497 research outputs found


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    Řešení mimořádné události v silničním dopravním tunelu. Charakteristika tunelových staveb a požadavky na jejich požární bezpečnost. Organizační opatření při evakuaci osob ze silničního tunelu.Solution of an emergency event in a road tunnel. Characteristic of tunnel buildings and reguirements for their fire-safety. Organizational precaution during persons evacuation from a road tunnel.

    The Power of a Team

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    In this creative writing piece, Dr. Racek shows how being a part of a team informs much of her life

    Virtual Reality as a Pedagogical Tool to Design for Social Impact: a Design Case

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    Three-dimensional (3-D) virtual environments have key affordances that can improve learning, particularly when context, culture, and pedagogical aims are aligned to a given learning situation. One challenge in detailing effective uses of 3-D virtual environments in teaching and learning contexts is that the design judgments involved are not always made explicit. We argue that the transparency of design judgments, as it relates to the use of 3-D virtual environments, are critically important. This article advances scholarship of emerging technologies by detailing the design judgments of a university instructor within a Design for Social Impact cross-disciplinary course. To address learner needs and the cultural aims of an authentic client-based project, the instructor directed students to sketch design ideas within Google Blocks, which allows users to create 3-D models in virtual reality. This design case provides precedent for practitioners interested in how 3-D virtual environments can align to learning contexts, cultures, and pedagogical aim

    Information literacy for design and merchandising students: Exploring the process with information specialists

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    In the design and merchandising disciplines information comes in many forms, from visual and perceptual to textual and numeric, and is studied using many different quantitative and qualitative methods. How do we use information literacy to help us understand how we teach and assess our discipline? In a multi-year process, our three departmental areas, in conjunction with both librarians and assessment specialists, developed information literacy goals, tiered learning outcomes, and assignments for both design and merchandising programs

    Multidisciplinary Therapy of Upper and Lower Jaws Defects

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the possibility of multidisciplinary therapy of injury and other defects of the upper and lower jaws. The imperfections originate primary (cleft, oligodontia) or secondary (cysts, accidents, tumors, inflammation etc.).The incidence in the Czech Republic is criminal in 28 %, sports in 12 %, and home accidents in 9 %. The cleft genetic register includes at the present time more than 4500 families from Bohemia. The multidisciplinary therapy involves the following disciplines: prosthodontics, maxillofacial surgery, plastic surgery, orthodontics, speech pathology, psychology, otorhinolaryngology, genetics, and social work. Dental care of adult patients is not simple. The five case reports demonstrate the prosthetic treatment of adult patients by multidisciplinary therapy: surgeon, orthodontist and prosthodontist. The aim of our therapy is to receive the integration oforthodontic treatment or surgi cal prerestorative therapy with prosthodontic restoration, to enable esthetic harmony and functional efficiency of dental arches. The case reports describe: • unfitting orthodontic treatment with central incisor extrusion, • bone defect after implant disintegration, • polytrauma after traffic accident, • status post partial resection of the right upper jaw after fibrosarcoma - rest oroantral communication and total bilateral cleft, • hypertelorism, hands and feet malformation, left side oronasal communication from palate to fornix. The methods of reconstruction are unusual and some of them are presented in the 5 clinical cases

    Social Behavior in Children of Special Olympics and Non-sporty Children with Intellectual Disability

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    Introduction There is a lack of longitudinal research in the field of social behavior in children with intellectual disability (ID). The first goal of the research was to find out and compare the social behavior of children who regularly participating in Special Olympics (SO) competitions with non-sporty children. The second goal was to show the trend in the development of children's social behavior and to find out whether summer holidays have any effect on children's behavior.   Methods The Reiss Screen Behavior questionnaire was used to determine social behavior. Participants were children with ID aged 6 - 20 years. A total of 4 measurements were performed over a two year period (the number of SO participants was n = 14, n = 18, n = 18, n = 13 and the number of non-sporty children was n = 42, n = 40, n = 39, n = 40).   Results Participants in SO have better social behavior by up to 16 % compared to non-sporty children. The trend of development in social behavior is unbalanced among SO participants, and summer holidays cause improvements in their behavior. Non-sporty children have a convex trend in social behavior and summer holidays have no effect on their behavior.   Conclusion In SO participants, social behavior differs by 0-9 % from the norm of ideal social behavior. In non-sporty children, social behavior differs by 5-25 % from the norm. Overall, the behavior of children with ID is very good, as it differs very little from the norm of ideal social behavior. In the Czech Republic, children with ID (participants in SO and non-sporty children) have much better social behavior than children with ID abroad

