34 research outputs found

    SpecifiÄŤnost sporta: iznimci u sportu u pravu EU

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    The classical and still and ever current central (legal) question in the debate on the position of sport in the European Union is whether sport is “special”, whether it deserves specific treatment under European Law and to what extent and why. In other words should sport be exempted from the EC Treaty? It is the discussion on what is called in the jargon the “specificity of sport” and the “sporting exception”.[1] In this article the general framework which the EU institutions developed regarding the specificity of sport, is dealt with. What are in fact the basics in this respect? Which sporting exceptions concerned have been accepted and which not and why? What is the result of a comparison of exceptions and justifications, what is the overall picture of the sport specificity practical application by the Commission as the EU day-to-day executive organ and the European Court of Justice as the EU supreme judicial organ? The cases and issues will be categorised according to whether they concern “internal market freedoms (movement of workers and provision of services) or EU competition law in sport organisational matters.Klasično i još uvijek aktualno (pravno) pitanje u raspravi o položaju sporta u Europskoj Uniji je „ specifično“, bilo da zaslužuje specifični tretman prema Europskom pravu ili do koje mjere i zašto. Drugim riječima, treba li sport biti izuzet od Sporazuma EC? Ovo je rasprava o onom što se zove „ specifičnosti sporta i “ iznimka u sportu“. Ovaj članak se bavi općenitim okvirom koje institucije EU su razvijale glede specifičnosti sporta. Što su u stvari temeljne karakteristike? Koje su sportske iznimke prihvaćene, koje ne i zašto? Koji je rezultat usporedbe iznimaka i opravdanja, koje je stanje specifičnosti sporta uopće i njegova primjena od strane Komisije kao svakodnevna izvršna vlast EU i Europski sud pravde kao vrhovna pravosudna vlast? Slučajevi i pitanja će se kategorizirat prema jeli se oni bave „domaćim tržišnim slobodama (mobilnost radnika i pružanje usluga)“ ili EU tržišnim pravom u organizaciji sportskih stvari

    Uncertainty and variability in models of the cardiac action potential: Can we build trustworthy models?

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    Cardiac electrophysiology models have been developed for over 50 years, and now include detailed descriptions of individual ion currents and sub-cellular calcium handling. It is commonly accepted that there are many uncertainties in these systems, with quantities such as ion channel kinetics or expression levels being difficult to measure or variable between samples. Until recently, the original approach of describing model parameters using single values has been retained, and consequently the majority of mathematical models in use today provide point predictions, with no associated uncertainty. In recent years, statistical techniques have been developed and applied in many scientific areas to capture uncertainties in the quantities that determine model behaviour, and to provide a distribution of predictions which accounts for this uncertainty. In this paper we discuss this concept, which is termed uncertainty quantification, and consider how it might be applied to cardiac electrophysiology models. We present two case studies in which probability distributions, instead of individual numbers, are inferred from data to describe quantities such as maximal current densities. Then we show how these probabilistic representations of model parameters enable probabilities to be placed on predicted behaviours. We demonstrate how changes in these probability distributions across data sets offer insight into which currents cause beat-to-beat variability in canine APs. We conclude with a discussion of the challenges that this approach entails, and how it provides opportunities to improve our understanding of electrophysiology

    The specificity of sport: sporting exceptions in EU law

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    The classical and still and ever current central (legal) question in the debate on the position of sport in the European Union is whether sport is “special”, whether it deserves specific treatment under European Law and to what extent and why. In other words should sport be exempted from the EC Treaty? It is the discussion on what is called in the jargon the “specificity of sport” and the “sporting exception”.[1] In this article the general framework which the EU institutions developed regarding the specificity of sport, is dealt with. What are in fact the basics in this respect? Which sporting exceptions concerned have been accepted and which not and why? What is the result of a comparison of exceptions and justifications, what is the overall picture of the sport specificity practical application by the Commission as the EU day-to-day executive organ and the European Court of Justice as the EU supreme judicial organ? The cases and issues will be categorised according to whether they concern “internal market freedoms (movement of workers and provision of services) or EU competition law in sport organisational matters

    Introduction to General Aspects of the Law on the Protection of Minorities

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    Mezinárodní právo dosud neobsahuje definici menšiny. Proto je nutné se obrátit k doktrinárním vymezením. F. Capotorti ve "Studii OSN o právech osob patřících k etnickým, náboženským a jazykovým menšinám" (1977) vypracoval následující definici: "Skupina, která je početně menši než zbytek obyvatelstva státu, v nedominujícím postavení, jejíž členové - jsouce občany státu - mají etnické, náboženské nebo jazykové znaky, jež je odlišují od ostatního obyvatelstva a ukazují, třebaže pouze implicitně, smysl solidarity, směřující k zachování jejich kultury, tradicí, náboženství anebo jazyka"International law has not, as yet, laid down a conclusive definition of a minority. The definition given by F.Capotorti in the UN Study on the Rights of Persons Belonging to Ethnie, Religious and Linguistic Minorities (1977), is usually followed: "a group which is numerically inferior to the rest of the population of a State, in a non-dominant position, whose members - being nationals of the state in question - possess ethnic, religious or linguistic characteristics differing from those of the rest of the population and show, if only implicitly, a sense of solidarity, directed towards preserving their culture, traditions, religion or language"


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