568 research outputs found

    A Coupled Thermoreflectance Thermography Experimental System and Ultra-Fast Adaptive Computational Engine for the Complete Thermal Characterization of Three-Dimensional Electronic Devices : Validation

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    This work builds on the previous introduction [1] of a coupled experimental-computational system devised to fully characterize the thermal behavior of complex 3D submicron electronic devices. The new system replaces the laser-based surface temperature scanning approach with a CCD camera-based approach. As before, the thermo-reflectance thermography system is used to non-invasively measure with submicron resolution the 2D surface temperature field of an activated device. The measured temperature field is then used as input for an ultra-fast inverse computational solution to fully characterize the thermal behavior of the complex three-dimensional device. For the purposes of this investigation, basic micro-heater devices were built, activated, and measured. In order to quantitatively validate the coupled experimental-computational system, the system was used to extract geometric features of a known device, thus assessing the system's ability to combine measured experimental results and computations to fully characterize complex 3D electronic devices

    CCD thermoreflectance thermography system : methodology and experimental validation

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    This work introduces a thermoreflectance-based system designed to measure the surface temperature field of activated microelectronic devices at submicron spatial resolution with either a laser or a CCD camera. The article describes the system, outlines the measurement methodology, and presents validation results. The thermo-reflectance thermography (TRTG) system is capable of acquiring device surface temperature fields at up to 512\u81 512 points with 0.2 ƒÊm resolution. The setup and measurement methodology are presented, along with details of the calibration process required to convert changes in measured surface reflectivity to absolute temperatures. To demonstrate the system\u81fs capabilities, standard gold micro-resistors are activated and their surface temperature fields are measured. The results of the CCD camera and our existing laser-based measurement approaches are compared and found to be in very good agreement. Finally, the system is validated by comparing the temperatures obtained with the TRTG method with those obtained from electrical resistance measurements

    German Lexical Personality Factors: Relations with the HEXACO Model

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    We correlated the scales of the HEXACO Personality Inventory (HEXACO-PI) with adjective scale markers of factors previously obtained in indigenous lexical studies of personality structure in the German language. Self-ratings obtained from a sample of 323 German participants showed a pattern of strong convergent and weak discriminant correlations, supporting the content-based interpretation of the German lexical factors in terms of the HEXACO dimensions. Notably, convergent correlations were strong for both the broader and the narrower variants of the Honesty-Humility factor as observed in German lexical studies. Also, convergent correlations for HEXACO Openness to Experience were, as expected, stronger for German adjectives describing a creative and intellectual orientation than for German adjectives describing intellectual ability. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Assessing the perceptions of pharmacists working in Lebanese hospitals on the continuing education preferences

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    Background: Continuing education (CE) is an international tool that requires lifelong active participation in learning activities allowing the pharmacist to stay a major player among others. In 2014 the CE program was introduced to the pharmacists licensed in Lebanon as a mandatory requirement for re-licensure. In the absence of guidelines regarding the quality and quantity of CE programs, behavioral resistance to precipitate in the CE programs might be encountered among the pharmacists. Objective: The objective of this study is to assess the perceptions of pharmacists working in Lebanese hospitals on the continuing education preferences. The advantage of this program is to collect information that would help the Order of Pharmacy in Lebanon to upgrade the CE program in a way that is more acceptable and convenient for the pharmacists. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in 2016, using a proportionate random sample of Lebanese hospital pharmacies from all governorates in Lebanon. A structured questionnaire was distributed to all hospital pharmacies in Lebanon. Descriptive statistics were calculated for all study variables. This includes the mean and standard deviation for continuous measures, counts and percentages for categorical variables Results: A total of 107 (53.5%) participants completed the questionnaires. The majority of participants were from Beirut and Mount Lebanon. The percentage of participants working at private hospitals was (68.2%).The majority of participants who completed the questionnaire (86.2%) agreed that continuing education programs affects their way of practice and increases their knowledge. Their preferred CE types to be used in the future were the computer based ones (60.6%), interactive workshops (45.5%) and printed materials (44.9%). Their considerations for selecting the CE type is based on their interest in the topic (80.6%), the ease of access to print or online material (77.2%), or the convenience of being offered during an event (67.1%). Participants noted that barriers to attend live CEs were mainly work responsibilities (76%), travel distance (65.6%), family commitments (48.4%) and scheduling (40.6%). Conclusions: Lebanese hospital pharmacists are highly committed to CE. They consider it a practical tool for career development and advancement

    Equation for the potential of an electron system with slowly varying density in the energy-functional formalism

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    A second-order differential equation is derived for the electric potential of an electron system with slowly varying density. It includes consistently the first-gradient corrections to both the kinetic energy and the exchange energy. In the regime of high density, the equation reduces to the one derived by Schwinger Phys. Rev. A 24 2353 (1981

    Revisiting the five-facet structure of mindfulness

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    The current study aimed to replicate the development of the Five-Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) in a sample of 399 undergraduate students. We factor analyzed the Mindful Attention and Awareness Questionnaire (MAAS), the Freiburg Mindfulness Scale, the Southampton Mindfulness Questionnaire (SMQ), the Cognitive Affective Mindfulness Scale Revised (CAMS-R), and the Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills (KIMS), but also extended the analysis by including a conceptually related measure, the Philadelphia Mindfulness Scale (PHLMS), and a conceptually unrelated measure, the Langer Mindfulness Scale (LMS). Overall, we found a partial replication of the five-factor structure, with the exception of non-reacting and non-judging which formed a single factor. The PHLMS items loaded as expected with theoretically related factors, whereas the LMS items emerged as separate factor. Finally, we found a new factor that was mostly defined by negatively worded items indicating possible item wording artifacts within the FFMQ. Our conceptual validation study indicates that some facets of the FFMQ can be recovered, but item wording factors may threaten the stability of these facets. Additionally, measures such as the LMS appear to measure not only theoretically, but also empirically different constructs

    Interplanar binding in graphite studied with the Englert-Schwinger equation

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    A model of a graphite crystal is used which consists of a set of parallel slabs of positive charge immersed in an electron sea. The density of electrons in the region between slabs is calculated from the Englert-Schwinger equation. That equation improves Thomas-Fermi theory by including exchange and inhomogeneity corrections to the kinetic energy. The results are in semiquantitative agreement with empirical data and are slightly better than previous calculations of the interplanar binding of graphite

    Children and Their Parents: A Comparative Study of the Legal Position of Children with Regard to Their Intentional and Biological Parents in English and Dutch Law

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    This is a book about children and their parents. There are many different kinds of children and at least about as many different kinds of parents. In addition to the many different disciplines that study children and their parents, such as sociology, psychology, child studies and gender studies, to name but a few, this study concerns a legal question with regard to the parent-child relationship, namely how the law assigns parents to children. This subject is approached in a comparative legal perspective and covers England and The Netherlands. The book contains a detailed comparison and analysis of the manner in which the law in the two jurisdictions assigns the status of legal parent and/or attributes parental responsibility to the child’s biological and intentional parents. The concept ‘procreational responsibility’, which is introduced in the concluding chapter of the book, may be used as a tool to assess and reform existing regulations on legal parent-child relationships. The structure of the book, which is based on a categorisation of different family types in a ‘family tree’, enables the reader to have easy access to family-specific information.FdR – Publicaties zonder aanstelling Universiteit Leide