182 research outputs found


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    Rumusan masalah penelitian ini yaitu “Seberapa besar kemampuan penyajian produk mahasiswa Prodi PKK FPTK UPI angkatan 2011 pada mata kuliah Workshop MSDK berbasis project based learning. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kemampuan penyajian produk mahasiswa Prodi PKK FPTK UPI angkatan 2011 pada mata kuliah Workshop MSDK berbasis project based learning dalam seminar Workshop MSDK. Metode yang digunakan deskriptif dengan sampel mahasiswa PKK yang menempuh mata kuliah Workshop MSDK. Teknik penggumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan tes kinerja, untuk menggambarkan kemampuan penyajian produk Workshop MSDK berbasis project based learning. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kemampuan mahasiswa dalam penyajian produk Workshop MSDK berbasis project based learning berada pada kategori tinggi pada lima kelompok, kategori sedang pada dua kelompok dan kategori rendah pada satu kelompok. Rekomendasi diajukan pada mahasiswa Prodi PKK FPTK UPI angkatan 2011, agar dapat lebih mengasah dan meningkatkan kemampuan penyajian atau presentasi dengan cara membiasakan berani berbicara di depan umum dan banyak menggali ilmu atau informasi dengan membaca buku, koran, majalah maupun internet. The question of this research focuses on “How extensive the capabilities of Home Economic Education Students in Technology and Vocational Faculty to provide a product of Project Based Learning in Workshop MSDK. The objective of it is to find out how competent the students of Home Economic Education (HEE) in the Faculty of Technology and Vocational to present the product in Workshop MSDK by applying Project Based Learning during Workshop MSDK seminar. Here, a descriptive method is used by utilizing HEE students who study Workshop MSDK. The technique of data Collection is a work-test. The result is again used to describe capacities of the students in presenting product for Workshop MSDK which derived Project Based Learning. Then, that result analysis shows their capabilities are noted high for five, medium for two and low for one category. Students are proposed recommendation to enhance and improve their capabilities in providing or presenting by challenging their public speaking skills beside searching for more information either through reading books, magazines or surfing


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    Tradisi dalam pengertian sederhana adalah kebiasaan atau secara definitive yaitu sesuatu yang telah dilakukan sejak lama dan menjadi bagian dari kehidupan suatu kelompok masyarakat. Tradisi yang dilaksanakan di Pabrik Gula biasa disebut dengan Tradisi Selamatan Cembengan dan salah satu yang melaksanakan adalah PG-PS Madukismo. Penelitian mengenai Tradisi Selamatan Cembengan menggunakan metode pendekatan deskriptif, di mana narasumber yang ditentukan dipilih secara sengaja dengan cara wawancara mendalam. Tradisi Selamatan Cembengan di PG-PS Madukismo dilaksanakan setahun sekali, biasanya di Bulan April dengan hari pasaran khusus, yaitu legi. Tradisi Selamatan Cembengan ini dilaksanakan sebagai ucapan rasa syukur atas hasil panen tebu yang melimpah dan sebagai permohonan doa supaya proses giling tebu di PG-PS Madukismo berjalan dengan lancar tanpa suatu halangan apapun. Rangkaian acara inti yang dilaksanakan dalam Selamatan Cembengan yaitu ancak-ancak, ziarah leluhur, kirab tebu manten, penyembelihan kambing kendit, doa bersama serta pasar malam. Dengan adanya pasar malam tersebut diharapkan dapat menjalin hubungan baik antara pabrik dengan masyarakat sekitar


