59 research outputs found

    Management of Plant Disease Epidemics with Irrigation Practices

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    Adequate water provision to roots is essential to warrant sustainable harvests of agricultural crops globally. However, water applied in excess or in deficit may result in the development of many fungal and bacterial plant diseases, which compromise produce yield and quality. Leaf wetness duration, soil water tension and related water variables impact several aspects of different plant disease cycles, such as the sporulation, survival of pathogen propagules, their dispersal to new hosts, germination and infection. Irrigation is thus arguably the most important cultural practice in the management of plant diseases, especially in the context of the quest of a more sustainable, less chemically dependent agriculture. The technology of water application and method of irrigation have been profusely studied as to their direct relation to plant diseases. Irrigation management has a strong impact on the disease severity and epidemic progress rates of many plant pathosystems, ranging from leaf blights to vascular wilts. In addition, plant virus vector population levels and vector dispersal are also affected by the method of irrigation. This chapter reviews experimental data on the effect of different irrigation configurations and management systems on some representative plant diseases

    Introdução aos jogos de soma zero com dois jogadores / Introduction to two-player zero sum games

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    In this work we do an introductory study of the matrix game of two people with zero sum. We focus mainly on the particular case of a game in which each player has two possible moves. For this case it is possible to explicitly determine an optimal strategy for each player. This article was presented at the “XIX Mathematics Week and IX Statistics Week” held at the Federal University of Uberlândia.

    Breeding potatoes for resistance to bacterial blight in Brazil : a quick review in face of a more effective screening protocol

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    A murcha bacteriana (MB), causada por Ralstonia solanacearum, é uma das doenças da batata (Solanum tuberosum subsp. tuberosum) mais importantes no Brasil e a principal causa de rejeição dos campos de certificação de batata-semente. A resistência genética não é uma medida de controle viável atualmente, uma vez que não existem cultivares resistentes comercialmente aceitáveis. O desenvolvimento de cultivares resistentes é um desafio em vista da complexidade genética da resistência, variabilidade do patógeno, ausência de fontes de resistência na espécie e herança tetraploide da cultura. Além disso, até o momento, apenas a seleção de campo tem sido eficaz na identificação de resistência estável em progênies derivadas de cruzamentos com parentes silvestres resistentes. A seleção de campo é laboriosa e exige campos uniformemente infestados. Após muitos anos de melhoramento de germoplasma, identificamos dois clones resistentes, MB-03 e MB9846-01, que produzem tubérculos com características bastante razoáveis. Esses clones estão sendo utilizados em cruzamentos com genótipos elite. Para acelerar o processo de seleção nas progênies, desenvolvemos um protocolo simples de avaliação da doença em casa de vegetação a partir da inoculação de plântulas. A metodologia é apresentada e discutida aqui. Resumidamente, a seleção na fase de plântulas foi efetiva na avaliação de um grande número de genótipos em um período de tempo bastante curto. Seu emprego resultou em um aumento considerável nas taxas de seleção final das progênies no campo, quando comparado à seleção direta no campo, sem o estágio anterior em casa de vegetação. Entretanto, a seleção em campo permanece crucial para confirmar a resistência, estudar a interação genótipo-ambiente e avaliar características agronômicas e dos tubérculos. Entre os clones resistentes previamente identificados em nosso programa, as progênies do clone MB9846-01 apresentaram um índice mais alto de seleção final em campo (resistência a MB + características do tubérculo) que as progênies do clone MB-03, quando ambos foram cruzados com a cultivar suscetível Baraka. O protocolo de seleção precoce em casa de vegetação foi ajustado para permitir a avaliação de cerca de 5.000 plântulas por ano, contando com oito trabalhadores em meio período, quatro em laboratório/casa de vegetação e quatro em campo em períodos críticos.Bacterial wilt (BW), caused by Ralstonia solanacearum, is one of the most important diseases of potato (Solanum tuberosum subsp. tuberosum) in Brazil and the main cause of rejection of fields for tuber seed certification. Genetic resistance is not a feasible control currently since no commercially-appealing BW resistant cultivars are available. The development of resistant cultivars is challenging due to the genetic complexity of resistance, pathogen variability, lack of resistance sources in the species, and the tetraploid background of the crop. In addition, to date, only field selection has been effective in identifying stable resistance in progenies derived from crosses involving resistant wild relatives. Field selection is laborious and demands uniformly infested fields. After many years of germplasm breeding, we succeeded in developing two resistant clones, MB-03 and MB9846-01, both producing tubers with rather reasonable characteristics. These clones are being crossed with elite genotypes. To speed up progeny evaluation, we developed a straightforward screening protocol in greenhouse conditions, based on selection at the seedling stage. The methodology is presented and discussed here. Briefly, the early selection was very effective to screen a large number of seedlings in a rather short period of time. It considerably increased the rates of selection of resistant clones in the field when compared to selection directly in the field, without the prior greenhouse seedling stage. Nevertheless, field selection remains crucial for confirming resistance, testing for genotype-environment interaction and evaluating agronomic and tuber characteristics. Among the resistant clones previously identified in our program, progenies of clone MB9846-01 resulted in higher selection indexes in the field (BW resistance + tuber characteristics) than those of clone MB-03 when both clones were crossed with the susceptible cultivar Baraka. We adjusted the protocol to allow screening around 5,000 seedlings per year, counting with eight part-time workers, four in the laboratory/screenhouse and four in the field in critical periods

