38 research outputs found

    First order optical potentials and 25 to 40 MeV proton elastic scattering

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    The differential cross sections and analyzing powers from the elastic scattering of 25 and 40 MeV protons from many nuclei have been studied. Analyses have been made using a fully microscopic model of proton-nucleus scattering seeking to establish a means appropriate for use in analyses of radioactive beam scattering from hydrogen with ion energies 25A and 40A MeV.Comment: 9 pages, RevTeX, 4 figure

    Epidemiological situation of bovine brucellosis in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    Realizou-se um estudo para caracterizar a situação epidemiológica da brucelose bovina. O Estado foi dividido em sete regiões. Em cada região foram amostradas aleatoriamente cerca de 300 propriedades, e dentro dessas foi escolhido de forma aleatória um número pré-estabelecido de animais, dos quais foi obtida uma amostra de sangue. No total foram amostrados 16.072 animais, provenientes de 1.957 propriedades. Em cada propriedade amostrada foi aplicado um questionário epidemiológico para verificar o tipo de exploração e as práticas zootécnicas e sanitárias que poderiam estar associadas ao risco de infecção pela doença. O protocolo de testes utilizado foi o da triagem com o teste do antígeno acidificado tamponado e o reteste dos positivos com o teste do 2-mercaptoetanol. O rebanho foi considerado positivo se pelo menos um animal foi reagente às duas provas sorológicas. Para o Estado, as prevalências de focos e de animais infectados foram, respectivamente, 2,1% [1,5-2,6%] e 1,0% [0,60-1,4%]. Para os circuitos, a prevalência de focos e a de animais foram, respectivamente: circuito 1, 3,1% [1,4-5,7%] e 0,95% [0,0-2,0%]; circuito 2, 7,7% [4,9-11,3%] e 1,0% [0,40-1,7%]; circuito 3, 5,7% [3,4-8,8%] e 2,1% [0,41-3,8%]; circuito 4, 0,66% [0,08-2,4%] e 0,66% [0,0-1,8%]; circuito 5, 0,66% [0,08-2,4%] e 0,05% [0,0-0,13%]; circuito 6, 0,0% [0,0-1,3%] e 0,0% [0,0-0,25%]; circuito 7, 5,4% [2,5-10,1%] e 2,9% [0,49-5,3%]. Os fatores de risco (odds ratio, OR) associados à condição de foco foram: exploração de corte (OR= 4,27 [1,82-10,01]) e histórico de aborto (OR=3,27,1,71-6,25]). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTA study to characterize the epidemiological status of bovine brucellosis was carried out in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. The State was divided in seven regions. Three hundred herds were randomly sampled in each region and a pre-established number of animals were sampled in each of these herds. A total of 16,072 serum samples from 1,957 herds, were collected. In each herd, it was applied an epidemiological questionnaire focused on herd traits as well as husbandry and sanitary practices that could be associated with the risk of infection. The serum samples were screened for antibodies against Brucella spp. by the Rose-Bengal Test and all positive sera were re-tested by the 2-mercaptoethanol test. The herd was considered positive if at least one animal was positive on both tests. The prevalences of infected herds and animals in the State were, respectively 2.1% [1.5-2.6%] and 1.0% [0.60-1.4%]. In the regions, the prevalences of infected herds and animals were, respectively: region 1, 3.1% [1.4-5.7%] and 0.95% [0.0-2.0%]; region 2, 7.7% [4.9-11.3%] and 1.0% [0.40-1.7%]; region 3, 5.7% [3.4-8.8%] and 2.1% [0.41-3.8%]; region 4, 0.66% [0.08-2.4%] and 0.66% [0.0-1.8%]; region 5, 0.66% [0.08-2.4%] and 0.05% [0.0-0.13%]; region 6, 0.0% [0.0-1.3%] and 0.0% [0.0-0.25%]; and region 7, 5.4% [2.5-10.1%] and 2.9% [0.49-5.3%]. The risk factors (odds ratio, OR) associated with the presence of infection were: beef herd (OR= 4.27 [1.82-10.01]) and recent history of abortion (OR= 3.27-1.71-6.25])

    Tropospheric radio propagation assessment

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    Size-dependent exciton substructure in CdSe nanoplatelets and its relation to photoluminescence dynamics

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    CdSe nanoplatelets can be synthesized with different lateral sizes; very small nanoplatelets have almost quantum dot like features (almost discrete exciton states), while very large ones are expected to have properties of colloidal quantum wells (exciton continuum). However, nanoplatelets can be in an intermediate confinement regime with a rich substructure of excitons, which is neither quantum dot like nor an ideal 2D exciton. In this manuscript, we discuss the experimental transition energies and relaxation dynamics of exciton states in CdSe platelets with varying lateral dimensions and compare them with a microscopic theoretical model including exciton-phonon scattering. The model takes special care of the interplay of confinement and Coulomb coupling in the intermediate regime showing strong changes with respect to simple weak or strong confinement models by solving the full four dimensional lateral factorization free exciton wavefunction. Depending on the platelet size broad resonances previously attributed to just ground and excited states are actually composed of a rich substructure of several exciton states in their temporal dynamics. We show that these factorization free exciton states can explain the spectral features observed in photoluminescence experiments. Furthermore we demonstrate that the interplay of exciton bright and dark states provides principle insights into the overall temporal relaxation dynamics, and allows tuning of the exciton cooling via lateral platelet size. Our results and theoretical approach are directly relevant for understanding e.g. the size tuneability of lasing, excitonic cooling dynamics or light harvesting applications in these and similar 2D systems of finite lateral size.ChemE/Opto-electronic Material