184 research outputs found

    Criação e aplicação de um modelo baseado em Topic Maps à documentação educativa

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    As políticas da União Europeia para a sociedade da informação estão a promover um modelo educativo baseado na aquisição de competências e na aprendizagem ao longo da vida. A eficácia da aprendizagem neste modelo educativo assenta numa educação digital, na qual os recursos digitais estruturam, organizam e representam o seu conteúdo de acordo com as suas potencialidades educativas. Descrevem-se os passos prosseguidos na aplicação da norma ISO/IEC 13250:2000 Topic Maps como escolha para a organização e representação do conhecimento de uso educativo, adaptando a recuperação deste tipo de informação a um modelo de aprendizagem centrado no educando, tal como as actuais políticas europeias promovem. Numa primeira parte apresenta-se a análise realizada sobre as várias metodologias para a representação do conhecimento: thesaurus, mapas conceptuais e ontologias. Discutem-se as características que levaram à selecção dos Topic Maps como a metodologia a ser utilizada neste projecto. Numa segunda parte, apresenta-se a norma ISO/IEC 13250:2000 Topic Maps e discute-se de que forma nos irá auxiliar a criar um ambiente de aprendizagem centrado no educando e utilizando os recursos educativos (objectos de ensino, artigos, monografias, teses, etc) disponíveis na Web. Por fim, numa terceira parte, apresenta-se uma arquitectura funcional capaz de suportar a metodologia seleccionada e o cenário de aplicação: especificação de mapas conceptuais orientados a programas educativos dinâmicos e que reagem às interacções dos educandos; agregação de conteúdos disponíveis na Web com o objectivo de criar um repositório de objectos de ensino (utilização do protocolo OAI-PMH); definição de estratégias para a população do mapa conceptual com os conteúdos recolhidos da Internet; exploração do repositório a partir do mapa conceptual. Em conclusão, iremos demonstrar que já é possível criar um ambiente com estas características utilizando vários componentes e tecnologias existentes mas, também, que é necessário fazer algum trabalho de integração e normalização.Policies of the European Information Society are to promote an educational model based on the acquisition of skills and lifelong learning. The effectiveness of learning in this educational model is based on a digital education, in which digital resources structure, organize and represent its content according to their educational potential. We describe the steps pursued in the implementation of ISO / IEC 13250:2000 Topic Maps as the selected methodology adopted for the organization and representation of knowledge of educational use, adapting the retrieval of such information to a student-centered learning model, as the current European policies promote. The first part presents the analysis on the various methodologies for the representation of knowledge: thesaurus, concept maps and ontologies. In the following we discuss the characteristics that led to the selection of Topic Maps as the methodology to be used in this project. The second part presents the ISO / IEC 13250:2000 Topic Maps, and discusses how it will help to create an environment focused on student learning through the use of educational resources (learning objects, articles, monographs, theses, etc.) available on the Web. Finally, a third part presents a functional architecture capable of supporting the selected methodology and the application scenario: specification of concept maps, oriented educational programs and dynamic interactions that respond to the students; content aggregation available on the Web in order to create a repository of learning objects (using OAI-PMH), strategies for the population of the conceptual map with the contents collected from the Internet, holding the repository from the conceptual map. In conclusion, we demonstrate that it is possible to create an environment with these features using several existing technologies and components, but also that some work for integration and standardization is needed

    Cuestionario para futuros docentes de Educación Secundaria acerca de las percepciones sobre atención a la diversidad: construcción y validación del instrumento

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    En este artículo se describe el proceso de elaboración y validación de un cuestionario que pretende analizar las actitudes y percepciones sobre atención a la diversidad del alumnado que cursa el Máster Universitario en Profesorado de Educación Secundaria. El instrumento, que responde a una escala tipo Likert, está conformado por 43 ítems. Se ha estudiado la validez de contenido (juicio de expertos y prueba piloto), de constructo (análisis factorial mediante matriz de componentes principales y rotación Varimax) y fi abilidad (Alfa de Cronbach y dos mitades). Los resultados demuestran que el cuestionario es válido, así como también altos índices de fi abilidad, permitiendo evaluar las percepciones de los futuros docentes de Educación Secundaria sobre la diversidad. This article describes the process of development and validation of a questionnaire to analyze the attitudes and perceptions of attention to the diversity of students enrolled in the Master’s Degree in Secondary Education Teachers. The instrument, which responds to a Likert scale consists of 43 items. We have studied the content validity (expert opinion and pilot), construct (factor analysis using principal component matrix and Varimax rotation) and reliability (Cronbach’s alpha and two halves). The results demonstrate that the questionnaire is valid as well as high levels of reliability, allowing assess perceptions of future secondary school teachers on diversity.