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kesulitan siswa dalam pembelajaran menulis cerpen. Siswa sering kali kesulitan mencari ide cerita dan menuangkannya menjadi sebuah cerpen. Tujuan penelitian ini antara lain: 1) Mendeskripsikan kemampuan awal siswa SMAN 1 Cimahi di kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol dalam menulis teks cerita pendek, 2) Mendeskripsikan kemampuan siswa SMAN 1 Cimahi di kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol setelah mendapat perlakuan, 3) Mendeskripsikan perbedaan hasil tes siswa kelas eksperimen dengan kelas kontrol SMAN 1 Cimahi dalam menulis cerita pendek setelah mendapat perlakuan. Dengan penelitian ini, peneliti diharapkan dapat membuktikan kefektifan metode yang diujicobakan. Metode CIRC berasal dari pendekatan komunikatif dan pembelajaran kooperatif. Metode ini mendorong siswa untuk mau membaca banyak karya cerpenis yang bisa dijadikan tolok ukur dalam menulis cerpen. Selain itu, metode CIRC dapat membantu siswa memahami unsur-unsur cerpen secara berkelompok. Siswa bersama temannya bisa saling mengedit cerpen satu sama lain. Tayangan video berita merupakan media yang bisa dijadikan sebagai sumber ide cerita untuk menulis cerpen. Unsur berita bisa dijadikan unsur intrinsik cerpen. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 66 orang, yang terdiri dari 33 orang kelompok kontrol dan 33 orang kelompok eksperimen yang diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Model yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model quasi experiment dengan desain nonequivalent control group design. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode CIRC berbasis tayangan video berita efektif dalam pembelajaran menulis cerpen.; This research is motivated by student's difficulties in writing short story. They are often difficult when finding the story ideas and develop it become a short story. The purpose of this research are: 1) to know the skill of students in experimental class of writing short story before and after research done; 2) to know the skill of students in control class of writing short story before and after research done 3) to know the differences of the test result of students in experimental class and control class in writing a short story after the research is done. This research is expected to prove the effectiveness of CIRC in writing short story. The CIRC derived from the communicative approach and cooperative learning. This method encourages students to want to read a lot of story of authors who could be used as benchmarks in write a short story. Beside it, the CIRC method can help students to understand the elements of a short story in their groups. Students with their friends can edit stories each other. News video is a medium that can be used as a source of story ideas for writing stories. News items can be used as intrinsic elements of short stories. Participants in this research as many as 66 people, comprising 33 control group and 33 in the experimental group that taken by purposive sampling technique. The model used in this research is a model of quasi-experimental design with nonequivalent control group design. The result showed that the method of CIRC based video news in learning to write short story is effective


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    Rumusan masalah penelitian ini yaitu “Seberapa besar kemampuan penyajian produk mahasiswa Prodi PKK FPTK UPI angkatan 2011 pada mata kuliah Workshop MSDK berbasis project based learning. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kemampuan penyajian produk mahasiswa Prodi PKK FPTK UPI angkatan 2011 pada mata kuliah Workshop MSDK berbasis project based learning dalam seminar Workshop MSDK. Metode yang digunakan deskriptif dengan sampel mahasiswa PKK yang menempuh mata kuliah Workshop MSDK. Teknik penggumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan tes kinerja, untuk menggambarkan kemampuan penyajian produk Workshop MSDK berbasis project based learning. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kemampuan mahasiswa dalam penyajian produk Workshop MSDK berbasis project based learning berada pada kategori tinggi pada lima kelompok, kategori sedang pada dua kelompok dan kategori rendah pada satu kelompok. Rekomendasi diajukan pada mahasiswa Prodi PKK FPTK UPI angkatan 2011, agar dapat lebih mengasah dan meningkatkan kemampuan penyajian atau presentasi dengan cara membiasakan berani berbicara di depan umum dan banyak menggali ilmu atau informasi dengan membaca buku, koran, majalah maupun internet. The question of this research focuses on “How extensive the capabilities of Home Economic Education Students in Technology and Vocational Faculty to provide a product of Project Based Learning in Workshop MSDK. The objective of it is to find out how competent the students of Home Economic Education (HEE) in the Faculty of Technology and Vocational to present the product in Workshop MSDK by applying Project Based Learning during Workshop MSDK seminar. Here, a descriptive method is used by utilizing HEE students who study Workshop MSDK. The technique of data Collection is a work-test. The result is again used to describe capacities of the students in presenting product for Workshop MSDK which derived Project Based Learning. Then, that result analysis shows their capabilities are noted high for five, medium for two and low for one category. Students are proposed recommendation to enhance and improve their capabilities in providing or presenting by challenging their public speaking skills beside searching for more information either through reading books, magazines or surfing

    Evaluation of The Role of Social Capital in the Tea Farmer Partnership System at PT. Pagilaran Afdeling Samigaluh Kulon Progo

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    Partnership is a form of cooperation that exists between two parties, where the relationship provides benefits to each other. Partnership cooperation is generally agreed in writing and includes clear rights and obligations between both parties. The commitment that occurs between both parties is the main key in the parthership system. In addition, the role of social capital in the form of trust, norms and social networks is also needed to support the sustainability of partnership, in this case tea farmers and PT. Pagilaran. This research aims to determine the tea farmer partnership system at PT. Pagilaran Afgdeling Samigaluh and find out the role of social capital in the tea farmer partnership system at PT. Pagilaran Afdeling Samigaluh. The method used in this reseach are survey and descriptive with a qualitative approach. The research results show that the partnership system thah exists between tea farmers and PT. Pagilaran Afdeling Samigaluh is a pure partnership system (buy and drop). Apart of that, social capital in the form of trust, norms and social networks in the partnership system between tea farmers and PT. Pagilaran Afdeling Samigaluh plays a very important role in maintaining the sustainability of the partnership and of course still pays attention to the rights and obligations of each parties


