371 research outputs found

    Prioritization of olive breeding objectives in Spain: Analysis of a producers and researchers survey

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    Aim of study: Trait prioritization of potential olive (Olea europaea L.) breeding objectives has been evaluated in this work from two surveys to researchers working on olive and olive producers / orchard managers.Area of study: Olive growing area in Andalusia (South of Spain)Material and methods: Twenty-five breeding objectives were associated to plant growth, fructification, oil content and composition, resistance to pest and disease and tolerance to soil and climatic conditions. Two assessment methods were applied (ranking and rating), showing similar results in both the researchers and producers surveys.Main results: Higher productivity was the objective with the highest score, followed by Verticillium wilt resistance and higher oil content. After them, tolerance to water stress and resistance to Xylella fastidiosa were among the preferred objectives. Conversely, the least preferred objectives were late harvesting, high fruit size and tolerance to water lodging and calcareous soils. In the producers’ survey, results have been consistent among the different types of orchards and farmers’ characteristics. It is also interesting to notice that more than 50% of the producers expressed their willingness to orchard enlargement or renewal in the three coming years and 25% of them would change the olive cultivar. They would be willing to pay an average 43% overprice for new cultivar fulfilling their requirements and 75% would support the use of genetic modified olives.Research highlights: These results should be considered to analyze the scope of current breeding programs and define the main criteria to be considered for future works aiming at developing new olive cultivars

    HPV genotype distribution and anomalous association of HPV33 to cervical neoplastic lesions in San Luis Potosí, Mexico

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    " Background: The association of human papillomavirus (HPV) types to neoplastic lesions increase as a function of their oncogenicity and the duration of the infection since lesion severity progresses from low-grade to high-grade and cancer. In an outbreak, the prevalence of the HPV type involved would increase and the proportion of the associated low-grade lesions would predominate over severe lesions. In this study, the prevalence of HPV types and their association to neoplastic lesions was determined in women subjected to colposcopy in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Methods: DNA from high-risk (HR) and low-risk (LR) HPV types was identified by E6 nested multiplex PCR in cervical scrapes from 700 women with normal cytology, atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS), low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL), high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) or invasive cervical cancer (CC). Results: Overall HPV-DNA prevalence was 67.7 %, that of HR-HPV was 63.1 %, and that of LR-HPV was 21.3 %. The highest prevalence (78.2 %) occurred in the 15-24 year group, whereas that of single infections was 52 % and that of multiple infections (i.e., by 2-6 HPV types) was 48 %. The most prevalent HR types were HPV33 (33.1 %), HPV16 (16.6 %), HPV18 and HPV51 (6.7 % each). HR-HPV prevalence was 29.6 % in normal cytology, 26.7 % in ASCUS, 63.3 % in LSIL, 68.2 % in HSIL, and 90.5 % in CC. Three prevalence trends for HR-HPV types were found in neoplastic lesions of increasing severity: increasing (LSIL CC) for HPV33. Conclusions: Two-thirds of the women subjected to colposcopy from 2007 to 2010 in San Luis Potosi have HPV infections which predominate in the 15-24 years group. Around half of the infections are by one viral type and the rest by 2-6 types. HPV33 is the most prevalent type, followed by HPV16. Overall HR-HPV prevalence increases with the severity of neoplastic lesions. HPV33 prevalence is highest in LSIL and its U-shaped trend with progressing neoplastic lesions differs from the growing/asymptotic trends of other HR-HPV types. An ongoing or recent HPV33 outbreak is consistent with its high prevalence and anomalous association to LSIL.

    Prevención internacional de conflictos

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    Los nuevos conflictos superan las fronteras en un mundo cada vez más interdependiente, por lo que su tratamiento requiere de nuevas estrategias de intervención. Fruto de la experiencia, la prevención internacional de conflictos se ha configurado como el enfoque de mayor peso y relevancia en la actuación de los Estados. En esta publicación se revisa el marco teórico sobre el que se asientan las estrategias en prevención de conflictos de las Naciones Unidas y la Unión Europea, las cuales posteriormente son analizadas dado el protagonismo de dichas organizaciones internacionales en la geopolítica mundial. Para finalizar con la exploración del papel que juega la actuación civil en los procesos preventivos.Máster en Mediación y Resolución Extrajudicial de Conflicto

    Molecular characterization of autophagic and apoptotic signaling induced by sorafenib in liver cancer cells

