30 research outputs found

    Use of gastrocnemius muscle on treatment of infected injuries of the knee

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar prospectivamente o emprego do retalho do músculo gastrocnêmio no tratamento de lesões infectadas do joelho. MÉDOTOS: foram operados 12 pacientes, onze do sexo masculino, com idade variando de 19 a 78 anos, média de 55 anos. A cobertura com músculo gastrocnêmio medial foi realizada em 11 pacientes, e lateral em um. A média de desbridamentos pré-operatórios foi de 3,2 procedimentos, variando de um a nove. RESULTADOS: todos os retalhos sobreviveram. O agente etiológico mais comum foi o S. aureus, em 54,5%. Após seguimento médio de 20,08 meses (13 a 31), todos os pacientes apresentam cobertura estável sem sinais ou sintomas de reinfecção. CONCLUSÃO: a utilização do músculo gastrocnêmio no tratamento de lesões infectadas do joelho proporcionou bons resultados com baixa morbidade.OBJECTIVE: to prospectively evaluate the use of gastrocnemius muscle flap in the treatment of knee infected injuries. METHODS: twelve patients were operated on: eleven males with ages ranging from 19 to 78 years, mean: 55 years. Coverage of injuries with medial gastrocnemius muscle was accomplished in 11 patients and a lateral in 1. The mean number of preoperative surgical debridement procedures was 3.2, ranging from 1 to 9. RESULTS: all flaps survived. The most common etiological agent was S. aureus, in 54.5%. After a mean follow-up of 20.08 months (13 to 31), all patients show stable coverage without recurrence of infection signs or symptoms. CONCLUSION: gastrocnemius muscle use in knee infected injuries treatment presented good results and low morbity rates

    Detecção de genes toxigênicos, susceptibilidade antimicrobiana e antagonismo in vitro de Staphylococcus spp. isolados de queijos artesanais

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    Staphylococcus spp. isolated from samples of Minas cheese traditionally manufactured following artisan procedures were identified using molecular techniques and further analyzed using PCR and specific primers for the detection of classic enterotoxins (SEA, SEB, SEC, SED, and SEE) and toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (TSST-1). Specific sea, sec, sed, and see genes were identified using multiplex PCR, whereas seb and tst genes were detected by uniplex PCR. In vitro antagonism with Lactobacillus spp. was evaluated to assess antimicrobial susceptibility. Classic enterotoxins and TSST-1 genes were not detected. The antimicrobials sulfonamide, penicillin, ceftzadime, and oxacillin showed higher resistance rates in the antibiogram (100%, 80%, 60%, and 40%, respectively), whereas other antimicrobials were effective in percentages above 70%. Lactobacillus spp. were able to inhibit Staphylococcus spp. in vitro. Thus, our results indicated that the isolated Staphylococcus spp. were sensitive to the most common antimicrobials tested and were inhibited by Lactobacillus spp.Cepas de Staphylococcus spp. molecularmente identificadas foram submetidas à Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR), utilizando-se iniciadores específicos para a detecção de genes codificadores de enterotoxinas clássicas (SEA, SEB, SEC, SED, SEE) e da Toxina-1 da Síndrome do Choque Tóxico (TSST-1). Foi realizada PCR-Multiplex para detecção dos genes sea, sec, sed e see. Para seb e tst, foram realizadas PCR-Uniplex. Além disso, foi analisado o perfil de susceptibilidade das cepas a antimicrobianos de diferentes classes e foi verificado antagonismo in vitro entre Lactobacillus spp. e as cepas estudadas. Genes codificadores de enteroxinas clássicas, assim como de TSST-1, não foram encontrados. Em relação ao antibiograma, Sulfonamida, Penicilina, Ceftazidima e Oxacilina apresentaram os maiores percentuais de resistência (100, 80, 60 e 40%, respectivamente). Os demais antimicrobianos foram eficientes em percentuais acima de 70%. Lactobacillus spp. foram capazes de inibir o desenvolvimento in vitro de Staphylococcus spp. Conclui-se que as cepas estudadas não possuem genes codificadores da produção de enterotoxinas clássicas e TSST-1, são sensíveis à maioria dos antimicrobianos e são inibidos por bactérias do gênero Lactobacillus

