76 research outputs found

    Imágenes de la Virgen María

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    Lessons from the Past: Medieval Universities and Today

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    The European medieval universities are the basic model for modern universities everywhere. The medieval universities have some interesting relevance to today's debates about higher educationincluding issues such as entrepreneurialism, financing, curriculum, and others

    Chapter 1. The Global “Middle Ages”

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    I continue to follow the autobiographical strand with which I began. Coming to the world of historical research in the mid-1980s was tantamount to an exhilarating immersion in a gushing fountainhead. So much was fresh and new, and there was more to come. Gender was becoming established as a necessary tool of knowledge and historical understanding; groups traditionally neglected or indeed condescended to by historians—women, peasants, children, artisans, Jews, gypsies, lower clergy—had found t..

    The Symbolic Meaning of a Meal and a Mother

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    On a cold winter day in 2001 I attended the requiem mass for my colleague Alan Bray, a civil servant and historian of great distinction. I have not attended many masses in my life, though I have studied the mass closely. On that sad occasion, as friends participated in the awesome solemnity, I recognized a quality of the mass that I had never quite realized before. As I watched the Franciscan friar at the altar I was struck by the domestic aspect of the preparation, by the familiar movement k..

    Chapter 3. Emotions and Selves

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    Following the footsteps of Natalie Zemon Davis, and very much in her honor, the previous two chapters traced the possibilities of a global history and the creation of terrains of polemic and encounter within the vast and important culture field that developed around Mary in medieval Europe. In this chapter we will continue the enterprise of identifying Tasks and Themes in the Study of Europe-an Culture, by studying the emergence of a European style of emotive devotion. For in the centuries th..

    Conclusion. La Vierge Marie : un défi pour l’historien

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    Il y a plus de dix ans, j’ai débuté mes recherches sur la Vierge Marie en vue d’écrire un livre. Cela faisait suite à mon intérêt pour l’étude des cultures religieuses européennes à partir l’an Mil, qui avaient déjà été explorées dans des livres sur la charité, l’eucharistie et les récits anti-juifs. Depuis la fin des années 1980, j’ai été influencée par l’historiographie de l’école des Annales, par les nouvelles idées fascinantes de l’histoire du genre et par le programme de travail de la no..