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    KONTRIBUSI TINGKAT KONSENTRASI TERHADAP KETEPATAN MENDARAT ATLET GANTOLLE PADA NOMOR SPOT LANDING   (Di Tim Puslatda Jawa Timur Cabor Gantolle)    M. RIVAL RESNAWELLI [email protected] Roy J Irawan ABSTRAK Dalam olahraga hang gliding atau gantolle salah satu komponen yang sangat dibutuhkan adalah konsentrasi. Konsentrasi sangatlah penting baik dalam sikap tubuh saat terbang dan terutama menyeimbangkan tubuh menjelang pendaratan, konsentrasi merupakan hal yang harus diperhatikan karena dapat mempengaruhi bagus tidak nya dan aman tidaknya saat pendaratan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya kontribusi tingkat konsentrasi terhadap ketepatan mendarat atlet gantolle pada nomor spot landing  di Tim Puslatda Jawa Timur Cabor Gantolle. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan pedekatan korelasional. Subyek populasi yang digunakan adalah atlet klub gantolle  Jawa Timur yang berjumlah 6 orang atlet laki-laki. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan yang telah dilakukan didapat nilai rata-rata untuk variabel konsentrasi yaitu sebesar 11,83 dan untuk variabel ketepatan mendarat sebesar 1,27. Untuk nilai koefisien korelasi didapat sebesar 0,861, yang berkontribusi sebesar 74,13%. Untuk menguji hipotesis digunakan rumus uji kebermaknaan koefisien korelasi dan didapat nilai t = 3,383, t tabel untuk dk n-2 = 4 dan α = 0,05 adalah 2,776. Oleh karena t hitung lebih besar dari ttabel (3.383) > (2,776), maka Ho ditolak, Ha diterima. Jadi  dapat disimpulkan terdapat kontribusi yang signifikan tingkat konsentrasi terhadap ketepatan mendarat. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari hasil penelitian ini adalah konsentrasi mempunyai kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap ketepatan mendarat, dengan sumbangan tingkat konsentrasi terhadap ketepatan mendarat atlet gantolle pada nomor spot landing  di Tim Puslatda Jawa Timur Cabor Gantolle sebesar 74,13%. Kata kunci : Kontribusi, Konsentrasi, ketepatan mendarat.   ABSTRACT                 In sport hang gliding or gantolle one component that is needed is the concentration. Concentration is very important both in body posture during flight and especially balancing the body before landing,  concentration is to be considered good because it can affect whether or not its current and safe landing. This study aims to determine whether there is any contribution to the concentration level of accuracy gantolle athletes landed on the landing spot numbers in esterns Java Puslatda team sports gantolle. In this study, using a quantitative approach with pedekatan correlational. Subject population used is the club athletes gantolle East Java amounted to 6 people. Based on the results of the calculations have been done obtained an average value for the concentration variable that is equal to 11.83 and for variable precision landing of 1.27. To the value obtained for the correlation coefficient 0.861, which accounted for 74.13%. Formula used to test the hypothesis significance testing and the correlation coefficient obtained value t = 3.383, t table for df n-2 = 4 and α = 0.05 is 2.776. Therefore t is greater than t table (3,383)> (2,776), then Ho is rejected, Ha is accepted. So we can conclude that there is significant contribution to the concentration level of precision landing Conclusions derived from this research is the concentration has a significant contribution to the precision landing, the contribution to the concentration level of precision landing on the number of athletes gantolle landing spot in team sport gantolle Puslatda Eastern Java at 74.13% Keywords: Contribution, Concentration, precision landin

    Pengaruh Terapi Massage Effleurage Terhadap Nyeri Punggung Pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III

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    Back pain that occurs for a long time and is not treated immediately, can lead to long-term back pain, increasing the tendency for postpartum back pain, and chronic back pain that will be more difficult to treat or cure. Massage therapy is one of the non-pharmacological therapies that can reduce back pain for pregnant women, massage will reduce muscle tension and pain, increase mobility and improve blood circulation. Analyzing the effect of effleurage massage on back pain in third trimester pregnant women. The research method used is pre-experiment with a one-group pretest-posttest design approach. The population in this study were all pregnant women at Kaliwadas Health Center with a gestational age of 32 weeks and above in January - March 2022 totaling 42 populations, while the sample taken was 16 respondents. Hypothesis test using Mann Withney test. The level of back pain before being given Massage Effleurage therapy had an average of 2.56 and after being given Massage Effleurage therapy had an average of 1.87. This means that there is a decrease in the level of back pain after being given Massage Effleurage therapy of 0.69. The results of the Mann Withney test obtained the Asymp value. Sig. of 0.021, so Ha is accepted, which means it can be concluded that there is an effect of Massage Effleurage on back pain in third trimester pregnant women at Kaliwadas Health Center. There is an effect of Massage Effleurage on back pain in third trimester pregnant women at Kaliwadas Health Center


