124 research outputs found

    Optimal Consensus set for nD Fixed Width Annulus Fitting

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    International audienceThis paper presents a method for fitting a nD fixed width spherical shell to a given set of nD points in an image in the presence of noise by maximizing the number of inliers, namely the consensus set. We present an algorithm, that provides the optimal solution(s) within a time complexity O(N n+1 log N) for dimension n, N being the number of points. Our algorithm guarantees optimal solution(s) and has lower complexity than previous known methods


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    OBJECTIVES: To assess the efficacy of several repurposed drugs to prevent hospitalisation or death in patients aged 65 or more with recent symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19) and no criteria for hospitalisation. TRIAL DESIGN: Phase III, multi-arm (5) and multi-stage (MAMS), randomized, open-label controlled superiority trial. Participants will be randomly allocated 1:1:1:1:1 to the following strategies: Arm 1: Control arm Arms 2 to 5: Experimental treatment arms Planned interim analyses will be conducted at regular intervals. Their results will be reviewed by an Independent Data and Safety Monitoring Board. Experimental arms may be terminated for futility, efficacy or toxicity before the end of the trial. New experimental arms may be added if new evidence suggests that other treatments should be tested. A feasibility and acceptability substudy as well as an immunological substudy will be conducted alongside the trial. PARTICIPANTS: Inclusion criteria are: 65-year-old or more; Positive test for SARS-CoV-2 on a nasopharyngeal swab; Symptoms onset within 3 days before diagnosis; No hospitalisation criteria; Signed informed consent; Health insurance. Exclusion criteria are: Inability to make an informed decision to participate (e.g.: dementia, guardianship); Rockwood Clinical Frailty Scale ≄7; Long QT syndrome; QTc interval > 500 ms; Heart rate 5.5 mmol/L or <3.5 mmol/L; Ongoing treatment with piperaquine, halofantrine, dasatinib, nilotinib, hydroxyzine, domperidone, citalopram, escitalopram, potent inhibitors or inducers of cytochrome P450 CYP3A4 isoenzyme, repaglinide, azathioprine, 6-mercaptopurine, theophylline, pyrazinamide, warfarin; Known hypersensitivity to any of the trial drugs or to chloroquine and other 4-aminoquinolines, amodiaquine, mefloquine, glafenine, floctafenine, antrafenine, ARB; Hepatic porphyria; Liver failure (Child-Pugh stage ≄B); Stage 4 or 5 chronic kidney disease (GFR <30 mL/min/1.73 mÂČ); Dialysis; Hypersentivity to lactose; Lactase deficiency; Abnormalities in galactose metabolism; Malabsorption syndrome; Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency; Symptomatic hyperuricemia; Ileus; Colitis; Enterocolitis; Chronic hepatitis B virus disease. The trial is being conducted in France in the Bordeaux, Corse, Dijon, Nancy, Paris and Toulouse areas as well as in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Participants are recruited either at home, nursing homes, general practices, primary care centres or hospital outpatient consultations. INTERVENTION AND COMPARATOR: The four experimental treatments planned in protocol version 1.2 (April 8(th), 2020) are: (1) Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg, 2 tablets BID on day 0, 2 tablets QD from day 1 to 9; (2) Imatinib 400 mg, 1 tablet QD from day 0 to 9; (3) Favipiravir 200 mg, 12 tablets BID on day 0, 6 tablets BID from day 1 to 9; (4) Telmisartan 20 mg, 1 tablet QD from day 0 to 9. The comparator is a complex of vitamins and trace elements (AZINC Forme et VitalitĂ©Âź), 1 capsule BID for 10 days, for which there is no reason to believe that they are active on the virus. In protocol version 1.2 (April 8th, 2020): People in the control arm will receive a combination of vitamins and trace elements; people in the experimental arms will receive hydroxychloroquine, or favipiravir, or imatinib, or telmisartan. MAIN OUTCOME: The primary outcome is the proportion of participants with an incidence of hospitalisation and/or death between inclusion and day 14 in each arm. RANDOMISATION: Participants are randomized in a 1:1:1:1:1 ratio to each arm using a web-based randomisation tool. Participants not treated with an ARB or ACEI prior to enrolment are randomized to receive the comparator or one of the four experimental drugs. Participants already treated with an ARB or ACEI are randomized to receive the comparator or one of the experimental drugs except telmisartan (i.e.: hydroxychloroquine, imatinib, or favipiravir). Randomisation is stratified on ACEI or ARBs treatment at inclusion and on the type of residence (personal home vs. nursing home). BLINDING (MASKING): This is an open-label trial. Participants, caregivers, investigators and statisticians are not blinded to group assignment. NUMBERS TO BE RANDOMISED (SAMPLE SIZE): A total of 1057 participants will be enrolled if all arms are maintained until the final analysis and no additional arm is added. Three successive futility interim analyses are planned, when the number of participants reaches 30, 60 and 102 in the control arm. Two efficacy analyses (interim n°3 and final) will be performed successively. TRIAL STATUS: This describes the Version 1.2 (April 8(th), 2020) of the COVERAGE protocol that was approved by the French regulatory authority and ethics committee. The trial was opened for enrolment on April 15(th), 2020 in the Nouvelle Aquitaine region (South-West France). Given the current decline of the COVID-19 pandemic in France and its unforeseeable dynamic in the coming months, new trial sites in 5 other French regions and in Luxembourg are currently being opened. A revised version of the protocol was submitted to the regulatory authority and ethics committee on June 15(th), 2020. It contains the following amendments: (i) Inclusion criteria: age ≄65 replaced by age ≄60; time since first symptoms <3 days replaced by time since first symptoms <5 days; (ii) Withdrawal of the hydroxychloroquine arm (due to external data); (iii) increase in the number of trial sites. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The trial was registered on Clinical Trials.gov on April 22(nd), 2020 (Identifier: NCT04356495): and on EudraCT on April 10(th), 2020 (Identifier: 2020-001435-27). FULL PROTOCOL: The full protocol is attached as an additional file, accessible from the Trials website (Additional file 1). In the interest of expediting dissemination of this material, the familiar formatting has been eliminated; this Letter serves as a summary of the key elements of the full protocol. The study protocol has been reported in accordance with the Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Clinical Interventional Trials (SPIRIT) guidelines (Additional file 2)

