1,605 research outputs found

    Propagation of Initial Mass Uncertainty in Aircraft Cruise Flight

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    The propagation of initial mass uncertainty in cruise flight is studied. Two cruise conditions are analyzed: one with given cruise fuel load and the other with given cruise range. Two different distributions of initial mass are considered: uniform and gamma type. The generalized polynomial chaos method is used to study the evolution of mean and variance of the aircraft mass. To compute the mass distribution function as a function of time, two approximate methods are developed. These methods are also applied to study the distribution functions of the flight time (in the case of given fuel load) and of the fuel consumption (in the case of given range). The dynamics of mass evolution in cruise flight is defined by a nonlinear equation, which can be solved analytically; this exact solution is used to assess the accuracy of the proposed methods. Comparison of the numerical results with the exact analytical solutions shows an excellent agreement in all cases, hence verifying the methods developed in this work

    El comportamiento de la oferta turística

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    El presente trabajo investigativo se enfoca en determinar el impacto de la actividad turística, como el comportamiento que tiene la oferta turística en nuestro país así como en el departamento de Matagalpa. Reflejamos lo importante que es ofertar el turismo, debido al gran potencial que existe en nuestro país y que no esta siendo ofertado a como se debe por algunas instituciones. Hay Tener en cuenta la importancia que tiene proyectar la inversión hacia el sector turístico para sacar provecho de este y mejorar la economía nacional. El producto turístico es una combinación de elementos y prestaciones que es igual a servicios y productos que le ofrecen al turista nacional y extranjero, y el objetivo de este, es lograr la satisfacción al consumidor y si es posible el regreso de este al lugar. Cuando se habla de oferta turística es hablar del conjunto de bienes y servicios disponibles par satisfacer las necesidades del turista que esta dispuesto a consumir. La oferta del turismo tiene impacto ambiental, social y económico que de una u otra manera influyen en el comportamiento de la economía de nicaragua. El turismo es uno de los sectores que genera grandes divisas al país y es catalogado como una de las principales actividades por lo que se han venido implementando la conformación de los cluster en todos los departamentos, los cuales consisten en la concentración de empresas relacionadas a la misma actividad y con objetivos en comunes para desarrollar el turismo nicaragüens

    The old and new visions of biased agonism through the prism of adenosine receptor signaling and receptor/receptor and receptor/protein interactions

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    Biased signaling is a concept that has arisen in the G protein-coupled receptor (GCPR) research field, and holds promise for the development of new drug development strategies. It consists of different signaling outputs depending on the agonist's chemical structure. Here we review the most accepted mechanisms for explaining biased agonism, namely the induced fit hypothesis and the key/lock hypothesis, but we also consider how bias can be produced by a given agonist. In fact, different signaling outputs may originate at a given receptor when activated by, for instance, the endogenous agonist. We take advantage of results obtained with adenosine receptors to explain how such mechanism of functional selectivity depends on the context, being receptor-receptor interactions (heteromerization) one of the most relevant and most studied mechanisms for mammalian homeostasis. Considering all the possible mechanisms underlying functional selectivity is essential to optimize the selection of biased agonists in the design of drugs targeting GPCRs

    Verification of the emergence in an architecture for multi-robot systems (AMEB)

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    This article analyzes the emerging behavior of a multi-robot system managed by an architecture structured in three layers: the first provides local support to the robot, manages its processes of action, perception and communication, as well as its behavioral aspect, which considers the reactive, cognitive and social aspects of the robot. In addition, it introduces an affective component that influences its behavior and the way it relates to the environment and to the other individuals in the system, based on an emotional model that takes into account fourArticle history:Received 12 September 2018Accepted 08 November 2018A Gil, pertenece al Laboratorio de Prototipos en la Universidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira y a Tepuy R+D Group. Artificial Intelligence Software Development. Mérida, Venezuela (email: [email protected])basic emotions. The second provides support to the collective processes of the system, based on the concept of emerging coordination. The latter is responsible for knowledge management and learning processes, both individually and collectively, in the system. In this article the metrics are defined to verify the emergency in the system, by means of the use of a method of verification of emergent behaviors based on Fuzzy Cognitive Maps

    Producción, grabación y mezcla del proyecto del coro polifónico infantil y juvenil facmis

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    Grabación, edición, mezcla y producción de un EP (extended play) con repertorio interpretado por el coro polifónico infantil y juvenil FACMIS. El documento se describe con detalle cada una de las etapas del proyecto: La grabación en locación en tres sesiones, el proceso de edición, la mezcla reduciendo el ruido de fondo y agregando reverberación y todo el trabajo de producción con el coro (director y contantes). El proyecto tiene además un sentido social, ayudando a niños y jóvenes colombianos a reintegrarse a la sociedad por medio de educación musical y artística que hace parte de su formación integral.Recording, editing, mixing and production of an EP (extended play) with repertoire interpreted by the FACMIS children and youth choir. The document describes with detail each of the project stages: On location recording in the sessions, the editing process, the mix reducing background noise and adding reverb, and the production job with the choir (director and singers). The project has a social meaning, helping kids and teenagers reintegrate the society by musical and artistic education which takes part in their integral education.Maestro (a) en MúsicaPregrad

    Creación de entorno de simulación en ingravidez con interacción entre satélite y robot

