12 research outputs found

    Mathematical modelling, simulation, and optimal control of the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa

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    The Ebola virus is currently one of the most virulent pathogens for humans. The latest major outbreak occurred in Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia in 2014. With the aim of understanding the spread of infection in the affected countries, it is crucial to modelize the virus and simulate it. In this paper, we begin by studying a simple mathematical model that describes the 2014 Ebola outbreak in Liberia. Then, we use numerical simulations and available data provided by the World Health Organization to validate the obtained mathematical model. Moreover, we develop a new mathematical model including vaccination of individuals. We discuss different cases of vaccination in order to predict the effect of vaccination on the infected individuals over time. Finally, we apply optimal control to study the impact of vaccination on the spread of the Ebola virus. The optimal control problem is solved numerically by using a direct multiple shooting method

    Banking risk as an epidemiological model: an optimal control approach

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    The process of contagiousness spread modelling is well-known in epidemiology. However, the application of spread modelling to banking market is quite recent. In this work, we present a system of ordinary differential equations, simulating data from the largest European banks. Then, an optimal control problem is formulated in order to study the impact of a possible measure of the Central Bank in the economy. The proposed approach enables qualitative specifications of contagion in banking obtainment and an adequate analysis and prognosis within the financial sector development and macroeconomy as a whole. We show that our model describes well the reality of the largest European banks. Simulations were done using MATLAB and BOCOP optimal control solver, and the main results are taken for three distinct scenarios.publishe

    Approximated analytical solution to an Ebola optimal control problem

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    An analytical expression for the optimal control of an Ebola problem is obtained. The analytical solution is found as a first-order approximation to the Pontryagin Maximum Principle via the Euler-Lagrange equation. An implementation of the method is given using the computer algebra system Maple. Our analytical solutions confirm the results recently reported in the literature using numerical methods

    Modeling the role of public health education in Ebola virus disease outbreaks in Sudan

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    Public involvement in Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) prevention efforts is key to reducing disease outbreaks. Targeted education through practical health information to particular groups and sub-populations is crucial to controlling the disease. In this paper, we study the dynamics of Ebola virus disease in the presence of public health education with the aim of assessing the role of behavior change induced by health education to the dynamics of an outbreak. The power of behavior change is evident in two outbreaks of EVD that took place in Sudan only 3 years apart. The first occurrence was the first documented outbreak of EVD and produced a significant number of infections. The second outbreak produced far fewer cases, presumably because the population in the region learned from the first outbreak. We derive a system of ordinary differential equations to model these two contrasting behaviors. Since the population in Sudan learned from the first outbreak of EVD and changed their behavior prior to the second outbreak, we use data from these two instances of EVD to estimate parameters relevant to two contrasting behaviors. We then simulate a future outbreak of EVD in Sudan using our model that contains two susceptible populations, one being more informed about EVD. Our finding show how a more educated population results in fewer cases of EVD and highlights the importance of ongoing public health education. Keywords: Ebola virus disease, Public health education, Outbreaks, Mathematical model, Simulations, Infectious disease mode