149 research outputs found

    Building a Better Vector: The Manipulation of AAV Virions

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    This review will focus on research directed at manipulating the virion of adeno-associated virus (AAV) with the goals of circumventing the immune response of the virion, as well as retargeting the virus to specific cell types of interest. The use of five AAV serotypes for addressing questions of Ab neutralization, novel tropism, as well as providing natural templates for targeting by virion modification will be discussed

    Insertional Mutagenesis of AAV2 Capsid and the Production of Recombinant Virus

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    The structural genes of adeno-associated virus serotype 2 (AAV2) have been altered by linker insertional mutagenesis in order to define critical components of virion assembly and infectivity. An in-frame restriction site linker was inserted across the capsid coding domain of a recombinant plasmid. After complementation in vivo, recombinant AAV2 viruses were generated and assayed for capsid production, packaging, transduction, heparin agarose binding, and morphology. Three classes of capsid mutants where identified. Class I mutants expressed structural proteins but were defective in virion assembly. Class II mutants generated intact virions that protected the viral genome from DNase, but failed to infect target cells. The majority of these mutants bound the heparin affinity matrix, suggesting that attachment to the AAV primary receptor was not rate limiting. One class II mutant, H2634, assembled virions and bound heparin using only Vp3, indicating that this subunit is responsible for mediating AAV receptor attachment. Finally, class III mutants assembled virions, encapsidated DNA, and infected target cells. Infectivity of these mutants ranged from 5 to 100% of that of the wild-type, demonstrating for the first time the ability to alter capsid proteins without interfering with infectivity. These AAV virions with altered capsid subunits will provide critical templates for manipulating AAV vectors for cell-specific gene delivery in vivo. In summary, the AAV capsid variants described here will facilitate further study of virus assembly, entry, and infection, as well as advance the development of this versatile vector system

    Insertional Mutagenesis of AAV2 Capsid and the Production of Recombinant Virus

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    The structural genes of adeno-associated virus serotype 2 (AAV2) have been altered by linker insertional mutagenesis in order to define critical components of virion assembly and infectivity. An in-frame restriction site linker was inserted across the capsid coding domain of a recombinant plasmid. After complementation in vivo, recombinant AAV2 viruses were generated and assayed for capsid production, packaging, transduction, heparin agarose binding, and morphology. Three classes of capsid mutants where identified. Class I mutants expressed structural proteins but were defective in virion assembly. Class II mutants generated intact virions that protected the viral genome from DNase, but failed to infect target cells. The majority of these mutants bound the heparin affinity matrix, suggesting that attachment to the AAV primary receptor was not rate limiting. One class II mutant, H2634, assembled virions and bound heparin using only Vp3, indicating that this subunit is responsible for mediating AAV receptor attachment. Finally, class III mutants assembled virions, encapsidated DNA, and infected target cells. Infectivity of these mutants ranged from 5 to 100% of that of the wild-type, demonstrating for the first time the ability to alter capsid proteins without interfering with infectivity. These AAV virions with altered capsid subunits will provide critical templates for manipulating AAV vectors for cell-specific gene delivery in vivo. In summary, the AAV capsid variants described here will facilitate further study of virus assembly, entry, and infection, as well as advance the development of this versatile vector system

    Phospholemman: a novel cardiac stress protein.

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    Phospholemman (PLM), a member of the FXYD family of regulators of ion transport, is a major sarcolemmal substrate for protein kinases A and C in cardiac and skeletal muscle. In the heart, PLM co-localizes and co-immunoprecipitates with Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase, Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger, and L-type Ca(2+) channel. Functionally, when phosphorylated at serine(68), PLM stimulates Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase but inhibits Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger in cardiac myocytes. In heterologous expression systems, PLM modulates the gating of cardiac L-type Ca(2+) channel. Therefore, PLM occupies a key modulatory role in intracellular Na(+) and Ca(2+) homeostasis and is intimately involved in regulation of excitation-contraction (EC) coupling. Genetic ablation of PLM results in a slight increase in baseline cardiac contractility and prolongation of action potential duration. When hearts are subjected to catecholamine stress, PLM minimizes the risks of arrhythmogenesis by reducing Na(+) overload and simultaneously preserves inotropy by inhibiting Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger. In heart failure, both expression and phosphorylation state of PLM are altered and may partly account for abnormalities in EC coupling. The unique role of PLM in regulation of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase, Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger, and potentially L-type Ca(2+) channel in the heart, together with the changes in its expression and phosphorylation in heart failure, make PLM a rational and novel target for development of drugs in our armamentarium against heart failure. Clin Trans Sci 2010; Volume 3: 189-196

