111 research outputs found

    Implementation of Parallel Programming in One-Dimensional Electromagnetic Simulation with the FDTD Method

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    Simulation of electromagnetic in 1D has been done using FDTD method. The simulation is conducted on some scenario, starting from one-dimensional free space, absorbing boundary condition in one dimension, propagation in a dielectric medium, simulating different sources, and propagation in a lossy dielectric medium. To accelerate calculation process, parallel programming technique is used on looping parts of simulation.Simulation of electromagnetic in 1D has been done using FDTD method. The simulation is conducted on some scenario, starting from one-dimensional free space, absorbing boundary condition in one dimension, propagation in a dielectric medium, simulating different sources, and propagation in a lossy dielectric medium. To accelerate calculation process, parallel programming technique is used on looping parts of simulation


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    Tujuanpenelitianiniadalahuntukmengujipengaruhfaktoreksternal, internaldaninvesmentopportunity set.Penelitianinidiharapkandapatmemberikaninformasiuntukmelakukanpenelitianlebihlanjut.Sampel yang digunakandalampenelitianiniadalah sub sektorpakanternak yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2013-2015. Variabelindependenadalahfaktoreksternal, internal, daninvestment opportunityset,sedangkanvariabeldependenadalahreturnsaham. Populasipenelitianiniadalah 4 perusahaan sub sektorpakanternak. Purposive samplingdigunakansebagaiteknikpengambilansampeldan total sampel yang digunakanadalah 3 perusahaan sub sektorpakanternak. Metodepenelitian yang digunakandalampenelitianiniadalahdenganmenggunakanmetodekuantitatifdimanadapatdiperolehdengancaramenghitungdanmencatat data-data sekunderberhubungandenganpenelitian. Hasilpenelitianmenunjukkanbahwa ROA berpengaruhpositiftidaksignifikanterhadapreturnsaham, EPS berpengaruhnegatifsignifikanterhadapreturnsaham. Hargasahamberpengaruhpositifsignifikanterhadap returnsaham. Kata Kunci: ROA, EPS, HargaSaham, Return Saha

    Pengaruh Disiplin Kerja dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Personel Pusat Pendidikan dan Latihan Paskhas dalam Mewujudkan Pertahanan Negara

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    Abstrak - Kondisi kinerja personel di Pusdiklat Paskhas yang masih belum optimal diduga disebabkan oleh kurangnya motivasi dan disiplin kerja.  Di samping itu dalam mencapai kinerja personel, perlu ditunjang pula oleh tingkat kemampuan dan tingkat keterampilan personel sehingga diperlukan upaya-upaya dalam meningkatkan kinerja personel di Pusdiklat Paskhas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh disiplin dan motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja personel Pusat pendidikan dan latihan Paskhas (Pusdiklat Paskhas). Desain penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berasal dari data primer yang diperoleh berdasarkan penyebaran kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada sampel penelitian yaitupersonel Pusdiklat Paskhas sebanyak 83 orang teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Secara Parsial Disiplin kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja personel sebesar 32.7%. Secara Parsial Motivasi kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja personel sebesar 45.8%. Secara simultan diperoleh bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara Disiplin kerja dan Motivasi kerja secara simultan terhadap kinerja personel di Pusat pendidikan dan latihan Paskhas dengan besar pengaruh sebesar 78.4%, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 21.6% dijelaskan oleh sebab-sebab lain diluar model.Kata Kunci: disiplin, motivasi, kinerja personelAbstract - Conditions of personnel performance in Pusdiklat Paskhas are still not optimal suspected to be caused by a lack of motivation and discipline. In addition to achieving the performance of personnel, to be supported by the level of capability and skill levels of personnel so that the necessary efforts to improve the performance of personnel in Pusdiklat Paskhas. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of discipline and motivation to work on the performance of education and training of personnel Paskhas Center (Pusdiklat Paskhas).The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of discipline and motivation to work on the performance of education and training of personnel Paskhas Center (Pusdiklat Paskhas).This study design using quantitative descriptive approach. The data used in this study derived from primary data collected by questionnaires were distributed to the study sample that is personnel 83 people Pusdiklat Paskhas data analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis. The results showed that the Disciplinary Partially has positive and significant effect on the performance of personnel amounted to 32.7%. Partial Motivation positive and significant effect on the performance of personnel amounted to 45.8%. Simultaneously obtained that a significant difference between the Discipline and Motivation work simultaneously on the performance of personnel in education and training center Paskhas with great effect as 78.4%, while the remaining 21.6% is explained by other causes outside the model. Keywords: discipline, motivation, personnel performanc