    Agronomic performance and economic viability of maize cultivars of open pollination

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    The open pollination cultivars (VPA) of maize are an alternative of production for a small property, because it presents a good agronomic performance and low production cost, mainly due to the possibility of seed production with low cost. The objective of this research was to evaluate the agronomic performance and economic viability of open pollination cultivars of maize in a low-altitude site in the central region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The experiment was conducted during the 2018/2019 crop season, in the experimental area of the Federal University of Santa Maria-UFSM, in the municipality of Santa Maria-RS. The open pollination maize cultivars (SCS 154 Fortuna, SCS 155 Catarina, and SCS 156 Colorado) were used. The experiment consisted of three treatments and four replicates and the experimental design used was that of complete blocks at random. The open pollination cultivars presented an adequate agronomic performance in a low-altitude region in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, associated with the economic viability of the crop in the central region of the state

    Hyperspectral imaging for the detection of plant pathogens in seeds: recent developments and challenges

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    Food security, a critical concern amid global population growth, faces challenges in sustainable agricultural production due to significant yield losses caused by plant diseases, with a multitude of them caused by seedborne plant pathogen. With the expansion of the international seed market with global movement of this propagative plant material, and considering that about 90% of economically important crops grown from seeds, seed pathology emerged as an important discipline. Seed health testing is presently part of quality analysis and carried out by seed enterprises and governmental institutions looking forward to exclude a new pathogen in a country or site. The development of seedborne pathogens detection methods has been following the plant pathogen detection and diagnosis advances, from the use of cultivation on semi-selective media, to antibodies and DNA-based techniques. Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) associated with artificial intelligence can be considered the new frontier for seedborne pathogen detection with high accuracy in discriminating infected from healthy seeds. The development of the process consists of standardization of methods and protocols with the validation of spectral signatures for presence and incidence of contamined seeds. Concurrently, epidemiological studies correlating this information with disease outbreaks would help in determining the acceptable thresholds of seed contamination. Despite the high costs of equipment and the necessity for interdisciplinary collaboration, it is anticipated that health seed certifying programs and seed suppliers will benefit from the adoption of HSI techniques in the near future

    Surgical treatment of scoliosis in spinal muscular atrophy with pedicle screws (third generation instrumentation) and early complications