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    Sorafenib is the unique accepted molecular targeted drug for the treatment of patients in advanced stage of hepatocellular carcinoma. The current study evaluated cell signaling regulation of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, c-Jun-N-terminal kinase (JNK), Akt, and 5′AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) leading to autophagy and apoptosis induced by sorafenib. Sorafenib induced early (3–12 hr) ER stress characterized by an increase of Ser51P-eIF2α/eIF2α, C/EBP homologous protein (CHOP), IRE1α, and sXBP1, but a decrease of activating transcription factor 6 expression, overall temporally associated with the increase of Thr183,Tyr185P-JNK1/2/JNK1/2, Thr172P-AMPKα, Ser413P-Foxo3a, Thr308P-AKt/AKt and Thr32P-Foxo3a/Foxo3a ratios, and reduction of Ser2481P-mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)/mTOR and protein translation. This pattern was related to a transient increase of tBid, Bim EL, Beclin-1, Bcl-xL, Bcl-2, autophagy markers, and reduction of myeloid cell leukemia-1 (Mcl-1) expression. The progressive increase of CHOP expression, and reduction of Thr308P-AKt/AKt and Ser473P-AKt/AKt ratios were associated with the reduction of autophagic flux and an additional upregulation of Bim EL expression and caspase-3 activity (24 hr). Small interfering-RNA (si-RNA) assays showed that Bim, but not Bak and Bax, was involved in the induction of caspase-3 in sorafenib-treated HepG2 cells. Sorafenib increased autophagic and apoptotic markers in tumor-derived xenograft model. In conclusion, the early sorafenib-induced ER stress and regulation of JNK and AMPK-dependent signaling were related to the induction of survival autophagic process. The sustained drug treatment induced a progressive increase of ER stress and PERK-CHOP-dependent rise of Bim EL, which was associated with the shift from autophagy to apoptosis. The kinetic of Bim EL expression profile might also be related to the tight balance between AKt- and AMPK-related signaling leading to Foxo3a-dependent BIM EL upregulation.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BFU2016‐75352‐PInstituto de Salud Carlos III PI15/00034, PI13/ 00021, PI16/00090, PI14/01349Ministerio de Educación FPU16/05127, FPU12/01433, FPU13/01237Junta de Andalucía CTS-6264, PI-00025-2013, PI-0127-2013, PI-0198-201

    El papel del Estado en la prensa: análisis comparativo entre la prensa euromediterránea y la anglosajona

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    Proceeding of: II Congreso Internacional AE-IC Málaga 2010: Comunicación y desarrollo en la era digital. Estructura y políticas de la comunicación. Málaga 3-5 de febrero de 2010.A lo largo de los siglos el Estado ha ido interviniendo por conductos variados en la evolución y desarrollo de la prensa europea, configurando con el paso del tiempo dos modelos bien diferenciados. Por un lado, el británico (con una importante extensión a los Estados Unidos), y por el otro, el euromediterráneo, éste alrededor de cuatro países: Francia, España, Italia y Portugal. El modelo anglosajón se ha caracterizado por una continuidad sin interrupciones importantes (salvo las dos guerras mundiales) a partir del siglo XVII, mientras que el euromediterráneo ha experimentado un corte muy radical en su proceso evolutivo, como consecuencia de la implantación de sendos regímenes totalitarios entre 1926 y 1976. Se puede afirmar que la prensa anglosajona se inspira en la Primera Enmienda a la Constitución de los EEUU, que impide al Estado legislar en materia de prensa, y la euromediterránea se basa más en la Declaración de los Derechos del hombre y del Ciudadano de 1789, que faculta al Estado para legislar tanto en orden a proteger la libertad de expresión, como para amparar el ejercicio de las otras libertades conexas. Como sustrato de estas posiciones divergentes aparece el debate sobre la manera de entender la prensa, como una actividad empresarial más, o como un servicio público en el que el estado debe intervenir como regulador. La comunicación se centra en tres aspectos que permiten analizar ambos modelos con una sistemática similar: la censura; los factores característicos de ambos modelos; y el control estatal, los impuestos y las ayudas. Conviene resaltar, que las salidas de los cuatro países euromediterráneos a sus respectivos sistemas totalitarios fueron distintas. A partir de 1946-47 Francia e Italia se dotaron de regímenes democráticos vinculados al Estado de Bienestar. España y Portugal acometieron sus propias transiciones en 1974 y 1976 con planteamientos diferentes.Publicad

