5,208 research outputs found

    Patterns of adult sibling role involvement with brothers and sisters with intellectual and developmental disabilities

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    Adult siblings of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) are increasingly involved in family care, yet, adult siblings consistently report needing more information and support to engage in these roles. Knowing more about which roles siblings are likely to assume may help address this need. Thus, we further examined the most common roles assumed by adult siblings (N = 171), the demographic variables related to an increased likelihood of assuming specific roles, and the potential clusters in patterns of role assumption. We transformed qualitative data from an online survey with four open-ended questions about sibling relationships and roles into quantitative presence data for role-related codes in order to examine relationships between assumed roles and demographic variables. The most common roles assumed by adult siblings were friend, advocate, caregiver, and sibling. Key demographic variables related to role assumption included disability severity, emotional closeness, and age of the brother or sister with IDD. Cluster analyses indicated five potential categories of adult sibling role involvement: Companion, Least Involved, Highly Involved, Needs Focused, and Professional. Implications and future areas of research are shared.Accepted manuscrip

    Parcela, número de repetições e área de experimentos de campo com fruteiras e outras plantas arbóreas.

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    Linking rock fabric to fibrous mineralisation: a basic tool for the asbestos hazard

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    In recent years, many studies have addressed the effect on human health caused by asbestos exposures. As asbestos is a group of fibrous minerals that mainly occurs in mafic and ultramafic rocks (ophiolitic sequences), a close relationship between asbestos occurrence and the geological history of host rocks should be expected. By reviewing the existing literature and presenting characteristic examples, it is proposed a direct correspondence exists between the presence of fibrous minerals in ophiolites and the rock fabric systematics due to the combined activity of deformation, metamorphism/metasomatism, and rock/fluid interaction. Understanding the geological factors that may be at the origin of the nucleation/growth of fibrous minerals constitutes a necessary requirement for developing a methodological and analytical procedure to evaluate asbestos hazard (<I>A</I><sub>H</sub>) in the natural prototype (ophiolitic rocks). A parameterisation of the <I>A</I><sub>H</sub> in function of the main geological processes that produce the rock fabric systematics in different tectonic/geodynamic settings is discussed. A geological multidisciplinary approach (based on geological-structural field evidence combined with textural, mineralogical, petrological, and geochemical investigations) is proposed as the prerequisite for the evaluation of <I>A</I><sub>H</sub> in natural environments. This approach, in particular, can provide a robust basis to formulate a procedural protocol finalised to the mitigation of asbestos effects in environments where these effects are still a real threat

    Unusual symptomatology in eagle syndrome

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    A 20-year-old female presented a history of isolate left external ear pain. ENT valuation showed no alteration of the district, but an aberrant styloid process was tender to palpation in the left tonsillar fossa. Computer tomography was performed and confirmed it. Thereafter, the diagnosis of Eagle syndrome was made. The auricular branch of the vagal nerve (ABVN) was pressed by the styloid process causing the pain. This case pointed out the importance to consider anatomical alteration as elongated styloid process as a possible cause of external ear pain

    Influencia do numero de primordios radiculares e da cobertura do solo no desenvolvimento de mudas de seringueira em viveiro.

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    Avaliacao da influencia do numero de raizes laterais emitidas na fase de germinacao da semente no desenvolvimento da muda de seringueira (Hevea sp.) e da cobertura do solo sobre a emissao de novas raizes laterais funcionais. Dos resultados obtidos concluiu-se que: a) o desenvolvimento e funcionalidade das raizes laterais das mudas aos doze meses deidade nao dependem do numero de primordios iniciais; b) o numero de radicelas iniciais nao se mostra como um fator positivo para o crescimento das plantas em maior e melhor estande final para enxertia; e d) em termos operacionais, a pratica de cobertura morta em viveiro de seringueira requer estudos de viabilidade economica

    Torsion free groups with indecomposable holonomy group I

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    We study the torsion free generalized crystallographic groups with the indecomposable holonomy group which is isomorphic to either a cyclic group of order ps{p^s} or a direct product of two cyclic groups of order p{p}.Comment: 22 pages, AMS-Te

    Myocarditis Mimicking an Acute Coronary Syndrome: A Case Related to Salmonella enteritis

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    Infective myocarditis is most commonly due to a viral infection; occasionally it has been related to bacteria. Gastrointestinal infections associated with myocarditis have only rarely been described in young people, and the pathogenesis is unclear. We report a case of myocarditis mimicking an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in a patient hospitalized for fever and diarrhoea. Salmonella enteritidis was isolated from stool, and no other pathogens were found. The coronary angiography was normal, and there were not other coronary artery risk factors, other than hypertension. The patient was treated with ciprofloxacin, acetylsalicylate acid, and ramipril with rapid clinical improvement and normalization of cardiac abnormalities. Final diagnosis of Salmonella enteritis and related myocarditis was made based on clinical, laboratory, ECG and echocardiographical findings