116 research outputs found

    Histonas variantes en invertebrados marinos: puesta a punto de metodologías para el estudio de la cromatina y caracterización de las variantes macroH2A y H2A.Z.2 en moluscos bivalvos

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    [Resumen] En las células eucariotas el DNA se asocia con histonas y proteínas no histónicas formando un complejo conocido como cromatina que media en la organización y la regulación del material hereditario en el espacio del núcleo celular. Además del papel estructural de las histonas, la incorporación de variantes de estas proteínas a los nucleosomas es esencial para el correcto desarrollo de importantes procesos celulares como la regulación de la expresión génica, la replicación o la reparación del DNA. Aunque existe una gran cantidad de estudios sobre estas proteínas en organismos deuteróstomos, la presencia y características funcionales de histonas variantes, además de la especialización que imparten a la cromatina, son prácticamente desconocidas en el caso del linaje de animales protóstomos. Dentro de este grupo, los moluscos bivalvos presentan un interés especial debido a las condiciones ambientales a las que están expuestos que suscita una rápida y precisa regulación de la expresión génica. La caracterización de las histonas variantes macroH2A y H2A.Z.2 en especies de este grupo animal, así como el desarrollo de técnicas de estudio de su cromatina, aporta datos muy valiosos acerca de la especialización funcional impartida por estas proteínas a la cromatina de los diversos grupos de organismos eucariotas.[Resumo] Nas células eucarióticas o DNA asóciase con histonas e proteínas non histónicas formando un complexo coñecido como cromatina que media na organización e a regulación do material hereditario no espazo do núcleo celular. Ademais do papel estrutural das histonas, a incorporación de variantes destas proteínas aos nucleosomas é esencial para o correcto desenvolvemento de importantes procesos celulares como a regulación da expresión xénica, a replicación ou a reparación do DNA. Aínda que existe unha gran cantidade de estudos sobre estas proteínas en organismos deuteróstomos, a presenza e características funcionais de histonas variantes, ademais da especialización que imparten á cromatina, son practicamente descoñecidas no caso da liñaxe dos animais protóstomos. Dentro deste grupo, os moluscos bivalvos presentan un interese especial debido ás condicións ambientais ás que están expostos que suscita unha rápida e precisa regulación da expresión xénica. A caracterización das histonas variantes macroH2A e H2A.Z.2 en especies deste grupo animal, así como o desenvolvemento de técnicas de estudo da súa cromatina, achega datos moi valiosos acerca da especialización funcional impartida por estas proteínas á cromatina dos diversos grupos de organismos eucarióticas[Abstract] In eukaryotic cells DNA is associated with histone and non-histone proteins constituting a nucleoprotein structure known as chromatin, mediating the organization and regulation of the genetic material in the cell nucleus. Besides the structural role of histones, incorporation of variants of these proteins to nucleosomes is essential for the proper development of important cellular processes such as regulation of gene expression, replication, and DNA repair. Although several studies on these proteins are available in deuterostome organisms, the presence and functional characteristics of histone variants and the specialized functions imparted to the chromatin are virtually unknown in the case of the protostome lineage. Within this group, bivalve molluscs are of particular interest because of the environmental conditions to which they are exposed. The characterization of histone variants macroH2A and H2A.Z.2 in these organisms and the development of different techniques for studying their chromatin will provide valuable information about the functional specialization imparted by these proteins to the chromatin of eukaryotic organisms

    Plan De Gestión Municipal Participativa Para Optimizar La Ejecución Del Gasto Público Del FONCOMÚN En La Municipalidad Distrital Las Pirias Jaén 2018

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    El presente estudio se origina a partir de la problemática relación a da con la ejecución del gasto público del FONCOMUN en la municipalidad distrital de la Pirias, donde gran parte de losrecursoseconómicosnosonutilizadosconuncriteriotécnico,nirespondena los planes de desarrollo concertado, donde las decisiones de inversión se toman de manera unilateral a nivel de autoridades municipales, dejando de lado la participación de la comunidad organizada en las decisiones municipales ,razón por la cual es que se plantea el presente trabajo de investigación cuyo objetivo general es: Proponer un plan de gestión participativa para optimizar la ejecución del gasto público del FONCOMUN en la Municipalidad distrital de las Pirias de Jaén–2018.. El estudio se enmarca dentro de una investigación descriptiva propositiva que parte del diagnóstico de la problemática en la ejecución del gasto público del FONCOMUN de la municipalidad distrital de la Pirias Jaen, siendo los informantes12 trabajadores del área de rentas a quienes se les aplicó un cuestionario cuyos datos fueron procesados y presentados en tablas y figuras haciendo uso de la estadística descriptiva. Luego de procesar la información y discutir los mismos, se procedió a elaborar lapropuestaconsistenteenplandegestiónmunicipalparticipativaparaoptimizarlaejecucióndel gasto público del FONCOMUN, el mismo que fue validado posteriormente mediante criterio de experto

