95 research outputs found

    Estudio de viabilidad de un proyecto de vivienda social unifamiliar en un terreno de propiedad privada

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    La vivienda es por naturaleza una de las más importantes aspiraciones del ser humano, la cual representa no sólo la posibilidad de satisfacer una de las necesidades básicas de las familias en toda sociedad sino, en una tan informal como la nuestra, la posibilidad de incorporarse a la estructura económica del mercado, si este objetivo es alcanzado mediante la obtención de un crédito hipotecario de vivienda.Tesi

    Influence of mesoporous iron based nanoparticles on Chlorella sorokiniana metabolism during photosynthetic biogas upgrading

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    Producción CientíficaThree different mesoporous iron based nanoparticles (NPs) were added to Chlorella sorokiniana batch cultures devoted to photosynthetic biogas upgrading to enhance CO2 biofixation: Fe2O3, carbon coated zero valent iron NPs containing 7.26 % (wt%) of iron (CALPECH NPs) and carbon coated zero valent iron NPs containing 31.38 % (wt%) of iron (SMALLOPS NPS). The three types of NPs enhanced CO2 adsorption and therefore biogas upgrading in tests conducted in 1.2 L enclosed photobioreactors. However, the addition of 70 mg L−1 of CALPECH NPs resulted in a 2-fold enhancement in the microalgae productivity, and a carbohydrate and lipid content increase by 56 % and 25 %, respectively compared to the control assay. Under UV and visible light irradiation the addition of Fe2O3 NPs resulted in a 5.3-times fold enhancement in carbohydrate content when 70 mg L−1 was added. Similarly, the addition of 20 mg L−1 of SMALLOPS NPs increased the lipid content by 11 % under UV irradiation. Interestingly, CALPECH NPs did not significantly influence C. sorokiniana composition, suggesting that these particular NPs can act as UV scavengers. Therefore, the addition of mesoporous nanoparticles could improve CO2 fixation and microalgae productivity during photosynthetic biogas upgrading.Junta de Castilla y Leon - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (grants CLU 2017-09, CL-EI-2021-07 and UIC 315)Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (project IN108922

    Methodological proposal for demand forecasting using causal models

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    [EN] Through the last years, different collaborative practices have emerged in the supply chain. Progressively there is increasing belief that, working collaboratively, the partners in a supply chain achieve greater efficiency, both individually and collectively. Processes as demand forecasting are evolving from an individual process towards a more collaborative one, wherein sharing information is necessary and fundamental. To share relevant information constitutes a key factor to face the unexpected changes of demand, since it allows to know and to consider the information from various supply chain partners, especially the causes of demand variations, such as special offers information, new products/competitors introduction, market and price changes, among others. However, applying collaborative forecasting models is not simply, considering that companies need to fulfill a series of conditions that allow to share information. One of these conditions is recording, documenting and controlling all those especial events that could affect the demand and, subsequently they should have enough trust to share that information. If companies could have that information, they could make more accurate forecasting. However, reality is different, usually they do not count with the necessary information on the causes and therefore the demand forecasting is less accurate. This paper proposes a general methodology for demand forecasting with causal models, through a linear programming model incorporating exogenous variables, whether known or unknown. On this methodology, two models are included, one of them statistical, and the other one exploratory, to detect causal events when related information is unknown. With such models, supported assumptions on the existence of those factors can be made. The first one is up to reduce dimensions, through examination of variable interdependency and based on data structure. The goal for the second model is to find causal factors star ting from the identification of unusual values (outliers) by applying the best time series forecasting methods without regard causal factors. Having identified the causal factors, they are incorporated into a linear programming model to generate the final demand forecast. This methodology was validated in a case study in a Colombian household appliances manufacturing company, where the models to detect causal factors were applied, because the company did not have such information. The proposed exploratory model did not show sufficient information to identify causal factors, but it provided valuable information to perform a general analysis by product families. The statistical model was able to identify the causal factors to be incorporated to the proposed linear programming model. Results demonstrate a significant reduction of the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), taking as reference the one obtained by using traditional time series forecasting methods, which evidences that assumption method can be highly useful for companies interested in obtaining more accurate forecasting without wide information on causal factors that affect demand. It is also the first step for companies that would want to star t a collaborative forecast process, since it proves the importance of sharing information with which to explain the identified causal factors.[ES] En este trabajo se propone una metodología genérica para la previsión de la demanda con modelos causales que incorporan variables exógenas, conocidas o no. Para detectar eventos causales, cuando se desconoce dicha información, se contemplan dos modelos (uno estadístico y otro de exploración) que permiten realizar suposiciones fundamentadas de su existencia. La metodología se validó en un caso de estudio en una empresa colombiana del sector electrodomésticos de línea blanca. Los resultados demuestran que el porcentaje de error absoluto medio (MAPE) disminuye significativamente al utilizar el modelo causal propuesto, respecto al obtenido mediante la utilización de métodos de series temporales.Hoyos Marulanda, C.; Poler Escoto, R. (2013). Propuesta metodológica para la previsión de la demanda con modelos causales. Dirección y Organización. 51:44-54. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/51143S44545


