8 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan unsur-unsur struktural yang membangun novel Merajut Rahmat Cinta karya Hasyim Elhanan, psikologi tokoh dalam novel Merajut Rahmat Cinta karya Hasyim Elhanan, serta relevansinya sebagai materi pembelajaran sastra di SMA. Penelitian ini menggunkaan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan psikologi sosial. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut. Pertama, unsur-unsur struktural yang membangun meliputi tema percintaan, latar di pondok pesantren, alur maju, amanat yang disampaikan bahwa setiap manusia harus ikhlas dan berserah diri kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dalam menjalani kehidupan, kemudian cinta yang hakiki adalah cinta yang didasari atas kecintaan kepada Sang Pencipta, Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Kedua, aspek psikologi sosial tampak dari perilaku berkondisi dan perilaku tak berkondisi. Ketiga, novel Merajut Rahmat Cinta karya Hasyim Elhanan memiliki kesesuaian dengan konsep pemelajaran sastra karena terdapat nilai-nilai edukatif, sehingga novel Merajut Rahmat Cinta karya Hasyim Elhanan dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pemelajaran apresiasi sastra di SMA

    Betel Nut (Areca Catechu) Extract Against Vancomycin- Resistant Enterococcus

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    Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE) is a bacterium that is resistant to various antibiotics, especially vancomycin. The VRE resistance mechanism is caused by a change of amino acid residue in the terminal subunit of peptide NAM/NAG, D-alanyl- D-alanine, which is the vancomycin site. D-alanyl-D-alanine and D-alanyl-D-serine variations only provide one site for vancomycin which is used for four spot hydrogen interactions. These changes cause the affinity to decrease by 1000 times so antibiotics cannot perform their functions. Betel nut is known for its action as a natural remedy. Betel nuts have antimicrobial properties against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It is thought that this is through their phenolic compounds. The aim of this research was to determine the antimicrobial activity of betel nuts against VRE. The research was conducted in a microbiology laboratory in June-July 2021. The antimicrobial action of the betel nut was assessed using the microdilution method and scanning electron microscopy. Betel nut extract was prepared using water, n-hexane, and ethyl acetate. The control used was tetracycline. It was found that the concentrations that were able to inhibit VRE were 256 μg/mL of ethyl acetate extract, > 1024 μg/mL of water extract, 1024 μg/mL of n- hexane extract, and 128 μg/mL of tetracycline. The results showed a clear spot in the thin layer chromatography that was in contact with agar with VRE, and the clear spot belonged to the phenolic substances of the betel nut. The microscopy results showed that the VRE cells were destroyed when they came in contact with the betel nut extract. Therefore, we can conclude that the betel nut extract was able to inhibit VRE growth. These findings can be used to support research on alternative new drug compounds. Keywords: antimicrobial, betel nut, microdilution, SEM, VR

