10 research outputs found

    The type 2 acyl-CoA:diacylglycerol acyltransferase family of the oleaginous microalga Lobosphaera incisa

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    Abstract Background Oleaginous microalgae are promising sources of energy-rich triacylglycerols (TAGs) for direct use for food, feed and industrial applications. Lobosphaera incisa is a fresh water unicellular alga, which in response to nutrient stress accumulates a high amount of TAGs with a high proportion of arachidonic acid (ARA). The final committed step of de novo TAG biosynthesis is catalyzed by acyl-CoA:diacylglycerol acyltransferases (DGATs), which add a fatty acid (FA) to the final sn-3 position of diacylglycerol (DAG). Results Genome analysis revealed the presence of five putative DGAT isoforms in L. incisa, including one DGAT of type 1, three DGATs of type 2 and a single isoform of a type 3 DGAT. For LiDGAT1, LiDGAT2.1, LiDGAT2.2 and LiDGAT2.3 enzyme activity was confirmed by expressing them in the TAG-deficient yeast strain H1246. Feeding experiments of yeast transformants with fatty acids suggest a broad substrate specificity spectrum for LiDGAT1. A significant TAG production in response to exogenous ARA was found for LiDGAT2.2. Cellular localization of the four type 1 and type 2 DGATs expressed in yeast revealed that they all localize to distinct ER domains. A prominent association of LiDGAT1 with ER domains in close proximity to forming lipid droplets (LDs) was also observed. Conclusions The data revealed a distinct molecular, functional and cellular nature of type 1 and type 2 DGATs from L. incisa, with LiDGAT1 being a major contributor to the TAG pool. LiDGATs of type 2 might be in turn involved in the incorporation of unusual fatty acids into TAG and thus regulate the composition of TAG. This report provides a valuable resource for the further research of microalgae DGATs oriented towards production of fresh-water strains with higher oil content of valuable composition, not only for oil industry but also for human and animal nutrition.Open-Access-Publikationsfonds 201

    The evolution of living beings started with prokaryotes and in interaction with prokaryotes

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    In natural world, no organism exists in absolute isolation, and thus every organism must interact with the environment and other organisms. Next-generation sequencing technologies are increasingly revealing that most of the cells in the environment resist cultivation in the laboratory and several prokaryotic divisions have no known cultivated representatives. Based on this, we hypothesize that species that live together in the same ecosystem are more or less dependent upon each other and are very large in diversity and number, outnumbering those that can be isolated in single-strain laboratory culture. In natural environments, bacteria and archaea interact with other organisms (viruses, protists, fungi, animals, plants, and human) in complex ecological networks, resulting in positive, negative, or no effect on one or another of the interacting partners. These interactions are sources of ecological forces such as competitive exclusion, niche partitioning, ecological adaptation, or horizontal gene transfers, which shape the biological evolution. In this chapter, we review the biological interactions involving prokaryotes in natural ecosystems, including plant, animal, and human microbiota, and give an overview of the insights into the evolution of living beings. We conclude that studies of biological interactions, including multipartite interactions, are sources of novel knowledge related to the biodiversity of living things, the functioning of ecosystems, the evolution of the cellular world, and the ecosystem services to the living beings

    Capturing emotion reactivity through physiology measurement as a foundation for affective engineering in engineering design science and engineering practices

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