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Biodiversity loss is one of the main challenges of our time,1,2 and attempts to address it require a clear un derstanding of how ecological communities respond to environmental change across time and space.3,4 While the increasing availability of global databases on ecological communities has advanced our knowledge of biodiversity sensitivity to environmental changes,5–7 vast areas of the tropics remain understudied.8–11 In the American tropics, Amazonia stands out as the world’s most diverse rainforest and the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity,12 but it remains among the least known forests in America and is often underrepre sented in biodiversity databases.13–15 To worsen this situation, human-induced modifications16,17 may elim inate pieces of the Amazon’s biodiversity puzzle before we can use them to understand how ecological com munities are responding. To increase generalization and applicability of biodiversity knowledge,18,19 it is thus crucial to reduce biases in ecological research, particularly in regions projected to face the most pronounced environmental changes. We integrate ecological community metadata of 7,694 sampling sites for multiple or ganism groups in a machine learning model framework to map the research probability across the Brazilian Amazonia, while identifying the region’s vulnerability to environmental change. 15%–18% of the most ne glected areas in ecological research are expected to experience severe climate or land use changes by 2050. This means that unless we take immediate action, we will not be able to establish their current status, much less monitor how it is changing and what is being lostinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Biodiversity loss is one of the main challenges of our time,1,2 and attempts to address it require a clear understanding of how ecological communities respond to environmental change across time and space.3,4 While the increasing availability of global databases on ecological communities has advanced our knowledge of biodiversity sensitivity to environmental changes,5,6,7 vast areas of the tropics remain understudied.8,9,10,11 In the American tropics, Amazonia stands out as the world's most diverse rainforest and the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity,12 but it remains among the least known forests in America and is often underrepresented in biodiversity databases.13,14,15 To worsen this situation, human-induced modifications16,17 may eliminate pieces of the Amazon's biodiversity puzzle before we can use them to understand how ecological communities are responding. To increase generalization and applicability of biodiversity knowledge,18,19 it is thus crucial to reduce biases in ecological research, particularly in regions projected to face the most pronounced environmental changes. We integrate ecological community metadata of 7,694 sampling sites for multiple organism groups in a machine learning model framework to map the research probability across the Brazilian Amazonia, while identifying the region's vulnerability to environmental change. 15%–18% of the most neglected areas in ecological research are expected to experience severe climate or land use changes by 2050. This means that unless we take immediate action, we will not be able to establish their current status, much less monitor how it is changing and what is being lost

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Biodiversity loss is one of the main challenges of our time,1,2 and attempts to address it require a clear understanding of how ecological communities respond to environmental change across time and space.3,4 While the increasing availability of global databases on ecological communities has advanced our knowledge of biodiversity sensitivity to environmental changes,5,6,7 vast areas of the tropics remain understudied.8,9,10,11 In the American tropics, Amazonia stands out as the world's most diverse rainforest and the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity,12 but it remains among the least known forests in America and is often underrepresented in biodiversity databases.13,14,15 To worsen this situation, human-induced modifications16,17 may eliminate pieces of the Amazon's biodiversity puzzle before we can use them to understand how ecological communities are responding. To increase generalization and applicability of biodiversity knowledge,18,19 it is thus crucial to reduce biases in ecological research, particularly in regions projected to face the most pronounced environmental changes. We integrate ecological community metadata of 7,694 sampling sites for multiple organism groups in a machine learning model framework to map the research probability across the Brazilian Amazonia, while identifying the region's vulnerability to environmental change. 15%–18% of the most neglected areas in ecological research are expected to experience severe climate or land use changes by 2050. This means that unless we take immediate action, we will not be able to establish their current status, much less monitor how it is changing and what is being lost

