119 research outputs found

    Synchronization and coordination of sequences in two neural ensembles

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    There are many types of neural networks involved in the sequential motor behavior of animals. For high species, the control and coordination of the network dynamics is a function of the higher levels of the central nervous system, in particular the cerebellum. However, in many cases, especially for invertebrates, such coordination is the result of direct synaptic connections between small circuits. We show here that even the chaotic sequential activity of small model networks can be coordinated by electrotonic synapses connecting one or several pairs of neurons that belong to two different networks. As an example, we analyzed the coordination and synchronization of the sequential activity of two statocyst model networks of the marine mollusk Clione. The statocysts are gravity sensory organs that play a key role in postural control of the animal and the generation of a complex hunting motor program. Each statocyst network was modeled by a small ensemble of neurons with Lotka-Volterra type dynamics and nonsymmetric inhibitory interactions. We studied how two such networks were synchronized by electrical coupling in the presence of an external signal which lead to winnerless competition among the neurons. We found that as a function of the number and the strength of connections between the two networks, it is possible to coordinate and synchronize the sequences that each network generates with its own chaotic dynamics. In spite of the chaoticity, the coordination of the signals is established through an activation sequence lock for those neurons that are active at a particular instant of time.This work was supported by National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Grant No. 7R01-NS-38022, National Science Foundation Grant No. EIA-0130708, Fundación BBVA and Spanish MCyT Grant No. BFI2003-07276

    Heteroclinic synchronization: Ultrasubharmonic locking

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    According to the traditional view of synchronization, a weak periodic input is able to lock a nonlinear oscillator at a frequency close to that of the input (1∶1 zone). If the forcing increases, it is possible to achieve synchronization at subharmonic bands also. Using a competitive dynamical system we show the inverse phenomenon: with a weak signal the 1∶1 zone is narrow, but the synchronization of ultrasubharmonics is dominant. In the system’s phase space, there exists a heteroclinic contour in the autonomous regime, which is the image of sequential dynamics. Under the action of a weak periodic forcing, in the vicinity of the contour a stable limit cycle with long period appears. This results in the locking of very low-frequency oscillations with the finite frequency of the forcing. We hypothesize that this phenomenon can be the origin for the synchronization of slow and fast brain rhythms.This work was supported by National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Grant No. 7R01-NS-38022, National Science Foundation Grant No. EIA-0130708, Spanish MEC BFI2003-07276, and Fundación BBVA

    Transient cognitive dynamics, metastability, and decision making

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    Transient Cognitive Dynamics, Metastability, and Decision Making. Rabinovich et al. PLoS Computational Biology. 2008. 4(5) doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000072The idea that cognitive activity can be understood using nonlinear dynamics has been intensively discussed at length for the last 15 years. One of the popular points of view is that metastable states play a key role in the execution of cognitive functions. Experimental and modeling studies suggest that most of these functions are the result of transient activity of large-scale brain networks in the presence of noise. Such transients may consist of a sequential switching between different metastable cognitive states. The main problem faced when using dynamical theory to describe transient cognitive processes is the fundamental contradiction between reproducibility and flexibility of transient behavior. In this paper, we propose a theoretical description of transient cognitive dynamics based on the interaction of functionally dependent metastable cognitive states. The mathematical image of such transient activity is a stable heteroclinic channel, i.e., a set of trajectories in the vicinity of a heteroclinic skeleton that consists of saddles and unstable separatrices that connect their surroundings. We suggest a basic mathematical model, a strongly dissipative dynamical system, and formulate the conditions for the robustness and reproducibility of cognitive transients that satisfy the competing requirements for stability and flexibility. Based on this approach, we describe here an effective solution for the problem of sequential decision making, represented as a fixed time game: a player takes sequential actions in a changing noisy environment so as to maximize a cumulative reward. As we predict and verify in computer simulations, noise plays an important role in optimizing the gain.This work was supported by ONR N00014-07-1-0741. PV acknowledges support from Spanish BFU2006-07902/BFI and CAM S-SEM-0255-2006

    Robust Transient Dynamics and Brain Functions

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    In the last few decades several concepts of dynamical systems theory (DST) have guided psychologists, cognitive scientists, and neuroscientists to rethink about sensory motor behavior and embodied cognition. A critical step in the progress of DST application to the brain (supported by modern methods of brain imaging and multi-electrode recording techniques) has been the transfer of its initial success in motor behavior to mental function, i.e., perception, emotion, and cognition. Open questions from research in genetics, ecology, brain sciences, etc., have changed DST itself and lead to the discovery of a new dynamical phenomenon, i.e., reproducible and robust transients that are at the same time sensitive to informational signals. The goal of this review is to describe a new mathematical framework – heteroclinic sequential dynamics – to understand self-organized activity in the brain that can explain certain aspects of robust itinerant behavior. Specifically, we discuss a hierarchy of coarse-grain models of mental dynamics in the form of kinetic equations of modes. These modes compete for resources at three levels: (i) within the same modality, (ii) among different modalities from the same family (like perception), and (iii) among modalities from different families (like emotion and cognition). The analysis of the conditions for robustness, i.e., the structural stability of transient (sequential) dynamics, give us the possibility to explain phenomena like the finite capacity of our sequential working memory – a vital cognitive function –, and to find specific dynamical signatures – different kinds of instabilities – of several brain functions and mental diseases

