538 research outputs found

    Galanin diminishes cortical spreading depolarization across rodents – a candidate for treatment?

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    Galanin (Gal) is a neuropeptide with the potential to ameliorate cortical spreading depolarization (CSD), an electrophysiological phenomenon occurring after brain injury or in migraine aura. Gal is expressed in all cortical neurons both in rat and in mouse cortices. Here we investigated whether the effect of Gal on CSD previously described in the rat is conserved in the mouse cortex. In rats, the topical application of Gal to the cortex for 1 h did not induce any change in CSD amplitudes, propagation velocity, or threshold of elicitation. Rather, topical application of Gal for 3 h was necessary to obtain a significant decrease in these CSD parameters and to develop a remarkable increase in the KCl threshold to elicit a CSD in rat cortex. In contrast, the topical application of Gal on cortical surface for 1 h in mice was sufficient to significantly attenuate CSD amplitudes and increase threshold. A thinner cortex, a faster diffusion or different affinity/expression of receptors for Gal are possible reasons to explain this difference in the time course between rats and mice. Our data are relevant to postulate Gal as a potential target for inhibition of CSD under pathological situations such as stroke or ischemia. Significance statement The neuropeptide Galanin (Gal) is expressed in all neurons throughout the cerebral cortex, both in rats and mice, and is able to reduce or even inhibit Cortical Spreading Depolarization, thus, Gal has the potential to control neuronal excitability that may identify Gal as a target in drug development against CSD

    Разработка технологии изготовления детали «Седло»

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    Выпускная квалификационная работа включает в себя проектирование технологического процесса обработки детали "Седло" и содержит: анализ чертежа и технологичности детали; способ получения заготовки; расчет припусков на обработку; разработку технологического процесса, выбор и расчет режимов резания; размерный анализ технологического процесса.Final qualifying work includes the design of the technological process of processing details in the "Saddle" and contains: an analysis of drawing and technology details; method of harvesting; calculation of allowances for processing; the design process, the selection and calculation of cutting conditions; dimensional analysis process

    Straßenbäume im ländlichen Raum: Pflanzempfehlungen für straßenbegleitende Baumreihen und Alleen

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    Diese Broschüre dient zur Information für Kommunen, Planer, Baumfreunde und Interessierte. Sie gibt Anregungen, wie wieder mehr Bäume an Straßen im ländlichen Raum gepflanzt werden können und was es dabei zu berücksichtigen gilt. Im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Anforderungen werden hierzu die aktuell gültigen Regelwerke sowie die unterschiedlichen fachlichen Sichtweisen und Herausforderungen dargestellt und beispielhafte Lösungsmöglichkeiten aufgezeigt. Redaktionsschluss: 31.08.202

    Dysregulation of Rho GTPases in the αPix/Arhgef6 mouse model of X-linked intellectual disability is paralleled by impaired structural and synaptic plasticity and cognitive deficits

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    Mutations in the ARHGEF6 gene, encoding the guanine nucleotide exchange factor αPIX/Cool-2 for the Rho GTPases Rac1 and Cdc42, cause X-linked intellectual disability (ID) in humans. We show here that αPix/Arhgef6 is primarily expressed in neuropil regions of the hippocampus. To study the role of αPix/Arhgef6 in neuronal development and plasticity and gain insight into the pathogenic mechanisms underlying ID, we generated αPix/Arhgef6-deficient mice. Gross brain structure in these mice appeared to be normal; however, analysis of Golgi-Cox-stained pyramidal neurons revealed an increase in both dendritic length and spine density in the hippocampus, accompanied by an overall loss in spine synapses. Early-phase long-term potentiation was reduced and long-term depression was increased in the CA1 hippocampal area of αPix/Arhgef6-deficient animals. Knockout animals exhibited impaired spatial and complex learning and less behavioral control in mildly stressful situations, suggesting that this model mimics the human ID phenotype. The structural and electrophysiological alterations in the hippocampus were accompanied by a significant reduction in active Rac1 and Cdc42, but not RhoA. In conclusion, we suggest that imbalance in activity of different Rho GTPases may underlie altered neuronal connectivity and impaired synaptic function and cognition in αPix/Arhgef6 knockout mic

    Dimensional structure of bodily panic attack symptoms and their specific connections to panic cognitions, anxiety sensitivity and claustrophobic fears