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    Obat kortikosteroid digunakan sebagai imunosupresan dan antiinflamasi. Obat kortikosteroid dapat diberikan secara topikal maupun sistemik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan ketepatan dosis dan indikasi dari penggunaan obat kortikosteroid yang diberikan pada pasien anak di Instalasi Rawat Inap RSUD Sultan Syarif Mohamad Alkadrie. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode observasional. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan jenis penelitian potong lintang (Cross Sectional). Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara retrospektif dengan menggunakan data rekam medis pada pasien anak yang menggunakan kortikosteroid di instalasi rawat inap RSUD Sultan Syarif Mohamad Alkadrie Pontianak pada tahun 2018. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah stratified random sampling. Jumlah subjek penelitian yaitu 83 pasien anak. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu ketepatan dosis penggunaan obat kortikosteroid (49,06%) dan ketepatan indikasi penggunaan kortikosteroid (100%). Kata kunci : Anak, dosis, indikasi, ketepatan, kortikosteroid


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    Penggunaan plastik dalam kehidupan menimbulkan permasalahan berupa sampah plastik. Sampah plastik memerlukan waktu ratusan bahkan ribuan tahun untuk dapat terurai sempurna. Berdasarkan data statistik persampahan domestik Indonesia, jenis sampah plastik menduduki peringkat kedua sebesar 5.4 juta ton per tahun atau 14 persen dari total produksi sampah. Program edukasi untuk memerangi sampah plastik telah dilakukan secara gencar, intens dan masif di seluruh dunia bahkan dilakukan dengan membidik sasaran anak anak usia dini untuk mencapai zero waste dari sampah dan limbah plastik. Agar anak membuang sampah pada tempatnya harus di tumbuhkan sejak usia dini. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dengan melakukan edukasi kepada anak-anak yang tinggal di panti asuhan sebanyak 60 orang dengan metode penyuluhan (ceramah dan diskusi tanya jawab). Hasil menunjukkan terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan p 0,001, rata-rata nilai pretest 70,67 ± 6,3 dan rerata post test 89,17 ±  8,1.  Berdasarkan hasil kegiatan edukasi telah mencapai indikator keberhasilan >75% peserta dapat memahami materi yang disampaikan dengan baik. Berdasarkan hasil disarankan agar dapat dilakukan kegiatan edukasi serupa pada tempat lain yang berbeda agar dapat mencapai sasaran lebih luas sehingga semakin banyak yang mendapatkan edukasi


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      The purpose of this study is to (1) Describe the profile of science learning in Grade V Elementary School, (2) Prove the effect of STEM-based PJBL model on the science process skills (KPS) of Grade V Elementary School students in science learning, (3) Prove the effect of STEM-based PJBL model on the learning outcomes of Grade V Elementary School students in science learning, (4) Analyze and describe the differences in the effect between the STEM-based PJBL learning model and the Scientific learning model experiment method on the science process skills of Grade V Elementary School students in science learning, (5) Analyze and describe the differences in the effect between the STEM-based PJBL learning model and the Scientific learning model experiment method on the learning outcomes of Grade V Elementary School students in science learning. The research method used is a quasi-experiment with a design of Matching Pretest and Post-test Control Group Design. The population of the study is all Grade V Elementary School students in the Baleendah District, Bandung Regency. The sample was selected using purposive sampling technique. Four samples selected are SDN Cangkring 02 and SDN Sukamulya as experimental classes and SDN Ciptakarya and SDN Kawungsarigirang as control classes. The instruments used in this study are observation sheets, pretest/posttest questions, and documentation. The results of the study prove that (1) There is a difference in the research results between the experimental class and the control class that have grades A and B, (2) There is an effect of the STEM-based PJBL model on the KPS of Grade V Elementary School students in science learning, (3) There is an effect of the STEM-based PJBL model on the learning outcomes of Grade V Elementary School students in science learning, (4) There are differences in the effect between the STEM-based PJBL learning model and the Scientific learning model experiment method on the science process skills of Grade V Elementary School students in science learning, and (5) There is no difference in the effect between the STEM-based PJBL learning model and the Scientific learning model experiment method on the learning outcomes of Grade V Elementary School students in science learning. Students who receive learning with the STEM-based PJBL model perform better than students who receive learning with the Scientific learning model experiment method. As for learning outcomes, both the STEM-based PJBL learning model and the Scientific learning model experiment method can improve the learning outcomes of Grade V Elementary School students in science learning