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    OBJECTIVES: to report the results on the treatment of scoliosis in spinal muscular atrophy, using posterior arthrodesis with pedicle screws. METHODS: a retrospective study was carried out with 16 patients who underwent posterior spinal fusion with pedicle screws. The general status of the patients, correction of the Cobb angle, correction of pelvic obliquity and early complications were analyzed. RESULTS: the initial Cobb angle mean was 94.6º (65 to 132º) turning into 40,4º (2 to 20º) after the surgery, correction of 57.2%. The initial pelvic obliquity mean was 34.7º(25 to 56º) turning into 11.3º (0 to 20º), correction of 67.4%. CONCLUSIONS: the treatment of scoliosis in spinal muscular atrophy using posterior arthrodesis with pedicle screws presents a great potential of correction for the coronal deformity and pelvic obliquity, without serious early complications.OBJETIVO: avaliar a utilização de artrodese via posterior com parafusos pediculares para correção da escoliose em pacientes com amiotrofia espinhal. MÉTODOS: realizou-se um estudo retrospectivo de 16 pacientes com amiotrofia espinhal submetidos à artrodese via posterior exclusiva, com parafusos pediculares. Foi avaliado o perfil geral dos pacientes e o potencial de correção do ângulo de Cobb e da obliquidade pélvica, além das complicações precoces. RESULTADOS: o ângulo de Cobb pré-operatório foi em média de 94,6º (65 a 132º), no pós-operatório de 40,4º (2 a 70º), percentual de correção de 57,2%. A obliquidade pélvica pré-operatória foi em média 34,7º (25 a 56º), no pós-operatório foi para 11,3º (0 a 20º), com percentual de correção de 67,4%. Cinco pacientes tiveram complicações precoces (31,2%) com boa resolução. CONCLUSÕES: o tratamento cirúrgico da escoliose em pacientes com amiotrofia espinhal por meio de artrodese via posterior utilizando parafusos pediculares tem grande potencial de correção da deformidade coronal e da obliquidade pélvica, sem grandes complicações no pós-operatório precoce.OBJETIVO: evaluar la utilización de la artrodesis vía posterior con tornillos pediculares para la corrección de la escoliosis en pacientes con amiotrofia espinal. MÉTODOS: fue realizado un estudio retrospectivo de 16 pacientes con amiotrofia espinal sometidos a la artrodesis vía posterior exclusiva, con tornillos pediculares. Fue evaluado el perfil general de los pacientes, y el potencial de corrección del ángulo de Cobb y de la oblicuidad pélvica, además de las complicaciones precoces. RESULTADOS: el ángulo de Cobb preoperatorio fue en promedio 94.6º (65 a 132º), en el postoperatorio 40.4º (2 a 70), porcentual de corrección de 57.2%. La oblicuidad pélvica preoperatoria fue en media 34.7º (25 a 56º), en el postoperatorio fue para 11.3º (0 a 20º), porcentual de corrección de 67.4%. Cinco pacientes tuvieron complicaciones precoces (31.2%) con buena resolución. CONCLUSIÓN: el tratamiento quirúrgico de la escoliosis en pacientes con amiotrofia espinal, con artrodesis vía posterior utilizando tornillos pediculares, tiene gran potencial de corrección de la deformidad coronal y de la oblicuidad pélvica, sin grandes complicaciones en el postoperatorio precoz.9810

    Effects of n-3 fatty acids and exercise on oxidative stress parameters in type 2 diabetic : a randomized clinical trial

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    Background: The relationship between diabetes and oxidative stress has been previously reported. Exercise represents a useful non-pharmacological strategy for the treatment in type 2 diabetic (T2DM) patients, but high intensity exercise can induce a transient inflammatory state and increase oxidative stress. Nutritional strategies that may contribute to the reduction of oxidative stress induced by acute exercise are necessary. The aim of this study was to examine if n-3 PUFA supplementation intervention can attenuate the inflammatory response and oxidative stress associated with high intensity exercise in this population. As a primary outcome, lipoperoxidation measurements (TBARS and F2-isoprostanes) were selected. Methods: Thirty T2DM patients, without chronic complications, were randomly allocated into two groups: placebo (gelatin capsules) or n-3 PUFA (capsules containing 180 mg of eicosapentaenoic acid and 120 mg of docosahexaenoic acid). Blood samples were collected fasting before and after 8 weeks supplementation. In the beginning and at the end of protocol, an acute exercise was performed (treadmill), and new blood samples were collected before and immediately after the exercise for measurements of oxidative stress and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP). Results: After the supplementation period, a decrease in triglycerides levels was observed only in n-3 PUFA supplementation group (mean difference and 95% CI of 0.002 (0.000–0.004), p = 0.005). Supplementation also significantly reduced TRAP levels after exercise (mean difference and 95% CI to 9641 (− 20,068–39,351) for − 33,884 (− 56,976 - -10,793), p = 0.004, Cohen’s d effect size = 1.12), but no significant difference was observed in n-3 PUFA supplementation group in lipoperoxidation parameters as TBARS (mean difference and 95% CI to − 3.8 (− 10–2.4) for − 2.9 (− 1.6–7.4) or F2-isoprostanes (mean difference and 95% CI -0.05 (− 0.19–0.10) for − 0.02 (− 0.19–0.16), p > 0.05 for both. Conclusion: PUFA n-3 supplementation reduced triglycerides as well as TRAP levels after exercise, without a significant effect on inflammatory and oxidative stress markers. This study is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov with the registration number of NCT03182712

