41 research outputs found

    X-ray diagnostics of dodecane jet in spray A conditions using the new one shot engine (NOSE)

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    [EN] Quantifying liquid mass distribution data in the dense near nozzle area to develop and optimize diesel spray by optical diagnostic is challenging. Optical methods, while providing valuable information, have intrinsic limitations due to the strong scattering of visible light at gas-liquid boundaries. Because of the high density of the droplets near the nozzle, most optical methods are ineffective in this area and prevent the acquisition of reliable quantitative data. X-ray diagnostics offer a solution to this issue, since the main interaction between the fuel and the X-rays is absorption, rather than scattering, thus X-ray technique offers an appealing alternative to optical techniques for studying fuel sprays. Over the last decade, x-ray radiography experiments have demonstrated the ability to perform quantitative measurements in complex sprays. In the present work, an X-ray technique based on X-ray absorption has been conducted to perform measurements in dodecane fuel spray injected from a single-hole nozzle at high injection pressure and high temperature. The working fluid has been doped with DPX 9 containing a Cerium additive, which acts as a contrast agent. The first step of this work was to address the effect of this dopant, which increases the sensitivity of X-ray diagnostics due its strong photon absorption, on the behavior and the physical characteristics of n-dodecane spray. Comparisons of the diffused back illumination images acquired from ndodecane spray with and without DPX 9 under similar operating conditions show several significant differences. The current data show clearly that the liquid penetration length is different when DPX 9 is mixed with dodecane. To address this problem, the dodecane was doped with a several quantities of DPX containing 25% ± 0.5 of Cerium. Experiments show that 1.25% of Ce doesn’t affect the behaviour of spray. Radiography and density measurements at ambient pressure and 60 bars are presented. Spray cone angle around 5° is obtained. The obtained data shows that the result is a compromise between the concentration of dopant for which the physical characteristics of the spray do not change and the visualization of the jet by X-ray for this concentration.This work is supported by ANR Research National Agency (ECN-France project). I.C. is supported by ANR PLANEX ANR-11-EQPX-0036-01.The authors would like to thank Thierry Seguelong for DPX9 supply and Gilles Bruneaux for scientific discussions.Chiboud, I.; Arjouche, H.; Nilaphai, O.; Dozias, S.; Moreau, B.; Hespel, C.; Foucher, F.... (2017). X-ray diagnostics of dodecane jet in spray A conditions using the new one shot engine (NOSE). En Ilass Europe. 28th european conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 755-762. https://doi.org/10.4995/ILASS2017.2017.4705OCS75576

    Palaeoenvironmental significance of Toarcian black shales and event deposits from southern Beaujolais, France

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    New sedimentological, biostratigraphical and geochemical data recording the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE) are reported from a marginal marine succession in southern Beaujolais, France. The serpentinum and bifrons ammonite zones record black shales with high (1-10 wt%) total organic carbon contents (TOC) and dysoxia-tolerant benthic fauna typical of the ‘Schistes Carton' facies well documented in contemporaneous nearby basins. The base of the serpentinum ammonite zone, however, differs from coeval strata of most adjacent basinal series in that it presents several massive storm beds particularly enriched in juvenile ammonites and the dysoxia-tolerant, miniaturized gastropod Coelodiscus. This storm-dominated interval records a marked negative 5‰ carbonate and organic carbon isotope excursion being time-equivalent with that recording storm- and mass flow-deposits in sections of the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal, pointing to the existence of a major tempestite/turbidite event over tropical areas during the T-OAE. Although several explanations remain possible at present, we favour climatically induced changes in platform morphology and storm activity as the main drivers of these sedimentological features. In addition, we show that recent weathering, most probably due to infiltration of O2-rich meteoric water, resulted in the preferential removal of 12C-enriched organic carbon, dramatic TOC loss and total destruction of the lamination of the black shale sequence over most of the studied exposure. These latter observations imply that extreme caution should be applied when interpreting the palaeoenvironmental significance of sediments lacking TOC enrichment and lamination from outcrops with limited surface exposure

    Géologie du Mâconnais : du socle primaire au célèbre calcaire à polypiers bajocien

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    Rousselle Bruno. Géologie du Mâconnais : du socle primaire au célèbre calcaire à polypiers bajocien. In: Bulletin mensuel de la Société linnéenne de Lyon, 71ᵉ année, n°6, juin 2002. pp. 242-243

    Géologie de la «Pierre Dorée » des Monts d'Or et du Beaujolais (Rhône, France)

