1,721 research outputs found

    Role of the host cell in bacteriophage T4 development. II. Characterization of host mutants that have pleiotropic effects on T4 growth

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    Mutant host-defective Escherichi coli that fail to propagate bacteriophage T4 and have a pleiotropic effect on T4 development have been isolated and characterized. In phage-infected mutant cells, specific early phage proteins are absent or reduced in amount, phage DNA synthesis is depressed by about 50%, specific structural phage proteins, including some tail and collar components, are deficient or missing, and host-cell lysis is delayed and slow. Almost all phage that can overcome the host block carry mutantions that map in functionally undefined 'nonessential' regions of the T4 genome, most near gene 39. The mutant host strains are temperature sensitive for growth and show simultaneous reversion of the ts phenotype and the inability to propagate T4+. The host mutations are cotransduced with ilv (83 min) and may lie in the gene for transcription termination factor rho

    Analyse du processus d'élaboration d'un projet de simulation

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    International audienceNous présentons dans cet article une étude orientée sur l'analyse du processus d'élaboration d'un projet de simulation de système de production. Après avoir présenté un état de l'art traitant de cette problématique, nous détaillons le cadre d'élaboration d'un processus de simulation à travers la présentation des différentes étapes le constituant ainsi que celle des délivrables qui lui sont associés. Nous donnons ainsi la vision que nous avons de ce processus. L'accent est en particulier mis sur le rôle déterminant de la première étape qui vise à identifier et caractériser le besoin à l'origine du projet de simulation, généralement un problème à résoudre, et à évaluer la capacité de l'outil de simulation à évènements discrets à répondre efficacement à ce besoin. Nous proposons ensuite une classification des outils de simulation actuellement présents sur le marché en fonction de l'approche de modélisation utilisée, à savoir les outils orientés " fonction " ou " processus " et les outils orientés " composant " ou " objet ". Ainsi, après une description assez brève de ces approches de modélisation, nous présentons certains des avantages et des inconvénients de chaque type d'outil par rapport à un point de vue de l'utilisateur potentiel

    Nonlinear optical response of a gold surface in the visible range: A study by two-color sum-frequency generation spectroscopy. I. Experimental determination

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    International audienceWe experimentally determine the effective nonlinear second-order susceptibility of gold over the visible spectral range. To reach that goal, we probe by vibrational two-color sum-frequency generation spectroscopy the methyl stretching region of a dodecanethiol self-assembled monolayer adsorbed on a gold film. The sum-frequency generation spectra show a remarkable shape reversal when the visible probe wavelength is tuned from 435 to 705 nm. After correcting from Fresnel effects, the methyl stretching vibrations serve as an internal reference, allowing to extract the dispersion of the absolute phase and relative amplitude of the effective nonlinear optical response of gold in the visible range. Published by AIP Publishing. https://doi

    Assessment of Domestic Well-Being: From Perception to Measurement

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    Nowadays, there are plenty of sensing devices that enable the measurement of physiological, environmental, and behavioral parameters of people 24 hours a day, seven days a week and provide huge quantities of different data. Data and signals coming from sensing devices, installed in indoor or outdoor environments or often worn by the users, generate heterogeneous and complex structured datasets, most of the time not uniformly structured. The artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms applied to these sets of data have demonstrated capabilities to infer indices related to a subject's status and well-being [1]. Well-being is a key parameter in the World Health Organization (WHO) definition of health, considering its physical, mental, and social spheres. Quantitatively assessing a subject's well-being is of paramount importance if we want to assess the whole status of a person, which is particularly useful in the case of ageing people living alone. Assessment allows for continuous remote monitoring to improve people's quality of life (QoL) according to their perceptions, needs, and preferences. Technology undoubtedly plays a pivotal role in this regard, providing us new tools to support the objective evaluation of a subject's status, including her/his perception of the living environment. Its potential is huge, also in terms of support to the healthcare system and ageing people; however, there are several engineering challenges to consider, especially in terms of sensors integrability, connectivity, and metrological performance, in order to obtain reliable and accurate measurement systems