    Evaluation of the pain and local morbidity of the insertion taken out from the iliac crest to the anterior cervical arthrodesis

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    OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the possible complications associated to the removal of the insertion of the anterior iliac crest in surgery to the anterior cervical arthrodesis, especially to the residual pain. METHODS: the retrospective study with the medical records analysis and the application of a form by telephone with 20 patients in a period from August 2008 to November 2009 were performed. All patients were submitted to the same surgical technique for the crest extraction, and were operated by the same team at Hospital das Clínidas da Unicamp (HC Unicamp). The variants analyzed were: residual, pain infection rate, neurologic or vascular lesion and occurrence of the fracture of the iliac wing. The data was placed in a table and the average and percentage were calculated. RESULTS: of the 20 patients, 12 men and 8 women, with average age of 51.75 years (29-74) and mean follow-up of 11,83 months (2-29), we did not find any serious lesion like fracture, arterial or neurologic lesion. There was a case of superficial infection (5%), and 25% of the patients complained about light discomfort and not incapacitating difficulty to prowl. CONCLUSION: the removal of the anterior iliac crest is associated to many complications. It is important to know of other insertion options and make the patient aware of the possible complications. Through this research, we did not find any serious complications, and the patients' percentage with residual pain are the same as in the literature, and can be diminished through a careful dissection of the iliac crest.OBJETIVO: avaliar as possíveis complicações associadas à retirada de enxerto da crista ilíaca anterior em cirurgia para artrodese cervical anterior, em especial a dor residual. MÉTODOS: foi realizado estudo retrospectivo com análise de prontuários e aplicação de questionário via telefone com 20 pacientes no período compreendido entre Agosto de 2008 e Novembro de 2009. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à mesma técnica cirúrgica para extração do enxerto, sendo operados pela mesma equipe no Hospital de Clinicas da Unicamp (HC Unicamp). As variantes analisadas foram dor residual, taxa de infecção, lesão neurológica ou vascular e ocorrência de fratura da asa do ilíaco. Os dados foram colocados em uma tabela e as médias e porcentagens foram calculadas. RESULTADOS: dos 20 pacientes, 12 homens e 8 mulheres, com média de idade de 51,75 anos (29-74) e follow-up médio de 11,83 meses (2-29), não houve nenhuma lesão grave, como fratura, lesão arterial ou neurológica. Houve um caso de infecção superficial (5%) e 25% dos pacientes queixaram-se de desconforto leve e dificuldade para deambular não incapacitante. CONCLUSÃO: a retirada de enxerto da crista ilíaca anterior está associada a muitas complicações, sendo importante o conhecimento de outras opções de enxerto e exposição ao paciente das possíveis complicações. Por meio deste levantamento, não verificamos nenhuma complicação grave, e o percentual de pacientes com dor residual acompanha os achados na literatura, podendo ser diminuído com uma dissecção cuidadosa da crista ilíaca.OBJETIVO: evaluar las posibles compilaciones asociadas a la retirada del injerto de la cresta ilíaca anterior en cirugía para artrodesis cervical anterior, principalmente los dolores residuales. MÉTODOS: fue realizado un estudio retrospectivo con análisis de prontuarios y con aplicación de cuestionario por teléfono para 20 pacientes entre agosto de 2008 y noviembre de 2009. Todos los pacientes fueron sometidos al mismo procedimiento cirúrgico para la retirada del injerto, siendo que fueron operados por el mismo equipo en el Hospital de Clínicas de la Unicamp (HC Unicamp). Las variantes analizadas fueron: dolor residual, tasa de infección, lesión neurológica o vascular y aparición de fractura en el ala ilíaca. Los datos fueron colocados en una tabla, y las mediciones y porcentajes fueron calculados. RESULTADOS: de los 20 pacientes, 12 hombres y 8 mujeres, con edad media de 51,75 años (29-74), acompañamiento medio de 11,83 meses (2-29). No tuvo ninguna lesión grave como fractura, lesión arterial o neurológica. Hubo un caso de infección superficial (5%), y 25% de los pacientes se quejaron de malestar leve y dificultades para andar no incapacidad. CONCLUSIÓN: la retirada del injerto de la cresta ilíaca anterior esta relacionada a muchas complicaciones, siendo importante el conocimiento de otras opciones de injerto y exposición al paciente de las posibles complicaciones. A través del levantamiento, no se verificó ninguna complicación grave y el porcentual de pacientes con dolor residual pude se comparar con los encontrados en literatura, pudiendo ser reducidos a través de una disección cuidadosa de la cresta ilíaca.42442