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    El presente trabajo fin de grado nace del especial interés acaecido a lo largo de estos años por la supresión de escombros espaciales, particularmente de satélites muertos, debido a la congestión que producen en las órbitas terrestres promoviendo el riesgo de colisión con otros satélites en funcionamiento. A este fin, se han sucedido diversas investigaciones donde apuestan por usar como solución manipuladores robóticos y a las cuales se ha sumado la Universidad de Málaga requiriendo, en consecuencia, la creación de un entorno de simulación ingrávido donde concurren un satélite y un robot que ofrece la posibilidad de interactuar entre ellos. El objetivo de este trabajo es crear una simulación espacial, donde hay que diseñar el entorno teniendo en cuenta los parámetros dinámicos tanto del espacio como el de los objetos, usando un software y las correspondientes secuencias de comandos de programación para poder controlar los manipuladores. La simulación se presenta en un espacio ingrávido con un satélite y un robot provisto de dos brazos robóticos y cuatro propulsores. Al iniciarse ésta, el robot se desplaza una distancia desde una posición de partida hasta aproximarse frente al satélite donde se frena y queda en reposo; a continuación, mediante unos controles que permiten mover los manipuladores a voluntad por el usuario, se interactúa con el satélite para obtener un resultado visual de la reacción debida a la interacción llevada a cabo entre ellos. Este entorno de simulación pretende ser un punto de partida para proseguir dichas investigaciones de la Universidad de Málaga, partiendo del diseño dinámico de este entorno y la programación de los manipuladores robóticos que han permitido obtener diferentes resultados de posibles interacciones entre un satélite y un robot

    AER-based robotic closed-loop control system

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    Address-Event-Representation (AER) is an asynchronous protocol for transferring the information of spiking neuro-inspired systems. Actually AER systems are able to see, to ear, to process information, and to learn. Regarding to the actuation step, the AER has been used for implementing Central Pattern Generator algorithms, but not for controlling the actuators in a closed-loop spike-based way. In this paper we analyze an AER based model for a real-time neuro-inspired closed-loop control system. We demonstrate it into a differential control system for a two-wheel vehicle using feedback AER information. PFM modulation has been used to power the DC motors of the vehicle and translation into AER of encoder information is also presented for the close-loop. A codesign platform (called AER-Robot), based into a Xilinx Spartan 3 FPGA and an 8051 USB microcontroller, with power stages for four DC motors has been used for the demonstrator.Junta de Andalucía P06-TIC-01417Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2006-11730-C03-0

    Microglial Adenosine Receptors: From Preconditioning to Modulating the M1/M2 Balance in Activated Cells

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    Neuronal survival depends on the glia, that is, on the astroglial and microglial support. Neurons die and microglia are activated not only in neurodegenerative diseases but also in physiological aging. Activated microglia, once considered harmful, express two main phenotypes: the pro-inflammatory or M1, and the neuroprotective or M2. When neuroinflammation, i.e., microglial activation occurs, it is important to achieve a good M1/M2 balance, i.e., at some point M1 microglia must be skewed into M2 cells to impede chronic inflammation and to afford neuronal survival. G protein-coupled receptors in general and adenosine receptors in particular are potential targets for increasing the number of M2 cells. This article describes the mechanisms underlying microglial activation and analyzes whether these cells exposed to a first damaging event may be ready to be preconditioned to better react to exposure to more damaging events. Adenosine receptors are relevant due to their participation in preconditioning. They can also be overexpressed in activated microglial cells. The potential of adenosine receptors and complexes formed by adenosine receptors and cannabinoids as therapeutic targets to provide microglia-mediated neuroprotection is here discussed. Keywords: neurodegeneration; aging; Parkinson's disease; Alzheimer's disease; neuroprotection; neuronal survival; cannabinoids; receptor heteromer

    Genes Implicated in Familial Parkinson's Disease Provide a Dual Picture of Nigral Dopaminergic Neurodegeneration with Mitochondria Taking Center Stage

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    The mechanism of nigral dopaminergic neuronal degeneration in Parkinson's disease (PD) is unknown. One of the pathological characteristics of the disease is the deposition of α-synuclein (α-syn) that occurs in the brain from both familial and sporadic PD patients. This paper constitutes a narrative review that takes advantage of information related to genes (SNCA, LRRK2, GBA, UCHL1, VPS35, PRKN, PINK1, ATP13A2, PLA2G6, DNAJC6, SYNJ1, DJ-1/PARK7 and FBXO7) involved in familial cases of Parkinson's disease (PD) to explore their usefulness in deciphering the origin of dopaminergic denervation in many types of PD. Direct or functional interactions between genes or gene products are evaluated using the Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes/Proteins (STRING) database. The rationale is to propose a map of the interactions between SNCA, the gene encoding for α-syn that aggregates in PD, and other genes, the mutations of which lead to early-onset PD. The map contrasts with the findings obtained using animal models that are the knockout of one of those genes or that express the mutated human gene. From combining in silico data from STRING-based assays with in vitro and in vivo data in transgenic animals, two likely mechanisms appeared: (i) the processing of native α-syn is altered due to the mutation of genes involved in vesicular trafficking and protein processing, or (ii) α-syn mutants alter the mechanisms necessary for the correct vesicular trafficking and protein processing. Mitochondria are a common denominator since both mechanisms require extra energy production, and the energy for the survival of neurons is obtained mainly from the complete oxidation of glucose. Dopamine itself can result in an additional burden to the mitochondria of dopaminergic neurons because its handling produces free radicals. Drugs acting on G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) in the mitochondria of neurons may hopefully end up targeting those receptors to reduce oxidative burden and increase mitochondrial performance. In summary, the analysis of the data of genes related to familial PD provides relevant information on the etiology of sporadic cases and might suggest new therapeutic approaches