    Nesfatin-1 activates cardiac vagal neurons of nucleus ambiguus and elicits bradycardia in conscious rats.

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    Nesfatin-1, a peptide whose receptor is yet to be identified, has been involved in the modulation of feeding, stress, and metabolic responses. More recently, increasing evidence supports a modulatory role for nesfatin-1 in autonomic and cardiovascular activity. This study was undertaken to test if the expression of nesfatin-1 in the nucleus ambiguus, a key site for parasympathetic cardiac control, may be correlated with a functional role. As we have previously demonstrated that nesfatin-1 elicits Ca²⁺ signaling in hypothalamic neurons, we first assessed the effect of this peptide on cytosolic Ca²⁺ in cardiac pre-ganglionic neurons of nucleus ambiguus. We provide evidence that nesfatin-1 increases cytosolic Ca²⁺ concentration via a Gi/o-coupled mechanism. The nesfatin-1-induced Ca²⁺ rise is critically dependent on Ca²⁺ influx via P/Q-type voltage-activated Ca²⁺ channels. Repeated administration of nesfatin-1 leads to tachyphylaxis. Furthermore, nesfatin-1 produces a dose-dependent depolarization of cardiac vagal neurons via a Gi/o-coupled mechanism. In vivo studies, using telemetric and tail-cuff monitoring of heart rate and blood pressure, indicate that microinjection of nesfatin-1 into the nucleus ambiguus produces bradycardia not accompanied by a change in blood pressure in conscious rats. Taken together, our results identify for the first time that nesfatin-1 decreases heart rate by activating cardiac vagal neurons of nucleus ambiguus. Our results indicate that nesfatin-1, one of the most potent feeding peptides, increases cytosolic Ca²⁺ by promoting Ca²⁺ influx via P/Q channels and depolarizes nucleus ambiguus neurons; both effects are Gi/o-mediated. In vivo studies indicate that microinjection of nesfatin-1 into nucleus ambiguus produces bradycardia in conscious rats. This is the first report that nesfatin-1 increases the parasympathetic cardiac tone

    Curves of every genus with many points, I: Abelian and toric families

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    Let N_q(g) denote the maximal number of F_q-rational points on any curve of genus g over the finite field F_q. Ihara (for square q) and Serre (for general q) proved that limsup_{g-->infinity} N_q(g)/g > 0 for any fixed q. In their proofs they constructed curves with many points in infinitely many genera; however, their sequences of genera are somewhat sparse. In this paper, we prove that lim_{g-->infinity} N_q(g) = infinity. More precisely, we use abelian covers of P^1 to prove that liminf_{g-->infinity} N_q(g)/(g/log g) > 0, and we use curves on toric surfaces to prove that liminf_{g-->infty} N_q(g)/g^{1/3} > 0; we also show that these results are the best possible that can be proved with these families of curves.Comment: LaTeX, 20 page

    Nuclear translocation of cardiac G protein-Coupled Receptor kinase 5 downstream of select Gq-activating hypertrophic ligands is a calmodulin-dependent process.