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    Geology of the «Pierre Dorée » Formation in the Monts d'Or and Beaujolais area (Eastern France). A recent study of sedimentary structures of the «Pierre Dorée » Formation, in the Monts d'Or and Beaujolais area (Eastern France), gave precise information about nature and evolution of the depositional environment of this calcareous serie, related to the Aalenian stage (Middle Jurassic) [Rousselle, 1997]. At this time, the considered area was part of a shallow submarine shelf where carbonate sediments, deriving first from crinoidal colonies, were moved and distributed by storm and tidal currents. Fossil organisms show that environmental conditions were close to the tropical ones. Vertical succession of sedimentary features reveals recured alternations of both tide and storm systems, water depth variations, as well as rapid decreases of calcareous production. These phenomena were mainly caused by regional, especially tectonic motions, and global geodynamic events that changed frequently the shelf geography durind the whole Aalenian time. Key words. -Submarine shelf, submarine currents, storms, tides, tectonic motions, sedimentary crisies, calcareous sediments, Crinoids and ossicles, Aalenian stage, Middle Jurassic, Monts d'Or and Beaujolais area, Eastern France.Une récente étude des structures sédimentaires de la pierre dorée des Monts d'Or et du Beaujolais (Rhône, France) a permis de préciser la nature et l'évolution du milieu de dépôt de cette série calcaire de l'Aalénien (Jurassique moyen) [Rousselle, 1997]. Cette région était située à l'époque au cœur d'une plate-forme sous-marine peu profonde où les sédiments calcaires, issus majoritairement de colonies de crinoïdes, étaient transportés et distribués par des courants de tempête et de marée. Les organismes fossiles témoignent d'un environnement aux accents tropicaux. La succession verticale des faciès de dépôt révèle l'existence d'alternances répétées des dynamiques de marée et de tempête, de variations de la profondeur d'eau et de crises de la production calcaire. Ces phénomènes sont en grande partie attribuables à des événements géodynamiques régionaux, notamment des mouvements tectoniques, mais aussi globaux, qui changent à de nombreuses reprises la géographie de la plate-forme au cours de l'Aalénien. Mots clés. -Plate-forme sous-marine, courants sous-marins, tempêtes, marées, mouvements tectoniques, crises sédimentaires, sédiments calcaires, crinoïdes et entroques, Aalénien, Jurassique moyen, Monts d'Or et Beaujolais, Rhône, France.Rousselle Bruno. Géologie de la «Pierre Dorée » des Monts d'Or et du Beaujolais (Rhône, France). In: Bulletin mensuel de la Société linnéenne de Lyon, 70ᵉ année, n°3, mars 2001. pp. 45-60

    Partition stratigraphique des faciès et des volumes de dépôt en domaine de plate-forme carbonatée : exemple dans l'Aalénien du Sud-Est de la France

