88 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Potensi Desa Wisata Buayan Kecamatan Buayan Kabupaten Kebumen melalui Media Sosial

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    Community Service Program (KKN) is the real evidence of the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely in the aspect of community service. Through KKN activities in Buayan Village, it is hoped that there will be synergy between universities and the community as a form of community empowerment towards a post-Covid-19 pandemic based on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The purpose of this activity is to help increase the understanding and ability of Bina Sejahtera Buayan village-owned enterprise (BUMDes) managers in promoting the potential of tourism villages through social media. In addition, this activity is also expected to expand the promotion of top products of the village so that they can support village tourism and increase the village’s original income (PADes). Community service activities based on the KKN work program are carried out offline by providing digital branding training to village officials and BUMDes managers in promoting and publicizing the tourism potential of Langen Ujung Baths in Buayan Village, Buayan District, Kebumen Regency. In addition, visits and assistance are also carried out to promote UMKM products through social media to support the existence of this tourist village


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    Tea production in Indonesia is experiencing fluctuations. These conditions cause losses, so the company needs to handle the risks that occur. This study aims to analyze the risk level of black tea production, the incidence and risk agents as well as the risk management strategy of black tea production. This research was conducted in September-October 2021 at PTPN IV Bah Butong, Simalungun Regency. Location determination is carried out purposively with consideration as a producer of tea production. The research method used is a case study. The sampling method uses judgement sampling. Observation and interview data collection techniques. Data analysis using the Coefficient of Variation (CV) and the House of Risk (HoR) method. The results showed that the risk at PTPN IV Bah Butong was relatively high with a CV of 22.46% and fluctuating. The identification results found 8 risk events, namely fluctuation of tea production, quantity and quality tea leaves is low, tea leaves are scattered, low quantity and quality dry tea, delays in the production process, there are weeds and twigs, as well as 16 sources of risk, namely extreme weather, leaves attacked by pests, attacks of smallpox and helopeltis, pest management diseases are less than optimal, less attention to the picking cycle, limited fertilizer and application delays, non-uniform harvesting, less clean leaf sorting, insufficient withering, human error, scattered dry tea, malfunctions of the hauling machine, picking and transportation. The identification results found 8 handling strategies to minimize losses due to emerging risks


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    Proses pembuatan tahu yang lebih rumit dan memiliki tingkat kegagalan yang lebih tinggi dibanding tempe. Namun laba kotor usaha pembuatan tahu yang lebih rendah daripada tempe membuat industri tahu menarik untuk diteliti. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat risiko dan prioritas penanganan risiko produksi pada industri tahu di Kabupaten Grobogan, Jawa Tengah. Penelitian sensus ini dilakukan di Kabupaten Grobogan, Jawa Tengah pada Desember 2019 - Januari 2020. Data primer diperoleh dengan wawancara terstruktur dan pengamatan langsung kepada 57 pengrajin tahu di Kabupaten Grobogan. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah koefisien varians (KV) untuk mengetahui tingkat risiko dan Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) untuk mengetahui potensi kegagalan dalam proses produksi dan menentukan prioritas penanganannya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa industri tahu di Kabupaten Grobogan menghadapi risiko produksi yang cukup tinggi dengan nilai KV sebesar 36% yang disebabkan oleh 12 jenis sumber risiko. Kurangnya ketersediaan air bersih, kualitas bahan baku yang rendah, dan proses penggumpalan yang tidak sempurna menjadi sumber risiko yang perlu mendapat prioritas dalam penanganan risiko. Strategi yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi risiko pada produksi tahu antara lain mengadakan tandon air dan penjernih air, menjalin kerjasama dengan kelompok tani kedelai atau KOPTI, meningkatkan kebersihan, menerapkan SOP, meningkatkan pengawasan terhadap pekerja, pemeriksaan dan perawatan mesin secara berkala, serta mendekatkan tempat perebusan santan tahu dengan cetakannya

    Willingness to pay of the native chicken eggs in urban supermarket: evidence from Semarang, Indonesia

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    Urban people show a certain preference in consuming native chicken eggs products.  This research aims to identify market segmentation and analyze willingness to pay (WTP) for consumers of native chicken eggs. The research was conducted at four places in the supermarket in Semarang city.  Respondents as many as 100 people were selected using an accidental sampling method. Data were analyzed by descriptive and Contingent Valuation Method (CVM). The results show that consumer market segmentation can explain the analysis of WTP. Marked characteristics of consumers of the native chicken egg include in between 25-50 years old (50%), female (89%), go shopping as family motivation (70%), and purchasing once a week (85%).  87% of respondents show the WTP in the range of 5 to 20% above the existing price. The maximum WTP is 23.45 thousand rupiahs per pack. The highest of maximum WTP found in rattan packaging in Superindo is 26.79 thousand rupiahs per pack. The highest WTP aggregation value is found in Gelael with mica packaging at the 373 thousand rupiahs.  Furthermore, supermarkets can contribute to apply quality standards for native chicken eggs, and protect the interests of consumers.JEL Classification:  D12, Q02; Q1


