135 research outputs found

    Nanostructure des particules polymériques : aspects physiques, chimiques et biologiques

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    Les nanotechnologies appliquĂ©es aux sciences pharmaceutiques ont pour but d’amĂ©liorer l’administration de molĂ©cules actives par l’intermĂ©diaire de transporteurs nanomĂ©triques. Parmi les diffĂ©rents types de vĂ©hicules proposĂ©s pour atteindre ce but, on retrouve les nanoparticules polymĂ©riques (NP) constituĂ©es de copolymĂšres “en bloc”. Ces copolymĂšres permettent Ă  la fois l’encapsulation de molĂ©cules actives et confĂšrent Ă  la particule certaines propriĂ©tĂ©s de surface (dont l’hydrophilicitĂ©) nĂ©cessaires Ă  ses interactions avec les milieux biologiques. L’architecture retenue pour ces copolymĂšres est une structure constituĂ©e le plus frĂ©quemment de blocs hydrophiles de poly(Ă©thylĂšne glycol) (PEG) associĂ©s de façon linĂ©aire Ă  des blocs hydrophobes de type polyesters. Le PEG est le polymĂšre de choix pour confĂ©rer une couronne hydrophile aux NPs et son l’efficacitĂ© est directement liĂ©e Ă  son organisation et sa densitĂ© de surface. NĂ©anmoins, malgrĂ© les succĂšs limitĂ©s en clinique de ces copolymĂšres linĂ©aires, peu de travaux se sont attardĂ©s Ă  explorer les effets sur la structure des NPs d’architectures alternatives, tels que les copolymĂšres en peigne ou en brosse. Durant ce travail, plusieurs stratĂ©gies ont Ă©tĂ© mises au point pour la synthĂšse de copolymĂšres en peigne, possĂ©dant un squelette polymĂ©rique polyesters-co-Ă©ther et des chaines de PEG liĂ©es sur les groupes pendants disponibles (groupement hydroxyle ou alcyne). Dans la premiĂšre partie de ce travail, des rĂ©actions d’estĂ©rification par acylation et de couplage sur des groupes pendants alcool ont permis le greffage de chaĂźne de PEG. Cette mĂ©thode gĂ©nĂšre des copolymĂšres en peigne (PEG-g-PLA) possĂ©dant de 5 Ă  50% en poids de PEG, en faisant varier le nombre de chaĂźnes branchĂ©es sur un squelette de poly(lactique) (PLA). Les propriĂ©tĂ©s structurales des NPs produites ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©es par DLS, mesure de charge et MET. Une transition critique se situant autour de 15% de PEG (poids/poids) est observĂ©e avec un changement de morphologie, d’une particule solide Ă  une particule molle (“nanoagrĂ©gat polymĂ©re”). La mĂ©thode de greffage ainsi que l’addition probable de chaine de PEG en bout de chaĂźne principale semblent Ă©galement avoir un rĂŽle dans les changements observĂ©s. L’organisation des chaĂźnes de PEG-g-PLA Ă  la surface a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e par RMN et XPS, mĂ©thodes permettant de quantifier la densitĂ© de surface en chaĂźnes de PEG. Ainsi deux propriĂ©tĂ©s clĂ©s que sont la rĂ©sistance Ă  l’agrĂ©gation en conditions saline ainsi que la rĂ©sistance Ă  la liaison aux protĂ©ines (Ă©tudiĂ©e par isothermes d’adsorption et microcalorimĂ©trie) ont Ă©tĂ© reliĂ©es Ă  la densitĂ© de surface de PEG et Ă  l’architecture des polymĂšres. Dans une seconde partie de ce travail, le greffage des chaĂźnes de PEG a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© de façon directe par cyclo-adition catalysĂ©e par le cuivre de mPEG-N3 sur les groupes pendants alcyne. Cette nouvelle stratĂ©gie a Ă©tĂ© pensĂ©e dans le but de comprendre la contribution possible des chaines de PEG greffĂ©es Ă  l’extrĂ©mitĂ© de la chaine de PLA. Cette librairie de PEG-g-PLA, en plus d’ĂȘtre composĂ©e de PEG-g-PLA avec diffĂ©rentes densitĂ©s de greffage, comporte des PEG-g-PLA avec des PEG de diffĂ©rent poids molĂ©culaire (750, 2000 et 5000). Les chaines de PEG sont seulement greffĂ©es sur les groupes pendants. Les NPs ont Ă©tĂ© produites par diffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodes de nanoprĂ©cipitation, incluant la nanoprĂ©cipitation « flash » et une mĂ©thode en microfluidique. Plusieurs variables de formulation telles que la concentration du polymĂšre et la vitesse de mĂ©lange ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©es afin d’observer leur effet sur les caractĂ©ristiques structurales et de surface des NPs. Les tailles et les potentiels de charges sont peu affectĂ©s par le contenu en PEG (% poids/poids) et la longueur des chaĂźnes de PEG. Les images de MET montrent des objets sphĂ©riques solides et l'on n’observe pas d’objets de type agrĂ©gat polymĂ©riques, malgrĂ© des contenus en PEG comparable Ă  la premiĂšre bibliothĂšque de polymĂšre. Une explication possible est l’absence sur ces copolymĂšres en peigne de chaine de PEG greffĂ©e en bout de la chaĂźne principale. Comme attendu, les tailles diminuent avec la concentration du polymĂšre dans la phase organique et avec la diminution du temps de mĂ©lange des deux phases, pour les diffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodes de prĂ©paration. Finalement, la densitĂ© de surface des chaĂźnes de PEG a Ă©tĂ© quantifiĂ©e par RMN du proton et XPS et ne dĂ©pendent pas de la mĂ©thode de prĂ©paration. Dans la troisiĂšme partie de ce travail, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© le rĂŽle de l’architecture du polymĂšre sur les propriĂ©tĂ©s d’encapsulation et de libĂ©ration de la curcumine. La curcumine a Ă©tĂ© choisie comme modĂšle dans le but de dĂ©velopper une plateforme de livraison de molĂ©cules actives pour traiter les maladies du systĂšme nerveux central impliquant le stress oxydatif. Les NPs chargĂ©es en curcumine, montrent la mĂȘme transition de taille et de morphologie lorsque le contenu en PEG dĂ©passe 15% (poids/poids). Le taux de chargement en molĂ©cule active, l’efficacitĂ© de changement et les cinĂ©tiques de libĂ©rations ainsi que les coefficients de diffusion de la curcumine montrent une dĂ©pendance Ă  l’architecture des polymĂšres. Les NPs ne prĂ©sentent pas de toxicitĂ© et n’induisent pas de stress oxydatif lorsque testĂ©s in vitro sur une lignĂ©e cellulaire neuronale. En revanche, les NPs chargĂ©es en curcumine prĂ©viennent le stress oxydatif induit dans ces cellules neuronales. La magnitude de cet effet est reliĂ©e Ă  l’architecture du polymĂšre et Ă  l’organisation de la NP. En rĂ©sumĂ©, ce travail a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence quelques propriĂ©tĂ©s intĂ©ressantes des copolymĂšres en peigne et la relation intime entre l’architecture des polymĂšres et les propriĂ©tĂ©s physico-chimiques des NPs. De plus les rĂ©sultats obtenus permettent de proposer de nouvelles