3,403 research outputs found

    Urban planning in Guanabara State, Brazil: Doxiadis, from Ekistics to the Delos Meetings

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    The work carried out by researchers in the urbanismo.br research network encompasses objects and the creation of frameworks, hypotheses and documents and is based on three premises: urbanization and development, urbanization and planning, and institutions. The theme related to planning (this panel) has been conducted by three researchers : Maria Cristina da Silva Leme , Fabio José Martins de Lima and Vera F. Rezende. The use of nucleation as a resource does not mean entirely discrete approaches, but rather a strategy to improve our understanding of changes in the field of urbanism and urban planning during a period of profound political transformation. The period chosen for the research is the 1960s, and we have taken into consideration the period’s setbacks and advances in accordance with the object of each piece of research. We have identified inflections, continuity and ruptures in the concepts and tendencies of the urbanism adopted in plans for different government spheres and different territorial scales and which guided the teams involved. There was increased and more complex team building, both in public bodies and in the local and foreign consultancies hired for such purposes. The conception of urban planning as a response to the unequal conditions of development that surfaced in the immediate post-war period was adapted to the policies of the new authoritarian era. We have also identified changes to the urban structuring process during the periphery expansion of Brazilian cities in the 1940s and 1950s. These changes were prompted by housing policies and investment in large infrastructure projects that redefined growth pivots and reaffirmed the new metropolitan regional character. This panel will debate the urban policies adopted by cities/thermal spas in Minas Gerais state amid the modernization of these cities before and after the 1964 military coup. We will also discuss the creation and modus operandi of the urban and regional planning offices and teams in the 1960s, especially in São Paulo. This analysis also looks into how the professional and political trajectories of the technicians that comprised the teams in these offices reveal the different concepts and trends in urbanism adopted in the various Plans drawn up for different government spheres. We also analyze how the Ekistics Theory (which was formulated by Constantinos A. Doxiadis) was applied to the Plan for Guanabara State, which was concluded in 1965. Following the Delos Meetings, this theory subsequently evolved into the concept of Network, which was based on the idea of complex relations in human activity networks and how they apply to different fields of knowledge, especially architecture and urbanism. In this research, we analyze the association between planning and authoritarian and repressive practices and the complexity behind these relations. We will observe tensions, ruptures and continuity in particular

    Relações de gênero em um debate sobre Mecânica Quântica e visões de Ciência entre graduandos de Física

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    Um dos efeitos das diferenças entre gêneros nas aulas de ciências é o estímulo às lideranças masculinas e a predominância dos pontos de vista dos garotos. A presente pesquisa investigou as relações de gênero entre graduandos em Física quanto ao exercício do papel de parceiro mais capaz em um debate mediado por um questionário sobre conceitos da Mecânica Quântica (MQ) e visões de ciência (VC). Os resultados da análise do discurso dos estudantes sinalizam para a maior propensão de que os garotos assumam a posição de parceiros mais capazes por meio de um discurso de autoridade e que algumas estudantes tenham habilidades alternativas para exercê-la, adotando um discurso jocoso e crítico

    De feridas urbanas a cirurgias subterrâneas: transformações geradas pelo Metrô na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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    O presente artigo objetiva comparar as diversas fases de implementação do Metrô na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, instrumentando a pesquisa das transformações socioespaciais no entorno das estações. Apesar de existirem propostas anteriores como as do Plano Agache (1927-1930) e da Light de um sistema de transportes rápidos (1929), o metrô só foi implantado a partir de 1966. A primeira fase (1970 a 1998) – aqui considerada “feridas urbanas” - faz referência a obras que trouxeram grandes transtornos aos moradores da cidade (devido ao sistema construtivo a céu aberto que além de ser um processo extenso, causa desapropriação de grandes terrenos) e resultaram em espaços residuais no trecho Tijuca - Botafogo. A fase atual (2011 – 2016) – aqui considerada “cirurgias subterrâneas” - é relativa à ligação Ipanema - Barra da Tijuca, que ocupa praças e algumas ruas da cidade e utiliza o sistema de escavação e contenção subterrânea.This article aims to compare the various stages of implementation of the Metro in the city of Rio de Janeiro, instrumenting the research of socio-spatial transformations around stations. Although there are previous proposals like the Agache Plan (1927-1930) and the Light of a rapid transport system (1929), the subway was only implemented from 1966. The first phase (1970-1998) - considered here " urban wounds "- refers to works that have brought great inconvenience to residents of the city (due to the construction system in the open that besides being a lengthy process, because of land expropriation) and resulted in residual spaces in stretch Tijuca - Botafogo. The current phase (2011 - 2016) - here considered "underground surgeries" - is on the link Ipanema - Barra da Tijuca, occupying squares and some city streets and use the excavation and underground containment system

    Cumulative Space in Black-White Pebbling and Resolution

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    Objetivos do ensino de ciências no discurso de professores : um olhar sociocultural

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    O debate sobre as contribuições da Educação em Ciências no sentido de melhor servir aos interesses da coletividade nos levou ao objetivo de investigar o discurso de professores de ciências sobre as finalidades da educação e sua relação com a realidade social. Analisamos os enunciados de 27 professores (de Física, Química, Biologia e Matemática) e a influência da linguagem acadêmica no discurso comprometido com o social. Apenas dez professores indicaram objetivos relacionados à realidade social, tendo os demais enfatizado a realidade natural ou o indivíduo. A influência de contextos acadêmicos de formação continuada parece influenciar a preocupação social dos professores. De toda a forma, os resultados apontam para a necessidade de envidar esforços na formação dos professores das ciências naturais no sentido de favorecer a abordagem de problemas sociais

    Potencial de produção de biocarvão no Norte do Estado de Mato Grosso.

