1,051 research outputs found

    Processing and characterization of glass-ceramic foams belonging to the Li2O-ZrO2-Al2O3-SiO2 (LZSA) system produced by gelcasting

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    In this work the viscosimetry technique was used to evaluate the rheological characteristics of ceramic suspensions prepared with a LZSA (Li2O-ZrO2-SiO2-Al2O3) glass. From the rheological characterization it was possible to establish optimized conditions of solid fraction, dispersant, organic monomers and foaming agent for the production of glass-ceramic foams by gelcasting. The resulting foams were subjected to heattreatments at 200-500ºC/60 min, for degradation of organics and at 950ºC/60 min for sintering and crystallization. With the obtained porous ceramic bodies linear thermal shrinkage, apparent density and mechanical strength measurements as well as microstructural analysis were performed. The adaptation of the rheological characteristics of the LZSA parent glass powder with the gelcasting processing technique allowed the production of ceramic foams with high open and interconnected porosity (>90%) with good thermal stability and with mechanical strength suitable for the production of porous ceramics.Neste trabalho, a técnica de viscosimetria foi utilizada para avaliar as características reológicas de suspensões preparadas com precursor vitrocerâmico do sistema LZSA (Li2O-ZrO2-SiO2-Al2O3). A partir da caracterização reológica, foi possível estabelecer condições composicionais adequadas de fração de sólidos, dispersante e monômeros orgânicos. A quantidade de agente espumante para produção de espumas vitrocerâmicas por gelcasting foi determinada pela variação volumétrica após agitação. As espumas resultantes foram submetidas a tratamentos térmicos no intervalo de temperatura compreendido entre 200 e 500ºC/60 min, para degradação da matéria orgânica e a 950ºC/60 min para sinterização e cristalização. Com os corpos cerâmicos porosos foram realizadas medidas de retração térmica, densidade aparente, análise microestrutural e resistência mecânica. A adequação das características reológicas do precursor LZSA por gelcasting permitiu a produção de espumas com elevada porosidade (> 90%) aberta e interconectada com boa estabilidade térmica e com resistência mecânica compatível com cerâmicas [email protected]@[email protected]@emc.ufsc.brUniversidade Federal de Santa Catarina Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Engenharia de MateriaisCentro Universitário Barriga Verde - UNIBAVEUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Ciência e TecnologiaUNIFESP, Depto. de Ciência e TecnologiaSciEL

    A novel approach to Isoscaling: the role of the order parameter m = (N-Z)/A

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    Isoscaling is derived within a recently proposed modified Fisher model where the free energy near the critical point is described by the Landau O(m^6) theory. In this model m = (N-Z)/A is the order parameter, a consequence of (one of) the symmetries of the nuclear Hamiltonian. Within this framework we show that isoscaling depends mainly on this order parameter through the 'external (conjugate) field' H. The external field is just given by the difference in chemical potentials of the neutrons and protons of the two sources. To distinguish from previously employed isoscaling relationships, this approach is dubbed: m - scaling. We discuss the relationship between this framework and the standard isoscaling formalism and point out some substantial differences in interpretation of experimental results which might result. These should be investigated further both theoretically and experimentally.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Properties of excited A=40 nuclear systems with varying matter composition

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    There exists an intriguing problem when bosonic clusters as bound states of fermions are produced in the reaction, and the Bose character of the composite clusters competes with the fermionic properties of their constituents. In the analysis of Ca-40+Ca-40 reactions at 35MeV/A we selected classes of projectile-like sources with exit channels consisting of only bosons, only fermions, only even-even nuclei, only odd-odd nuclei, only even-odd nuclei and only alpha-conjugate nuclei, respectively and searched for kinematic characteristics of these systems which might differ depending upon the type of matter selected. The distributions of various observables for the different classes of matter and comparisons between them will be presented and discussed

    Transverse momentum dependence in gluon distribution and fragmentation functions

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    We investigate the twist two gluon distribution functions for spin 1/2 hadrons, emphasizing intrinsic transverse momentum of the gluons. These functions are relevant in leading order in the inverse hard scale in scattering processes such as inclusive leptoproduction or Drell-Yan scattering, or more general in hard processes in which at least two hadrons are involved. They show up in azimuthal asymmetries. For future estimates of such observables, we discuss specific bounds on these functions.Comment: 14 pages, revtex, 7 Postscript figure

    Effects of α-tocopherol and ternatin antioxidants on morphology and activation of goat preantral follicles in vitro cultured

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    Os efeitos do α-tocoferol e da ternatina sobre morfologia, ativação e crescimento de folículos pré-antrais caprinos cultivados in vitro, por um ou cinco dias, foram avaliados. Os fragmentos ovarianos foram imediatamente fixados (controle não-cultivado) ou cultivados in vitro, por um ou cinco dias, em Meio Essencial Mínimo (MEM) com ou sem suplementação com α-tocoferol ou ternatina nas concentrações de 5, 10 ou 15M, formando os tratamentos MEM, TOC5, TOC10, TOC 15, TER5, TER10, TER15. O percentual de folículos pré-antrais normais no controle não-cultivado foi de 73,2%, depois de cinco dias de cultivo, houve redução desse percentual em todos os tratamentos, quando comparados com o controle não-cultivado (P<0,05). O cultivo por cinco dias aumentou a ativação folicular em todos os tratamentos (P<0,05). A análise ultra-estrutural não mostrou folículos pré-antrais íntegros após cinco dias de cultivo em meio contendo antioxidantes. Concluiu-se que o α -tocoferol e a ternatina podem promover a ativação folicular, no entanto a adição desses antioxidantes nas concentrações testadas reduziu a viabilidade folicular após o cultivo in vitro. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe effects of α-tocopherol and ternatin on the morphology, activation, and growth of goat preantral follicles in vitro cultured, for one or five days, were evaluated. Ovarian fragments were immediately fixed (non-cultured control) or in vitro cultured for one or five days in Minimum Essential Medium (MEM) with or without α-tocopherol or ternatin supplementation, both at concentrations of 5, 10, or 15M, corresponding to the following treatments: MEM, TOC5, TOC10, TOC 15, TER5, TER10, and TER15. The percentages of morphologically normal preantral follicles in non-cultured ovarian tissue (control) was 73.2% and after five days of culture, there was a decrease on these percentages in all treatments (P<0.05) when compared with non-cultured control. Culture of ovarian cortex for five days increased the percentages of follicular activation in all treatments (P<0.05). Ultrastructural analysis did not confirm the integrity of caprine preantral follicles cultured for five days in medium containing antioxidants. This study demonstrated that α-tocopherol and ternatin can promote follicular activation; however, addition of these antioxidants in the tested concentrations reduced the follicular viability after in vitro culture

    Histological and ultrastructural feature and nitrite production of caprine preantral follicles in vitro cultured in the presence or absence of serum

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    Avaliou-se o efeito da adição de diferentes tipos e concentrações de soro sobre o desenvolvimento e a sobrevivência de folículos ovarianos pré-antrais (FOPA) caprinos in vitro. Além disso, verificou-se a relação entre as concentrações de nitrito presentes no meio de cultivo e a viabilidade folicular. Cada par ovariano foi dividido em 29 fragmentos, sendo um destinado ao controle. Os fragmentos foram cultivados por um ou sete dias em meio essencial mínimo suplementado (MEM+) ou MEM+ com diferentes concentrações (10 ou 20%) de soro fetal bovino (SFB), soro de cabra em estro (SCE) ou soro de cabra em diestro (SCD). Na análise morfológica após sete dias, apenas o tratamento com 10% de SFB apresentou percentual de FOPA normais similar ao MEM+ (P>0,05). A análise ultra-estrutural dos folículos cultivados por sete dias com MEM+ ou MEM+ com 10% de SFB mostrou danos oocitários, porém células da granulosa normais. A análise do meio de cultivo revelou correlação positiva entre a viabilidade folicular e a produção de nitrito. A suplementação com soro não melhorou a viabilidade de FOPA e a concentração de nitrito no meio de cultivo funcionou como um indicador da viabilidade das células da granulosa de FOPA caprinos cultivados in vitro. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe effect of the addition of different types and concentrations of sera on the viability and development of caprine preantal follicles (PAF) in vitro cultured was analyzed. In addition, it was evaluated the correlation between nitrite concentrations in culture medium and folicular viability. Each ovarian pair was divided in 29 fragments and one was used as control. The fragments were cultured for one or seven days in minimal essential medium (MEM+) or MEM+ with different concentrations of (10 or 20%) bovine fetal serum (BFS), estrous goat serum (EGS), or diestrous goat serum (DGS). After seven days, the morphological analysis showed that only the treatment with 10% BFS maintained the percentage of normal PAF similar to MEM+ (P>0.05). The ultrastructural analysis of follicles cultured for seven days in MEM+ or MEM+ with 10% BFS showed some oocyte damage, although the granulosa cells were normal. Analysis of culture medium revealed a positive correlation between follicular viability and nitrite production. Supplementation with serum did not improve the viability of PAF and nitrite levels in culture medium served as an indicator of viability of granulose cells from caprine PAF in vitro cultured

    Slow freezing versus vitrification for the cryopreservation of zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian tissue.

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    The aim of the present study was to compare the efficiency of vitrification and slow freezing techniques for the cryopreservation of zebrafish ovarian tissue containing immature follicles. In Experiment 1, assessment of cell membrane integrity by trypan blue exclusion staining was used to select the best cryoprotectant solution for each cryopreservation method. Primary growth (PG) oocytes showed the best percentage of membrane integrity (63.5 ± 2.99%) when SF4 solution (2 M methanol + 0.1 M trehalose + 10% egg yolk solution) was employed. The vitrification solution, which presented the highest membrane integrity (V2; 1.5 M methanol + 5.5 M Me2SO + 0.5 M sucrose + 10% egg yolk solution) was selected for Experiment 2. Experiment 2 aimed to compare the vitrification and slow freezing techniques in the following parameters: morphology, oxidative stress, mitochondrial activity, and DNA damage. Frozen ovarian tissue showed higher ROS levels and lower mitochondrial activity than vitrified ovarian tissue. Ultrastructural observations of frozen PG oocytes showed rupture of the plasma membrane, loss of intracellular contents and a large number of damaged mitochondria, while vitrified PG oocytes had intact mitochondria and cell plasma membranes. We conclude that vitrification may be more effective than slow freezing for the cryopreservation of zebrafish ovarian tissue

    Temperature and density of hot decaying 40Ca and 28Si

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    By means of quantum-fluctuation analysis techniques, temperatures and local partial densities of bosonic and fermionic fragments produced in the decay of hot 40Ca and 28Si projectile-like sources produced in mid-peripheral collisionsat sub-Fermi energies have been obtained. The used method treats bosonic and fermionic fragments differently. The purpose of such treatment is to trace important quantum effects such as fermion quenching or Bose-Einstein Condensation (BEC) in nuclei
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