    Pengembangan Game 3D Mobile Edukasi untuk Membantu Proses Pembelajaran Pengenalan Benda bagi Anak Tunagrahita

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    Children with intellectual disabilities take a long time to understand things and find it difficult to concentrate. Conventional learning at school has not been able to make children with intellectual disabilities focus on education, so learning objectives are not optimal. This research aims to produce educational mobile games in the form of 3D recognition of objects around the school that can help improve the learning process. The research method used is research and development (RD), where in-game development uses the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The research sample consisted of ten students in grades 5–6 of SD SLB Pelita Hati Pekanbaru. The research instruments are Learning Object Review Instrument (LORI) validation sheets for media and material experts and user satisfaction sheets. Media and material experts validate game feasibility testing and the analysis of the user satisfaction questionnaire. The results showed that object recognition games for children with intellectual disabilities are very valid, motivating, exciting, and increase the concentration of students with intellectual disabilities so as to improve the learning process. Thus, 3D mobile object recognition educational games can be used as an alternative learning medium for children with intellectual disabilities


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    Meloxicam is a non steroid anti inflammatory drug that is classified as Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) class II. Meloxicam is poorly soluble in water, therefore its solubility would be the rate limiting step for drug absorption. This study was conducted to improve meloxicam solubility using nanotechnology approach. Meloxicam nanocrystal was prepared using high pressure homogenization technique. Several stabilizers were investigated for suitable nanocrystal production. Formulation of suspension on the meloxicam nanocrystal was developed. Short physical stability was performed to assess the potential use of the stabilizer. Nanocrystal containing 10% meloxicam and 5% PVP K25 was formed faster with better physical stability compared to other stabilizers (xanthan gum, HPMC 2910 type 603 dan 645). Meloxicam nanocyrstal suspension containing meloxicam nanocrystal with stabilizer 5% or 10% of PVP K25 showed excellent particle size stability (with particle size 466.6nm and 486.9nm) and dissolution rate compared to reference product (without nanonization). Particle size and dissolution rate of meloxicam nanocrystal suspensions (containing 5% or 10% of PVP K25) were stable after storage for 30 days at room temperature. Kinetic solubility of meloxicam nanocrystal was three times higher than that of meloxicam. According to XRD profile, there was no differences in crystallinity between meloxicam and meloxicam nanocrystal.Key words: meloxicam, high pressure homogenizer, nanocrystal,dissolution rate, kinetic solubilit

    Analysis of Disaster Response in AIR Force Hospital Dr. M. Salamun West Java

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    To ensure adequate preparation for disasters, every hospital must have a Disaster Planning Guideline for emergency responses. The main objective of this research was to analyze the disaster emergency response system at air force hospital Dr. M. Salamun in terms of input, process, and output aspects. This research is descriptive qualitative. The informants of this study were the management team who contribute directly to hospital policy. Data collection is done through in-depth interview techniques, observation, and document review. Data was analysed with the content validity and triangulation. Ther study determined that the hospital was not yet adequately prepared for the full range of potential disasters. The disaster prevention management plan, operational plans, and plans recovery are largely restricted to dealing with fire hazards, while other natural disasters are not yet fully accounted for. The responsible of implementing the emergency response was handled by Hygiene Safety Environmental (HSE) officer. Based on the observation Air Force Hospital Dr. M. Salamun in general is quite adequate to resolve disaster respond. Periodic evaluation and monitoring are needed both in the planning and implementation stages of disaster management both internally and externally, so as to reduce losses due to potential disasters.   Keywords: Hospital, disasters. System of management, input, proses, output, qualitative