    Aplicación de técnicas geoestadisticas en la hidrogeología del bajo cauca antioqueño

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    El desarrollo de los sistemas de información Geográfica (SIG) y la aplicación de la geoestadística ha dado un nuevo impulso al análisis de la información espacial aplicada a la hidrogeología. En la subregión de Bajo Cauca Antioqueño, las aguas subterráneas representan un recurso natural estratégico al constituir casi la única fuente segura de abastecimiento para mas de 200000 habitantes de la región y en la medida en que juegan un papel importante en la regulación del sistema hídrico regional al estar conectado con decenas de ciénagas y humedales. El objetivo general de este trabajó consistió en obtener a partir de la reinterpretación de información secundaria, un modelo conceptual del sistema acuífero del Bajo Cauca antioqueño, utilizando técnicas geoestadisticas tipo kriging. Se ha logrado obtener una representación espacial de las superficies freática y piezométrica de los acuíferos, así como proponer una posible distribución de la transmisividad hidráulica y sugerir la red de flujo más probable para el sistema acuífero superior. Con los resultados de este trabajo, se pretende alimentar un modelo numérico y con este, contribuir a la creación de herramientas de gestión para la administración de este recurso estratégico en la región

    Molecular and Biochemical Methods Useful for the Epigenetic Characterization of Chromatin-Associated Proteins in Bivalve Molluscs

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    Bivalve molluscs constitute a ubiquitous taxonomic group playing key functions in virtually all ecosystems, and encompassing critical commercial relevance. Along with a sessile and filter-feeding lifestyle in most cases, these characteristics make bivalves model sentinel organisms routinely used for environmental monitoring studies in aquatic habitats. The study of epigenetic mechanisms linking environmental exposure and specific physiological responses (i.e., environmental epigenetics) stands out as a very innovative monitoring strategy, given the role of epigenetic modifications in acclimatization and adaptation. Furthermore, the heritable nature of many of those modifications constitutes a very promising avenue to explore the applicability of epigenetic conditioning and selection in management and restoration strategies. Chromatin provides a framework for the study of environmental epigenetic responses. Unfortunately, chromatin and epigenetic information are very limited in most non-traditional model organisms and even completely lacking in most environmentally and ecologically relevant organisms. The present work aims to provide a comprehensive and reproducible experimental workflow for the study of bivalve chromatin. First, a series of guidelines for the molecular isolation of genes encoding chromatin-associated proteins is provided, including information on primers suitable for conventional PCR, Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends (RACE), genome walking and quantitative PCR (qPCR) experiments. This section is followed by the description of methods specifically developed for the analysis of histone and SNBP proteins in different bivalve tissues, including protein extraction, purification, separation and immunodetection. Lastly, information about available antibodies, their specificity and performance is also provided. The tools and protocols described here complement current epigenetic analyses (usually limited to DNA methylation) by incorporating the study of structural elements modulating chromatin dynamics

    Characterization of mussel H2A.Z.2: a new H2A.Z variant preferentially expressed in germinal tissues from Mytilus

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    Histones are the fundamental constituents of the eukaryotic chromatin, facilitating the physical organization of DNA in chromosomes and participating in the regulation of its metabolism. The H2A family displays the largest number of variants among core histones, including the renowned H2A.X, macroH2A, H2A.B (Bbd) and H2A.Z. This latter variant is especially interesting due to its regulatory role and its differentiation into two functionally divergent variants (H2A.Z.1 and H2A.Z.2), further specializing the structure and function of vertebrate chromatin. In the present work we describe, for the first time, the presence of a second H2A.Z variant (H2A.Z.2) in the genome of a non-vertebrate animal, the mussel Mytilus. The molecular and evolutionary characterization of mussel H2A.Z.1 and H2A.Z.2 histones is consistent with their functional specialization, supported on sequence divergence at promoter and coding regions as well as on varying gene expression patterns. More precisely, the expression of H2A.Z.2 transcripts in gonadal tissue and its potential upregulation in response to genotoxic stress might be mirroring the specialization of this variant in DNA repair. Overall, the findings presented in this work complement recent reports describing the widespread presence of other histone variants across eukaryotes, supporting an ancestral origin and conserved role for histone variants in chromatin