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    Este trabajo se sustenta en una síntesis de la reflexión de carácter argumentativa e indagatoria, de los principales argumentos cognoscitivos que sustentan un sistema de hipótesis que plantea nuevos y complejos retos para formar a los profesionales vinculados con la gestión del conocimiento de las áreas de la construcción, diseño arquitectónicos y urbanismo, como un campo de aprendizaje transdisciplinar sustentado en una concepción ambiental, paisajística e inteligencia artificial


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    Dentro de los diseños arquitectónicos en las edificaciones urbanas, se presentan ideas de bioespacios que permiten, abarcar el embellecimiento de sus construcciones con el fin de conservar, resaltar o crear zonas verdes, lo que ha llevado a replantear los bocetos por parte de los profesionales de esta área a nivel mundial, contribuyendo con el medio ambiente y la interacción social en los inmuebles; aplicando ciertas técnicas de Naturación Urbana, como los jardines verticales que aportan a la mejora de la calidad ambiental de las urbes cumpliendo las funciones de termorregulación del clima y adicional a ello propiciando una alimentación ecológica


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    Este trabajo se sustenta en una síntesis de la reflexión de carácter argumentativa e indagatoria, de los principales argumentos cognoscitivos que sustentan un sistema de hipótesis que plantea nuevos y complejos retos para formar a los profesionales vinculados con la gestión del conocimiento de las áreas de la construcción, diseño arquitectónicos y urbanismo, como un campo de aprendizaje transdisciplinar sustentado en una concepción ambiental, paisajística e inteligencia artificial

    Influence of carbon-coated zero-valent iron-based nanoparticle concentration on continuous photosynthetic biogas upgrading

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    Producción CientíficaThis study assessed the influence of carbon-coated zero-valent nanoparticle concentration (70, 140 and 280 mg L−1) on the performance of photosynthetic biogas upgrading in an indoor pilot scale plant composed of an algal-bacterial photobioreactor interconnected to an external biogas absorption column. In addition, the influence of nanoparticle concentration on the abiotic CO2 gas-liquid mass transfer in the biogas absorption column was also evaluated. Microalgae productivity was enhanced by > 100 % when nanoparticles were added to the cultivation broth, which also boosted nitrogen and phosphorus assimilation from centrate. The biomethane produced complied with most international standards only when nanoparticles were supplemented, achieving CO2 concentrations 98 %) and CH4 concentrations > 94 % in the treated biogas. Finally, this research consistently demonstrated that the improvement of biogas upgrading performance by the addition of nanoparticles was based on a photosynthesis enhancement or stimulation (which significantly increased the pH in the algal cultivation broth) rather than on an improved nanoparticle-mediated CO2 capture in the biogas absorption column.Junta de Castilla y León - EU-FEDER (CLU 2017-09, CL-EI-2021-07 y UIC 315