approches pour le design des nanotransporteurs polymĂ©riques de molĂ©cules actives.The goal set to nanotechnologies applied to pharmaceutical sciences is to improve drug delivery and benefits with the help of nanometer-sized vehicles. At this time different types of drug carriers had been proposed. Amongst them, block copolymer nanoparticles (NP) have been designed to allow, at the same time, efficient drug encapsulation and provide surface properties (hydrophilic layer) to the NP which are necessary for its interactions with biological systems by preventing the opsonisation and the subsequent recognition by the mononuclear macrophage system (MPS) and the rapid elimination of the drug carrier. The most prominent polymer architecture in drug delivery application is the linear di-block copolymer architecture, such as poly(ethylene glycol) blocks (PEG) linked to a polyester hydrophobic chain. PEG is the gold standard to add a hydrophilic corona to drug carrier’s surface, but its efficacy is directly linked to its surface organization and surface densities. In spite of limited success of diblock at the clinical stage, few studies have been devoted to other type of architecture such as comb-like copolymers, either for the exploration of new synthesis routes or for the characterization of particles prepared from alternative architecture polymers. We attempted in preamble of this work to define more closely the conceptual and technical framework allowing quantitative determination of PEG surface densities. This review work has been used in the experimental work to define the characterization methods. Several synthesis strategies have been developed for the preparation of comb copolymers in this work. All strategies are based on random copolymerization of dilactide with small epoxy molecules with a pendant group suitable for subsequent PEG grafting, yielding a polyester-co-ether backbone. In a second step, PEG chains have been grafted on available pendant groups (alcohol groups or alkyne) to produce the final comb copolymers. In the first part of the experimental work, esterification reaction by acylation and coupling (the Steglish reaction) allowed the preparation of a first comb-like copolymer library with PEG content varying from 5 to 50 % (w/w). The number of PEG chains (PEG grafting density) was varying while the lengths of the PEG chains and the hydrophobic PLA backbone were kept constant. The library of comb-like polymers was used to prepare nanocarriers with dense PEG brushes at their surface, stability in suspension, and resistance to protein adsorption. The structural properties of nanoparticles (NPs) produced from these polymers by a surfactant-free method were assessed by DLS, zeta potential, and TEM and were found to be controlled by the amount of PEG present in the polymers. A critical transition from a solid NP structure to a soft particle with either a “micelle-like” or “polymer nano-aggregate” structure was observed when the PEG content was between 15 to 25% w/w. This structural transition was found to have a profound impact on the size of the NPs, their surface charge, their stability in suspension in presence of salts as well as on the binding of proteins to the surface of the NPs. The arrangement of the PEG-g-PLA chains at the surface of the NPs was investigated by 1H NMR and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). NMR results confirmed that the PEG chains were mostly segregated at the NP surface. Moreover, XPS and NMR allowed the quantification of the PEG chain coverage density at the surface of the solid NPs. Concordance of the results between the two methods was found to be remarkable. Physical-chemical properties of the NPs such as resistance to aggregation in saline environment as well as anti-fouling efficacy, assessed by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), were related to the PEG surface density and ultimately to polymer architecture. In the second part of this work, grafting of PEG chains on a polyester-co-ether backbone was directly performed using cyclo-addition of PEG azide on pendant alkyne groups. The new strategy was designed to understand the contribution of PEG chains grafted on PLA backbone ends. The new polymer library was composed of PEG-g-PLA with different PEG grafting densities and PEG molecular weights (750, 2000 and 5000 D). PEG chain grafting could only take place on pendant groups with this approach. NPs were produced by different methods of nanoprecipitation, including “flash nanoprecipitation” and microfluidic technology. Some formulation variables such as polymer concentration and speed of mixing were studied in order to observe their effects on NP surface characteristics. Unlike for the first copolymer library, here the NPs size and zeta potential were found to not be much affected by the PEG content (% w/w in polymer). Sizes were also not affected by the PEG chains length. TEM images show round shaped object and as expected sizes were found to decrease with polymer concentration in the organic phase and with a decrease in mixing time of the two phases (for flash nanoprecipitation and microfluidic technology). PEG chain surface densities were assessed by quantitative 1H NMR and XPS. In the third experimental part, we explored the role of polymer architecture on drug encapsulation and release of curcumin from NPs. Curcumin has been chosen as a model with a view to develop a delivery platform to treat diseases involving oxidative stress affecting the CNS. As previously observed with blank NPs, a sharp decrease in curcumin-loaded NP size and morphology change occurred between 15 to 20 % w/w of PEG. Drug loading, Drug loading efficiency and the diffusion coefficients of curcumin in NPs are showing a dependence over the polymer architecture. NPs did not present any significant toxicity when tested in vitro on a neuronal cell line. Moreover, the ability of NPs carrying curcumin to prevent oxidative stress was evidenced and linked to polymer architecture and NPs organization. In a nutshell, our study showed the intimate relationship between the polymer architecture and the biophysical properties of the resulting NPs and sheds light on new approaches to design efficient NP-based drug carriers. The results obtained lead us to propose PEG-g-PLA comb architecture copolymers for nanomedecine development as an alternative to the predominant polyester-PEG diblock polymers

