29 research outputs found


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    Nyeri sanggama (dyspareunia) merupakan salah satu keluhan yang sering di jumpai pada perempuan menopause. Nyeri tersebut terjadi karena penurunan kolagen dan atrofi dinding vagina. Kondisi demikian bila berlanjut bisa menyebabkan diharmonisasi rumah tangga. Perempuan menopause makin tahun makin bertambah banyak. Keluhan tersebut dapat dicegah oleh terapi estrogen atau fisoestrogen. Pegagan merupakan salah satu fitoestrogen yang bisa meningkat proliferasi dan sintesis kolegan, diharapkan dengan pemberian pegagan dapat terjadi penebalan dan elastisitas dinding vagina. Sejauh ini penebalan dan elastisitas didnding vagina belum jelas. Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan kejadian penebalan dan elastisitas dinding vagina oleh peningkatan sintesis kolegan dan proliferasi-maturasi epitel pada dinding vagina tikus Rattus Norvegicus strain Wistar yang dilakukan ovariektomi yang diberi ekstrak pegagan. Metode Penelitian eksperimental dengan rancangan posttest only control group design, 35 ekor tikus betina, umur 4 bulan, berat badan 290- 300 gram, yang diovariektomi. Tikus tersebut dirandomisasi menjadi 4 kelompok, tiap kelompok 7 ekor tikus. Penelitian pendahuluan dilakukan untuk menentukan atrofi dinding vagina dan diketahui terjadi pada hari ke 21. Kelompok 1, tidak diberi ekstrak pegagan. Kelompok 2,3,4 diberi ekstrak pegagan pada kari ke 22 pasca ovariektomi dengan dosis 30mg, 60mg, 120mg/Kbb/hari selama 40 hari secara oral. Pada hari ke 61 pasca ovariektomi tikus dikorbankan untuk pemeriksaan imunohistokimia terhadap sel penghasil REβ- , TG-F β, Hsp-70, dan Kolagen tipe- 1(KT-1) dan pemeriksaan histologis untuk melihat penebalan dinding vagina. Hasil dianalisis menggunakan multivariat didapat perbedaan jumlah sel penghasil Reseptor estogen β (RE-), Transforming growth factor β (TGF- β), kolagen tipe- 1(KT-1) dan Keywords: Centella asiatica, ER-ß, Hsp-70, type- 1 collagen, vaginal epithelial proliferation, phytoestrogen, ovariectom

    Improving an Organization Declining Performance

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    PT Nusantara Turbin dan Propulsi (NTP) is one of trusted excellence center leading in South East Asia in the field of engineering, maintenance, repair and overhaul of gas turbines and rotating equipment. PT NTP has two strategic business units, namely Aero Engine Services and Industrial Turbine Services. PT NTP facing a problem in achieving the target in terms of revenue and timeliness of project completion that led to customer dissatisfaction and also there is geopolitical issue that affects the company financial performance. Those problems are the overcome challenges of the company in the future. In accordance with those problems, this final project will discuss improvements an organization declining performance. Two methods were used to find out problem that occurred at NTP, first is quantitative; by distributed questionnaires among fulltime employees, and second is qualitative; by conduted interviews with managers and employees. Questionnaires spread to Managers, Supervisor, and Staffs were aims to analyze level of organization, groups, and individual. Organization criteria (by Mckinsey) are strategy, structure, system, skill, staff, style, and shared values. Group (by Thomas Cummings and Cristopher Worley) are task structure, group composition, team functioning, and group norms. Individual (by McShane and Von Glinow) motivation, ability, role of perception, and situational factors. To improve an organization declining performance, organization can be diagnosed at three different levels, namely individual level, group level, and organizational level. Those three levels are the main factor to improve an organization declining performance. Based on this analysis, it can be determined the level of organization that led to a declining performance of organization. The result of the analysis of the information obtained from PT NTP concluded that the level of organizational is the causes of the organization declining performance. The analysis that conducted is by improving the elements that derived from the Mckinsey 7-S framework, namely strategy, system, structure, skill, staff, style, and shared values. The implementation plan of those improvements is applied using the eight-step model of change from John P. Kotter. Keywords: Organization declining performance, organizational level, Mckinsey 7-S framewor

