82 research outputs found

    Biometria - controlo autónomo de cadeira de rodas

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    O Homem e a tecnologia estão a ter uma evolução conjunta, estes estão cada vez mais fundidos nas tarefas diárias. Isto é notável pelo aumento exponencial de sistemas que interagem com o ser humano numa base constante, como redes social, trabalho informatizado, sistemas de alerta de medicação pela televisão, entre outros. A área da saúde não é exceção, cada dia que passa são criadas novas tecnologias para ajudar o ser humano a ser mais eficaz, independente e ultrapassar transtornos ou doenças. Neste trabalho é realizado o seguimento de um projeto de licenciatura, em que foi visionado um sistema de biometria para controlo de uma cadeira de rodas. O objetivo é melhorar algumas das falhas existentes no sistema antigo. Para concretizar este objetivo, foram implementadas as seguintes funcionalidades: 1. Melhorar a transmissão de dados, mudando de banda de comunicação, também como a redução de preço sendo este módulo a tecnologia mais cara do projeto anterior; 2. Criação de sistemas de segurança; 3. Aplicação para smartphone; 4. Aumentar a autonomia. O primeiro protótipo foi implementado sem qualquer tipo de teste. O novo protótipo foi testado com e avaliado com vários grupos de estudo de forma a ter uma avaliação do seu potencial. Os principais resultados obtidos foram: 1. Alta eficácia dos sistemas de segurança; 2. Resposta rápida da aplicação móvel; 3. Elevado aumento de autonomia; 4. Diminuição de custo; 5. Aumento da distância de comunicaçãoMan and technology are having a joint evolution, these two are increasingly merged in the daily tasks. This is notable for the exponential growth in systems that interact with humans on a constant basis, such as social networks, IT work, television alert systems, etc. The health subject is no exception, every day new technologies are created to help the human being to be more effective, independent and overcome syndromes or diseases. In the work carried out following a degree project, in which a biometric system for the control of a wheelchair was created. The goal is to improve some of the flaws in the old system. To achieve this objective, the following functionalities were implemented: 1. Improve data transmission, changing communication bandwidth, as well as reducing the price. This module was the most expensive technology in the previous project; 2. Create a system to increase user security; 3. Smartphone app; 4. Autonomy increase. The first prototype was implemented without any kind of test. It is necessary to conduct an assessment with several study groups in order to have an evaluation of its potential. The main results were: 1. High effectiveness of security systems; 2. Fast response of the mobile application; 3. High increase in autonomy; 4. Cost reduction; 5. Increased communication distance


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    O rio Branco é o principal curso d’água do estado de Roraima, o mais importante afluente do Rio Negro e drena uma grande extensão do Planalto das Guianas. A bacia hidrográfica é a unidade territorial básica de planejamento ambiental e também utilizada em várias pesquisas científicas. As bacias fluviais que drenam o território de Roraima ainda não foram delimitadas em toda a sua extensão. O objetivo desta pesquisa é delimitar as bacias de drenagem do rio Branco por meio da Base Hidrográfica Ottocodificada-BHO. Foram cartografadas 73 sub-bacias com a totalização de suas áreas e elaboração do mapa das bacias hidrográficas do Rio Branco

    Acanthosis Nigricans associated with clear-cell renal cell carcinoma

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    Acanthosis nigricans (AN), an entity recognized since the 19th century, is a dermatopathy associated with insulin-resistant conditions, endocrinopathies, drugs, chromosome abnormalities and neoplasia. The latter, also known as malignant AN, is mostly related to abdominal neoplasms. Malignant AN occurs frequently among elderly patients. In these cases, the onset is subtle, and spreading involves the flexural regions of the body, particularly the axillae, palms, soles, and mucosa. Gastric adenocarcinoma is the most frequent associated neoplasia, but many others have been reported. Renal cell carcinoma (RCC), although already reported, is rarely associated with malignant AN. The authors report the case of a woman who was being treated for depression but presented a long-standing and marked weight loss, followed by darkening of the neck and the axillary regions. Physical examination disclosed a tumoral mass in the left flank and symmetrical, pigmented, velvety, verrucous plaques on both axillae, which is classical for AN. The diagnostic work-up disclosed a huge renal mass, which was resected and further diagnosed as a RCC. The post-operative period was uneventful and the skin alteration was evanescent at the first follow-up consultation. The authors call attention to the association of AN with RC

    Evaluation of this temporomandibular joint space when using different occlusal splints by cone beam computerized tomography : a case report

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    Introduction: An occlusal splint is a removable, reversible, non-invasive device made of acrylic, used to promote a harmonious occlusal contact. It is part of an arsenal of therapeutic modalities used in the treatment of Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorders. However, its mechanisms of action remain controversial. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain its efficiency, such as: repositioning of the condyle or disk; reduction of the masticatory electromyographic activity; change of harmful oral habits; increase of the intra-articular space reducing the overload on the TMJ. Case presentation: This case report aims to demonstrate the changes in TMJ spaces, assessed by Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBTC) scans, in a patient with indication to use occlusal splints. She was submitted to occlusal splints of 1 and 3 mm which were used during CBTC acquisition. The measures of the joint spaces with and without splints were compared by image software that shows an alteration of the upper, anterior, posterior, medial and lateral joint spaces. The 3 mm plate promoted an initial translation of condyle. Conclusion: The thicknesses of 3 and 1 mm promoted different joint space variations. The use of different thicknesses enables the individualization of the treatment for different pathologies affecting the TMJ.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modelagem da perda de solo por erosão hídrica em Planossolo Háplico / Modeling of soil loss by water erosion in Haplic Planosol