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    This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Background. Previous studies of the dimensional structure of panic attack symptoms have mostly identified a respiratory and a vestibular/mixed somatic dimension. Evidence for additional dimensions such as a cardiac dimension and the allocation of several of the panic attack symptom criteria is less consistent. Clarifying the dimensional structure of the panic attack symptoms should help to specify the relationship of potential risk factors like anxiety sensitivity and fear of suffocation to the experience of panic attacks and the development of panic disorder. Method. In an outpatient multicentre study 350 panic patients with agoraphobia rated the intensity of each of the ten DSM-IV bodily symptoms during a typical panic attack. The factor structure of these data was investigated with nonlinear confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The identified bodily symptom dimensions were related to panic cognitions, anxiety sensitivity and fear of suffocation by means of nonlinear structural equation modelling (SEM). Results. CFA indicated a respiratory, a vestibular/mixed somatic and a cardiac dimension of the bodily symptom criteria. These three factors were differentially associated with specific panic cognitions, different anxiety sensitivity facets and suffocation fear. Conclusions. Taking into account the dimensional structure of panic attack symptoms may help to increase the specificity of the associations between the experience of panic attack symptoms and various panic related constructs.Peer Reviewe

    “A very orderly retreat”: Democratic transition in East Germany, 1989-90

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    East Germany's 1989-90 democratisation is among the best known of East European transitions, but does not lend itself to comparative analysis, due to the singular way in which political reform and democratic consolidation were subsumed by Germany's unification process. Yet aspects of East Germany's democratisation have proved amenable to comparative approaches. This article reviews the comparative literature that refers to East Germany, and finds a schism between those who designate East Germany's transition “regime collapse” and others who contend that it exemplifies “transition through extrication”. It inquires into the merits of each position and finds in favour of the latter. Drawing on primary and secondary literature, as well as archival and interview sources, it portrays a communist elite that was, to a large extent, prepared to adapt to changing circumstances and capable of learning from “reference states” such as Poland. Although East Germany was the Soviet state in which the positions of existing elites were most threatened by democratic transition, here too a surprising number succeeded in maintaining their position while filing across the bridge to market society. A concluding section outlines the alchemy through which their bureaucratic power was transmuted into property and influence in the “new Germany”

    Neuropeptide S receptor gene - converging evidence for a role in panic disorder

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    Animal studies have suggested neuropeptide S (NPS) and its receptor (NPSR) to be involved in the pathogenesis of anxiety-related behavior. In this study, a multilevel approach was applied to further elucidate the role of NPS in the etiology of human anxiety. The functional NPSR A/T (Asn¹⁰⁷Ile) variant (rs324981) was investigated for association with (1) panic disorder with and without agoraphobia in two large, independent case-control studies, (2) dimensional anxiety traits, (3) autonomic arousal level during a behavioral avoidance test and (4) brain activation correlates of anxiety-related emotional processing in panic disorder. The more active NPSR rs324981 T allele was found to be associated with panic disorder in the female subgroup of patients in both samples as well as in a meta-analytic approach. The T risk allele was further related to elevated anxiety sensitivity, increased heart rate and higher symptom reports during a behavioral avoidance test as well as decreased activity in the dorsolateral prefrontal, lateral orbitofrontal and anterior cingulate cortex during processing of fearful faces in patients with panic disorder. The present results provide converging evidence for a female-dominant role of NPSR gene variation in panic disorder potentially through heightened autonomic arousal and distorted processing of anxiety-relevant emotional stimuli

    Vagal control of the heart decreases during increasing imminence of interoceptive threat in patients with panic disorder and agoraphobia

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    Theoretically, panic disorder and agoraphobia pathology can be conceptualized as a cascade of dynamically changing defensive responses to threat cues from inside the body. Guided by this trans‑diagnostic model we tested the interaction between defensive activation and vagal control as a marker of prefrontal inhibition of subcortical defensive activation. We investigated ultra‑short‑term changes of vagally controlled high frequency heart rate variability (HRV) during a standardized threat challenge (entrapment) in n = 232 patients with panic disorder and agoraphobia, and its interaction with various indices of defensive activation. We found a strong inverse relationship between HRV and heart rate during threat, which was stronger at the beginning of exposure. Patients with a strong increase in heart rate showed a deactivation of prefrontal vagal control while patients showing less heart rate acceleration showed an increase in vagal control. Moreover, vagal control collapsed in case of imminent threat, i.e., when body symptoms increase and seem to get out of control. In these cases of defensive action patients either fled from the situation or experienced a panic attack. Active avoidance, panic attacks, and increased sympathetic arousal are associated with an inability to maintain vagal control over the heart suggesting that teaching such regulation strategies during exposure treatment might be helpful to keep prefrontal control, particularly during the transition zone from post‑encounter to circa strike defense