    Android-Based Cryptography Applications Using The Rail Fence Cipher Algorithm

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    Android-based cryptographic applications using the rail fence cipher algorithm are made using the Java programming language (AndroidStudio), the PHP programming language (JSON File Web Service) and the MySQL database. This application has a url link for storing PHP files and message data in the database, while the url link is http://railfencecipher.my.id/. An Android-based cryptographic application using the rail fence cipher algorithm has been uploaded to Google Playstore by entering the rail keyword fence cipher. An android-based cryptographic application using the rail fence cipher algorithm can be used to assist communication between the two parties, both the sender and the recipient of the message. In addition, this application has implemented a rail fence cipher algorithm that is used to maintain the confidentiality of the message stored in the application's database. The records in the message body column in the database are in random form, therefore they cannot be read. This of course makes the application maintain the confidentiality of the messages sent, because there is a process of scrambling (encryption) of the message. Based on the results of the tests that have been carried out, the functionality of the android-based cryptographic application using the rail fence cipher algorithm runs well as expected and the message sent between the recipient and the sender is kept confidential because the message is encrypted


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    Perlunya prediksi mutu pembelajaran di jurusan TKJ kelas XII SMKN 1 Slahung ini dilakukan karena belum adanya prediksi untuk mutu pembelajaran dengan algoritma data mining kmeans clustering di sekolahan tersebut. Dari masalah tersebut penulis memberikan solusi dengan penerapan prediksi yang menggunakan data siswa kelas XII TKJ, serta data nilai saat mereka kelas XI untuk mengetahui kemampuan siswa pada semester sebelumnya sebagai perbandingan ke semester yang akan datang dan saat ini ini. Dalam penelitian ini data tersebut diolah menggunakan algoritma kmeans clustering dengan software R studio yang menggunakan bahasa pemrograman R, serta menghasilkan jarak sebagai output prediksi mutu pembelajaran pada saat kelas XI. Dalam hasil penelitian ini dijadikan sebagai penelitian bagi sekolahan yang nantinya bisa membandingkan perkembangan mutu pembelajaran antara semester lalu ke semester yang akan datang maupun saat ini

    The Effect of Price, Ease of Transaction, Information Quality, Safety, and Trust on Online Purchase Decision

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    This research aims to analyze the effect of price, ease of transaction, information quality, safety, and trust on online purchase decision. Applying purposive sampling technique, the sample was students of the Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Jember that consisted of 100 respondents. This study used quantitative data sourced from primary data. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression. Results showed that, both partially and simultaneously, the variables of price, ease, information quality, safety, and trust had a significant positive effect on online purchase decision


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    Penggunaan LPG sebagai bahan bakar alternative pengganti bahan bakar minyak dirasakan lebih efektif dan praktis. Namun tidak memiliki warna, serta tergolong dalam jenis yang sangat mudah terbakar, sedikit saja penangannya terlambat maka dapat menyebabkan kerugian bahkan korban jiwa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi kepada pengguna adanya kebocoran gas LPG menggunakan teknologi GSM. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode research and development. Penelitian ini mengintegrasikan sensor gas MQ2, Arduino UNO, Buzzer dan Module GSM. Hasilnya apabila kadar konsentrasi gas yang terdeteksi ≥ 5000 PPM memberikan informasi adanya kebocoran gas kepada pengguna melalui LCD, buzzer sebagai alarm, serta module GSM mengirim sms dan melakukan panggilan telepon sehingga dapat meminimalisir kerugian akibat keterlambatan penanganan kebocoran gas LPG

    Analisis Kinerja Investasi Saham dengan Metode Sharpe Model di Beberapa Bursa Efek ASEAN (Studi Pasar Modal pada Filipina, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapura, dan Thailand Tahun 2012 – 2015)

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    The performance of the stock exchanges can be measured by using various methods, one of which uses Sharpe model with returns and Risks from the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand stock exchanges. The type of research used is descriptive with quantitative approach. The research used is calculate return and stock exchange risk. While when the next analysis is to calculate the performance of the stock exchange. This study uses secondary data types with polling data. Polling data is a combination of time series data and cross section data for the period of 2012 - 2015. Based on the calculation of return, Indonesia is positioned to 3 with the highest return in ASEAN. While Based on Risk calculation, Indonesia is positioned 4th with the lowest risk in ASEAN. The performance calculation results show that Indonesia is in the 2nd position with the best performance in ASEAN