    La biblioteca escolar como centro de recursos para el aprendizaje (CRA)

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    Tradicionalmente las bibliotecas de los centros escolares han sido poco atendidas por parte de las instituciones competentes e infrautilizadas, puesto que han sido consideradas como meros lugares de consulta de manuales para la elaboración de trabajos, de solucionarios de problemas y, puntualmente, como lugar de lectura obligatoria de los libros recomendados en las distintas asignaturas. Como consecuencia de los ineludibles efectos educativos que ha generado la Sociedad del Conocimiento, la situación ha de cambiar, cambios que deben traducirse en una urgente reforma del sistema educativo, centrada en el aprendizaje activo y autónomo, así como en la plena integración de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación para hacer posible la formación a lo largo de la vida, el aprendizaje electrónico y la alfabetización en información de todos los ciudadanos. Por todo ello, las Bibliotecas Escolares demandan una reorientación, ya que los estudiantes han de dedicar una gran parte de su tiempo a preparar sus propios itinerarios de aprendizaje y ser competentes en el aprendizaje virtual. Esto implicará no sólo hacer uso de las colecciones documentales, sino acceder a los servicios y recursos de Internet, y a los materiales docentes que los profesores puedan desarrollar; por tanto, también para los docentes la perspectiva de la Biblioteca se amplía. Es en este contexto donde debe inscribirse el concepto de Centro de Recursos para el Aprendizaje (CRA) como complemento y, a veces, alternativa de la Biblioteca Escolar. Las Bibliotecas Escolares convertidas en CRA deben ser el componente esencial del nuevo modelo en el proceso educativo que requiere la Sociedad del Conocimiento. La posición de las Bibliotecas Escolares en la estrategia didáctica de una nueva escuela lo demuestra: organizan y representan el conocimiento expresado y difundido mediante un nuevo tipo de documento educativo; organizan, gestionan y posibilitan el acceso a los recursos de información; disponen de personal especializado para orientar e informar a la comunidad educativa, e incluso le sirve recursos y servicios de información en apoyo del aprendizaje significativo; aún más, es el lugar idóneo para fomentar la lectura, en sus distintas dimensiones, y sustentar un nuevo modo de conocer a través de la Alfabetización en Información.Eje: Organización escolarRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    La biblioteca escolar como centro de recursos para el aprendizaje (CRA)

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    Tradicionalmente las bibliotecas de los centros escolares han sido poco atendidas por parte de las instituciones competentes e infrautilizadas, puesto que han sido consideradas como meros lugares de consulta de manuales para la elaboración de trabajos, de solucionarios de problemas y, puntualmente, como lugar de lectura obligatoria de los libros recomendados en las distintas asignaturas. Como consecuencia de los ineludibles efectos educativos que ha generado la Sociedad del Conocimiento, la situación ha de cambiar, cambios que deben traducirse en una urgente reforma del sistema educativo, centrada en el aprendizaje activo y autónomo, así como en la plena integración de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación para hacer posible la formación a lo largo de la vida, el aprendizaje electrónico y la alfabetización en información de todos los ciudadanos. Por todo ello, las Bibliotecas Escolares demandan una reorientación, ya que los estudiantes han de dedicar una gran parte de su tiempo a preparar sus propios itinerarios de aprendizaje y ser competentes en el aprendizaje virtual. Esto implicará no sólo hacer uso de las colecciones documentales, sino acceder a los servicios y recursos de Internet, y a los materiales docentes que los profesores puedan desarrollar; por tanto, también para los docentes la perspectiva de la Biblioteca se amplía. Es en este contexto donde debe inscribirse el concepto de Centro de Recursos para el Aprendizaje (CRA) como complemento y, a veces, alternativa de la Biblioteca Escolar. Las Bibliotecas Escolares convertidas en CRA deben ser el componente esencial del nuevo modelo en el proceso educativo que requiere la Sociedad del Conocimiento. La posición de las Bibliotecas Escolares en la estrategia didáctica de una nueva escuela lo demuestra: organizan y representan el conocimiento expresado y difundido mediante un nuevo tipo de documento educativo; organizan, gestionan y posibilitan el acceso a los recursos de información; disponen de personal especializado para orientar e informar a la comunidad educativa, e incluso le sirve recursos y servicios de información en apoyo del aprendizaje significativo; aún más, es el lugar idóneo para fomentar la lectura, en sus distintas dimensiones, y sustentar un nuevo modo de conocer a través de la Alfabetización en Información.Eje: Organización escolarRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Methodology for Olive Pruning Windrow Assessment Using 3D Time-of-Flight Camera

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    The management of olive pruning residue has shifted from burning to shredding, laying residues on soil, or harvesting residues for use as a derivative. The objective of this research is to develop, test, and validate a methodology to measure the dimensions, outline, and bulk volume of pruning residue windrows in olive orchards using both a manual and a 3D Time-of-Flight (ToF) camera. Trees were pruned using trunk shaker targeted pruning, from which two different branch sizes were selected to build two separate windrow treatments with the same pruning residue dose. Four windrows were built for each treatment, and four sampling points were selected along each windrow to take measurements using both manual and 3D ToF measurements. Windrow section outline could be defined using a polynomial or a triangular function, although manual measurement required processing with a polynomial function, especially for high windrow volumes. Different branch sizes provided to be significant differences for polynomial function coefficients, while no significant differences were found for windrow width. Bigger branches provided less bulk volume, which implied that these branches formed less porous windrows that smaller ones. Finally, manual and 3D ToF camera measurements were validated, giving an adequate performance for olive pruning residue windrow in-field assessment

