10,638 research outputs found

    Development of a solar-powered residential air conditioner: System optimization preliminary specification

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    Investigations aimed at the optimization of a baseline Rankine cycle solar powered air conditioner and the development of a preliminary system specification were conducted. Efforts encompassed the following: (1) investigations of the use of recuperators/regenerators to enhance the performance of the baseline system, (2) development of an off-design computer program for system performance prediction, (3) optimization of the turbocompressor design to cover a broad range of conditions and permit operation at low heat source water temperatures, (4) generation of parametric data describing system performance (COP and capacity), (5) development and evaluation of candidate system augmentation concepts and selection of the optimum approach, (6) generation of auxiliary power requirement data, (7) development of a complete solar collector-thermal storage-air conditioner computer program, (8) evaluation of the baseline Rankine air conditioner over a five day period simulating the NASA solar house operation, and (9) evaluation of the air conditioner as a heat pump

    The Bose-Hubbard model on a triangular lattice with diamond ring-exchange

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    Ring-exchange interactions have been proposed as a possible mechanism for a Bose-liquid phase at zero temperature, a phase that is compressible with no superfluidity. Using the Stochastic Green Function algorithm (SGF), we study the effect of these interactions for bosons on a two-dimensional triangular lattice. We show that the supersolid phase, that is known to exist in the ground state for a wide range of densities, is rapidly destroyed as the ring-exchange interactions are turned on. We establish the ground-state phase diagram of the system, which is characterized by the absence of the expected Bose-liquid phase.Comment: 6 pages, 10 figure

    Somatisation and functional impairment in adolescents: longitudinal link with mothers' reactions

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    Adolescents' somatisation (i.e., the psychological tendency to experience and report multiple physical complaints for which no definite medical cause can be found; SOM) and functional impairment (i.e., all bothersome aftermath of somatisation; FI) were studied in relation to mothers' protection, encouraging/monitoring, and minimisation of physical functional complaints. Besides main effects, interaction effects with other child and parenting characteristics were examined. A total of 990 adolescents and their mothers filled out questionnaires when the adolescents were respectively 12-13 (T1) and 13-14 (T2) years old. At T1, there was a significant relation between mothers' higher amounts of minimisation and adolescents' higher levels of SOM. Further, the link between mothers' higher levels of T1 minimisation and adolescents' higher amounts of T1 FI was significant, but not for adolescents with high levels of depressive mood. Longitudinal analyses revealed that mothers' reactions did not significantly predict adolescents' SOM/FI, nor did adolescents' SOM/FI significantly predict mothers' reactions. Practical implications are discussed

    Local Density of the Bose Glass Phase

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    We study the Bose-Hubbard model in the presence of on-site disorder in the canonical ensemble and conclude that the local density of the Bose glass phase behaves differently at incommensurate filling than it does at commensurate one. Scaling of the superfluid density at incommensurate filling of ρ=1.1\rho=1.1 and on-site interaction U=80tU=80t predicts a superfluid-Bose glass transition at disorder strength of Δc30t\Delta_c \approx 30t. At this filling the local density distribution shows skew behavior with increasing disorder strength. Multifractal analysis also suggests a multifractal behavior resembling that of the Anderson localization. Percolation analysis points to a phase transition of percolating non-integer filled sites around the same value of disorder. Our findings support the scenario of percolating superfluid clusters enhancing Anderson localization near the superfluid-Bose glass transition. On the other hand, the behavior of the commensurate filled system is rather different. Close to the tip of the Mott lobe (ρ=1,U=22t\rho=1, U=22t) we find a Mott insulator-Bose glass transition at disorder strength of Δc16t\Delta_c \approx 16t. An analysis of the local density distribution shows Gaussian like behavior for a wide range of disorders above and below the transition.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figure

    Using off-diagonal confinement as a cooling method

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    In a recent letter [Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 167201 (2010)] we proposed a new confining method for ultracold atoms on optical lattices, based on off-diagonal confinement (ODC). This method was shown to have distinct advantages over the conventional diagonal confinement (DC) that makes use of a trapping potential, including the existence of pure Mott phases and highly populated condensates. In this paper we show that the ODC method can also lead to temperatures that are smaller than with the conventional DC method, depending on the control parameters. We determine these parameters using exact diagonalizations for the hard-core case, then we extend our results to the soft-core case by performing quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations for both DC and ODC systems at fixed temperatures, and analysing the corresponding entropies. We also propose a method for measuring the entropy in QMC simulations.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Flash ionization of the partially ionized wind of the progenitor of SN 1987A