    Origin of coherent structures in a discrete chaotic medium

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    Using as an example a large lattice of locally interacting Hindmarsh-Rose chaotic neurons, we disclose the origin of ordered structures in a discrete nonequilibrium medium with fast and slow chaotic oscillations. The origin of the ordering mechanism is related to the appearance of a periodic average dynamics in the group of chaotic neurons whose individual slow activity is significantly synchronized by the group mean field. Introducing the concept of a "coarse grain" as a cluster of neuron elements with periodic averaged behavior allows consideration of the dynamics of a medium composed of these clusters. A study of this medium reveals spatially ordered patterns in the periodic and slow dynamics of the coarse grains that are controlled by the average intensity of the fast chaotic pulsation

    Learning of chunking sequences in cognition and behavior

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    We often learn and recall long sequences in smaller segments, such as a phone number 858 534 22 30 memorized as four segments. Behavioral experiments suggest that humans and some animals employ this strategy of breaking down cognitive or behavioral sequences into chunks in a wide variety of tasks, but the dynamical principles of how this is achieved remains unknown. Here, we study the temporal dynamics of chunking for learning cognitive sequences in a chunking representation using a dynamical model of competing modes arranged to evoke hierarchical Winnerless Competition (WLC) dynamics. Sequential memory is represented as trajectories along a chain of metastable fixed points at each level of the hierarchy, and bistable Hebbian dynamics enables the learning of such trajectories in an unsupervised fashion. Using computer simulations, we demonstrate the learning of a chunking representation of sequences and their robust recall. During learning, the dynamics associates a set of modes to each information-carrying item in the sequence and encodes their relative order. During recall, hierarchical WLC guarantees the robustness of the sequence order when the sequence is not too long. The resulting patterns of activities share several features observed in behavioral experiments, such as the pauses between boundaries of chunks, their size and their duration. Failures in learning chunking sequences provide new insights into the dynamical causes of neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease and Schizophrenia

    Beyond neurons and spikes: cognon, the hierarchical dynamical unit of thought

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    From the dynamical point of view, most cognitive phenomena are hierarchical, transient and sequential. Such cognitive spatio-temporal processes can be represented by a set of sequential metastable dynamical states together with their associated transitions: The state is quasi-stationary close to one metastable state before a rapid transition to another state. Hence, we postulate that metastable states are the central players in cognitive information processing. Based on the analogy of quasiparticles as elementary units in physics, we introduce here the quantum of cognitive information dynamics, which we term ‘‘cognon’’. A cognon, or dynamical unit of thought, is represented by a robust finite chain of metastable neural states. Cognons can be organized at multiple hierarchical levels and coordinate complex cognitive information representations. Since a cognon is an abstract conceptualization, we link this abstraction to brain sequential dynamics that can be measured using common modalities and argue that cognons and brain rhythms form binding spatiotemporal complexes to keep simultaneous dynamical information which relate the ‘what’, ‘where’ and ‘when’This work was supported by Grants PGC2018- 095895-B-I00 and PID2021-122347NB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and ERDF –‘‘A way of making Europe’

    Enhancement of synchronization in a hybrid neural circuit by spike timing dependent plasticity

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    Synchronization of neural activity is fundamental for many functions of the brain. We demonstrate that spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP) enhances synchronization (entrainment) in a hybrid circuit composed of a spike generator, a dynamic clamp emulating an excitatory plastic synapse, and a chemically isolated neuron from the Aplysia abdominal ganglion. Fixed-phase entrainment of the Aplysia neuron to the spike generator is possible for a much wider range of frequency ratios and is more precise and more robust with the plastic synapse than with a nonplastic synapse of comparable strength. Further analysis in a computational model of HodgkinHuxley-type neurons reveals the mechanism behind this significant enhancement in synchronization. The experimentally observed STDP plasticity curve appears to be designed to adjust synaptic strength to a value suitable for stable entrainment of the postsynaptic neuron. One functional role of STDP might therefore be to facilitate synchronization or entrainment of nonidentical neurons

    Determination of stress-strain properties of thawing soils in oedometer

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    Article presents relation of thawing coefficient (Ath) and compressibility coefficient during thawing (m) to the sampling depth and physical state of frozen soils in loams, typical for the Arctic region of the European part of Russia. Conclusions are drawn that help to predict thawing deformation of the tested soils according to their physical characteristics
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