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    The purpose of the study was to define the influence of the stratigraphic control (i.e. base-level rises and falls) upon a carbonate depositional system. Effects of base-level rises and falls are analysed upon development and preservation of depositional facies and environments, and upon associated sedimentary products. The Aalenian palaeogeography of eastern France was composed of an extensive carbonate shelf, the Northern Carbonate Shelf, that passed southward to an epicontinental basin, the Subalpine Basin. The shelf sequences show a major hiatal surface overlain by a few tens of meters thick deposits, dominantly made up of crinoidal, bioclastic, and Zoophycos-bearing limestones. By contrast, the basinal accumulation display very thick deposits, composed of interbedded shales and fine-grained limestones. The Aalenian sequence is part of a major fall-to-rise base-level cycle that was initiated during the late Toarcian and terminated in the earliest Bajocian. Five sets of exposed sections (Lyon area for the shelf and Digne area for the basin) were investigated from sedimentological and palaeontological criteria. The outcropping genetic sequences - stratigraphie record of base-level cycles - are identified, hierarchized, and grouped. On the shelf, outcrops are correlated to each other directly or by using matched wells located in between. Depositional geometries are restored by correlating groups of genetic sequences step by step. Correlations are consistent with the ammonite biostratigraphy of the exposed sections. The study show the dependance of the evolution of the Aalenian carbonate depositional system to base-level fluctuations. First, the net stratigraphic record yields a clear asymmetrical pattern. Base-level fall hemi-cycles are much thicker than their base-level rise conterparts. Second, the depositional fabrics, their lateral variability, the depositional products, and the overall depositional environments vary with time as a function of base-level cycles, changing with the order of the cycles. The major base-level maxima (i.e. maximum flooding surfaces) are widespread and coeval all over the platform. Conversely, fall-to-rise turnaround surfaces are clearly uncoupled through time over the study area. It is believed that the major base-level rise maxima were under the control of an allocyclic parameter such as eustacy or water contents operating on biological carbonate producers (example : water content in carbon dioxide). By contrast, a regional control such as tilting blocks must have taken over during major base-level falls that correspond to enhanced carbonate production and filling of submarine spaces. There was a clear double volumetric and sedimentary rate stratigraphic partitioning of the carbonate products, between the basin and the shelf on to one hand, and between different areas of the platform itself on the other hand. This fact suggests that marine waters possibly contained in a given time and space a maximum to precipitate, the combined effect of the accommodation pattern and ecological conditions driving the location of the effective carbonate accumulation.Le but de cette étude était de définir l'influence du contrôle stratigraphique (montées et chutes du niveau de base) sur un système de dépôt carbonaté, en analysant les effets de ce contrôle sur le développement et la préservation des faciès et des environnements de dépôt et des produits sédimentaires associés. La paléogéographie de l'Aalénien du Sud-Est de la France est composée de deux principaux domaines : (1) une plate-forme carbonatée septentrionale où se mettent en place les «Calcaires à Zoophycos» (i.e. à Cancellophycus) puis les «Calcaires à Entroques» (Aalénien moyen et supérieur) ; (2) le bassin subalpin où s'accumule une épaisse série de marnes et de calcaires à grain fin (datés principalement de l'Aalénien inférieur). La séquence aalénienne s'insère dans un cycle majeur chute/montée du niveau de base, débutant dans le Toarcien supérieur et se terminant dans le Bajocien basal. Quatre groupes d'affleurements de la plate-forme, localisés dans la région lyonnaise s.l., et un du bassin ont été analysés à partir de critères sédimentologiques et paléontologiques spécifiques. Pour chaque affleurement, les séquences génétiques qui sont les expressions physiques des variations du niveau de base sont identifiées et hiérarchisées. Sur la plate-forme, les affleurements ont été corrélés directement entre eux ou par l'intermédiaire de puits. Les géométries de dépôt ont été restituées par corrélation de proche en proche des groupements de séquences génétiques, contraints biostratigraphiquement sur les affleurements. Les systèmes de dépôt changent avec les variations du niveau de base. L'enregistrement stratigraphique final est fortement asymétrique. Les demi-cycles de chute sont plus épais que leurs analogues de montée. Les structures de dépôt, leur variabilité latérale, la taille et la nature des produits sédimentaires ainsi que les environnements de dépôt varient avec les cycles du niveau de base. Cette dépendance change avec l'ordre des cycles. Les maximums de montée du niveau de base (maximums d'inondation marine ou minimums de production carbonatée) sont étendus et synchrones sur toute la plate-forme, voire même dans le bassin, suggérant un contrôle par un facteur allocyclique géodynamique tel que l'eustatisme ou lié à l'existence des organismes producteurs de carbonates tel que la teneur en dioxyde de carbone dissous des eaux marines. Au contraire, les renversements de chute à montée du niveau de base sont clairement découplés, indiquant que des facteurs autocycliques régionaux comme le basculement de blocs tectoniques devaient prédominer durant les phases de remplissage et de forte production carbonatée. Au cours de l'Aalénien, il existe une double partition stratigraphique des volumes de carbonates et des vitesses de sédimentation carbonatée associées, entre la plate-forme et le bassin d'une part et entre différents secteurs de la plate-forme d'autre part. Ce fait suggère que la production carbonatée totale pourrait être limitée dans l'espace et le temps et que les eaux marines contiendraient à un moment donné et en un lieu donné un potentiel maximal de précipitation et de sédimentation de carbonates, dépendant principalement du régime d'accommodation et des conditions de l'environnement écologique.Rousselle Bruno. Partition stratigraphique des faciès et des volumes de dépôt en domaine de plate-forme carbonatée : exemple dans l'Aalénien du Sud-Est de la France. In: Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie, Lyon, n°143, 1997. Partition stratigraphique des faciès et des volumes de dépôt en domaine de plate-forme carbonatée : exemple dans l'Aalénien du Sud-Est de la France. pp. 3-225

    Géologie du Mâconnais : du socle primaire au célèbre calcaire à polypiers bajocien

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    Rousselle Bruno. Géologie du Mâconnais : du socle primaire au célèbre calcaire à polypiers bajocien. In: Bulletin mensuel de la Société linnéenne de Lyon, 71ᵉ année, n°6, juin 2002. pp. 242-243

