4,322 research outputs found

    El origen de los estudios modernos sobre Periodismo y Literatura en España: el aporte fundacional de la Gaceta de la Prensa Española (1942-1972) .

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    Este artículo demuestra que, de 1942 a 1972, los principales aportes sobre las conexiones periodístico-literarias se plasmaron en la Gaceta de la Prensa Española, una revista corporativa editada por la franquista Delegación Nacional de Prensa, donde colaboraron periodistas, escritores y académicos interesados en reflexionar sobre la actividad informativa. El presente trabajo intenta llenar un vacío en los estudios relacionados con la mixtura entre el Periodismo y la Literatura en España, pues, de los años cuarenta a los setenta del siglo XX, poco o nada se publicó sobre ese maridaje en los manuales de Redacción Periodística. Se rescatan así esos aportes aún no documentados por la tradición

    Inference of mixed information in Formal Concept Analysis

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    Negative information can be considered twofold: by means of a negation operator or by capturing the absence of information. In this second approach, a new framework have to be developed: from the syntax to the semantics, including the management of such generalized knowledge representation. In this work we traverse all these issues in the framework of formal concept analysis, introducing a new set of inference rules to manage mixed (positive and negative) attributes.TIN2014-59471-P of the Science and Innovation Ministry of Spain, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). UNIVERSIDAD DE MÁLAGA. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Multimodal variational autoencoder for inverse problems in geophysics: application to a 1-D magnetotelluric problem

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    Estimating subsurface properties from geophysical measurements is a common inverse problem. Several Bayesian methods currently aim to find the solution to a geophysical inverse problem and quantify its uncertainty. However, most geophysical applications exhibit more than one plausible solution. Here, we propose a multimodal variational autoencoder model that employs a mixture of truncated Gaussian densities to provide multiple solutions, along with their probability of occurrence and a quantification of their uncertainty. This autoencoder is assembled with an encoder and a decoder, where the first one provides a mixture of truncated Gaussian densities from a neural network, and the second is the numerical solution of the forward problem given by the geophysical approach. The proposed method is illustrated with a 1-D magnetotelluric inverse problem and recovers multiple plausible solutions with different uncertainty quantification maps and probabilities that are in agreement with known physical observations.PDC2021-121093-I00 IA4TE

    Crystal Nucleation by Laser-Induced Cavitation\ud

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    High-speed and high-resolution photography have been used to investigate the relationship between creation, expansion, and collapse of a vapor cavity induced by a 6 ns laser pulse and the subsequent nucleation of crystals. A thin layer of supersaturated aqueous solutions of (NH4)2SO4 and KMnO4 was confined between two glass plates with a separation of 50 and 100 μm. The expansion and collapse of the laser-induced vapor bubble occurred over a total time scale of 200 μs, while the first identifiable crystal appears one second after the laser pulse. Crystals were observed to form on a ring with a diameter of 70 μm centered in the focal point of the laser. The ring is preceded by an optical disturbance observed through the cavity around 30–50 μs after the laser pulse and vapor cavity formation. This ring-shaped optical disturbance originates from changes in refractive index induced by crystal nuclei formation. The formation of the nuclei most probably coincides with the formation of the bubble, when the rate of evaporation and the supersaturation are at their maxima. Apparently, it takes the nuclei around 30–50 μs to grow to a particle size with a visible optical disturbanc

    Maximum Parsimony Phylogenetic Inference Using Simulated Annealing

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    Coastal warming under climate change: Global, faster and heterogeneous

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISUGThe assessment of expected changes in coastal sea surface temperature (SST) on a global scale is becoming increasingly important due to the growing pressure on coastal ecosystems caused by climate change. To achieve this objective, 17 Global Climate Models from CMIP6 were used, with data from historical and hist-1950 experiments spanning 1982–2050. This analysis highlights significant warming of coastal areas worldwide, with higher and more variable rates of warming than observed in previous decades. All basins are projected to experience an increase in coastal SST near 1 °C by mid-century, with some regions exhibiting nearshore SST anomalies exceeding 2 °C for the period 2031–2050 relative to 1995–2014. Regarding the Eastern Upwelling Boundary Systems, only the Canary upwelling system and the southern part of the Humboldt upwelling system manage to show lower-than-average SST warming rates, maintaining, to a certain extent, their ability to buffer global warmingXunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2021/44Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B-2021-108Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UIDP/50017/2020Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UIDB/50017/2020Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y Xunta de Galicia | Ref. PRTR-C17·I1Ministerio de Ciencia e Investigación | Ref. TED2021-129524B-I0

    Estudio sobre las propiedades mecánicas de cementos óseos preparados con metacrilatos funcionalizados

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    Los cementos óseos son materiales poliméricos que se utilizan con el objeto de fijar prótesis metálicas. Han estado en el mercado por casi 40 años desde que Sir John Charnley propuso su uso en ortopedia. Los cementos óseos convencionales exhiben altos calores de reacción, alta contracción y un elevado contenido de monómero residual; estas propiedades se traducen en un comportamiento mecánico inadecuado y finalmente en el aflojamiento de la prótesis. Nuevas formulaciones hacen uso de activadores de baja toxicidad, monómeros de bajo calor de reacción y cerámicos bioactivos para mejorar la biocompatibilidad. En este trabajo reportamos el uso de mezclas de metacrilato de metilo con ácido metacrílico (MAA) o dietil amino etil metacrilato (DEAEMA) en la síntesis de cementos óseos. Tiempos de curado y propiedades en tensión, compresión y flexión son reportadas en muestras sin y con acondicionamiento en fluido corporal simulado. Tiempos de curado cortos fueron observados en cementos preparados con MAA mientras que tiempos largos fueron obtenidos en muestras que contenían DEAEMA. Los ensayos mecánicos mostraron un aumento en la resistencia a la compresión y flexión en aquellos cementos que contenían ácido metacrílico comparada con la exhibida por los cementos preparados sin comonómero. Elevadas temperaturas de transición vítrea fueron asociadas a este comportamiento. Los cementos óseos preparados con DEAEMA en altas concentraciones presentaron una resistencia a la tensión, flexión y compresión menor a la obtenida con el cemento preparado sin comonómero. En general, las propiedades mecánicas exhibidas por estos cementos experimentales fueron comparables a las propiedades de cementos óseos comerciales disponibles en México. Sin embargo, las muestras acondicionadas en fluido corporal simulado presentaron una reducción en sus propiedades después de 3 meses de acondicionamiento. Pese a esto, el valor mínimo de resistencia a la compresión sugerido para su uso como cemento óseos (70 MPa) fue cumplido en todas las formulaciones excepto en aquellas preparadas con DEAEMA en altas concentraciones.Peer Reviewe

    Thermomechanical processing of steels

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    The combination of hot working technologies with a thermal path, under controlled conditions (i.e., thermomechanical processing) provides opportunities to achieve required mechanical properties at lower costs. The replacement of conventional rolling plus post-rolling heat treatments by integrated controlled forming and cooling strategies implies important reductions in energy consumption, increases in productivity and more compact facilities in the steel industry. The metallurgical challenges that this integration implies, though, are relevant and impressive developments that have been achieved over the last 40 years. The development of new steel grades and processing technologies devoted to thermomechanically-processed products is increasing and their implementation is being expended to higher value added products and applications