    Workshop Pengenalan Pemrograman “ASP.NET” Di SMAN 3 Pekanbaru

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    Perkembangan teknologi web dewasa ini sudah sangat berkembang dengan berbagai variasi bahasa pemrograman seperti PHP, Javascript, Ruby, dan lain-lain. ASP.NET adalah salah satu bahasa pemrograman web sebagai platform pengembangan web yang memiliki infrastruktur perangkat lunak yang komprehensif, serta menyediakan model dan layanan yang dapat dijalankan pada perangkat PC maupun seluler. Dalam memperkenalkan pemrograman web menggunakan ASP.NET, maka kegiatan ini memberikan pelatihan berupa dasar-dasar pemrograman untuk siswa/siswi SMAN 1 Pekanbaru. ASP.NET ini lebih mudah difahami dan dipelajari, dengan materi berupa pembuatan form, otentikasi client, validasi data, konfigurasi situs dan deployment. Kegiatan ini diawali dengan penyusunan materi berupa modul oleh dosen yang memiliki kompetensi di bidang pemrograman terutama pemrograman web, lalu penyampaian materi oleh mahasiswa dengan didampingi oleh dosen, kemudian melakukan praktik langsung dengan perintah koding yang terdapat di dalam modul. Dengan adanya pelatihan ini, siswa/siswi SMAN 1 Pekanbaru telah mengetahui konsep dasar pemrograman web dengan materi yang diberikan serta mempraktikan program web dengan keluaran output yang sesuai

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Food Waste Management pada Usaha Food and Beverages

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    Food waste management should be an essential concern in the food and beverages (F&B) industries. FAO notes that the F&B business is one of the causes of food waste, both from the production level to consumer consumption. This study aims to help F&B businesses have a food waste management application, as well as help recommend menus that have a lower probability of food waste appearing. The study uses queuing techniques in handling material stocks and conducting food waste audits by documenting the groupings of the waste produced. The results of the two previous functions become input for the menu recommendation process with minimal waste based on the Contextual Model approach and Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM). The results show that the queuing mechanism in handling material stocks has succeeded in reducing COGS by 24.8%. The waste audit succeeded in calculating the percentage of food loss and food waste that appeared, and the menu recommendations succeeded in providing the best alternative that minimized the appearance of wastePengelolaan sampah makanan pada banyak industri makanan dan minuman (Food and Beverages) seharusnya menjadi sebuah perhatian penting bagi perusahaan. FAO mencatat bahwa bisnis F&B menjadi salah satu penyebab timbulnya sampah makanan baik dari tingkat produksi hingga konsumsi konsumen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membantu bisnis F&B memiliki sebuah aplikasi pengelolaan sampah makanan (Food Waste Management), sekaligus membantu merekomendasikan menu yang memiliki probabilitas munculnya sampah makanan lebih sedikit. Penelitian menggunakan teknik antrian dalam menangani stok bahan, melakukan audit sampah makanan dengan mendokumentasikan pengelompokan sampah yang dihasilkan. Hasil dari kedua fungsi sebelumnya menjadi input bagi proses rekomendasi menu dengan minimal sampah berdasarkan pendekatan Model Contextual dan Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM). Hasil menunjukkan mekanisme antrian dalam menangani stok bahan berhasil menurunkan COGS  sebesar 24,8% .  Audit sampah  berhasil menghitung persentase food loss dan food waste yang muncul, dan rekomendasi menu berhasil memberikan alternatif terbaik yang meminimalisasi munculnya sampah
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