    The CHROMEVALOA Database: A Resource for the Evaluation of Okadaic Acid Contamination in the Marine Environment Based on the Chromatin-Associated Transcriptome of the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis

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    Okadaic Acid (OA) constitutes the main active principle in Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP) toxins produced during Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs), representing a serious threat for human consumers of edible shellfish. Furthermore, OA conveys critical deleterious effects for marine organisms due to its genotoxic potential. Many efforts have been dedicated to OA biomonitoring during the last three decades. However, it is only now with the current availability of detailed molecular information on DNA organization and the mechanisms involved in the maintenance of genome integrity, that a new arena starts opening up for the study of OA contamination. In the present work we address the links between OA genotoxicity and chromatin by combining Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies and bioinformatics. To this end, we introduce CHROMEVALOAdb, a public database containing the chromatin-associated transcriptome of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis (a sentinel model organism) in response to OA exposure. This resource constitutes a leap forward for the development of chromatin-based biomarkers, paving the road towards the generation of powerful and sensitive tests for the detection and evaluation of the genotoxic effects of OA in coastal areas

    Evaluation of agraz consumption on adipocytokines, inflammation, and oxidative stress markers in women with metabolic syndrome

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    ABSTRACT: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is characterized by increased oxidative stress and a pro-inflammatory state. Vaccinium meridionale Swartz (known as “agraz”) is a berry rich in polyphenolic compounds with demonstrated antioxidant activity and anti-inflammatory effects in preclinical studies. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of agraz consumption on inflammatory and oxidative stress markers in women with MetS. Forty women with MetS (47 ± 9 years) were randomly assigned to consume daily either 200 mL of agraz nectar or placebo over four weeks in a double-blind, cross-over design study, separated by a 4-week washout period. Metabolic and inflammatory markers in serum and antioxidant/oxidative stress markers in serum and urine were assessed at the end of each period. Serum antioxidant capacity measured by the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method was significantly higher (p = 0.028), while urinary 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) was lower (p = 0.041) after agraz consumption, compared to placebo. In conclusion, consumption of agraz during four weeks increased serum antioxidant capacity and decreased a marker of DNA oxidative damage in women with MetS, compared to placebo. These results suggest that agraz consumption may play a protective role in patients with MetS

    Effect of Agraz (Vaccinium meridionale Swartz) on high-density lipoprotein function and inflammation in women with metabolic syndrome

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    ABSTRACT: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is associated with low-grade inflammation and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) dysfunction. Polyphenol-rich foods may improve these alterations. Agraz is a fruit rich in polyphenols (mainly anthocyanins); however, there is limited information about its effects on human health. We evaluated the effects of agraz consumption as compared to placebo on HDL function and inflammation in women with MetS. Forty volunteers (25–60 years) were included in this double-blind crossover study. Women consumed agraz or placebo over 4 weeks; separated by a 4-week washout period. HDL function (apoliprotein-A1; paraoxonase 1 (PON1) activity; cholesterol efflux capacity), oxidative stress (myeloperoxidase (MPO), advanced oxidation protein products) and inflammatory markers (serum cytokines/chemokines and peripheral blood mononuclear cell nuclear factor-kB) were measured after each period. Compared to placebo, agraz consumption did not significantly change any of the biomarkers measured. Interestingly, only after agraz period there were significant positive correlations between PON1 activities and cholesterol efflux. Additionally, there were significant inverse correlations between changes in inflammatory markers and HDL function markers and positive correlations with oxidative markers. Although polyphenol-rich foods have been shown to be beneficial for certain conditions; polyphenol-rich agraz fruit consumption did not impact inflammation and HDL function in the current study of women with MetS

