247 research outputs found

    The effect of early infection with Echinostoma paraensei on the interaction of Schistosoma mansoni with Biomphalaria glabrata and Biomphalaria tenagophila

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    Infection caused by the trematode Echinostoma paraensei has been shown to interfere in the natural resistance to infection by Schistosoma mansoni. Biomphalaria glabrata is susceptible to infection, while Taim isolate Biomphalaria tenagophila is resistant to infection by S. mansoni. These two snail species were assessed for infection with E. paraensei two days after exposure to S. mansoni miracidia. The number of B. tenagophila and B. glabrata infected with E. paraensei was lower in co-infected group, suggesting an antagonistic relationship. B. glabrata showed an increase in its susceptibility to S. mansoni, whereas B. tenagophila maintained its refractoriness to S. mansoni infection. Weekly comparisons made between the E. paraensei cercariae released from B. tenagophila and B. glabrata mono-infected snails revealed no quantitative differences. In contrast, S. mansoni cercariae released were higher in the B. glabrata co-infected group. Mortality rates were significantly greater in both species pertaining to co-infected group and unexpected mortalities were also observed in B. tenagophila exposed only to S. mansoni miracidia. Our study revealed that the B. tenagophila Taim isolate is susceptible to E. paraensei infection, although infection did not alter its resistance to S. mansoni infection

    Evolution of Chagas’ disease in Brazil. Epidemiological perspective and challenges for the future: a critical review

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    Aims: This paper aimed to provide a critical review of the evolution of Chagas’ disease in Brazil, its magnitude, historical development and management, and challenges for the future. Methods: A literature search was performed using PubMed, SciELO and Google Scholar and throughout collected articles’ references. Narrative analysis was structured around five main themes identified: vector transmission, control program, and transfusion, oral and congenital transmission. Results: In Brazil, the Chagas’ disease Control Program was fully implemented in the 1980s, when it reached practically all the endemic areas, and in 1991, the Southern Cone Initiative was created, aiming to eliminate the disease transmission through eliminating the Triatoma infestans and controlling blood banks. As a result, the prevalence of chagasic donors in blood banks reduced from 4.4% in the 80s to 0.2% in 2005. In 2006, PAHO certified the interruption of transmission of Chagas’ disease through this vector in Brazil. However, there are still challenges, such as the domiciliation of new vector species, the need for medical care of the infected individuals, the prevention of alternative mechanisms of transmission, the loss of political concern regarding the disease and, the weakening of the control program. Conclusion: Despite the progress towards control, there are still many challenges ahead to maintain and expand such control and minimise the risk of re-emergence

    Involvement of the Cytokine MIF in the Snail Host Immune Response to the Parasite Schistosoma mansoni

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    We have identified and characterized a Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF) family member in the Lophotrochozoan invertebrate, Biomphalaria glabrata, the snail intermediate host of the human blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni. In mammals, MIF is a widely expressed pleiotropic cytokine with potent pro-inflammatory properties that controls cell functions such as gene expression, proliferation or apoptosis. Here we show that the MIF protein from B. glabrata (BgMIF) is expressed in circulating immune defense cells (hemocytes) of the snail as well as in the B. glabrata embryonic (Bge) cell line that has hemocyte-like features. Recombinant BgMIF (rBgMIF) induced cell proliferation and inhibited NO-dependent p53-mediated apoptosis in Bge cells. Moreover, knock-down of BgMIF expression in Bge cells interfered with the in vitro encapsulation of S. mansoni sporocysts. Furthermore, the in vivo knock-down of BgMIF prevented the changes in circulating hemocyte populations that occur in response to an infection by S. mansoni miracidia and led to a significant increase in the parasite burden of the snails. These results provide the first functional evidence that a MIF ortholog is involved in an invertebrate immune response towards a parasitic infection and highlight the importance of cytokines in invertebrate-parasite interactions

    Population-Attributable Risks for Ischemic Stroke in a Community in South Brazil: A Case-Control Study

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    Background: Risk factors for ischemic stroke are mostly known, but it is still unclear in most countries, what are their combined population-attributable risk percent (PAR%). In a case-control study the individual odds ratios (ORs) and the individual and combined PAR%, including risk factors not addressed in previous studies were estimated. Methods: Cases and controls were selected from patients attending to an emergency department. Cases were patients aged with 45 years or more with the first episode of ischemic stroke, characterized by a focal neurological deficit or change in the mental status occurring during the previous 24 hours. Controls, matched to cases by age and gender, were selected from patients without neurological complaints. Results: 133 cases and 272 controls were studied. Odds ratios for ischemic stroke were: atrial fibrillation (27.3; CI 95 % 7.5

    Paving (through) Amazonia: Neoliberal Urbanism and the Reperipheralization of Roraima

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    This paper examines the neoliberal reshaping of infrastructure provision in Brazil's extreme north since the mid-1990s, when roadway investments resulted in unprecedented regional connectivity. The BR-174 upgrade, the era's most important project, marked a transition from resource-based developmentalism to free-market transnationalism. Primarily concerned with urban competitiveness, the federal government funded the trunk roadway's paving to facilitate manufacturing exports from Manaus. While an effort was made to minimize deforestation, planners sidelined development implications in adjacent Roraima. The state's urban system has thus experienced reperipheralization and intensified primacy. Market-led growth now compounds the inheritance of hierarchical centralism and ongoing governmental neglect. Our study shows a vast territory dependent on primate cities for basic goods and services. Travelling with Roraimans from bypassed towns, we detected long-distance passenger transportation and surface logistics with selective routes. Heterogeneous Roraiman (im)mobilities comprise middle-class tourism and heightened consumerism as well as informal mobility tactics and transnational circulations of precarious labor. The paper exhorts neoliberal urbanism research to look beyond both Euro America's metropoles and their Global South counterparts. Urbanization dynamics in Brazil's extreme north demonstrate that market-disciplined investments to globalize cities produce far-reaching spatial effects. These are felt even by functionally-articulated-yet-marginalized peripheries in ostensibly remote locations