47 research outputs found

    A one-dimensional physical-biological model study of the pelagic nitrogen cycling during the spring bloom in the northern North Sea (FLEX ‘76)

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    A one-dimensional model of the pelagic ecosystem was developed and applied to the spring bloom in the northern North Sea making use of the data set obtained during the Fladenground experiment FLEX \u2776. The physical submodel is the second-order turbulence closure model of level 2 type developed by Mellor and Yamada (1974, 1982). The biological submodel is a depth-resolved version of the nitrogen flux model of the lower trophic levels in the pelagic proposed by Fasham et al. (1990). The parameter set employed by Fasham et al. did not yield satisfying results. However, using a parameter set adapted to the North Sea ecosystem we obtained a realistic overall description of the development of the North Sea ecosystem during the spring bloom. We were able to hindcast successfully the onset, duration, magnitude and daily variability of the net primary production, the magnitude of the PON export flux to the sea bottom, of the bacterial production and of the nitrogen regeneration within the water column. From the results of the simulation a mass budget of nitrogen fluxes within the euphotic zone and the deeper water layers as well as between them was derived. The results of the simulation suggest that strong herbivorous grazing caused the decay of the bloom. The comparison with the grazing by mesozooplankton as estimated from the observations favors the hypothesis that herbivorous microzooplankton was mainly responsible for the breakdown. The depth dependence of the vertical particulate flux obtained from the simulation exhibits the hyperbolic character recently found in different oceanic regions. The vertical particulate nitrogen flux shows a stronger decrease than typically observed for the particulate carbon flux. This is in correspondence with the observation that there was a remarkable increase of the C/N ratio of POM with depth during FLEX \u2776

    Performance in Sound-Symbol Learning Predicts Reading Performance 3 Years Later

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    To master the task of reading, children need to acquire a coding system representing speech as a sequence of visual symbols. Recent research suggested that performance in the processing of artificial script that relies on the association of sound and symbol may be associated with reading skill. The current longitudinal study examined the predictive value of a preschool sound-symbol paradigm (SSP) of reading performance 3 years later. The Morse-like SSP, IQ, and letter knowledge (LK) was assessed in young preschool children. Reading outcome measures were examined 3 years later. Word reading, pseudoword reading, and reading comprehension were predicted with age, IQ, LK, and SSP. The results showed that SSP substantially predicted reading fluency and reading comprehension 3 years later. For reading fluency measures, the influence of further predictor variables was not significant and SSP served as a sole predictor. Reading comprehension was best explained by SSP and age. The amount of variance SSP explained in reading 3 years later was remarkably high, with an explained variance between 63 and 82%, depending on the outcome reading variable. SSP turned out to be a substantial predictor of later reading performance in a language with statistically reliable spelling-to-sound relations. As LK is highly dependent on educational support, we assume that children in our socioeconomically diverse sample did not have much opportunity to acquire LK in their home environment. In contrast, the SSP challenges students to acquire new spelling-to-sound relations, simulating a core aspect of natural reading acquisition. Future work will test this paradigm in less transparent languages like English and explore its potential as a future standard assessment in the study of early reading development

    Summer-drought constrains the phenology and growth of two coexisting Mediterranean oaks with contrasting leaf habit: implications for their persistence and reproduction