    Psychometric characteristics of a commuting-to-school behaviour questionnaire for families

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    The purposes of this study were: (a) to describe the patterns of modes of commuting to school (children) and to work (parents) separated by gender and age, (b) to validate the questions on children’s mode of commuting to and from school according to their parents, and (c) to analyse the reliability of a family questionnaire focused on commuting to school behaviours. A total of 611 parents (mean age: 43.28 ± 6.25 years old) from Granada (Spain) completed “Family commuting-to-school behaviour” questionnaire in two sessions separated by 14 days, (2016 and 2018). The validation between family and children’s questions was assessed using the Kappa and Spearman correlation coefficients, and the test–retest reliability within the family questions was assessed using the Kappa and the weighted Kappa. The children’s modes of commuting to school (mean age: 11.44 ± 2.77 years old) were mainly passive (57.7% to school) while parents’ modes of commuting to work were mainly active (71.6%). The validity of the mode of commuting was significant with high Kappa and Spearman coefficients. The test–retest reliability presented a good agreement for the mode of commuting to school in children, distance and time to school, and the mode of commuting to work in parents, while the questions on acceptable distance to walk or cycle to school showed a moderate to good agreement. The “Family commuting-to-school behaviour” questionnaire could be a useful tool to assess the mode of commuting of children, distance and time to school for researchers and practitioners

    Feasibility and Reliability of a Questionnaire to Assess the Mode, Frequency, Distance and Time of Commuting to and from School: The PACO Study

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    Active commuting to and from school has several health implications. Self-reporting is the most common assessment tool, but there is a high heterogeneity of questionnaires in the scientific literature. The purpose of this study was to analyse the feasibility and reliability of the Spanish “New Version of Mode and Frequency of Commuting To and From School” questionnaire in children and adolescents. A total of 635 children (5–12 years old) and 362 adolescents (12–18 years old) filled out the questionnaire twice (14 days apart). Feasibility was evaluated using an observational checklist. The test-retest reliability of the “New Version of Mode and Frequency of Commuting To and From School” questionnaire and the distance and time to school were examined using the kappa and weight kappa coefficient (κ). No misunderstanding of questions was reported. The time to complete the questionnaire was 15 ± 3.62 and 9 ± 2.26 min for children and adolescents, respectively. The questionnaire showed substantial and almost perfect kappa coefficients for the overall six items (k = 0.61–0.94) in children and adolescents. The “New Version of Mode and Frequency of Commuting To and From School” questionnaire is a feasible and reliable questionnaire in Spanish children and adolescents.Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and CompetitivenessEuropean Union (EU) DEP2016-75598-RUniversity of Granada, Plan Propio de Investigacion 2016, excellence actions: Units of ExcellenceUnit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES)Junta de AndaluciaConsejeria de Conocimiento, Investigacion y UniversidadesEuropean Union (EU) SOMM17/6107/UGREuropean Social Fund (ESF

    The Chandra Multi-Wavelength Project: Optical Spectroscopy and the Broadband Spectral Energy Distributions of X-ray Selected AGN

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    From optical spectroscopy of X-ray sources observed as part of ChaMP, we present redshifts and classifications for a total of 1569 Chandra sources from our targeted spectroscopic follow up using the FLWO, SAAO, WIYN, CTIO, KPNO, Magellan, MMT and Gemini telescopes, and from archival SDSS spectroscopy. We classify the optical counterparts as 50% BLAGN, 16% NELG, 14% ALG, and 20% stars. We detect QSOs out to z~5.5 and galaxies out to z~3. We have compiled extensive photometry from X-ray to radio bands. Together with our spectroscopic information, this enables us to derive detailed SEDs for our extragalactic sources. We fit a variety of templates to determine bolometric luminosities, and to constrain AGN and starburst components where both are present. While ~58% of X-ray Seyferts require a starburst event to fit observed photometry only 26% of the X-ray QSO population appear to have some kind of star formation contribution. This is significantly lower than for the Seyferts, especially if we take into account torus contamination at z>1 where the majority of our X-ray QSOs lie. In addition, we observe a rapid drop of the percentage of starburst contribution as X-ray luminosity increases. This is consistent with the quenching of star formation by powerful QSOs, as predicted by the merger model, or with a time lag between the peak of star formation and QSO activity. We have tested the hypothesis that there should be a strong connection between X-ray obscuration and star-formation but we do not find any association between X-ray column density and star formation rate both in the general population or the star-forming X-ray Seyferts. Our large compilation also allows us to report here the identification of 81 XBONG, 78 z>3 X-ray sources and 8 Type-2 QSO candidates. Also we have identified the highest redshift (z=5.4135) X-ray selected QSO with optical spectroscopy.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in ApJS. Full data table and README file can be found online at http://hea-www.harvard.edu/~pgreen/Papers.htm