    Caso piloto panorama tecnológico del café al 2030 prospectiva tecnológica

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    Estudio de prospectiva, vigilancia e inteligencia organizacional en el que se presenta el posible escenario del sector caficultor en Colombia a la década 2030 que permita establecer políticas y planes de inversión e identificar tendencias que favorezcan la actuación y toma de decisiones por parte del SENA para minimizar el riesgo de error en las acciones de la entidad.Prospective study, surveillance and organizational intelligence in which the possible scenario of the coffee sector in Colombia is presented to the decade 2030 that allows to establish policies and investment plans and identify trends that favor the action and decision making by SENA to minimize the risk of error in the actions of the entity.Fase 1-pre-prospectiva -- Fase 2-prospectiva -- Análisis estratégico del entorno Microcultura -- Vigilancia científica-tecnológica (base de datos scopus) -- Vigilancia competitiva -- Generalidades del café -- Contexto del mercado Cafetero internacional y nacional -- Balanza/saldo comercial de 20 países nivel mundial 2007-2016136 página

    Desarrollo de una fórmula alimenticia con CBD para mitigar los síntomas del covid-19

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    Exploring biocompounds present in all types of kingdoms of nature can help us mitigate the symptoms presented by the COVID-19 virus infection that caused the 2020 pandemic and cost millions of lives worldwide. Objective: This research seeks the development of a food formula from biocompounds, which allows combating the symptoms of COVID-19. Materials and methods: through a bibliographic search of articles with in vitro, in silico and clinical studies, an estimation of Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Excretion (ADME) parameters, studies in cellular models and tools such as molecular docking against 11 protein targets. viral, the selection of the most optimal biocompounds was possible through an Artificial Neural Network. Subsequently, a bibliographic search was carried out to validate compliance with the parametersof national legislation, in its use for food formulas, phytotherapeutic products and its safety in foods approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), resulting in the identification of 3 selected compounds (CBD, Eicosapentaenoic Acid and Quercetin). Cannabidiol (CBD) was selected to carry out cell viability and antiviral activity tests against COVID-19 given that this compound complies with national legislation for its implementation and is approved by the FDA in a human medicine, for rare and severe forms of epilepsy. Results and Conclusion: These in vitro assays resulted in noncytotoxicity and an antiviral activity of 92% at a CBD concentration of 6μM. The CBD was subsequently implemented in a powdered food formulation developed by the research and development unit of the company ALSEC Productos Secos S.A.S., which allows mitigating the symptoms of COVID-19 and has an antiviral activity superior to that of the active ingredient alone.Explorar biocompuestos presentes en todo tipo de reinos de la naturaleza puede ayudarnos a mitigar los síntomas presentados por la infección del virus COVID-19 que propició la pandemia del año 2020 y que costó millones de vidas a nivel mundial. Objetivo: La presente investigación busca el desarrollo de una formula alimenticia a partir de biocompuestos, que permita combatir los síntomas del COVID-19. Materiales y métodos: mediante una búsqueda bibliográfica de artículos con estudios in vitro, in silico y clínicos, una estimación de parámetros Absorción, Distribución, Metabolismo y Excreción (ADME), estudios en modelos celulares y herramientas como el acoplamiento molecular frente a 11 blancos proteicos virales, fue posible la selección de los biocompuestos más óptimos a través de una Red Neuronal Artificial. Posteriormente, se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica para validar el cumplimiento de los parámetros de la legislación nacional, en su uso para formulas alimenticias, productos fitoterapéuticos y su seguridad en alimentos aprobados por la Food and DrugAdministration (FDA), dando como resultado la identificación de 3 compuestos seleccionados (CBD, Ácido Eicosapentaenoico y Quercetina). Se seleccionó el Cannabidiol (CBD) para la realización de ensayos de viabilidad celular y de actividad antiviral frente al COVID-19 dado que este compuesto cumple con la legislación nacional para su implementación y se encuentra aprobado por la FDA en un medicamento de humanos, para tratar formas raras y graves de la epilepsia. Resultados y Conclusión: Estos ensayos in vitro dieron como resultado la no citotoxicidad y una actividad antiviral del 92% a una concentración de CBD de 6μM. El CBD se implementó posteriormente en una formulación alimenticia en polvodesarrollada por la unidad de investigación y desarrollo de la compañía ALSEC Alimentos Secos S.A.S., la cual permitemitigar los síntomas del COVID-19 y cumple con una actividad antiviral superior a la del principio activo solo