    Drug-loaded nanocarriers : passive targeting and crossing of biological barriers

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    Poor bioavailability and poor pharmacokinetic characteristics are some of the leading causes of drug development failure. Therefore, poorly-soluble drugs, fragile proteins or nucleic acid products may benefit from their encapsulation in nanosized vehicles, providing enhanced solubilisation, protection against degradation, and increased access to pathological compartments. A key element for the success of drug-loaded nanocarriers (NC) is their ability to either cross biological barriers themselves or allow loaded drugs to traverse them to achieve optimal pharmacological action at pathological sites. Depending on the mode of administration, NC may have to cross different physiological barriers in their journey towards their target. In this review, the crossing of biological barriers by passive targeting strategies will be presented for intravenous delivery (vascular endothelial lining, particularly for tumour vasculature and blood-brain barrier targeting), oral administration (gastrointestinal lining) and upper airway administration (pulmonary epithelium). For each specific barrier, background information will be provided on the structure and biology of the tissues involved as well as available pathways for nano-objects or loaded drugs (diffusion and convection through fenestration, transcytosis, tight junction crossing, etc.). The determinants of passive targeting − size, shape, surface chemistry, surface patterning of nanovectors − will be discussed in light of current results. Perspectives on each mode of administration will be presented. The focus will be on polymeric nanoparticles and dendrimers although advances in liposome technology will be also reported as they represent the largest body in the drug delivery literature