    Dependability Evaluation of Time Triggered Architecture Using Simulation

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    The method presented in this paper uses a generic C-language written simulation model of an embedded distributed computer system aimed for a safety-critical control application. The considered system is built using Time Triggered Architecture (TTA) concepts. The aim of the presented simulation method is to evaluate the system capability to tolerate a chosen category of faults. The model, being written in ANSI-C, is portable and machine-independent. Its structure is modular and flexible, so that the system to be studied and the experiment setting can easily be changed. The functionality of this model is demonstrated on a set of fault injection experiments aimed mainly to evaluate the correctness of the Time Triggered Protocol (TTP/C) that implements the abstract concepts of TTA. These experiments were done within the EU/IST project Fault Injection for Time triggered architecture (FIT)

    Longitudinal Monitoring of Sprinters Effciency in 400 m Men's Running in the Top World Competitions in 1983 - 2005

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    Název: DLOUHODOBÉ SLEDOV ÁNÍ SPRINTERSKÉ VÝKONNOSTI V BĚHU MUŽŮ NA 400 M NA VRCHOLNÝCH SVĚTOVÝCH SOUTĚŽÍCH Cíle práce: Hlavním cílem této práce bylo porovnat výsledky osmi fmalistů v běhu na 400 m na MS v letech 1983-2005. Výsledky finalistů byly monitorovány od rozběhu až po finále. Součástí této práce bylo rovněž porovnání antropometrických charakteristik finalistů a zobrazení těchto charakteristik v grafech. Metodika práce: Metodika práce byla zaměřena na sledování vybraných finalistů na 400 m z každého MS (tj. 8 nejrychlejších sprinterů). U těchto sprinterů jsme sledovali výkonnost v postupové soutěži od rozběhu až po fmále. Dále jsme shromáždili základní antropometrické údaje finalistů. Všechny tyto parametry jsme mezi sebou porovnávali. Výsledky: Celkový věkový průměr všech finalistů, kteří se zúčastnili MS v letech 1983 - 2005, má hodnotu 25,23 roků. Celková průměrná tělesná výška fmalistů ve sledovaném období má hodnotu 184,15 cm. Tělesná hmotnost sprinterů činí v průměru 75,52 kg. Průměrné hodnoty jednotlivých indexů jsou následující: u BMI 22,27, u BI -8,60 a u QI 409,80. Celkový průměrný čas všech fmalistů v běhu na 400 m má hodnotu 44,90 s. Vítězové běželi v průměru 44,14 s a medailisté 44,45 s. Klíčová slova: Struktura sportovního výkonu, sprint mužů na 400 m, Body mass index, Brocův...Name: LONGITUDINAL MONITORING OF SPRINTERS EFFICIENCY IN 400 M MEN'S RUNNING IN THE TOP WORLD COMPETITIONS IN 1983 - 2005 Goal: The main goal of this essay was to compare the results of eight fmalists in 400 m running during 1983-2005. The results were monitored from heat to final. The key issue of this essay was comparing of anthropometric characteristics of the fmals and depicting these characteristics to graphs. Methodology: The methodology of the diploma thesis consists mainly of monitoring of chosen fmalists in 400 m running from each world championship (i.e. 8 fastest sprinters). Efficiency of this finalists was monired from beat to final. The basic anthropometric data were also stored. All these parametres were compared to their counterparts. Results: The total average age of all man finalists, who took part in W orld Championship in years 1983 - 2005, is 25,23 years. The total average height of all man finalists is 184,15 cm in monitored period. The body weight ofsprinters is in average 75,52 kg. The average rates of separate indexes are: BMI is 22,27, BI is -8,60 and QI is 409,80. The total average time of all finalists in 400 m running is 44,90 s. The winners ran in average 44,14 s and the medallists 44,45 s. Keywords: Structure of sports peďormance, 400 m men 's sprints, Body mass index,...AtletikaFaculty of Physical Education and SportFakulta tělesné výchovy a sport