417 research outputs found

    Changes in parents' and self-reports of behavioral problems in Brazilian adolescents after behavioral treatment with urine alarm for nocturnal enuresis

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    PURPOSE: Compare parents' reports of youth problems (PRYP) with adolescent problems self-reports (APSR) pre/post behavioral treatment of nocturnal enuresis (NE) based on the use of a urine alarm. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Adolescents (N = 19) with mono-symptomatic (primary or secondary) nocturnal enuresis group treatment for 40 weeks. Discharge criterion was established as 8 weeks with consecutive dry nights. PRYP and APSR were scored by the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and Youth Self-Report (YSR). RESULTS: Pre-treatment data: 1) Higher number of clinical cases based on parent report than on self-report for Internalizing Problems (IP) (13/19 vs. 4/19), Externalizing Problems (EP) (7/19 vs. 5/19) and Total Problem (TP) (11/19 vs. 5/19); 2) Mean PRYP scores for IP (60.8) and TP (61) were within the deviant range (T score ≥ 60); while mean PRYP scores for EP (57.4) and mean APSR scores (IP = 52.4, EP = 49.5, TP = 52.4) were within the normal range. Difference between PRYP' and APSR' scores was significant. Post treatment data: 1) Discharge for majority of the participants (16/19); 2) Reduction in the number of clinical cases on parental evaluation: 9/19 adolescents remained within clinical range for IP, 2/19 for EP, and 7/19 for TP. 3) All post-treatment mean scores were within the normal range; the difference between pre and post evaluation scores was significant for PRYP. CONCLUSIONS: The behavioral treatment based on the use of urine alarm is effective for adolescents with mono-symptomatic (primary and secondary) nocturnal enuresis. The study favors the hypothesis that enuresis is a cause, not a consequence, of other behavioral problems.FAPESPCNPqUS

    Purple passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. edulis): a comprehensive review on the nutritional value, phytochemical profile and associated health effects

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    Passiflora is a highly diverse genus where taxonomic lack of consensus remains. This may be the reason why numerous studies do not specify to the infraspecific level the plant material used or lack consistency in the nomenclature of botanical formae of Passiflora edulis. Ultimately, this may contribute to inaccurate chemical composition and health effects attributed to different Passiflora edulis species and formae. Hence, this review aims to overcome these challenges by exploring the phytochemical profile, specific nutritional value and potential health benefits of purple passion fruit (PPF). PPF is often consumed fresh for its pulp (including seeds) or juice, either directly or added to food dishes. It is also used industrially to produce a wide range of products, where peels and seeds are abundant by-products, most often discarded or used in low-value applications. Herein, in a perspective of integral valorisation of the fruit, the potential use of all PPF fractions (peel, pulp and seeds) is discussed as a source of important macro and micronutrients, adequate to integrate a balanced and healthy diet. In addition, the phytochemical profile of such fractions is also discussed along with the associated in vitro biological activities (antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal) and in vivo beneficial effects in the management of several diseases (asthma, hypertension, osteoarthritis, diabetes and pulmonary fibrosis). In summary, this review gathers the current knowledge on the nutritional and phytochemical composition of PPF and highlights the potential of using all fractions as a source of ingredients in food formulations that promote health and well-being. At the same time, it also contributes to defining sustainable strategies for an integrated valorisation of this natural product.publishe

    Polymer single screw extruder optimization using tchebycheff scalarization method and simulated annealing algorithm

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    The single screw extrusion optimal design involves the optimization of six criteria that can be efficiently handled by a weighted Tchebycheff scalarization method. The performance of the method has been analyzed for three different methods to generate weight vectors. The experimental results show that the tested strategies provide similar and reasonable solutions and supply a valuable procedure to identify good trade-offs between conflicting objectives.European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 734205- H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017. The work has also been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020, UIDB/00013/2020 and UIDP/00013/2020 of CMAT-U

    Single screw extrusion optimization using the tchebycheff scalarization method

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    The optimal design of a single screw extrusion (SSE) is a very difficult task since it deals with several conflicting performance indices. Past research to find the optimal SSE design has been successfully conducted by optimization procedures, in particular by multi-objective optimization. Problems with two or more objectives have been addressed by multi-objective evolutionary algorithms that search for the whole set of promising solutions in a single run. Our approach has been guided by the bi-objective optimization problems, using a methodology based on the weighted Tchebycheff scalarization function. The numerical results show that the proposed methodology is able to produce satisfactory results with physical meaning.This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020, UIDB/05256/2020 and UIDP/05256/2020, UIDB/00013/2020 and UIDP/00013/2020 of CMAT-UM, and the European project MSCA-RISE-2015, NEWEX, Reference 734205

    Thrombopenic purpura induced by a monoclonal antibody directed to a 35-kilodalton surface protein (p35) expressed on murine platelets and endothelial cells

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    OBJECTIVE: With the aim of obtaining monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against mouse endothelial surface antigens, immunization of rats with a mouse-derived endothelial cell line (PY4.1) and subsequent hybridoma production were performed. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One of the mAbs produced by hybridoma EOL5F5 was selected for its surface binding to endothelial cell lines, and identification of the mAb-recognized antigen was performed by immunoprecipitation. Experiments were performed to analyze the effects of EOL5F5 on systemic administration to mice. RESULTS: EOL5F5-recognized antigen was a single band of 35 kDa under reducing and nonreducing conditions, features that do not match other known differentiation antigens with comparable tissue distribution. In vivo administration of purified EOL5F5 mAb to mice (n = 20) induced intense cutaneous purpura as well as severe but transient thrombocytopenia. Expression of EOL5F5-recognized antigen was detected on platelets from which it immunoprecipitated a moiety of identical electrophoretic pattern in SDS-PAGE, as the one recognized on endothelial cells. Immunohistochemically, EOL5F5-recognized antigen (p35) also was expressed on dermal capillaries, suggesting that, in addition to thrombocytopenia, damaging effects of the antibody on endothelial cells also might cause the observed purpura. CONCLUSIONS: Our results show induction of thrombocytopenic purpura in mice with an mAb against a single antigenic determinant expressed on both platelets and endothelium. EOL5F5 mAb injection sets the stage for useful experimental models that resemble immune thrombocytopenic purpura

    Deposição atmosférica de poeira e níveis de elementos traço numa cidade industrial com clima mediterrânico

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    This study was performed to examine the influence of an industrial complex, and the high traffic volume associated with it, on the atmospheric dust deposition in a Mediterranean setting. The most frequently used device for collecting total atmospheric wet and dry deposition consists of a funnel connected to a receiving bottle. Two deposition collectors were placed in exterior areas of two schools (Escola Básica Visconde de Salreu and Escola Secundária de Estarreja) located a few km south from the industrial complex of Estarreja. Sample collection was performed from May 2018 to September 2018 on a monthly basis. Soluble untreated samples were analysed for electrical conductivity and anions by ion chromatography.The pseudo-total trace elements content in soluble and insoluble fractions of atmospheric dust deposition were determined by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (ICPMS). The results obtained suggest similar temporal variation patterns for the deposition flux of soluble copper and zinc and a distinct variation pattern for the atmospheric deposition of insoluble zinc.Este estudo foi realizado para examinar a influência de um complexo industrial, e o elevado volume de tráfego associado, na deposição de poeira atmosférica numa cidade com clima mediterrâneo. O dispositivo comumente utilizado para recolher a deposição atmosférica total consiste num sistema composto por um funil ligado a uma garrafa coletora. Dois sistemas foram colocados nas áreas exteriores de duas escolas (Escola Básica Visconde de Salreu e Escola Secundária de Estarreja) localizadas poucos quilómetros a sul do complexo industrial de Estarreja. A recolha de amostras foi realizada mensalmente de maio de 2018 a setembro de 2018. Nas amostras solúveis não tratadas foi determinada a condutividade elétrica bem como a concentração de alguns aniões por cromatografia iónica. O teor de elementos traço nas frações solúvel e insolúvel da deposição atmosférica de poeiras foi determinado por ICP-MS. Os resultados sugerem padrões de variação temporal semelhantes para o fluxo de deposição de cobre e zinco solúvel, e um padrão de variação distinto para fluxo de deposição do zinco insolúvel.publishe

    Severity of Ascites Is Associated with Increased Mortality in Patients with Cirrhosis Secondary to Biliary Atresia

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    Very few prior studies have investigated the presence of ascites as a prognostic factor in children with cirrhosis. To the best of our knowledge, there are no prior studies evaluating the relationship between severity of ascites and patient survival in children with biliary atresia and cirrhosis.Clinically detectable ascites is associated with decreased 1-year survival of children with biliary atresia. These patients should be treated with caution and prioritized for liver transplantation.Background Very few prior studies have investigated the presence of ascites as a prognostic factor in children with cirrhosis. To the best of our knowledge, there are no prior studies evaluating the relationship between severity of ascites and patient survival in children with biliary atresia and cirrhosis. Aims To evaluate the association between severity of ascites and survival of children with cirrhosis and biliary atresia. Methods All children with cirrhosis secondary to biliary atresia evaluated at our institution from 2000 to 2014 were included in this study. Patients were classified into four groups: NA = no ascites; A1 = grade 1 ascites; A2 = grade 2 ascites; and A3 = grade 3 ascites. The primary endpoint of the study was mortality within the first year after patient inclusion. Ninetyday mortality was also evaluated. Prognostic factors related to both endpoints also were studied. [...]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prevalence of constipation in Down syndrome and association with behavioral problems

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    Objetivo: Investigar hábitos intestinais de crianças, jovens e adultos com Síndrome de Down (SD) para identificação da prevalência de constipação intestinal e analisar possíveis relações entre constipação e problemas de comportamento. Métodos: Estudo descritivo, exploratório e comparativo. Participaram 130 pessoas com diagnóstico médico de SD, idades entre sete meses e 50 anos, sem cardiopatias não corrigidas ou doenças intestinais. A avaliação foi realizada com um questionário sobre hábitos intestinais, criado a partir dos Critérios de Roma IV e das recomendações fornecidas pela Organização Mundial de Gastroenterologia e outras Associações Médicas Norte-americanas e Europeias, Escala de Bristol e Questionário de Capacidades e Dificuldades (SDQ). Resultados: Verificou-se 43 participantes constipados (33,1%). A prevalência por faixa etária foi 47% (0-35 meses), 40% (3-5 anos), 22% (6-11 anos), 28% (12-19 anos) e 17% (> 20 anos), sem diferenças em função do sexo. Os participantes constipados obtiveram escores mais elevados para Hiperatividade, bem como maior frequência de escores desviantes para Problemas de Conduta e Problemas Totais. Conclusões: A constipação intestinal dentre as pessoas com SD apresentou maior prevalência nos participantes mais novos. A maior presença de problemas de comportamento dentre os constipados sugere que o funcionamento intestinal está relacionado com as dificuldades comportamentais.Objective: To investigate intestinal habits of children, adolescents and adults with Down Syndrome (DS) in order to identify the prevalence of intestinal constipation and to analyze possible relationships between constipation and behavior problems. Methods: Descriptive, exploratory and comparative study. Participated 130 people with medical diagnosis of DS, aged between seven months to fifty years old, without uncorrected heart diseases or diagnosed intestinal diseases. The assessment was conducted using a questionnaire on intestinal habits, based on the Rome IV criteria and on the recommendations provided by the World Gastroenterology Organization, and other North American and European Associations; Bristol Scale and Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Results: 43 constipated participants (33.1%). The prevalence rate by age group was 47% (0-35 months), 40% (3-5 years), 22% (6-11 years), 28% (12-19 years) e 17% (> 20 years), without any sex difference. Constipated participants obtained significantly higher scores on the SDQ Hyperactivity scale, as well as more deviant scores on the Conduct Problems and Total Problems scales. Conclusions: Constipation among people with DS was more prevalent in younger participants. The greater presence of behavior problems among constipated individuals suggests that intestinal functioning is related to behavioral difficulties

    A human postnatal lymphoid progenitor capable of circulating and seeding the thymus

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    Identification of a thymus-seeding progenitor originating from human bone marrow (BM) constitutes a key milestone in understanding the mechanisms of T cell development and provides new potential for correcting T cell deficiencies. We report the characterization of a novel lymphoid-restricted subset, which is part of the lineage-negative CD34+CD10+ progenitor population and which is distinct from B cell–committed precursors (in view of the absence of CD24 expression). We demonstrate that these Lin−CD34+CD10+CD24− progenitors have a very low myeloid potential but can generate B, T, and natural killer lymphocytes and coexpress recombination activating gene 1, terminal deoxynucleotide transferase, PAX5, interleukin 7 receptor α, and CD3ε. These progenitors are present in the cord blood and in the BM but can also be found in the blood throughout life. Moreover, they belong to the most immature thymocyte population. Collectively, these findings unravel the existence of a postnatal lymphoid-polarized population that is capable of migrating from the BM to the thymus

    Cholinergic Signaling Exerts Protective Effects in Models of Sympathetic Hyperactivity-Induced Cardiac Dysfunction

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    Cholinergic control of the heart is exerted by two distinct branches; the autonomic component represented by the parasympathetic nervous system, and the recently described non-neuronal cardiomyocyte cholinergic machinery. Previous evidence has shown that reduced cholinergic function leads to deleterious effects on the myocardium. Yet, whether conditions of increased cholinergic signaling can offset the pathological remodeling induced by sympathetic hyperactivity, and its consequences for these two cholinergic axes are unknown. Here, we investigated two models of sympathetic hyperactivity: i) the chronic beta-adrenergic receptor stimulation evoked by isoproterenol (ISO), and ii) the alpha(2A)/alpha(2C)-drenergic receptor knockout (KO) mice that lack pre-synaptic adrenergic receptors. In both models, cholinergic signaling was increased by administration of the cholinesterase inhibitor, pyridostigmine. First, we observed that isoproterenol produces an autonomic imbalance characterized by increased sympathetic and reduced parasympathetic tone. Under this condition transcripts for cholinergic proteins were upregulated in ventricular myocytes, indicating that non-neuronal cholinergic machinery is activated during adrenergic overdrive. Pyridostigmine treatment prevented the effects of ISO on autonomic function and on the ventricular cholinergic machinery, and inhibited cardiac remodeling. alpha(2A)/alpha(2C)-KO mice presented reduced ventricular contraction when compared to wild-type mice, and this dysfunction was also reversed by cholinesterase inhibition. Thus, the cardiac parasympathetic system and non-neuronal cardiomyocyte cholinergic machinery are modulated in opposite directions under conditions of increased sympathetic drive or ACh availability. Moreover, our data support the idea that pyridostigmine by restoring ACh availability is beneficial in heart disease
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