    Effect of polymer architecture on Curcumin 1 encapsulation and release from PEGylated polymer nanoparticles: toward a drug delivery nano-platform to the CNS

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    We developed a nanoparticles (NPs) library from poly(ethylene glycol)–poly lactic acid comb-like polymers with variable amount of PEG. Curcumin was encapsulated in the NPs with a view to develop a delivery platform to treat diseases involving oxidative stress affecting the CNS. We observed a sharp decrease in size between 15 and 20% w/w of PEG which corresponds to a transition from a large solid particle structure to a “micelle-like” or “polymer nano-aggregate” structure. Drug loading, loading efficacy and release kinetics were determined. The diffusion coefficients of curcumin in NPs were determined using a mathematical modeling. The higher diffusion was observed for solid particles compared to “polymer nano-aggregate” particles. NPs did not present any significant toxicity when tested in vitro on a neuronal cell line. Moreover, the ability of NPs carrying curcumin to prevent oxidative stress was evidenced and linked to polymer architecture and NPs organization. Our study showed the intimate relationship between the polymer architecture and the biophysical properties of the resulting NPs and sheds light on new approaches to design efficient NP-based drug carriers

    Nanoparticle heterogeneity : an emerging structural parameter 2 influencing particle fate in biological media?

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    Drug nanocarriers’ surface chemistry is often presumed to be uniform. For instance, the polymer surface coverage and distribution of ligands on nanoparticles are described with averaged values obtained from quantification techniques based on particle populations. However, these averaged values may conceal heterogeneities at different levels, either because of the presence of particle sub-populations or because of surface inhomogeneities, such as patchy surfaces on individual particles. The characterization and quantification of chemical surface heterogeneities are tedious tasks, which are rather limited by the currently available instruments and research protocols. However, heterogeneities may contribute to some non-linear effects observed during the nanoformulation optimization process, cause problems related to nanocarrier production scale-up and correlate with unexpected biological outcomes. On the other hand, heterogeneities, while usually unintended and detrimental to nanocarrier performance, may, in some cases, be sought as adjustable properties that provide NPs with unique functionality. In this review, results and processes related to this issue are compiled, and perspectives and possible analytical developments are discussed

    Unified scaling of the structure and loading of nanoparticles formed via diffusion-limited coalescence

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    The present study establishes the scaling laws describing the structure of spherical nanoparticles formed by diffusion-limited coalescence. We produced drug-loaded nanoparticles from a poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(d,l-lactic acid) diblock polymer (PEG-b-PLA) by the nanoprecipitation method using different types of micromixing chambers to explore multiple mixing regimes and characteristic times. We first show that the drug loading of the nanoparticles is not controlled by the mixing time but solely by the drug-to-polymer ratio (D:P) in the feed and the hydrophobicity of the drug scaled via the partition coefficient P. We then procure compelling evidence that particles formed via diffusion/coalescence exhibit a relative distribution of PEG blocks between the particle core and its shell that depends only on mixing conditions (not on D:P). Scaling laws of PEG relative distribution and chain surface density were derived in different mixing regimes and showed excellent agreement with experimental data. In particular, results made evident that PEG blocks entrapment in the core of the particles occurs in the slow-mixing regime and favors the overloading (above the thermodynamic limit) of the particles with hydrophilic drugs. The present analysis compiles effective guidelines for the scale up of nanoparticles structure and properties with mixing conditions, which should facilitate their future translation to medical and industrial settings

    Selectins Ligand Decorated Drug Carriers for Activated Endothelial Cell Targeting

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    New active particulate polymeric vectors based on branched polyester copolymers of hydroxy-acid and allyl glycidyl ether were developed to target drugs to the inflammatory endothelial cell surface. The hydroxyl and carboxyl derivatives of these polymers allow grafting of ligand molecules on the polyester backbones at different densities. A known potent nonselective selectin ligand was selected and synthesized using a new scheme. This synthesis allowed the grafting of the ligand to the polyester polymers, preserving its binding activity as assessed by docking simulations. Selectin expression on human umbilical cord vascular endothelial cells (HUVEC) was induced with the pro-inflammatory bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or with the nonselective inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase L-NAME. Strong adhesion of the ligand decorated nanoparticles was evidenced in Vitro on activated HUVEC. Binding of nanoparticles bearing ligand molecules could be efficiently inhibited by prior incubation of cells with free ligand, demonstrating that adhesion of the nanoparticles is mediated by specific interaction between the ligand and the selectin receptors. These nanoparticles could be used for specific drug delivery to the activated vascular endothelium, suggesting their application in the treatment of diseases with an inflammatory component such as rheumatoid arthritis and cancer

    Functional polylactide via ring-opening copolymerisation with allyl, benzyl and propargyl glycidyl ethers.