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    13 páginas, 9 figuras, 5 tablas.-- El PDF es la versión post-print.This study analyses how coexisting evergreen and deciduous oaks adjust their phenology to cope with the stressful Mediterranean summer conditions. We test the hypothesis that the vegetative and reproductive growth of the winter deciduous (Quercus faginea Lam.) is more affected by summer drought than that of the evergreen [Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp.]. First, we assessed the complete aboveground phenology of both species during two consecutive years. Shoot and litter production and bud, acorn and secondary growth were monitored monthly. Second, we identified several parameters affected by summer conditions: apical bud size, individual leaf area (LA), leaf mass per area (LMA) and acorn yield in both species, and leaf-fall in Q. faginea; and analysed their variation over 10 years. Q. ilex performed up to 25% of shoot growth and most leaf development during summer, whereas Q. faginea completed most of both phenophases during spring. Secondary growth was arrested in summer under drought conditions. Approximately, 30–40% of bud and 40–50% of acorn growth was undertaken during summer in both species. Summer drought related to differences in LA, LMA and leaf senescence, but not to acorn yield. Both species had similar year-to-year patterns of acorn production, though yields were always lower in Q. faginea. Bud size decreased severely in both species during extremely dry years. In Q. ilex, bud size tended to alternate between years of large and small buds, and these patterns were followed by opposite trends in stem length. In Q. faginea, bud size was more stable through time. Q. ilex was more phenologically active during summer than Q. faginea, indicating a higher tolerance to drought. Furthermore, bud and fruit growth (the only two phenophases that both species performed during summer) were more severely affected by summer drought in Q. faginea than in the evergreen. The differential effects of summer drought on key phenophases for the persistence (bud growth) and colonization ability (fruit production) of both species may have consequences for their coexistence.This study was possible thanks to the collaboration within the GLOBIMED network (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Spain) and it was supported by the MEC-CICyT projects AGF96-0399, CGL2007-66066-C04/BOS and CGL2008- 04847-C02-01, DGA projects P-038/96 and GA-LC-011/2008, and INIA projects RTA2005-00100-C02-00 and SUM2006-00025-00-00. JJC acknowledges the support of the ‘‘Fundación Aragón I+D’’. SP and RM were funded by MEC by a postdoc (SEUI-FECYT) and a Juan de la Cierva contract, respectively. JA was funded by DGA.Peer reviewe

    Preliminary simulations of the phytoplankton and phosphate dynamics during FLEX '76 with a simple two-component model

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    A simple model is used to simulate the dynamics of phytoplankton and phosphate from April 19 to May 16 during the Fladen Ground Experiment. The model describes the development of vertical profiles in time. lt allows changes of phytoplankton standing stock by turbulent diffusion, sinking of cells, primary production, respiration, mortality and grazing, and changes of phosphate concentration by turbulent diffusion, nutrient uptake and remineralization. The model is used as a means of checking the consistency of the biological assumptions made with the observed phosphate concentration, phytoplankton cell counts and primary production. Local turbulent diffusion coefficients, underwater light climate and Zooplankton standing stock in terms of total copepods are given quantities, the former from a physical upper layer model, the latter two from data. Simulations show that if phytoplankton standing stock and primary production are reproduced fairly well, then phosphate is still too high and vice versa. lt appears that the conversion factor expressing the amount of phosphate necessary to produce l g carbon is crucial. Relating this ratio to the observed decrease of phosphate and the primary production the simulation reproduces the exponential growth phase weil but fails for the rest. This indicates the need of a variable conversion factor in the model, depending on the status of the bloom. lt can be shown that turbulent diffusion is indispensable for the development of the spring bloom. Further it is shown that as a consequence of the assumptions made about two thirds of primary production are taken up by zooplankton. An estimate of potential grazing of copepods shows that copepods starve or have other food sources than living phytoplankton

    On the succession of developmental stages of herbivorous zooplankton in the northern North Sea during FLEX '76, 1 : first statements about the main groups of the zooplankton community

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    During the Fladen Ground Experiment (FLEX, March 26-June 6, 1976) quantitative investigations of herbivorous zooplankton were performed. For that purpose 1785 water samples (5 or 10 l) were taken with a rosette sampler at the central station (pos. 58° 55' N, 0° 32' E) from nine to ten standard depths and filtered through 30 µm gauze filters. The development of the most important Zooplankton groups at the central Station is presented in depth-integrated time series (0-100 m) of individuals per m2. The number of individuals of Calanus finmarchicus was converted to biomass (dry weight). At the end of the sampling at the central station the standing stock of Calanus finmarchicus showed about 18 g dry weight per m2. Numerical values for the time lags between different plankton groups are calculated with the aid of the cross-correlation function. The time lag between the diatom ad copepod egg peaks is only up to 2.75 days; that between diatoms and the larvae of bottom invertegrates is 5 days. Between the copepod eggs and the maximum number of nauplii (N I-N VI) there is a time lag of 10.75 days. Another 10.25 days lie between the maximum numbers of nauplii and copepodites (C I-C VI). Considering the depth-integrated time series of the abundance of Calanus finmarchicus copepodites, a succession of the Stages seems to exist. Nevertheless, numerical values for the time lags between the different developmental stages cannot be calculated unambiguously by the cross-correlation technique. This is probably caused by extreme simultaneous fluctuations, especially of the numbers of all stages of Calanus finmarchicus in the last phase of the sampling at the central station