    Na outra cena da representação: consideraçÔes ferenczianas sobre o trauma

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    O objetivo deste artigo é abordar as contribuiçÔes ferenczianas acerca do trauma para enaltecer a pluralidade do psiquismo, seja formado por traços psíquicos representados ou por marcas traumåticas que extrapolam o campo da representação. Por conseguinte, propÔe-se que as vertentes estruturante e desestruturante do trauma sejam compreendidas não como predicados de diferentes tipos de trauma, mas como movimentos inerentes à constituição psíquica. Assim sendo, a clínica psicanalítica deve extrapolar um modelo estanque de psiquismo para contemplar as produçÔes subjetivas que se dão na outra cena da representação, dentre elas a dimensão sensível da linguagem

    Cartographie de l'occupation du sol sur le bassin de Thau

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    Dans le contexte actuel de gestion intĂ©grĂ©e du littoral, la croissance dĂ©mographique et l’augmentation de la pression fonciĂšre sur le bassin de Thau font de ce territoire un enjeu important, se rĂ©percutant sur l’occupation du sol. Pour faire face Ă  ces enjeux, les collectivitĂ©s territoriales du territoire de Thau ont confiĂ© au SMBT Ă  partir de 2006 l’élaboration conjointe de plusieurs instruments de planification afin de mener une approche intĂ©grĂ©e du dĂ©veloppement territorial au travers du SCoT, du SAGE et d’une procĂ©dure Natura 2000. L’objectif de cette contribution est de prĂ©senter la mĂ©thodologie opĂ©rationnelle dĂ©veloppĂ©e pour cartographier l’occupation du sol initiale 2012/2013 Ă  partir d’images PlĂ©iades sur le bassin de Thau. Cette cartographie constituera une donnĂ©e d’entrĂ©e pour nourrir l’observatoire du territoire de Thau et sera adaptĂ©e Ă  la mise en Âœuvre des instruments de planification. La mĂ©thodologie a Ă©tĂ© scindĂ©e en deux parties, une premiĂšre partie de photo-interprĂ©tation pour cartographier les espaces artificialisĂ©s et leurs Ă©volutions sur plusieurs annĂ©es et une seconde partie sur une approche par classification orientĂ©e-objet sur les espaces agricoles et les milieux naturels. La dĂ©marche procure un Ă©tat actualisĂ© de l’occupation du sol selon une typologie Ă  4 niveaux adaptĂ©e de Corine Land Cover

    Études sur

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    Plasmodium atheruri, parasite du porc-Ă©pic africain Atherurus africanus, est infectant au laboratoire pour la Souris et le Rat blancs splĂ©nectomisĂ©s, pour le Hamster intact et pour deux Rongeurs exotiques, dont l’élevage au laboratoire est facile : Calomys callosus et Meriones unguiculatus. La sporogonie a Ă©tĂ© obtenue chez des Anopheles stephensi gorgĂ©s sur AthĂ©rure et sur Rongeur de laboratoire ; elle ne diffĂšre pas beaucoup de celle des autres Plasmodium de Rongeurs. La schizogonie prĂ©Ă©rythrocytaire est de 4 Ă  6 jours, mais des schizontes ont Ă©tĂ© trouvĂ©s dans le foie d’un AthĂ©rure, le huitiĂšme jour. La schizogonie sanguine, induite soit par passage de sang, soit par inoculation de sporozoites, Ă©volue en 2 phases morphologiquement distinctes :a) une phase aiguĂ«, apparaissant chez l’AthĂ©rure neuf, chez l’AthĂ©rure splĂ©nectomisĂ© et chez les Rongeurs de Laboratoire ; elle est caractĂ©risĂ©e par des trophozoites de grande taille, des schizontes ayant de 8 Ă  16 noyaux, des gamĂ©tocytes, une infectivitĂ© pour les AnophĂšles.b) une phase chronique, qui n’est observĂ©e que chez l’AthĂ©rure et qui succĂšde Ă  la phase aiguĂ« 15 jours Ă  3 semaines aprĂšs son dĂ©but ; elle est constituĂ©e uniquement par de petits trophozoites et des schizontes Ă  4 noyaux.Ainsi, la phase chronique ne se manifeste que chez l’hĂŽte naturel, lorsqu’il est immunisĂ©. Nous pensons que, dans la nature, la schizogonie chronique assure la pĂ©rennitĂ© de l’infection et que la phase aiguĂ« prĂ©sente des rechutes et permet la transmission. Le mĂ©canisme dĂ©clenchant les rechutes n’est pas connu, mais il s’agit vraisemblablement d’une baisse de l’immunitĂ© de l’hĂŽte
