35 research outputs found

    Методологія політики якості й безпеки життєдіяльності соціокультурних форм для сталого розвитку України

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    Multibranch scientific and technological multi-project activity that consists in forming a methodology for life quality and safety policy of sociocultural forms for sustainable development – theoretical methodological justification, cognition, development and implementation of approbated viable models of public administration of life quality and safety policies for education and scientific systems in special conditions of bifurcations of civilizational sustainability prospects, territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine (academic potential of mobility, preservation and reproduction of environmental protection scientific heritage, ensuring free access to information on the state of life safety and quality by designated purpose on different categories of recipients of education and scientific services, users of continuous learning and prolonged employment social services, for interested and worthy applicants, without restrictions, who are capable of withstanding global challenges).Полігалузева, науково-технічна мультипроектна діяльність зі формування методології політики якості й безпеки життєдіяльності соціокультурних форм для сталого розвитку, яка полягає у теоретико-методологічному обґрунтуванні, пізнанні, розробленні, впровадженні апробованих життєспроможних моделей публічного управління та адміністрування піотита- та асфаліє-політики освітньо-наукових систем за особливих умов геосферних та біосоціальних біфуркацій цивілізаційних перспектив сталості, державної територіальної цілісності та суверенітету України на засадах нарощення академічного потенціалу мобільності та збереження і відтворення природоохоронної спадщини й забезпечення доступу громадськості до публічної інформації стану безпеки, рівня якості життя за цільовим призначенням різночинних категорій здобувачів освітніх та наукових послуг і соціальних сервісів неперервної освіти впродовж життя та пролонгованої зайнятості зацікавлених та достойних без обмежень, здатних протистояти глобальним викликам.Ключові слова: Методологія політики, неомоделі, системне управління, стратегія якості та безпеки життєдіяльності; соціокультурні форми; системи освіти, науки та інноватики, ревіліталізації, рекреації; особливі умови, сталий розвиток; академічний простір, потенціал, сервіс, природоохоронна наукова спадщина; неперервна освіта та зайнятість впродовж життя; мережева, змішана форми підготовки; комунікативна взаємодія; публічне управління та адміністрування; міжінституційна організація консорціуму неперервної освіти, підвищення кваліфікації управлінської та педагогічної еліти для сталого розвитку

    Educational policy of life quality of social and cultural forms of the educational organisation throughout life

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    The relevance of the study of continuous education through the prism of the analysis of its socio-cultural dimension lies in the needs of studying modern transformations of educational systems in the cultural and educational plane. The purpose of this article is to analyze the educational policy of the quality of life of socio-cultural forms of education throughout life. The article is based on the use of theoretical pedagogical research methods: analysis, synthesis, induction, and deduction. The content analysis of professional literature showed that scientists do not pay much attention to lifelong education. This is explained by the criticism of some of its principles in scientific circles. The results highlight the historical foundations of permanent education, outline its main socio-cultural features and principles of use in practice, analyze European and American models of implementation of this type of education. Practical significance: creating a recommendation for the implementation of continuous education in Ukraine and revealing its additional advantages. In the conclusions, it is noted that this synthesized study in general opens a wider discussion on the justification of the need to harmonize the European and Ukrainian education systems through the prism of the analysis of the socio-cultural significance of continuous education

    The main ways to solve the problems of document management in higher education (the Ukrainian case)

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    The purpose of the research is to analyze the problem of document management in the sphere of higher education and to determine potential ways to solve them using the example of the Ukrainian experience. The content analysis of modern pedagogical literature showed the problems of the documentary support. On the basis of the system method, document management is considered as a dynamic system that changes according to modern conditions. Based on the prognostic method, possible prospects for the development of the latest documentation systems are highlighted. In results it is shown, that the modern documentary system completely deviates from the old principles of the formation of the administrative apparatus in several directions. Framework recommendations have been formed for determining the development vectors of document and communication support, and they can be extended to similar systems of formation, support, and storage of documents of the management (administrative) staff. The conclusions established that the current system of organizing documentary support in the educational sphere of Ukraine actually contains archaisms. It is proposed to integrate Blockchain-technologies into the implemented educational SEMDs, which will potentially ensure inter-level communication channels of the participants in the document creation process of higher education of Ukraine