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    Muitas formas de processamento de resíduos têm sido utilizadas, dentre elas, a pirólise para obtenção de biocarvão. Este trabalho apresenta o potencial da região Norte do Estado de Mato Grosso em reaproveitar resíduos do processamento da madeira por meio da pirólise. Pretendeu-se levantar o montante de resíduos produzidos na região, buscando alternativas para solucionar um problema regional, convertendo esse problema em alternativa para beneficiar o setor agrícola. Para levantar o montante de madeira processada foram utilizados os dados obtidos pelo Anuário Estatístico de Mato Grosso ? 2007. A região possui grande potencial de produção principalmente pela proximidade com as fontes produtoras de resíduos e das áreas de aplicação. Estima-se que os resíduos gerados na Região Norte de Mato Grosso possam produzir cerca de 123.600 Mg de biocarvão, equivalente a 86.500 Mg ano-1 de carbono. Quantidade equivalente à compensação de 317.200 Mg de CO2 emitido, além do carbono fixo na madeira processada

    Modeling quasi-dark states with Temporal Coupled-Mode Theory

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    Coupled resonators are commonly used to achieve tailored spectral responses and allow novel functionalities in a broad range of applications, from optical modulation and filtering in integrated photonic circuits to the study of nonlinear dynamics in arrays of resonators. The Temporal Coupled-Mode Theory (TCMT) provides a simple and general tool that is widely used to model these devices and has proved to yield very good results in many different systems of low-loss, weakly coupled resonators. Relying on TCMT to model coupled resonators might however be misleading in some circumstances due to the lumped-element nature of the model. In this article, we report an important limitation of TCMT related to the prediction of dark states. Studying a coupled system composed of three microring resonators, we demonstrate that TCMT predicts the existence of a dark state that is in disagreement with experimental observations and with the more general results obtained with the Transfer Matrix Method (TMM) and the Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) simulations. We identify the limitation in the TCMT model to be related to the mechanism of excitation/decay of the supermodes and we propose a correction that effectively reconciles the model with expected results. A comparison with TMM and FDTD allows to verify both steady-state and transient solutions of the modified-TCMT model. The proposed correction is derived from general considerations, energy conservation and the non-resonant power circulating in the system, therefore it provides good insight on how the TCMT model should be modified to eventually account for the same limitation in a different coupled-resonator design. Moreover, our discussion based on coupled microring resonators can be useful for other electromagnetic resonant systems due to the generality and far-reach of the TCMT formalism.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    The Power of Negative Reasoning

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    Semialgebraic proof systems have been studied extensively in proof complexity since the late 1990s to understand the power of Gröbner basis computations, linear and semidefinite programming hierarchies, and other methods. Such proof systems are defined alternately with only the original variables of the problem and with special formal variables for positive and negative literals, but there seems to have been no study how these different definitions affect the power of the proof systems. We show for Nullstellensatz, polynomial calculus, Sherali-Adams, and sums-of-squares that adding formal variables for negative literals makes the proof systems exponentially stronger, with respect to the number of terms in the proofs. These separations are witnessed by CNF formulas that are easy for resolution, which establishes that polynomial calculus, Sherali-Adams, and sums-of-squares cannot efficiently simulate resolution without having access to variables for negative literals

    From the National Housing Bank to the My Home My Life program

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    This article comparatively analyzes the policies of the National Housing Bank – BNH, and the Habitation Program entitled My Home My Life, based on the locational logic of subsidized housing complexes in the city of Aracaju-SE, Brazil. In Brazil, two programs deserve special mention: BNH, created in 1964 as the financing body for the construction of social housing, producing thousands of housing units until 2002, opening up expansion fronts for the reproduction of the real estate market. In the second, the PMCMV, initiated in 2009, one of the biggest obstacles is access to urbanized land, with alternative to the occupation of scattered, devalued and deprived areas of environmental sanitation and public transportation. So, it is questioned to what extent the actions of the PMCMV, regarding the dynamics of housing production resemble or are distinguished from those undertaken by BNH? For the development of this, quantitative and qualitative information was collected in public agencies, generating tables and mapping the insertion of the enterprises in Aracaju. Thus, there are coincidences regarding the peripheral and dispersed logic of these sets, highlighting the clear socio-spatial segregation of the lower income strata, in the search for land valuation in function of public and private investments