    Vascular wilt of teak (Tectona grandis) caused by Fusarium oxysporum in Brazil

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    Commercial plantations of teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) are affected by many economically important fungal diseases under Brazilian conditions. Teak plants exhibiting distinctive vascular wilt symptoms were observed in Mirassol do Oeste (MT), Brazil. Trunk samples of the affected trees were collected, disinfected, and plated onto potato dextrose agar. Fungal cultures obtained displayed morphological characteristics typical of the Fusarium oxysporum species complex. A representative F. oxysporum isolate was used in pathogenicity assays. Teak plants displayed symptoms similar to those observed under field conditions approx. 60 d after root-dipping inoculation. Amplicons corresponding to segments of the translation elongation factor 1-α (TEF-1α) and RNA polymerase II second largest subunit (RPB2) genes were obtained using as template the genomic DNA extracted from two Fusarium isolates obtained from teak. Phylogenetic analyses of the amplicon sequences placed the isolates into the same cluster of isolates belonging to the F. oxysporum species complex. To our knowledge, this is the first report of vascular wilt of teak caused by F. oxysporum in the Neotropical region

    Assessment of interobserver reproducibility of a new scale for management guidance in spinal metastasis: SINS score

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact on the management and quantify the inter-observer reproducibility of SINS Score. Also, determine its applicability to our milieu. METHODS: A presentation of 20 cases of secondary spine lesions was compiled, which was examined by 10 observers. They defined the stability of each injury and, after the presentation of SINS Score, the same cases were presented to the same observers and again they were asked to determine the stability of the lesion. The collected data were analyzed by the Fleiss' Kappa Calculation and Intra-class Correlation. RESULTS: Inter-observer moderate agreement was obtained by using SINS classification. CONCLUSIONS: The classification is applicable to our milieu. There was a change of opinion about the stability of the lesions after the presentation of the classification to the observers.OBJETIVO: Avaliar o impacto na conduta e quantificar a reprodutibilidade interobservador do escore SINS. Além disso, determinar sua aplicabilidade em nosso meio. MÉTODOS: Compilou-se uma apresentação com 20 casos de lesões secundárias da coluna, que foi analisada por 10 observadores. Estes definiram a estabilidade de cada lesão e, após a apresentação do sistema SINS, os mesmos casos foram apresentados aos mesmos observadores para que novamente determinassem a estabilidade da lesão. Os dados colhidos foram analisados por meio do cálculo do Kappa de Fleiss e da correlação intraclasse. RESULTADOS: Obtivemos concordância moderada interobservador com o uso do escore SINS. CONCLUSÕES: O sistema é aplicável em nosso meio. Houve mudança de opinião quanto à estabilidade da lesão após a apresentação do escore aos observadores.OBJETIVO: Evaluar el impacto en la conducta y cuantificar la reproducibilidad interobservador de la escala SINS. Además de eso, determinar la aplicabilidad de la clasificación en nuestro medio. MÉTODOS: Se compiló una presentación de 20 casos de lesiones secundarias de la columna vertebral que fue examinada por 10 observadores. Estos definieron la estabilidad de cada lesión y después de la presentación de la puntuación SINS, los mismos casos fueron presentados a los mismos observadores para que de nuevo determinasen la estabilidad de la lesión. Los datos obtenidos fueron analizados mediante el cálculo de Kappa de Fleiss y de la correlación intraclasse. RESULTADOS: Obtuvimos concordancia moderada interobservador con el uso de la puntuación SINS. CONCLUSIONES: La puntuación es aplicable en nuestro medio. Hubo un cambio de opinión en cuanto a la estabilidad de la lesión después de la presentación de la puntuación a los observadores.28728