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    A utilização de terras agrícolas para a produção de alimentos, tem promovido transformações de ecossistemas naturais em ambientes agricultáveis. O objetivo do trabalho foi estimar a perda de solo por erosão hídrica em diferentes períodos de séries provisórias, através do método da Equação Universal de Perda de Solo (USLE), em um Planossolo Háplico, localizado em Serra Talhada, PE, Brasil. A série de dados de 1996-2015 apresentou dois anos com precipitação pluvial muito abaixo da média anual, entretanto de 2003-2011 os valores anuais foram acima da média. A perda de solo foi estimada de 1996 a 2015, sendo subdividido em quatro períodos, P1 (1996-2015), P2 (2001-2015), P3 (2006-2015) e P4 (2011-2015). As maiores perdas de solo foram constadas no P3 com 5,03 Mg ha-1 ano-1, enquanto que os menores valores foram encontrados no P1 com 3,88 Mg ha-1 ano-1. A aplicação do método da USLE foi satisfatória e permitiu hierarquizar as perdas de solo em função dos períodos preestabelecidos para o município de Serra Talhada, PE

    Acanthosis Nigricans associated with clear-cell renal cell carcinoma

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    Acanthosis nigricans (AN), an entity recognized since the 19th century, is a dermatopathy associated with insulin-resistant conditions, endocrinopathies, drugs, chromosome abnormalities and neoplasia. The latter, also known as malignant AN, is mostly related to abdominal neoplasms. Malignant AN occurs frequently among elderly patients. In these cases, the onset is subtle, and spreading involves the flexural regions of the body, particularly the axillae, palms, soles, and mucosa. Gastric adenocarcinoma is the most frequent associated neoplasia, but many others have been reported. Renal cell carcinoma (RCC), although already reported, is rarely associated with malignant AN. The authors report the case of a woman who was being treated for depression but presented a long-standing and marked weight loss, followed by darkening of the neck and the axillary regions. Physical examination disclosed a tumoral mass in the left flank and symmetrical, pigmented, velvety, verrucous plaques on both axillae, which is classical for AN. The diagnostic work-up disclosed a huge renal mass, which was resected and further diagnosed as a RCC. The post-operative period was uneventful and the skin alteration was evanescent at the first follow-up consultation. The authors call attention to the association of AN with RC

    Aspectos morfológicos dos órgãos genitais femininos do gambá (Didelphis sp.)

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    Eight reproductive systems of opossum females of had been collected (Didelphis sp). Five, had been destined to macrocospic study and three to the microscopical study. These animals were died and fixeded in the Department of Anatomy of the UNIfeob, with formaldehyde 10% from Araçatuba scientific creator - IBAMA. For macrocospic analysis, the reproductive systems had been removed, keeping to its positions "in situ" and were carried through the photographic documentation for macrocospic results. For the microscopical study, the reproductive system was processed routinely by the technique of inclusion in similar of paraffin and cut with 5µm thickness, and the cuts had been stained in HE, Toluidin blue, Picrosirius, PAS (periodic acid Shiff reaction) and tricromo de Masson16, 17. The feminine reproductive system of the opossum was compose for two ovaries, double uterus, two lateral vagins and between these a pseudovaginal canal, these three structures if they join forming the urogenital sinus locking up in a "pubic mount" or genital tubercle, forming an internal common opening to the anus and vulva, call of pseudocloaca or urogenital sinus. Microscopically the ovarios were functional with mono and poliovulares follicles. The uterine tube was characteristic, coated for ciliad prismatic epithelium. The uterine horns had presented epithelium of ciliad prismatic covering. The urogenital sinus presented three tubular structures. Vulva presented the same characteristics of the skin.Foram coletados oito sistemas reprodutores de fêmeas de gambás (Didelphis sp). Destes cinco, foram destinados ao estudo macroscópico e três ao estudo microscópico. Estes animais encontravam-se fixados no Departamento de Anatomia da UNIfeob, em formaldeído a 10%, provenientes do Criatório Científico de Araçatuba (IBAMA). Para análise macroscópica, os sistemas reprodutores foram retirados, guardando-se as devidas posições "in situ" e foi realizada a documentação fotográfica para resultados macroscópicos. Para o estudo microscópico, o sistema reprodutor foi processado rotineiramente pela técnica de inclusão em Paraplast e cortadas em micrótomo, com espessura média de 5 mm, e os cortes foram corados em HE, Azul de Toluidina, Picrosírius, PAS e tricromo de Masson16,17 . O sistema reprodutor feminino do gambá era composto por dois ovários, útero duplo, duas vaginas laterais e entre estas um canal pseudovaginal, estas três estruturas se unem formando o seio urogenital encerrando em um "monte" púbico ou tubérculo genital, formando uma abertura comum interna ao ânus e a vulva, chamada de pseudocloaca ou seio urogenital. Microscopicamente os ovários eram funcionais com folículos mono e poliovulares. A tuba uterina era característica, revestida por epitélio prismático ciliado. Os cornos uterinos apresentaram epitélio de revestimento prismático ciliado. O seio urogenital apresentou três estruturas tubulares. A vulva apresentou as mesmas características da pele