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    G protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCRs) kinases (GRKs) play a crucial role in regulating cardiac hypertrophy. Recent data from our lab has shown that, following ventricular pressure overload, GRK5, a primary cardiac GRK, facilitates maladaptive myocyte growth via novel nuclear localization. In the nucleus, GRK5\u27s newly discovered kinase activity on histone deacetylase 5 induces hypertrophic gene transcription. The mechanisms governing the nuclear targeting of GRK5 are unknown. We report here that GRK5 nuclear accumulation is dependent on Ca(2+)/calmodulin (CaM) binding to a specific site within the amino terminus of GRK5 and this interaction occurs after selective activation of hypertrophic Gq-coupled receptors. Stimulation of myocytes with phenylephrine or angiotensinII causes GRK5 to leave the sarcolemmal membrane and accumulate in the nucleus, while the endothelin-1 does not cause nuclear GRK5 localization. A mutation within the amino-terminus of GRK5 negating CaM binding attenuates GRK5 movement from the sarcolemma to the nucleus and, importantly, overexpression of this mutant does not facilitate cardiac hypertrophy and related gene transcription in vitro and in vivo. Our data reveal that CaM binding to GRK5 is a physiologically relevant event that is absolutely required for nuclear GRK5 localization downstream of hypertrophic stimuli, thus facilitating GRK5-dependent regulation of maladaptive hypertrophy

    Differential Myocardial Gene Delivery by Recombinant Serotype-Specific Adeno-associated Viral Vectors

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    AbstractRecombinant cross-packaging of adeno-associated virus (AAV) genome of one serotype into other AAV serotypes has the potential to optimize tissue-specific gene transduction and expression in the heart. To evaluate the role of AAV1 to 5 virion shells on AAV2 transgene transduction, we constructed hybrid vectors in which each serotype capsid coding domain was cloned into a common vector backbone containing AAV2 replication genes. Constructs were tested for expression in: (1) adult murine heart in vivo using direct injection of virus, (2) neonatal and adult murine ventricular cardiomyocytes in vitro, and (3) adult human ventricular cardiomyocytes in vitro, using green fluorescent protein (GFP) as the measurable transgene. Serotype 1 virus demonstrated the highest transduction efficiency in adult murine cardiomyocytes both in vitro and in vivo, while serotype 2 virus had the greater transduction efficiency in neonatal cardiomyocytes in vitro. Prolonged in vivo myocardial GFP expression was observed for up to 12 months using serotype 1 and 2 vectors only. In human cardiomyocytes, serotype 1 vector was superior in transduction efficiency, followed by types 2, 5, 4, and 3. These data establish a hierarchy for efficient serotype-specific vector transduction in myocardial tissue. AAV1 serotype packaging results in more efficient transduction of genes in the murine and human adult heart, compared to other AAV serotypes. Our results suggest that adult human cardiac gene therapy may be enhanced by the use of serotype 1-specific AAV vectors

    SLC25A51 is a mammalian mitochondrial NAD+ transporter

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    Mitochondria require nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) to carry out the fundamental processes that fuel respiration and mediate cellular energy transduction. Mitochondrial NAD+ transporters have been identified in yeast and plants1,2, but their existence in mammals remains controversial3,4,5. Here we demonstrate that mammalian mitochondria can take up intact NAD+, and identify SLC25A51 (also known as MCART1)—an essential6,7 mitochondrial protein of previously unknown function—as a mammalian mitochondrial NAD+ transporter. Loss of SLC25A51 decreases mitochondrial—but not whole-cell—NAD+ content, impairs mitochondrial respiration, and blocks the uptake of NAD+ into isolated mitochondria. Conversely, overexpression of SLC25A51 or SLC25A52 (a nearly identical paralogue of SLC25A51) increases mitochondrial NAD+ levels and restores NAD+ uptake into yeast mitochondria lacking endogenous NAD+ transporters. Together, these findings identify SLC25A51 as a mammalian transporter capable of importing NAD+ into mitochondria.acceptedVersio

    Overview of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument

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    The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) is under construction to measure the expansion history of the Universe using the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation technique. The spectra of 35 million galaxies and quasars over 14000 square degrees will be measured during the life of the experiment. A new prime focus corrector for the KPNO Mayall telescope will deliver light to 5000 fiber optic positioners. The fibers in turn feed ten broad-band spectrographs. We present an overview of the instrumentation, the main technical requirements and challenges, and the current status of the project.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure