508 research outputs found

    Telehealth Implementation Using an Online Meeting Application for the Remote Area Health Services

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    The increase of population growth in Indonesia is followed by greater demand of health professionals, especially medical doctors. Currently, ratio between number of doctors and patients in Indonesia is still below the normal line that leads to less health care. On the other hand, health care introduces cost aspect moreover for the patients living in remote areas experiencing the problem by the distance to the health services. This study proposes the technique to overcome these constraints through the implementation of telehealth using an online meeting application of Team Viewer. The subjects used for the research study are doctors, nurses and patients in a clinician to patient consultation scenario, using video teleconferencing support based on the online meeting application of Team Viewer. To justify the success of the tested model, this research has collected the perception data of the subject at ease aspects of the consultation process. From the work done, the results show that the telehealth model using an online meeting application is easily implemented and give a positive perception of the doctor and the patient

    Evolutionary Dynamics and Optimization: Neutral Networks as Model-Landscapes for RNA Secondary-Structure Folding-Landscapes

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    We view the folding of RNA-sequences as a map that assigns a pattern of base pairings to each sequence, known as secondary structure. These preimages can be constructed as random graphs (i.e. the neutral networks associated to the structure ss). By interpreting the secondary structure as biological information we can formulate the so called Error Threshold of Shapes as an extension of Eigen's et al. concept of an error threshold in the single peak landscape. Analogue to the approach of Derrida & Peliti for a of the population on the neutral network. On the one hand this model of a single shape landscape allows the derivation of analytical results, on the other hand the concept gives rise to study various scenarios by means of simulations, e.g. the interaction of two different networks. It turns out that the intersection of two sets of compatible sequences (with respect to the pair of secondary structures) plays a key role in the search for ''fitter'' secondary structures.Comment: 20 pages, uuencoded compressed postscript-file, Proc. of ECAL '95 conference, to appear., email: chris @ imb-jena.d


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilatar belakangi dari adanya masalah yaitu rendahnya kemampuan siswa dalam menulis puisi sehingga guru melakukan treatment dengan menggunakan media gambar dalam upaya meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menulis puisi. Menurut keterangan guru terkait, faktor yang menyebabkan siswa belum mencapai KKM atau kriteria ialah karena kurangnya imajinasi siswa dan kurangnya kemampuan siswa dalam menulis puisi tersebut, dan juga media yang digunakan hanya menggunakan media alam sekitar sekolah atau dalam kelas. Oleh karenannya harus ada peningkatan dalam menulis puisi walaupun belum relatif sempurna dengan memperhatikan unsur-unsur puisi yaitu intrinsik dan ekstrinsik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) Mendeskripsian langkah-langkah penggunaan media gambar dalam meningkatkan kemampuan menulis puisi siswa. (2) Mendeskripsikan peningkatan kemampuan menulis puisi siswa setelah menggunakan media gambar. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut : Rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran menulis puisi dengan menggunakan media gambar sesuai dengan prosedur kurikulum 2013. Langkah-langkah pembelajaran dilaksanakan sebagai berikut : (1) Guru menyampaikan kompetensi yang ingin dicapai oleh siswa. Mengemukakan KD dan SK. (2) Guru memberikan materi. (3) Siswa dibagi kelompok dengan teman sebangkunya untuk mendiskusikan unsur-unsur, ciri-ciri, dan Langkah Langkah pembuatan puisi. (kurang dimengerti.   (5) Guru memberikan tanggapan apa yang ditanyakan siswa. (6) Guru memberikan contoh teks puisi kepada siswa untuk dianlisis. (7) Guru membagikan gambar pada masing-masing kelompok siswa. (8) Dari contoh teks yang telah diberikan dan dianalisis, siswa mencoba mengembangkan ide mereka melalui media gambar menjadi teks puisi. (9) Setelah menulis puisi, siswa diberikan kesempatan untuk membacakan hasil menulis puisi di depan kelas.. Terdapat perubahan kemampuan siswa setelah mengikuti pembelajaran menulis puisi dengan menggunakan media gambar. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil pembelajaran menulis puisi dengan menggunakan media gambar di kelas VIII A MTs Negeri 1 Ciamis. Hal ini ditunjukan dengan terjadinya peningkatan dari Siklus 4) Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk bertanya apabila ada yang I dengan pencapaian ketuntasan belajar dari Siklus I yaitu 14 siswa dari 25 siswa yang sudah masuk kriteria tuntas dengan rata-rata nilai 73,8 dan meningkat pada Siklus II yaitu 25 siswa atau seluruh siswa sudah masuk kriteria tuntas dengan rata-rata nilai 82,8. ABSTRACT This research is motivated by a problem, namely the low ability of students to write poetry so that the teacher treats it using media images in an effort to improve students' ability to write poetry. According to the teacher's statement, the factors that caused students to not reach the KKM or criteria were due to the lack of imagination of students and the lack of students' ability to write poetry, and also the media used only used natural media around the school or in the classroom. Therefore there must be an increase in writing poetry, although it is not yet relatively perfect by paying attention to the elements of poetry, namely intrinsic and extrinsic. The aims of this study were (1) to describe the steps for using media images in improving students' poetry writing skills. (2) Describe the increase in students' poetry writing ability after using media images. The results of the study are as follows: The implementation plan for learning to write poetry using media images is in accordance with the 2013 curriculum procedures. The learning steps are carried out as follows: (1) The teacher conveys the competencies students want to achieve. Present KD and SK. (2) The teacher gives the material. (3) Students are divided into groups with their peers to discuss the elements, characteristics, and steps for making poetry. (not understood. (5) The teacher gives responses to what students ask. (6) The teacher gives examples of poetry texts to students to analyze. (7) The teacher distributes pictures to each group of students. (8) From the sample text that has been given and analyzed, students try to develop their ideas through media images into poetry text.(9) After writing poetry, students are given the opportunity to read the results of writing poetry in front of the class.. There is a change in students' abilities after participating in learning to write poetry using image media. this is evidenced by the results of learning to write poetry using picture media in class VIII A MTs Negeri 1 Ciamis This is indicated by the increase from Cycle 4) The teacher gives students the opportunity to ask if there is a I with the achievement of learning mastery from Cycle I, namely 14 students of the 25 students who have entered the criteria for completion with an average score of 73.8 and increased in Cycle II, namely 25 students or all students have entered the criteria for completion with an average score of 82.8. Keywords: qualitative, media images, learning to write poetr


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    ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan hubungan antara tingkat bernalar dengan menulis mahasiswa semsester enam Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Universitas Islam Malang.  Berdasarkan hasil analisis diperoleh tiga kesimpulan yakni (1) menujukan bahwa tingkat penalaran dari mahasiswa semester enam Penididkan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia adalah 27% mahasiswa mendapat nilai yang sangat baik,  33% mahasiswa dalam kategori yang baik 20% dalam kategori cukup dan 20% dalam ketegori kurang (2) untuk keterampilan menulis mahasiswa yang mendapat nilai baik sekali memiliki persentase 20%, 50% dalam ketegori baik, 20% dalam ketegori cukup dan 10% dalam ketegori kurang (3)  hasil Korelasi dari tingkat penalaran dengan keterampilan menulis adalah 0,956 > 0,349 lebih besar dari pada tebel r.Kata Kunci: korelasi, tingkat penalaran, menulis teks persuas

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Tes Kepribadian Berbasis Intelligent Agent Menggunakan Metode Summary

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    Saks Sentence Completion Test (SSCT) is one of the projective tests for revealing personality dynamics that is able to show characters of someone toward his or her interpersonal relationship and interpretation to environment. Normally, this kind of test is conducted by psychologists where they have very important and complicated task to interpret respondents' answer test. However, since the advance development of intelligent agent based system, the task that is previously complicated for psychologist now becoming easier. They just need to delegate intelligent agent software to interpret the test result from respondent in order to decide the test result.In this research we developed an intelligent agent software using Java Agent Development Framework (JADE) and BDI as agents architecture with Prometheus method. The application development focuses on how to utilize summary method to generate answer model from SSCT while the psychologists are able to obtain interpretation result immediately.Results showed that the average percentage of successfully identified answers by the model reaches 59.00% while the average percentage of its accuracy is 95.13%. Moreover, by using four agents that are communicating each other psychologists may obtain the test result

    Pembangkit Energi berbahan Bakar Bagasse

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    Dalam industri tebu, selain dihasilkan gula sebagai produk utama, juga dihasilkan produk samping berupa ampas tebu (bagasse) yang selama ini belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Selama ini tanaman tebu di Indonesia digunakan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan gula oleh Pabrik Gula. Sisa-sisa penggilingan berupa ampas tebu biasanya kurang dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Produk samping ampas tebu ini merupakan biomassa yang mempunyai potensi pemanfaatan yang besar untuk dikonversi menjadi energi sehingga industri gula mampu menjadi industri yang memasok energinya sendiri (self-sufficiency energy). Oleh karena itu, dengan potensi yang dimiliki, maka pendirian Pabrik Energi dari Bagasse yang terintegrasi dengan Pabrik Gula adalah salah satu solusinya. Pabrik Energi dari Bagasse ini rencananya akan dibangun di Kelurahan Gempolkrep, Kecamatan Gedeg, Kabupaten Mojokerto, Jawa Timur. Pabrik Pembangkit Energi dari Bagasse dibangun pada tahun 2021 dan akan mulai beroperasi pada tahun 2023. Pabrik direncanakan beroperasi secara kontinyu 24 jam selama 300 hari pertahun operasi dengan perencanaan kapasitas 25.200 kg bagasse/on season dan 25.200 kg bagasse/off season untuk memproduksi 106,9335 MW listrik pada saat on season dan off season serta 158 ton steam on season untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi listrik dan steam pabrik gula. Untuk dapat mendirikan pabrik diperlukan modal sebesar Rp 1.770.120.485.662 sehingga dapat diketahui Internal Rate Return (IRR) sebesar 35,96% ,Pay Out Time (POT) sebesar 3,2 tahun, Sedangkan Break Even Point (BEP) yang diperoleh sebesar 21,43 %. Dilakukan juga perhitungan NPV (Net Present Value) dengan nilai Rp 2.710.774.358.373 . Ditinjau dari uraian diatas, maka secara teknis dan ekonomis, pabrik energi berbahan bakar bagasse layak untuk didirikan. ================================================================================================================================= In the sugar cane industry, besides producing sugar as the main product, side products are also produced in the form of bagasse which has not been used optimally. So far, sugar cane plants in Indonesia are used as raw material for making sugar by the sugar factory. The remnants of sugarcane bagasse milling cannot be used optimally. This sugarcane bagasse is a biomass that has a great potential to be used as energy needed by the sugar industry which is needed for industries that supply their own energy (self-sufficient energy). Therefore, with its potential, an Energy Factory from Bagasse which is integrated with the Sugar Factory is one of the solutions. The Energy Plant from Bagasse is planned to be built in Gempolkrep Village, Gedeg District, Mojokerto Regency, East Java. The Bagasse Power Plant was built in 2021 and will be operational in 2023. The plant is supported 24 hours for 300 days per year with a planned capacity of 25,200 kg bagasse / season and 25,200 kg bagasse / off season to produce 106,99335 MW of electricity during the season and out of season and 158 tons of steam in season to meet the energy needs and sugar factory steam. To be able to build a factory, capital is needed at Rp 1,770,120,485,662 so that it can be seen that the Internal Rate Return (IRR) of 35.96%, Pay Out Time (POT) of 3.2 years, while the Break Even Point (BEP) obtained is 21.43%. It is also expected to calculate the NPV (Net Present Value) with a value of Rp 2,710,774,358,373. Judging from the description above, it is technically and economically feasible to build a bagasse-fueled energy plant