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    A versatile and simple strategy is presented to synthesize reactive polylactide derivatives and their block copolymers with polyethylene glycol. Commercially available glycidyl ethers with an allyl, benzyl or propargyl functional group were copolymerised with D,L-lactide. Tin(II)-2- ethylhexanoate-catalysis produced polymers with up to 4.6, 5.9 and 2.3 allyl, benzyl or propargyl groups per chain, respectively. In contrast, less than one reactive group per chain was obtained with the organocatalyst 1,5,7-triazabicyclo[4.4.0]dec-5-ene. By increasing the polymerisation feed ratio in glycidyl ether polymers with a higher number of reactive groups per chain were obtained, however a decrease in molar mass was observed. An azidocoumarin was conjugated to the propargylated polymers via copper-catalysed azide-alkyne cycloaddition. These dye-labelled polymers produced nanospheres with fluorescent properties and diameters in the 100-nm sizerange, as characterised by asymmetric flow field flow fractionation hyphenated with fluorescence, static and dynamic light scattering detection. The functionalised polymers were obtained at gram-scale in one step from commercially available reagents; therefore providing a robust and easy to implement approach for the production of multifunctional nanomaterials

    Deep tissue penetration of bottle-brush polymers via cell capture evasion and fast diffusion

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    Drug nanocarriers (NCs) capable of crossing the vascular endothelium and deeply penetrating into dense tissues of the CNS could potentially transform the management of neurological diseases. In the present study, we investigated the interaction of bottle-brush (BB) polymers with different biological barriers in vitro and in vivo and compared it to nanospheres of similar composition. In vitro internalization and permeability assays revealed that BB polymers are not internalized by brain-associated cell lines and translocate much faster across a blood–brain barrier model compared to nanospheres of similar hydrodynamic diameter. These observations performed under static, no-flow conditions were complemented by dynamic assays performed in microvessel arrays on chip and confirmed that BB polymers can escape the vasculature compartment via a paracellular route. BB polymers injected in mice and zebrafish larvae exhibit higher penetration in brain tissues and faster extravasation of microvessels located in the brain compared to nanospheres of similar sizes. The superior diffusivity of BBs in extracellular matrix-like gels combined with their ability to efficiently cross endothelial barriers via a paracellular route position them as promising drug carriers to translocate across the blood–brain barrier and penetrate dense tissue such as the brain, two unmet challenges and ultimate frontiers in nanomedicine

    Modified Gellan Gum hydrogels with tunable physical and mechanical properties

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    Gellan Gum (GG) has been recently proposed for tissue engineering applications. GG hydrogels are produced by physical crosslinking methods induced by temperature variation or by the presence of divalent cations. However, physical crosslinking methods may yield hydrogels that become weaker in physiological conditions due to the exchange of divalent cations by monovalent ones. Hence, this work presents a new class of GG hydrogels crosslinkable by both physical and chemical mechanisms. Methacrylate groups were incorporated in the GG chain, leading to the production of a methacrylated Gellan Gum (MeGG) hydrogel with highly tunable physical and mechanical properties. The chemical modification was confirmed by proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR). The mechanical properties of the developed hydrogel networks, with Young's modulus values between 0.15 and 148 kPa, showed to be tuned by the different crosslinking mechanisms used. The in vitro swelling kinetics and hydrolytic degradation rate were dependent on the crosslinking mechanisms used to form the hydrogels. Three-dimensional (3D) encapsulation of NIH-3T3 fibroblast cells in MeGG networks demonstrated in vitro biocompatibility confirmed by high cell survival. Given the highly tunable mechanical and degradation properties of MeGG, it may be applicable for a wide range of tissue engineering approaches.This research was funded by the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, the Institute for Soldier Nanotechnology, the NIH (HL092836, DE019024, EB007249), and the National Science Foundation CAREER award (AK). This work was partially supported by FCT, through funds from the POCTI and/or FEDER programs and from the European Union under the project NoE EXPERTISSUES (NMP3-CT-2004-500283). DFC acknowledges the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Portugal and the MIT-Portugal Program for personal grant SFRH/BD/37156/2007. HS was supported by a Samsung Scholarship. SS acknowledges the postdoctoral fellowship awarded by Fonds de Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies (FQRNT), Quebec, Canada. We would like to thank Dr. Che Hutson for scientific discussions