    The Influence of the Compensation and Training Toward Employee Performance at Bni 46 Manado Branch

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    Banking had a significant influence on the world to set circulation of money. Bank itself have a general function as a place to keeping the money and borrowing money. The things that make a bank can survive is the performance of the employees of the bank. factors that affect the performance of employees include the compensation and training. The objective of the study is to know the influence of the compensation and training toward employee performance at BNI 46 Manado branch. Data was analyzed quantitatively and through use of statistical package for social scientists (SPSS). The research method that used associative analysis with multiple regression analysis using saturated sampling with the sample of the respondents is 79 samples of all the employees at BNI 46 Cabang Manado. The result of this study shown that compensation and training have a significant influence on employee performance at BNI 46 Cabang Manado. For the company in this case BNI 46 Manado branch, its recommended to keep enhancing the training, because the variable have a significant influence to employee performance. And for the compensation have a influence but not significant to employee performance. So the compensation needs to improve, because the compensation also determine the performance from the employee to achieve their goal. Keywords: compensation, training, employee performanc

    Granulocytic Sarcoma in a Nonleukemic Patient: Place of Radiotherapy and Systemic Therapies

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    Granulocytic sarcoma is a rare extramedullary tumour, which most often occurs in the course of an acute or chronic leukaemia or myeloproliferative disorders. Rarely it is found before peripheral blood or bone marrow evidence of leukemia is present. We report an unusual case of acute paraplegia at first presentation of a spinal epidural granulocytic sarcoma without any haematological disorder. Therapeutic strategies are discussed in the light of the literature

    Dielectric and optical evaluation of high-emissivity coatings for temperature measurements in microwave applications

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    In this work, several commercial high-emissivity coatings have been characterized in terms of emissivity, chemical composition and dielectric properties as a function of temperature, under microwave irradiation. Accurate knowledge of their response under exposure to microwaves provides new and crucial information about their practical usability for non-contact temperature measurements in microwave environments. Due to their high metallic content, some of the studied coatings exhibited unexpected microwave-triggered reactions that hindered their use up to the maximum temperature specified by the manufacturers. Emissivity and chemical analyses before and after the heating cycles confirmed the degradation of some of the samples predicted by dielectric measurements. This work illustrates how a careful characterization of optical and dielectric properties under representative operating conditions (temperature range, microwave exposure) is vital in order to select the appropriate reference coating to obtain reliable temperature measurements in microwave applications

    Area and distance from mainland affect in different ways richness and phylogenetic diversity of snakes in Atlantic Forest coastal islands

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    Aim: The Theory of Island Biogeography posits that ecological and evolutionary processes regulate species richness of isolated areas. We assessed the influences of an island area and distance from the mainland on species richness, phylogenetic diversity, and phylogenetic composition of snakes on coastal islands. Location: Coastal islands of the megadiverse Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil. Methods: We compiled the species composition of 17 coastal islands in southeastern Brazil. Species richness and phylogenetic diversity were calculated for each island. Phylogenetic composition was measured using principal coordinates of phylogenetic structure. We then employed generalized linear models to test the influence of area and distance from the mainland on the diversity metrics. Results: We found a prominent influence of area on species richness, whereas phylogenetic diversity was more affected by distance from the mainland. Snake clades were distinctly associated with area and distance. The Boidae family was associated with nearer and larger islands, whereas Elapidae was broadly distributed. Distance from the mainland was associated with the distribution of Dipsadidae, whereas Colubridae was influenced by both the area and distance. The Viperidae family attained higher values of phylogenetic diversity in smaller and more remote islands. Main Conclusions: This island system conserved a considerable piece of snake richness from southeastern Brazil, including island endemic species. Area and distance from the mainland were important drivers of snake diversity in the Atlantic Forest coastal islands. However, these predictors affected the different components of diversity in different ways. Phylogenetic composition analysis enables us to understand how basal nodes contributed to high levels of phylogenetic diversity on smaller and farther islands regardless of the decrease in species richness