    Respon ASEAN Terhadap Mundurnya India Dari Kerja Sama Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)

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    Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a cooperation framework formulated by ASEAN and 6 strategic partner countries and is the first proposal in ASEAN history to discuss comprehensive economic cooperation. RCEP is ASEAN's effort to strengthen its position as regional aktor in the Southeast Asian.  RCEP negotiations underwent changes during India's decision to withdraw from the RCEP negotiations, which prompted ASEAN to respond to these developments. This study fokuses on response taken by ASEAN to India's decision to withdraw from the RCEP negotiations. The concept used is soft regionalism which emphasizes geographic proximity, historical relations and the comparative advantage of the region. Soft regionalism is driven by not only by economic and business interests, but also market interests that become the energy of soft regionalism in Asia. This concept is functioning well because it conforms to the pragmatic Asian political conditions. The findings of this study is that ASEAN cannot be separated from the concept of soft regionalism in which it has been running, and still sees all changes through static point of view. ASEAN needs to make new breakthroughs in realizing comprehensive cooperation in the region.Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a cooperation framework formulated by ASEAN and 6 strategic partner countries and is the first proposal in ASEAN history to discuss comprehensive economic cooperation. RCEP is ASEAN's effort to strengthen its position as regional aktor in the Southeast Asian.  RCEP negotiations underwent changes during India's decision to withdraw from the RCEP negotiations, which prompted ASEAN to respond to these developments. This study fokuses on response taken by ASEAN to India's decision to withdraw from the RCEP negotiations. The concept used is soft regionalism which emphasizes geographic proximity, historical relations and the comparative advantage of the region. Soft regionalism is driven by not only by economic and business interests, but also market interests that become the energy of soft regionalism in Asia. This concept is functioning well because it conforms to the pragmatic Asian political conditions. The findings of this study is that ASEAN cannot be separated from the concept of soft regionalism in which it has been running, and still sees all changes through static point of view. ASEAN needs to make new breakthroughs in realizing comprehensive cooperation in the region


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    AbstractVernacular Typhography on Street Market Tents in Jakarta. Jakarta is the capitol city of Indonesia, which became one of urban destination for people from supporting district like Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi, and Depok. Before and after colonialism, there is lots of culture assimilation from many ethnic and parts of nation. One the effect of vernacularism is typography vernacular that spread out at tents of street market.This research is analyzing the hierarchy, contrast, and main principles of typography (readability, legibility, clarity, and visibility) of the banner of street market’s tents. Thisanalysis is to know the vernacular typography in street market’s tents which are applying indirectly the hierarchy system, contrast, and main principles of typography. The resultof this research is the banner of the street market is one of the specific identities of street market’s food vendor from time to time.AbstrakTipografi Vernakular pada Warung Tenda Kaki Lima di Jakarta. Jakarta merupakan ibukota negara Indonesia yang telah menjadi tujuan bagi masyarakat urban yang bermukim di kota-kota penyangganya seperti Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi danDepok serta daerah-daerah lain di Indonesia. Sejak zaman sebelum kolonial dan setelah kolonial banyak asimilasi budaya dari berbagai etnis dan suku bangsa. Pengaruh sertabudaya yang dibawa oleh masyarakat urban multietnis tersebut memberi pengaruh yang sangat besar. Karya-karya vernakular di Jakarta, salah satunya adalah tipografi vernakular yang terpampang pada tenda-tenda pedagang kaki lima. Dalam penelitian ini dianalisis spanduk pada tenda pedagang kaki lima berdasarkan hirarki dan kontras serta prinsip pokok tipografi (readability, legibility, clarity, dan visibility). Analisis iniuntuk mengetahui tipografi vernakular pada spanduk tenda pedagang kaki lima yang secara tidak langsung telah menerapkan sistem hirarki dan kontras serta prinsip pokoktipografi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa spanduk kaki lima merupakan salah satu cirri dan identitas pedagang kaki lima sejak dulu hingga sekaran