    A social and philosophical analysis of the values of European education

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    The modern European education system is strongly influenced by the global trends of civilizational development. In the axiological dimension, there is a balancing act between the dynamic trends of innovativeness and traditional elements of the authenticity of the educational environment. The socio-philosophical value segment in education is at the stage of searching for optimal synergetic interactions at local and global levels. The scientific exploration aims to comprehend the peculiarities of social value elements of the European educational space and to renew a separate axiological cluster of the socio-educational paradigm of modernity. The article aims to structure theoretically outlook and practically dynamic socio-philosophical value concepts and their correlation in the European educational environment. The study used general scientific and scientific-pedagogical methods with the involvement of synergetic methodological principles. The results of the study indicate axiological gaps between traditionality and innovation in the European educational system and the need for the alignment of value constants. A promising direction of research is the formation of a progressive value paradigm, in which the system of values will meet the requirements of the time and become a guide to social development in general. So, in the modern educational system two types of values are relevant: dynamic, practically oriented - mobility, inclusiveness, innovativeness; fundamental, theoretical, and ideological - humanization, tolerance, identity

    Administrative Management of Improvement Processes of Socio-Cultural Forms Based on Principles of Sustainable Development of Education

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    The theoretical-methodical and practical foundations of improvement of administrative management processes on the principles of sustainable development of education are studied in the article. Main problems in the management of the education system in Ukraine were identified. The stages of improvement of the education management process of Ukraine based on continuity were identified and proposals for the modernization of each stage were provided. It is proved that administrative management should be carried out based on innovative strategies under the principles of sustainable development by creating the latest systems of educational projects and monitoring, developing a model of public administration, strengthening the role and interaction of educational policy actors based on the provision that the individual, society and the state are fully equal actors and partner. A complex of measures is proposed to improve the administrative management of education to ensure the creation of a flexible, focused, effective system, a focus on meeting the needs of the country and the needs of the individual

    Problems of students’ assessment in the process of distance learning (on the example of the EU countries)

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    The purpose is to determine the effectiveness of distance assessment, positive and problematic positions on the introduction of distance assessment in European higher education. The basic method of the research is the experimental method; empirical, statistical and theoretical methods have been also used. In order to carry out diagnostics on the effectiveness of the research, the survey method has been used. The basic hypothesis lies in the fact that changes in the students’ assessment system are positive, adaptable; prepared and properly implemented system will provide quality and objective control of knowledge and skills of students. The result of the research is proving of the effectiveness and prospects of the assessment system in the context of distance education; along with this, the difficulties and shortcomings are insignificant

    Information Technology in Incentive Management in Student Learning

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    The main idea of the work is to address issues related to the activation of incentives in students of educational institutions, as an integral part of motivation in pedagogy, which is one of the priorities of higher education, in turn, the correct and timelyapplication of motivational factors allows qualitative analysis, on the activation of cognitive interest in training. The purpose of the article is to study and qualitatively assess the methods and ways to stimulate students while studying in higher education. In solving the set tasks, a qualitative analysis of the known literature on the definition and application of motivation in the educational process. Definitely a stimulating process as a factor of psychological motivation. It is concluded that neither in understanding the essence of the stimulus, its role in the regulation of behavior, nor in understanding the relationship between stimulation and stimulus does not exist

    On the rebalancing of socio-cultural systems by semantic profile: monitoring the quality and safety of life

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    The purpose of the article is to highlight the mechanisms of rebalancing socio-cultural systems in the context of forming indicators of quality and safety of life, which are determined by using a semantic profile. The research methodology is centred around the principle of semantic analysis, various variations of which form the potential for differentiating the semantic profile. The analysis method provides general characteristics of the quality and safety of life in a particular socio-cultural system. Discreteness is used to cover a broader socio-cultural or civilisational community. Comparison is used to differentiate the scales of the semantic profile. The results of the study indicate that the semantic profile is in demand when assessing socio-cultural transformations in the segment of life quality and safety. The semantic differential scale provides an opportunity to analyse the most common elements of human and social activity, taking into account dialectical and synergistic vectors. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the emphasis on the need to involve a set of syncretic and dialectical elements. Thus, the semantic profile serves as an effective tool for collecting and analysing data, which is used to transform the socio-cultural space in the segment of quality and safety of life

    Implementation of Applied Training Techniques to the System of Postgraduate Education

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    The paper presents the analysis of the practical training methods, which are used during professional training of specialists in ecology in the system of postgraduate education. The method of projects and training, as the best methods of professional development, are described. The importance of application of binary teaching methods is analyzed; their integral effect on professional development in the system of postgraduate education is shown

    Implementation of Applied Training Techniques to the System of Postgraduate Education

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    The paper presents the analysis of the practical training methods, which are used during professional training of specialists in ecology in the system of postgraduate education. The method of projects and training, as the best methods of professional development, are described. The importance of application of binary teaching methods is analyzed; their integral effect on professional development in the system of postgraduate education is shown