    Press-State relations in the Nordic model

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    Aunque cada país ha seguido una evolución histórica distinta en su sistema de prensa, existen características comunes entre Suecia, Noruega, Finlandia y Dinamarca, y en menor medida Islandia, que permiten hablar de un modelo nórdico, que algunos han calificado como corporativista democrático. Por ejemplo, el peso de la prensa de partido, entendidos éstos como defensores de intereses más que como expresión de ideologías, aleja dicho modelo del euromediterráneo, mucho más ideologizado, y del anglosajón, mucho más desregulado. La política educativa en medios de comunicación constituye otro rasgo diferencial importante, así como sus sistemas de ayuda.Mesmo que cada país tenha seguido uma evolução histórica distinta em seu sistema de imprensa, existem características comuns entre Suécia, Noruega, Finlândia e Dinamarca, e em menor medida na Islândia, que permitem falar de um modelo nórdico, que alguns têm qualificado como corporativista-democrático. Por exemplo, o peso da imprensa de partido, entendida como defensora de interesses mais que como expressão de ideologias, distancia do modelo dito o euromediterrâneo, muito mais ideologizado, e o anglo-saxão, muito mais desregulado. A política educativa em meios de comunicação constitui outro traço diferencial importante, assim como seus sistemas de ajuda.Although each country has followed a different historical development in its press system, there are common characteristics between Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark and in a less way Iceland. These similarities allow to speak of a Nordic model, which some scholars have described as democratic corporatist. For instance, the weight of the partisan press, understood as defenders of interests rather than as an expression of ideology, opposite the model to the Euro-Mediterranean model, much more ideological,or to the Anglo-Saxon model, much more deregulated. Education policy in the media and their support systems are other important distinguishing feature.Publicad

    Press-State Relations: A Comparative Analysis of Euro-Mediterranean and British Models

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    The objective of this article is to compare the State’s role in the progress and development of the press system in relation to the Euro-Mediterranean model and that of English-speaking countries. Within this framework, we will discuss historic moments that may be considered decisive in the configuration of both systems today, and that have influenced how they came about. Additionally, we will examine legislative measures that have been most noteworthy in the progress of the press market in recent years. The State’s influence on the transformation of the newspaper business is studied from the following perspectives: censorship, control systems, regulation of the figure of the journalist, aid to the press, pluralism of information and limits on concentration. These aspects were selected because they have been observed to be key points to understanding Press-State relations. In the four Euro- Mediterranean countries studied, a radical break took place in the information systems as a consequence of the implementation of their respective totalitarian regimes between 1926 and 1976; a situation which did not occur in Great Britain, a major figure of democratic and business continuity. Whereas the disappearance of aid to the press in the British model was understood to be a means of guaranteeing the independence of the journalism profession from those in political power, in the Euro-Mediterranean model the aim of aid for press distribution is to consolidate the cooperative distribution system, preserve the pluralism of newspapers reporting political and general news, and guarantee the development necessary for the effective exercise of liberty proclaimed in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen 1789.Publicad

    State Policies in the Anglo-Saxon model of Press

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    Además de la lengua, los países de cultura anglosajona comparten en gran medida unos orígenes parecidos para sus respectivos sistemas de prensa y un marco democrático y empresarial sin interrupciones señaladas. Pero por otro lado, cada país ha seguido una evolución distinta marcada fundamentalmente por las relaciones entre el Estado y la Prensa. Desde este ángulo EEUU ha sido el país menos intervencionista, seguido por Gran Bretaña. Irlanda y Australia, por el contrario, han aplicado leyes y normas destinadas a combatir aspectos tan distintos como la difamación, la blasfemia, la publicación de secretos oficiales o la concentración de empresas. Sin duda, los nuevos retos planteados por los medios audiovisuales y digitales y la crisis económica mundial están obligando a una revisión de los cuatro modelos nacionales.Publicad

    Comparative models of Press-State relations: Colombia, Italy, France, Spain and Portugal

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    El objetivo de este artículo es comparar el papel del Estado en la evolución y el desarrollo del sistema de prensa colombiano en relación con los modelos de prensa euromediterránea. En este marco se abordan los momentos históricos que se pueden considerar decisivos en la configuración actual del modelo colombiano de prensa y que han influido en su devenir, y se examinan las medidas legislativas más destacadas en el desarrollo del mercado de la prensa en los últimos años. La influencia del Estado en el desarrollo de las empresas periodísticas se aborda aquí desde las siguientes perspectivas: censura de prensa, sistemas de control de prensa, regulación de la figura del periodista, ayudas a la prensa, pluralismo informativo y límites a la concentración. Se han seleccionado estos aspectos por cuanto son claves para entender las relaciones prensa-Estado.The purpose of this article is to compare the role of the State in the evolution and development of the Colombian press in relation to European-Mediterranean press models. Within this framework, it considers the historical moments that can be regarded as decisive to the current makeup of the Colombian press and significant in its evolution. The more prominent legislative measures in the development of the press market in recent years are examined as well. The influence of the state in the development of journalistic enterprises is addressed from several perspectives; namely, press censorship, systems to control the press, regulations concerning the role of journalists, assistance to the press, media pluralism and limits to concentration.Publicad