, pesquisas voltadas ao desenvolvimento de modelos rigorosos para a orientação de sensores orbitais puhbroom lineares vêm sendo desenvolvidas e apresentadas. Na maioria destas pesquisas, a trajetória e a orientação do satélite durante a formação das cenas são obtidas a partir de polinômios de 1º, 2º e até 3º grau. Porém, a atribuição de significado físico aos coeficientes polinomiais indica que o primeiro e o segundo termo se referem à velocidade e a aceleração da plataforma no instante referente à aquisição da primeira linha da cena. Estas quantidades podem ser associadas ao Problema dos Dois Corpos, sendo desenvolvido de acordo com a equação do Movimento Uniformemente Variado. O modelo resultante deste desenvolvimento foi denominado por Michalis e Dowman como Modelo de Kepler. Nesta pesquisa, o Modelo de Kepler é aplicado na orientação de imagens HRC/CBERS 2B e comparado com os modelos que utilizam polinômios para a propagação dos Parâmetros de orientação exterior (POE), amplamente utilizados atualmente. Os resultados obtidos ao comparar o Modelo de Kepler e os modelos polinomiais indicaram que o uso do primeiro modelo permitiu a obtenção de melhores resultados em relação ao segundo

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    Not AvailableThe studies on the Cumacea obtained by the International Indian Ocean Expedition deposited in the Smithsonian Institution suggest that the Cumacean fauna along the east coast of Africa (Durban Bay, Nossi-Be-Madagascar, Grand Comoro Island) is very rich. They show aflSnities with those of Australian and Phillippine Coasts. Family Nannastacidae is widely distributed along the east coast of Africa, Malaya Coast and Singapore Strait. It is also noted that most of them were obtained from shallow waters. Only very few species are restricted to deeper regions. Campylaspts orientalis Caiman, C. rubincunda (Lilljeborg) are distributed at 2125 m depth off Madagascar. The specimens are mostly benthic and they are abundant in a fine sandy bottom with a small percentage of silt and are rare in coarse and fine muddy deposits. Sometimes they occur in sand which contains soft and hard corals, sponges and Sargassum. Nannastacus gibbosus is present in large numbers at Palau Hantu (S. W. Singapore). The benthic collections from the Red Sea show that Schizotrema aculeata prefers a sandy bottom in a very shallow depth. It is also noted that two species namely Nannastacus longirostris and Cumella limicola which had been previously described from Mediterraenan Coasts are widely distributed in the Nossi-Be-Madagascar area. Cumella limicola is known from west coast of Africa also. The ecological habitat of the Cumacean fauna of the east coast of Africa are essentially intertidal rocks, large masses of compacted mud rocks, coral and rook patches on the hard sandy bottom with coral reefs and mangroves. Leucon sp. and Hemilamprops sp. are quite common in the Durban Bay, while Nannastacus sp. are observed from Nossi-Be-Madagascar areas and Singapore Coast.Not Availabl

    Cumacea from the North Sea

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    42-43Distribution of Cumacea in the North Sea plankton has been studied. Six species of Cumacea are identified from Hardy's continuous plankton recorder and plankton indicator samples collected by the Oceanographic Laboratory, Edinburgh during 1952-1963. Pseudocuma longicornis is the most common and widely distributed. P. gilsoni is a new record for the North Sea Though previous records show the presence of more species of Cumacea in the North Sea, the present studies reveal that atleast one species - P. longicornis - is abundant in the South North Sea, with maximum during Aug.-Sept. in the coastal waters


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    Resourcesat-2 (RS-2) has successfully completed five years of operations in its orbit. This satellite has multi-resolution and multi-spectral capabilities in a single platform. A continuous and autonomous co-registration, geo-location and radiometric calibration of image data from different sensors with widely varying view angles and resolution was one of the challenges of RS-2 data processing. On-orbit geometric performance of RS-2 sensors has been widely assessed and calibrated during the initial phase operations. Since then, as an ongoing activity, various geometric performance data are being generated periodically. This is performed with sites of dense ground control points (GCPs). These parameters are correlated to the direct geo-location accuracy of the RS-2 sensors and are monitored and validated to maintain the performance. This paper brings out the geometric accuracy assessment, calibration and validation done for about 500 datasets of RS-2. The objectives of this study are to ensure the best absolute and relative location accuracy of different cameras, location performance with payload steering and co-registration of multiple bands. This is done using a viewing geometry model, given ephemeris and attitude data, precise camera geometry and datum transformation. In the model, the forward and reverse transformations between the coordinate systems associated with the focal plane, payload, body, orbit and ground are rigorously and explicitly defined. System level tests using comparisons to ground check points have validated the operational geo-location accuracy performance and the stability of the calibration parameters


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    In the last decade there has been a paradigm shift in creating, viewing and utilizing geospatial data for planning, navigation and traffic management of urban areas. Realistic, three-dimensional information is preferred over conventional two dimensional maps. The paper describes objectives, methodology and results of an operational system being developed for generation of site model from Cartosat-2 multiview images. The system is designed to work in operational mode with varying level of manual interactivity. A rigorous physical sensor model based on collinearity condition models the "step n stare" mode of image acquisition of the satellite. The relative orientation of the overlapping images is achieved using coplanarity condition and conjugate points. A procedure is developed to perform digitization in mono and stereo modes. A technique for refining manually digitized boundaries is developed. The conjugate points are generated by establishing a correspondence between the points obtained on refined edges to analogous points on the images obtained with view angles ±26 deg. It is achieved through geometrically constrained image matching method. The results are shown for a portion of multi-view images of Washington City obtained from Cartosat-2. The scheme is generic to accept very high resolution stereo images from other satellites as input

    Orientação de imagens CBERS-2B usando o modelo rigoroso de colinearidade com dados orbitais

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    Atualmente, o imageamento orbital é uma das principais técnicas de coleta de informações geoespaciais. Embora os sistemas orbitais sejam equipados com sensores de orientação direta (GNSS, giroscópios, sensores de estrelas, dentre outros), nem sempre as imagens corrigidas a partir dos dados (efemérides e atitude) provenientes destes sensores apresentam a acurácia requerida para certas aplicações. Uma das alternativas para solucionar este problema é a orientação dessas imagens considerando as informações de órbita (efemérides e atitude) com o uso adicional de pontos de apoio. O objetivo principal deste trabalho consiste em avaliar experimentalmente o modelo de colinearidade com dados orbitais no processo de orientação de imagens CBERS-2B. Este modelo foi implementado no programa TMS (Triangulação MultiSsensor), seguindo a abordagem de triangulação multissensor. Foram realizados experimentos com imagens do nível 1 (com apenas correção radiométrica) coletadas pelos sensores CCD e HRC. Nos casos estudados verificou-se que a utilização das informações de órbita possibilita a orientação de imagens CBERS-2B com um número reduzido de pontos de apoio