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    One of the goals of national development is the achievement of national food security. The AUTP program is expected to be able to help rice farmers by making farmers independent, not only dependent on assistance programs so that the AUTP program is also able to achieve farmer independence. There are still many obstacles and problems in implementing AUTP, such as farmers who do not fully understand the benefits of the insurance program, limited human resources so that the possibility of socialization to farmers is not optimal. The purpose of this researcher is to formulate a strategy for developing the AUTP program in Kudus Regency. To formulate priority strategies in increasing the participation of the AUTP program in Kudus Regency. The analysis used includes SWOT and AHP by determining the respondents purposively. The results of the SWOT analysis research show that the SO strategy is to support aggressive and alternative growth, the priority strategy that must be implemented is cheap farmer premium facilities, so that it is not burdensome in terms of financial


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    ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk 1) menganalisis pendapatan peternak sapi potong 2) menganalisis kelayakan finansial usaha penggemukan sapi potong. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 30 Oktober 2018 sampai dengan 3 Desember 2018 di Desa Polosiri, Kecamatan Bawen, Kabupaten Semarang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah survei dengan penentuan sampel secara purposive sebanyak 64 responden. Metode analisis data menggunakan perhitungan pendapatan dan analisis kelayakan finansial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pendapatan bersih yang diperoleh peternak sapi potong di Desa Polosiri pada tahun 2016 sebesar Rp 4.536.724,01,-, tahun 2017 sebesar Rp 5.130.495,32,- dan tahun 2018 sebesar Rp 5.020.790,40,-. Analisis kelayakan finansial dengan discount factor 14%/tahun diperoleh ROI sebesar 47,42%, NPV sebesar Rp 1.929.189,98,-, B/C Ratio yang dihasilkan adalah 1,19, IRR sebesar 24,66% serta Payback Period lebih cepat dari umur usaha yang dijalankan yaitu 29,67 bulan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa usaha penggemukan sapi potong di Desa Polosiri layak untuk dikembangkan. Kata Kunci: kelayakan, penggemukan, peternak, sapi potong


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung pendapatan usahatani salak pondoh, menganalisis potensi produksi dan potensi pengembangan komoditas salak pondoh di Kecamatan Banjarmangu Kabupaten Banjarnegara. Penelitian dilaksanakan Bulan November hingga Desember 2017. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah survey, pengambilan sampel dilakukan menggunakan metode multistage random sampling dengan mengambil Desa Pekandangan dan Desa Sipedang di Kecamatan Banjarmangu yang paling banyak mengusahakan tanaman salak. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 80 responden yang terdiri dari 60 responden petani salak pada analisis pendapatan, 20 responden dalam analisis SWOT yang terdiri dari 6 dinas pemerintah, 10 petani salak, dan 4 pedagang. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis pendapatan, analisis LQ dan analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendapatan petani salak pondoh sebesar Rp 4.964.615/bulan. Produksi salak pondoh pada periode 2012 – 2016 merupakan komditas basis dengan nilai LQ > 1. Hasil analisis SWOT menunjukkan bahwa skor pada matrik IFE 2,97 dan matrik EFE menunjukkan skor sebesar 2,76. Skor tersebut menunjukkan potensi pengembangan komoditas salak di Kecamatan Banjarmangu berada pada kuadran 1 yang menunjukkan bahwa komoditas salak pondoh memiliki kekuatan internal untuk memanfaatkan peluang yang ada. Kata kunci: basis, pengembangan, potensi, salak pondoh

    Willingness to Pay of The Native Chicken Eggs in Supermarkets in Semarang city

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    This research aims to identify market segmentation and analyze willingness to pay (WTP) for consumers of native chicken eggs. The research was conducted at four places in the supermarket in Semarang city. Respondents as many as 100 people selected using an accidental sampling method. Data were analyzed by descriptive and Contingent Valuation Method (CVM). The results show that consumer market segmentation can explain the analysis of WTP. Marked characteristics of consumers of the native chicken egg include in between 25-50 years old (50%), female (89%), go shopping as family motivation (70%), and purchasing once a week (85%). 87% of respondents show the WTP in the range of 5% to 20% above the existing price. The maximum WTP is 23.45 thousand rupiahs per pack (@ 6 eggs). The highest of maximum WTP found in rattan packaging in Superindo supermarket is 26.79 thousand rupiahs per pack. The highest aggregate WTP value is found in Gelael with mica packaging at the 373 thousand rupiahs. Furthermore, supermarkets can contribute to applying quality standards for native chicken eggs, and protect the interests of consumers. Keywords: CVM; native chicken eggs; modern market; willingness to pa
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