    McMinnville 100 Years Ago - Women\u27s Roles

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    The McMinnville 100 Years Ago research project was created by Michael Huntsberger, assistant professor of mass communication, as a capstone research project for mass communication seniors. Our group has focused our research on women’s roles in Yamhill County since 1912. As a group, we have chosen to focus our project on the impact women of the time made on society. In addition to examining what it was like to be a pioneer woman and how those roles were reflected in the media, we have looked at key figures such as Abigail Scott Duniway, Yamhill County resident and one of the most influential women of the suffrage campaign. Duniway’s life story exemplifies the struggle that pioneer women in Yamhill County endured, from their lack of civil rights to demanding daily schedules. She spent her life making strides for women and was instrumental in passing laws that gave women the right to vote. We have analyzed a variety of historic materials such as newspapers, journals, photographs and various secondary sources. These documents were found through research at the Yamhill County Historical Museum and McMinnville Public Library. With our evidence, we have painted a picture of what the lives of women really were one hundred years ago

    (Table 2) Aragonite, high and low magnesium calcite, major elements, bioclast and planktic foraminifera from ODP Hole 133-817A

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    Investigation of the Middle Miocene-Pleistocene succession in cores at ODP Site 817A (Leg 133), drilled on the slope south of the Queensland Plateau, identified the various material fluxes contributing to sedimentation and has determined thereby the paleogeographic events which occurred close to the studied area and influenced these fluxes. To determine proportions of platform origin and of plankton origin of carbonate mud, two reference sediments were collected: (1) back-reef carbonate mud from the Young Reef area (Great Barrier Reef); and (2) Late Miocene chalk from the Loyalty Basin, off New Caledonia. Through their biofacies and mineralogical and geochemical characters, these reference sediments were used to distinguish the proportions of platform and basin components in carbonate muds of 25 core samples from Hole 817A. Two "origin indexes" (i1 and i2) relate the proportion in platform and basin materials. The relative sedimentation rate is inferred from the high-frequency cycles determined by redox intervals in the cores. Bulk carbonate deposited in each core has been calculated in two ways with close results: (1) from calcimetric data available in the Leg 133 preliminary reports (Davies et al., 1991); and (2) from average magnetic susceptibility of cores, a value negatively correlated to the average carbonate content. Vertical changes in sedimentation rates, in carbonate content, in origin indexes and in "linear fluxes" document the evolution of sediment origins from platform carbonates, planktonic carbonates and insoluble material through time. These data are augmented with the variations in organic-matter content through the 817A succession. The observed changes and their interpretation are not modified by compaction, and are compatible with major paleogeographic events including drowning of the Queensland Plateau (Middle Miocene-Early Pliocene) and the renewal of shallow carbonate production, (1) during the Late Pliocene, and (2) from the Early Pleistocene. The birth and growth of the Great Barrier Reef is also recorded from 0.5 Ma by a strengthening of detrital carbonate deposition and possibly by a lack of clay minerals in the 4 upper cores, a response to trapping of terrigenous material behind this barrier. In addition, a maximum of biological silica production is displayed in the Middle Miocene. These changes constrain the time of events and the sequence-stratigraphy framework some components of which are transgression surface, maximum flooding surface and low-stand turbidites. Sedimentation rates and material fluxes show cycles lasting 1.75 Myr. Whatever their origin (climatic and/or eustatic) these cycles affected the planktonic production primarily. The changes also show that major carbonate variations in the deposits are due to a dilution effect by insoluble material (clay, biogenic silica and volcanic glasses) and that plankton productivity, controlling the major fraction of carbonate sedimentation, depends principally on terrigenous supplies, but also on deep-water upwelling. Accuracy of the method is reduced by redeposition, reworking, and probable occurrence of hiatuses

    Flame wall interaction: effect of stretch

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    International audienceAn experimental study of flame-wall interaction is presented. The flame is a laminar, flat methane-air one at three different equivalent ratio: 1, 0.8, 0.6. Temporal PIV system was used to acquire images sequences of the interaction. Evolution of velocity field and flame contour shows that stagnation points appear between the reactive zone and the wall. Even if the maximum velocity value is relatively low, fresh gases motion amplifies wrinkle perturbation of the flame front. To explore more precisely the curvature evolution and its repercussion on the stretch rate, the stretch rate was calculated by determining local strain rate and curvature stretch term. Evolution of the stretch rate versus the time shows that the quenching stretch rate can be reached and locally, the extinction of the flame can appear for the equivalent ratio near the stoichiometry. We show that the interaction between a flame and a wall is controlled and disturbed by the modification of the velocity field of the fresh gases trapped between the reactive zone and the wall