    Bahasa Tulis pada Anak Disleksia di SMP Negeri 2 Gunungsindur

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    Written Language In Children With Dyslexia At Smp Negeri 2 GunungsindurABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk memeriksa variasi bentuk bahasa tulis pada anak-anak yang mengalami disleksia. Penelitian ini layak untuk dilakukan karena fenomena variasi bentuk bahasa tulis pada anak-anak yang mengalami disleksia memiliki potensi untuk mengungkap faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan bahasa tulis pada kondisi disleksia, sehingga dapat memberikan wawasan baru dan solusi efektif dalam upaya membantu anak-anak dengan disleksia dalam mengatasi hambatan komunikasi tertulis. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari tiga anak: NA (13 tahun), NAl (13 tahun), dan DAM (14 tahun). Data dikumpulkan melalui dokumentasi bahasa tulis yang dihasilkan oleh subjek penelitian. Proses pengambilan data melibatkan peneliti yang mendiktekan kalimat-kalimat kepada subjek penelitian. Kalimat yang telah disiapkan tersebut disesuaikan dengan kemampuan menulis anak-anak tersebut. Subjek penelitian diberikan kebebasan untuk mengucapkan kata-kata secara verbal sebelum menulisnya. Hal ini membantu subjek penelitian dalam mengorganisir dan melatih keterampilan mengeja kata-kata sebelum menulisnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa anak-anak dengan disleksia cenderung menulis huruf secara terbalik, mengurangi penulisan huruf dalam kata, menambahkan huruf pada kata tertentu, dan mengganti huruf ketika mereka lupa atau tidak tahu huruf yang harus ditulis.Kata kunci: Bahasa tulis, disleksiaABSTRACTThis study aims to examine variations in written language forms in children with dyslexia. This research is feasible to do because the phenomenon of variations in forms of written language in children who experience dyslexia has the potential to uncover factors that influence the development of written language in dyslexic conditions, so that it can provide new insights and effective solutions in efforts to help children with dyslexia. in overcoming written communication barriers. The research method used in this study is descriptive qualitative approach. The research subjects consisted of three children: NA (13 years), NAl (13 years), and DAM (14 years). Data was collected through written language documentation produced by research subjects. The data collection process involves the researcher dictating sentences to the research subject. The sentences are adapted to the children's writing ability. Research subjects are given the freedom to say the words verbally before writing them. This helps the research subjects organize and practice their spelling skills before writing them. The results showed that children with dyslexia tend to write letters backwards, write less letters in words, add letters to certain words, and replace letters when they forget or don't know which letters to write.Keyword: Written language, dyslexi

    Upaya Pencegahan Penyebaran Covid-19 di Lingkungan Stikes Jenderal Achmad Yani Cimahi dengan Pemeriksaan Antibodi SARS-COV-2

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    Peningkatan angka kejadian Covid-19 terjadi disebabkan akibat beban populasi yang cukup tinggi di wilayah Jawa Barat. Cluster-cluster baru terdiri dari kasus di pemukiman penduduk, di mana rata-rata saat dilakukan penelusuran bisa menginfeksi anggota keluarga lainnya. Peningkatan cluster di pemukiman penduduk cukup dikhawatirkan karena beberapa penduduk sudah kurang menerapkan protokol kesehatan untuk Covid-19. Penduduk di daerah lingkungan Stikes Jenderal Achmad Yani pun termasuk kurang menerapkan protokol kesehatan, seperti sering terlihat kerumuman warga dan lalai menggunakan masker, sehingga dikhawatirkan menjadi pembawa penyakit untuk keluarga dan menimbulkan cluster baru. Lingkungan Stikes Jenderal Achmad Yani dekat dengan Rumah Sakit Pusat Rujukan Covid-19 di Jawa Barat. Program Studi Teknologi Laboratorium Medis (TLM) D-4 sebagai salah satu program studi yang terlibat dalam diagnosis penyakit, berinisiatif untuk melakukan pemeriksaan skrining Covid-19. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan memeriksa antibodi SARS-COV-2 dengan metode imunokromatografi terhadap 50 warga di sekitar kampus. Semua kegiatan pemeriksaan dilakukan sesuai dengan protokol yang diberlakukan oleh Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia dan World Health Organization. Hasil pemeriksaan menunjukkan 98% sampel non reaktif dan 2% reaktif. Sampel dengan hasil reaktif ditindaklanjuti dengan pemeriksaan lanjut menggunakan teknik Polymerase Chain Reaction. Selain pemeriksaan, sampel diberikan edukasi untuk tetap mengikuti protokol kesehatan dan menjaga lingkungan dari penularan Covid-19

    Pemeriksaan Antibodi Paska Vaksinasi COVID-19 pada Penduduk di Sekitar Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani

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    In order to reduce the incidence of COVID-19, the Ministry of Health has thoroughly vaccinated including residents around Jenderal Achmad Yani University, but they don’t know the number of antibodies formed after the COVID-19 vaccination. This activity aims to provide information to residents around UNJANI regarding the number of specific antibodies that their bodies have successfully formed after the COVID-19 vaccination. A total of 50 local residents who have received the COVID-19 vaccination were invited to take part in this activity. Specific antibodies in the participants' blood were examined using the Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) method. The results that have been validated by doctors are informed to the participants. Through laboratory examination, it was found that 66% of participants succeeded in forming specific antibodies above 7 U/ml and 34% of participants below 7 U/ml. The target of this activity has been achieved, residents around UNJANI can find out the number of specific antibodies they have successfully formed after the COVID-19 vaccination.Dalam rangka menekan angka kejadian COVID-19 Kementerian Kesehatan melakukan vaksinasi secara menyeluruh termasuk pada penduduk sekitar Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani (UNJANI), namun mereka belum mengetahui jumlah antibodi yang terbentuk paska vaksinasi COVID-19. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi kepada penduduk sekitar UNJANI mengenai jumlah antibodi spesifik yang berhasil dibentuk tubuhnya paska vaksinasi COVID-19. Sebanyak 50 orang penduduk sekitar yang telah mendapatkan vaksinasi COVID-19 diundang untuk mengikuti kegiatan ini. Antibodi spesifik dalam darah peserta diperiksa menggunakan metode Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). Hasil yang sudah divalidasi dokter diinformasikan kepada para peserta. Melalui pemeriksaan laboratorium diketahui terdapat 66% peserta yang berhasil membentuk antibodi spesifik diatas 7 U/ml dan 34% peserta dibawah 7 U/ml. Target dari kegiatan ini sudah tercapai yaitu penduduk di sekitar UNJANI dapat mengetahui jumlah antibodi spesifik yang berhasil mereka bentuk paska vaksinasi COVID-19

    Karakteristik Sosis dengan Fortifikasi β-Caroten dari Labu Kuning (Cucurbita moschata) (Sausage Characteristics as Affected by β-Caroten Fortification of Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata))

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    The objectives of the experiment were to evaluate physical, chemical, and sensory characteristics of sausage by using fortification with β-caroten of pumpkin. There were five treatments of fortification with β-caroten of pumpkin asthe filler substitutions on sausage processing. The treatments were: 0% (control), 25, 50, 75, and 100% of the filler. There were five replications in each treatment. The data of physical and chemical characteristics from the completely randomized design were analysed by analysis of variance. The data of sensory characteristics were analysed by the analysis of non parametric test of Hedonic Kruskal-Wallis. The results showed that sausage fortified with β-caroten of pumpkin as the filler substitutions up to 100% level on sausage processing affected significantly (P<0.01) on physical characteristics of sausage (decreased water-holding capacity, increased tenderness and it did not affect pH value of sausage), chemical characteristics of sausage (decreased moisture, increased protein, fiber, β-caroten, and it did not affect the fat content of sausage), and sensory characteristics of sausage (increased taste, decreased color, aroma, texture, touchness, and acceptability of sausage).(Key words: Sausage, Pumpkin, β-caroten, Physical characteristics, Chemical, Sensory

    Karakteristik Sosis dengan Fortifikasi β-Caroten dari Labu Kuning (Cucurbita moschata) (Sausage Characteristics as Affected by β-Caroten Fortification of Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata))

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    The objectives of the experiment were to evaluate physical, chemical, and sensory characteristics of sausage by using fortification with β-caroten of pumpkin. There were five treatments of fortification with β-caroten of pumpkin as the filler substitutions on sausage processing. The treatments were: 0% (control), 25, 50, 75, and 100% of the filler. There were five replications in each treatment. The data of physical and chemical characteristics from the completely randomized design were analysed by analysis of variance. The data of sensory characteristics were analysed by the analysis of non parametric test of Hedonic Kruskal-Wallis. The results showed that sausage fortified with β-caroten of pumpkin as the filler substitutions up to 100% level on sausage processing affected significantly (P<0.01) on physical characteristics of sausage (decreased water-holding capacity, increased tenderness and it did not affect pH value of sausage), chemical characteristics of sausage (decreased moisture, increased protein, fiber, β-caroten, and it did not affect the fat content of sausage), and sensory characteristics of sausage (increased taste, decreased color, aroma, texture, touchness, and acceptability of sausage). (Key words: Sausage, Pumpkin, β-caroten, Physical characteristics, Chemical, Sensory