38 research outputs found
Defining the critical hurdles in cancer immunotherapy
Scientific discoveries that provide strong evidence of antitumor effects in preclinical models often encounter significant delays before being tested in patients with cancer. While some of these delays have a scientific basis, others do not. We need to do better. Innovative strategies need to move into early stage clinical trials as quickly as it is safe, and if successful, these therapies should efficiently obtain regulatory approval and widespread clinical application. In late 2009 and 2010 the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC), convened an "Immunotherapy Summit" with representatives from immunotherapy organizations representing Europe, Japan, China and North America to discuss collaborations to improve development and delivery of cancer immunotherapy. One of the concepts raised by SITC and defined as critical by all parties was the need to identify hurdles that impede effective translation of cancer immunotherapy. With consensus on these hurdles, international working groups could be developed to make recommendations vetted by the participating organizations. These recommendations could then be considered by regulatory bodies, governmental and private funding agencies, pharmaceutical companies and academic institutions to facilitate changes necessary to accelerate clinical translation of novel immune-based cancer therapies. The critical hurdles identified by representatives of the collaborating organizations, now organized as the World Immunotherapy Council, are presented and discussed in this report. Some of the identified hurdles impede all investigators; others hinder investigators only in certain regions or institutions or are more relevant to specific types of immunotherapy or first-in-humans studies. Each of these hurdles can significantly delay clinical translation of promising advances in immunotherapy yet if overcome, have the potential to improve outcomes of patients with cancer
Avaliação da lordose lombar e sua relação com a dor lombopélvica em gestantes
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a magnitude da lordose lombar, sua influência na dor lombopélvica e a qualidade de vida em gestantes. Para tal, foi realizado um estudo com 20 mulheres não gestantes (C) e 13 gestantes ao longo dos trimestres gestacionais (G1, G2 e G3). Todas as mulheres foram submetidas à avaliação inicial para registro dos dados pessoais, hábitos de vida, antecedentes pessoais, uso de medicamentos, história ginecológica e obstétrica. Posteriormente, as voluntárias do grupo controle foram avaliadas uma vez e as gestantes foram avaliadas em três momentos distintos, no 10, 20 e 30 trimestres gestacionais. A avaliação do grau de lordose lombar foi realizada por meio de técnica fotogramétrica; a avaliação de locais de dor, o tipo de dor e sua intensidade foram feitas por meio do Questionário McGill de dor; e a avaliação da qualidade de vida foi feita pelo Questionário WHOQOL-bref. Neste trabalho, não foi possível observar padrão de alteração da curvatura lombar no decorrer da gestação. Também não foi observada relação entre a curvatura lombar e a dor lombopélvica relacionada à gestação.The purpose of this study was to evaluate the magnitude of lumbar lordosis, its influence on lumbopelvic pain and quality of life in pregnant women. To this end, a study was done with 20 non-pregnant women (C) and 13 pregnant women during the trimesters of pregnancy (G1, G2 and G3). All women underwent initial assessment for registration of personal data, lifestyle, personal history, medications, gynecological and obstetric history. Later, the volunteers in the control group were evaluated once and pregnant women were evaluated at three different times, the first, second and third trimesters of pregnancy. The evaluation of the degree of lumbar lordosis was performed by a photogrammetric technique. The assessment of points/places of pain, the kind of pain and its intensity were made by McGill Pain Questionnaire, and the quality of life assessment was made by WHOQOL-bref. In this study, it was not possible to observe a pattern of change in lumbar curvature during pregnancy. There was also no relationship between lumbar curvature and lumbopelvic pain related to pregnancy
Coma hipopotasémico: a propósito de un caso
Introduction: coma is the extreme degradation of consciousness. A syndrome characterized by a loss of vegetative functions, as an expression of acute and severe brain dysfunction.Presentation of the case: a 65-year-old male patient who two years ago commenced showing signs of loss of consciousness for two days In inter-crisis periods the studies did not confirm positive results. He was brought to the emergency room in a state of hyporeflexic coma. All parameters were normal except for a very discrete metabolic alkalosis and severe hypokalemia with 1,3 millimoles of potassium. General measures and complementary examinations were performed. Potassium values were replenished. As the potassium values standardized, a process of consciousness recovery was initiated. It was interpreted as a hypokalemic coma.Conclusions: hypopotassemia is a common imbalance, with repercussions in the different systems; this imbalance can result in alterations of the cardiovascular dynamics, progressive muscle weakness and coma. Therefore, in case of symptoms similar to hypokalemia, it is required to work on its diagnosis and treatment.Introducción: El coma es la máxima degradación del estado de conciencia. Síndrome caracterizado por una pérdida de las funciones de la vida de relación y conservación de las de la vida vegetativa, como expresión de una disfunción cerebral aguda y grave.Presentación del caso: paciente masculino de 65 años de edad que hace dos años comenzó con cuadros de pérdida de conciencia por espacio de dos días. En períodos intercrisis los estudios no arrojaron resultados positivos. Es traído a servicio de urgencia en estado de coma hiporrefléctico. Se tomaron medidas generales y se realizaron complementarios. Todo en parámetros de normalidad excepto por una muy discreta alcalosis metabólica y una hipocaliemia severa con 1,3 mili moles de potasio. Se reponen valores de potasio. En la medida que los valores de potasio se recuperaban se iniciaba un proceso de recuperación de la conciencia. Se interpreta como un coma hipopotasémico.Conclusiones: la hipopotasemia es un desbalance común, con repercusiones en los diferentes sistemas, que puede causar desde alteraciones de la dinámica cardiovascular, debilidad muscular progresiva y coma. De ahí que ante sintomatologías similares a una hipopotasemia se deba trabajar en su diagnóstico y tratamiento.