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    The H II region created by the progenitor of SN 1987A was further heated and ionized by the supernova flash. Prior to the flash, the temperature of the gas was 4000 - 5000 K, and helium was neutral, while the post-flash temperature was only slightly less than 10^5 K, with the gas being ionized to helium-like ionization stages of C, N and O. We have followed the slow post-flash cooling and recombination of the gas, as well as its line emission, and find that the strongest lines are N V 1240 and O VI 1034. Both these lines are good probes for the density of the gas, and suitable instruments to detect the lines are STIS on HST and FUSE, respectively. Other lines which may be detectable are N IV] 1486 and [O III] 5007, though they are expected to be substantially weaker. The relative strength of the oxygen lines is found to be a good tracer of the color temperature of the supernova flash. From previous observations, we put limits on the hydrogen density, n_H, of the H II region. The early N V 1240 flux measured by IUE gives an upper limit which is n_H ~ 180 \eta^{-0.40} cm^{-3}, where \eta is the filling factor of the gas. The recently reported emission in [O III] 5007 at 2500 days requires n_H = (160\pm12) \eta^{-0.19} cm^{-3}, for a supernova burst similar to that in the 500full1 model of Ensman & Burrows (1992). For the more energetic 500full2 burst the density is n_H = (215\pm15) \eta^{-0.19} cm^{-3}. These values are much higher than in models of the X-ray emission from the supernova (n_H ~ 75 cm^{-3}), and it seems plausible that the observed [O III] emission is produced primarily elsewhere than in the H II region. We also discuss the type of progenitor consistent with the H II region. In particular, it seems unlikely that its spectral type was much earlier than B2 Ia.Comment: LaTeX, 23 pages including 4 figures. To appear in ApJ (Main Journal

    The association between parenting behavior and somatization in adolescents explained by physiological responses in adolescents

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    Introduction: This study adds to the knowledge on somatization in adolescents by exploring its relation with parenting behavior and the mediating/moderating role of physiological responses in adolescents to parenting behavior. Method: Eighteen adolescents with high and 18 adolescents with low somatization scores and their mothers completed a discussion task, from which observed parenting behavior scores were derived. Skin conductance in adolescents was measured before and during the discussion. Results: For adolescents with high levels of physiological responses, unadaptive parenting was related to a higher chance of high somatization scores. For low physiologically responsive adolescents, the relation between parenting behavior and somatization was not significant. Conclusion: Parenting behavior is not univocally related to somatization in adolescents, but the association depends on physiological responses in adolescents. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Canonical Trajectories and Critical Coupling of the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian in a Harmonic Trap

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    Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations and the Local Density Approximation (LDA) are used to map the constant particle number (canonical) trajectories of the Bose Hubbard Hamiltonian confined in a harmonic trap onto the (μ/U,t/U)(\mu/U,t/U) phase diagram of the uniform system. Generically, these curves do not intercept the tips of the Mott insulator (MI) lobes of the uniform system. This observation necessitates a clarification of the appropriate comparison between critical couplings obtained in experiments on trapped systems with those obtained in QMC simulations. The density profiles and visibility are also obtained along these trajectories. Density profiles from QMC in the confined case are compared with LDA results.Comment: New version of figure 1

    Complex Symmetry of Truncated Composition Operators

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    We define a truncated composition operator on the spaces P_n of n-degree polynomials with complex coefficients. After doing so, we concern ourselves with the complex symmetry of such operators, that is, whether there is an orthonormal basis that gives them a symmetric matrix representation

    Snss & Pr Professionals: A Case Study of Facebook Pr Groups as a Tool for Building Media Rapport

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    The research study examined the rising adoption of the new style of media relations through Facebook PR groups by collecting data from 112 practising PR professionals across cadres in Bangalore city via survey and interviewed face-to-face 10 of those PR professionals personally. The findings of the study revealed majority of the PR professionals used Facebook PR groups to get journalist’s contact information, to get information on journalists swapping jobs, networking with journalists, procuring media coverage opportunities, career opportunities and to share new story angles. Media movements was the most popularly used Facebook PR group. The study also found, in future, media relations through Facebook PR groups may be replaced by Twitter or WhatsApp