6,745 research outputs found

    Quan les muntanyes són colls. Advertiment toponímic per a geògrafs

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    És poc conegut que un coll no només és un lloc de pas entre muntanyes, sinó que antigament es referia també (i fins i tot de forma preferent) a les pròpies muntanyes, ja sigui un turó ben aïllat o bé la prominència d'una carena. Aquesta accepció arcaica encara és viva a les terres del sud de Catalunya i al nord del País Valencià, a l'igual que el diminutiu collet (turonet) que també s'empra a la Catalunya Central. Entre els colls referits a muntanyes n'hi ha de tan coneguts com: Collbató, Colldejou, Coll de Nargó, Collserola o Collsuspina.Generally ignored, in Catalan a coll is not just a pass in the mountain, but formerly also meant (and even preferred) to the mountains themselves, whether isolated or like a prominence of a mountain slope. This archaic sense is still preserved in southern Catalonia and northern Valencia, as well as the diminutive collet (hill) which is also used in central Catalonia. Among the colls referring to the mountains there are so known as: Collbató, Colldejou, Coll de Nargó, Collserola or Collsuspina.Generalmente se ignora que, en catalán, un coll no únicamente es un puerto de montaña, sino que antiguamente se refería también (e incluso preferentemente) a las propias montañas, ya se trate de una elevación aislada o bien la prominencia de una vertiente montañosa. Esta acepción arcaica todavía se conserva en las tierras del sur de Cataluña y norte del País Valenciano, al igual que el diminutivo collet (colina) que también se utiliza en el centro de Cataluña. Entre los colls referidos a montañas las hay tan conocidas como: Collbató, Colldejou, Coll de Nargó, Collserola o Collsuspina

    El difícil encaix de l'Anoia, encara

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    Una Enquesta de la Mancomunitat sobre les comarques naturals (1917)

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    Tesis doctoral: Estudio Gravimétrico del Pirineo Oriental

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    This dissertation is primarily a gravimetric study of Eastern Pyrenees based on gravity prospecting techniques combined with seismic reflection profiles, magnetic survey, and the existing bore-holes. The two main objectives of the study are interpret the gravity anomalies produced by superficial bodies and the anomalies produced by deep bodies in the area lying between the Segre River to the West, the Mediterranean Sea to the East, the city of Manresa to the South, and the city of Perpinyi to the North. The general disposition of these anomalies is composed of negative values in NW part of the studied zone and positive values along the coastline. This disposition is due to the enlarged upper crust under Pyrenean Axial Zone as a result of Iberian and European plates collision, and the thinning crust near the Coast To verify the existence of sorne of the anomalies, several macroscale maps of residual gravity anomalies of the area were compiled. The regional gravity component is assimilated to a second and third degree by polynomical surfaces. A residual isostatic map was also realised. Other smaller-scale maps were drawn up later because the use of lower-degree polynomes it is possible to obtain a more acceptable adjustment of regional-residual separation. After calculating gravity models in several zones, it was concluded that negative gravity anomalies are produced by Neogene materials landing in the Empordh and Cerdanya grabens, detritic Eocene materials in the Rocacorba area, and marls accumulation resulting from duplex structures and halite diapires. Positive gravity anomalies are caused by Carnbro-Ordovician materials, anhydrites, and basic volcanic rocks

    Source energy spectra from demodulation of solar particle data by interplanetary and coronal transport

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    The data on source energy spectra of solar cosmic rays (SCR), i.e. the data on the spectrum form and on the absolute SCR are of interest for three reasons: (1) the SCR contain the energy comparable to the total energy of electromagnetic flare radiation (less than or equal to 10 to the 32nd power ergs); (2) the source spectrum form indicates a possible acceleration mechanism (or mechanism); and (3) the accelerated particles are efficiently involved in nuclear electromagnetic and plasma processes in the solar atmosphere. Therefore, the data on SCR source spectra are necessary for a theoretical description of the processes mentioned and for the formulation of the consistent flare model. Below it is attempted to sound solar particle sources by means of SCR energy spectrum obtained near the Sun, at the level of the roots of the interplanetary field lines in the upper solar corona. Data from approx. 60 solar proton events (SPE) between 1956-1981. These data were obtained mainly by the interplanetary demodulation of observed fluxes near the Earth. Further, a model of coronal azimuthal transport is used to demodulate those spectra, and to obtain the source energy spectra

    Per les Roques de Benet i els Estrets (Horta i Arnes)

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