78 research outputs found

    Chemical composition and quality loss during technological treatment in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)

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    Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) supports an important farming production in parallel with capture delivery, giving rise to products of great economic importance in many countries. This review covers the research carried out during the last decades related to its employment as a food product. In a first part, studies carried out concerning the chemical constituent composition and nutritional value are reviewed; a special attention is accorded to the wild/ farmed fish comparison and to the effect of diet on lipid composition variations. In agreement to the great lability of chemical constituents of aquatic foods, the second part of the manuscript provides a revision of coho salmon research related to the chemical component changes produced during technological processing and their effects on nutritional and sensory losses; in this case, a special attention is accorded to studies employing advanced technological strategies focused to partially inhibit the development of the different damage pathways.support provided by the Universidad de Chile (Chile)- Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC, Spain) research program through the following projects: Project 2003 CL 0013, Project 2004 CL 0038 and Project 2006 CL 0034. 43Peer reviewe

    Enhancing identification and treatment of patients with concomitant chronic venous insufficiency and diabetes mellitus A modified Delphi study from the CODAC (ChrOnic venous disease and Diabetes Advisory Council) group

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    Background: Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) and diabetes mellitus (DM) pose significant burdens to patients and healthcare systems. While the two diseases share a number of commonalities in risk factors and pathophysiology, they are often assessed and managed separately. This can lead to a worsening of comorbidities and limitations in a patient’s quality of life. This project aims to develop recommendations to enhance the identification and treatment of patients with concomitant CVI and DM. Methods: Using a modified Delphi method, a panel of experts developed 38 Likert Scale and two multiple choice questions across six key themes. These were used to form an online survey which was disseminated through a convenience sampling approach to CVI and DM healthcare professionals across Europe, Central America, South America, and the Middle East. The threshold for consensus was set at ≥75%.Results: A total of 238 responses were received. 27/38 statements attained &gt;90% agreement, nine of 38 attained between 75-90%, and two failed to meet the threshold (&lt;75%). The awareness around the impact of the two diseases was high, but a gap was highlighted in the identification of patients with concomitant CVI and DM. Conclusions: The high level of agreement shows that healthcare professionals are aware of the gaps in identification and treatment of patients with concomitant CVI and DM, and of the need to approach this as a combined therapy area. An algorithm is proposed to help the identification of at-risk patients and to provide recommendations on the management of patients with concomitant disease. (Cite this article as: Bozkurt AK, van Rijn MJ, Bouskela E, Gastaldi G, Glauser F, Haller H, et al. Enhancing identification and treatment of patients with concomitant chronic venous insufficiency and diabetes mellitus. A modified Delphi study from the CODAC (ChrOnic venous disease and Diabetes Advisory Council) group. Int Angiol 2023;42:427-35. DOI: 10.23736/S0392-9590.23.05061-7)</p

    Associated factors and comorbidities in patients with pyoderma gangrenosum in Germany: a retrospective multicentric analysis in 259 patients

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    Background: Pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) is a rarely diagnosed ulcerative neutrophilic dermatosis with unknown origin that has been poorly characterized in clinical studies so far. Consequently there have been significant discussions about its associated factors and comorbidities. The aim of our multicenter study was to analyze current data from patients in dermatologic wound care centers in Germany in order to describe associated factors and comorbidities in patients with PG. Methods: Retrospective clinical investigation of patients with PG from dermatologic wound care centers in Germany. Results: We received data from 259 patients with PG from 20 different dermatologic wound care centers in Germany. Of these 142 (54.8\%) patients were female, 117 (45.2\%) were male; with an age range of 21 to 95 years, and a mean of 58 years. In our patient population we found 45.6\% with anemia, 44.8\% with endocrine diseases, 12.4\% with internal malignancies, 9.3\% with chronic inflammatory bowel diseases and 4.3\% with elevated creatinine levels. Moreover 25.5\% of all patients had a diabetes mellitus with some aspects of potential association with the metabolic syndrome. Conclusions: Our study describes one of the world's largest populations with PG. Beside the well-known association with chronic bowel diseases and neoplasms, a potentially relevant new aspect is an association with endocrine diseases, in particular the metabolic syndrome, thyroid dysfunctions and renal disorders. Our findings represent clinically relevant new aspects. This may help to describe the patients' characteristics and help to understand the underlying pathophysiology in these often misdiagnosed patients

    Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) reliably stratifies octogenarians in German ICUs: a multicentre prospective cohort study

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    Background: In intensive care units (ICU) octogenarians become a routine patients group with aggravated therapeutic and diagnostic decision-making. Due to increased mortality and a reduced quality of life in this high-risk population, medical decision-making a fortiori requires an optimum of risk stratification. Recently, the VIP-1 trial prospectively observed that the clinical frailty scale (CFS) performed well in ICU patients in overall-survival and short-term outcome prediction. However, it is known that healthcare systems differ in the 21 countries contributing to the VIP-1 trial. Hence, our main focus was to investigate whether the CFS is usable for risk stratification in octogenarians admitted to diversified and high tech German ICUs. Methods: This multicentre prospective cohort study analyses very old patients admitted to 20 German ICUs as a sub-analysis of the VIP-1 trial. Three hundred and eight patients of 80 years of age or older admitted consecutively to participating ICUs. CFS, cause of admission, APACHE II, SAPS II and SOFA scores, use of ICU resources and ICU- and 30-day mortality were recorded. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to identify factors associated with 30-day mortality. Results: Patients had a median age of 84 [IQR 82–87] years and a mean CFS of 4.75 (± 1.6 standard-deviation) points. More than half of the patients (53.6%) were classified as frail (CFS ≥ 5). ICU-mortality was 17.3% and 30-day mortality was 31.2%. The cause of admission (planned vs. unplanned), (OR 5.74) and the CFS (OR 1.44 per point increase) were independent predictors of 30-day survival. Conclusions: The CFS is an easy determinable valuable tool for prediction of 30-day ICU survival in octogenarians, thus, it may facilitate decision-making for intensive care givers in Germany. Trial registration: The VIP-1 study was retrospectively registered on ClinicalTrials.gov (ID: NCT03134807 ) on May 1, 2017

    Water displacement leg volumetry in clinical studies - A discussion of error sources

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Water displacement leg volumetry is a highly reproducible method, allowing the confirmation of efficacy of vasoactive substances. Nevertheless errors of its execution and the selection of unsuitable patients are likely to negatively affect the outcome of clinical studies in chronic venous insufficiency (CVI).</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Placebo controlled double-blind drug studies in CVI were searched (Cochrane Review 2005, MedLine Search until December 2007) and assessed with regard to efficacy (volume reduction of the leg), patient characteristics, and potential methodological error sources. Almost every second study reported only small drug effects (≤ 30 mL volume reduction). As the most relevant error source the conduct of volumetry was identified. Because the practical use of available equipment varies, volume differences of more than 300 mL - which is a multifold of a potential treatment effect - have been reported between consecutive measurements. Other potential error sources were insufficient patient guidance or difficulties with the transition from the Widmer CVI classification to the CEAP (Clinical Etiological Anatomical Pathophysiological) grading.</p> <p>Summary</p> <p>Patients should be properly diagnosed with CVI and selected for stable oedema and further clinical symptoms relevant for the specific study. Centres require a thorough training on the use of the volumeter and on patient guidance. Volumetry should be performed under constant conditions. The reproducibility of short term repeat measurements has to be ensured.</p

    From pole to pole : 33 years of physical oceanography onboard R/V Polarstern

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    Measuring temperature and salinity profiles in the world's oceans is crucial to understanding ocean dynamics and its influence on the heat budget, the water cycle, the marine environment and on our climate. Since 1983 the German research vessel and icebreaker Polarstern has been the platform of numerous CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth instrument) deployments in the Arctic and the Antarctic. We report on a unique data collection spanning 33 years of polar CTD data. In total 131 data sets (1 data set per cruise leg) containing data from 10 063 CTD casts are now freely available at doi: 10.1594/PANGAEA.860066. During this long period five CTD types with different characteristics and accuracies have been used. Therefore the instruments and processing procedures (sensor calibration, data validation, etc.) are described in detail. This compilation is special not only with regard to the quantity but also the quality of the data -the latter indicated for each data set using defined quality codes. The complete data collection includes a number of repeated sections for which the quality code can be used to investigate and evaluate long-term changes. Beginning with 2010, the salinity measurements presented here are of the highest quality possible in this field owing to the introduction of the OPTIMARE Precision Salinometer.Peer reviewe
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