    Fratura distal do rádio em pacientes com mais de 60 anos: placas ortogonais versus placa volar Distal radial fractures in patients over 60 years old: orthogonal plates versus volar plate

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    OBJETIVO: Comparar os resultados do tratamento cirúrgico entre placa volar com estabilidade angular e placas ortogonais em fraturas instáveis de rádio distal em pacientes com mais de 60 anos. MÉTODOS: Pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos tratados com placa volar ou placas ortogonais. Resultados clínicos e radiográficos foram analisados prospectivamente. RESULTADOS: Os grupos de estudo apresentaram resultados clínicos e radiográficos semelhantes seis meses após a operação. No entanto três meses após a cirurgia, o grupo onde foi utilizada a placa volar obteve resultados superiores. CONCLUSÃO: Ambos os grupos apresentaram bons resultados funcionais. O tratamento cirúrgico facilita a reabilitação precoce. A técnica das placas ortogonais requer uma curva de aprendizado maior e apresentou mais complicações e piores resultados iniciais.<br>OBJECTIVE: To compare the results from surgical treatment between volar plates with angular stability and orthogonal plates of unstable distal radius fractures in patients aged over 60 years. METHODS: Selected patients were randomized in two groups treated with volar plates or orthogonal plates. Clinic al and radiographic results were analyzed prospectively. RESULTS: The study groups presented similar clinical and radiographic results six months after the operation. However three months after surgery the volar plate group obtained superior results considering most of the parameters studied. CONCLUSION: Both the volar plates and the orthogonal plates presented good functional results. Surgical treatment enabled early rehabilitation for these patients. Orthogonal plate technique required a longer learning curve, presented more complications and worst early results

    Patterns of occurrence of the sub-Antarctic fur seal Arctocephalus tropicalis (Gray 1872) in Southern Brazil: climatic and environmental associations

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    SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 1 : ONLINE RESOURCE 1. Data Availability The data supporting the conclusions of this study are not openly available as they belong to three different institutions. These are: Grupo de Estudos de Mamíferos Aquáticos do Rio Grande do Sul (GEMARS), Laboratório de Ecologia e Conservação da Megafauna Marinha (ECOMEGA), Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG) and Núcleo de Educação e Monitoramento Ambiental (NEMA). The data can be requested from the respective responsible co-authors for each institution, upon reasonable request. Affiliation and contact information for the responsible co-authors from each institution have been provided in the "Title Page" of this article.SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 2 : ONLINE RESOURCE 2. Results of Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) values for lags of 2 to 7 months for the seasonality (sine and cosine) and climate modes model in the period from 1991 to 2013, and for the model of climate variables chlorophyll anomalies (aChlor) and sea surface temperature anomalies (aSST) in the period from 1998 to 2013. Bold indicates the results with the lowest AIC values, which are the models discussed in the paper. ONLINE RESOURCE 3. Results of the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) values for the models tested during the Backward Stepwise Regression process. The full model corresponds to model 1 with all seasonality (sine and cosine) and climate modes variables with a 4-month lag in the period from 1991 to 2013. Bold indicates the time when the Backward Stepwise Regression reaches the lowest AIC value. The variables that remained in the model were those discussed in the paper. For model 4, it was not necessary to carry out the Backward Stepwise Regression process, because the model only presented the environmental variables of chlorophyte anomalies (aChlor) and sea surface temperature anomalies (aSST) interacting. (*) interaction of variables.This study presents the pattern of occurrence of sub-Antarctic fur seals (SAFS), Arctocephalus tropicalis, in the southern Brazilian coast and evaluate its association with climatic variability and anomalies in the concentration of chlorophytes and sea surface temperature in the reproductive colonies of Gough and Tristan da Cunha Islands. Date, sex, and age class of 254 stranded SAFS recorded between 1992 and 2013 were analyzed. Representative indexes of the patterns of climatic variability and environmental variables were obtained between four and five months before the records, the assumed interval of displacement for species between their closest breeding colonies and the southern Brazilian coast. The species was observed in southern Brazil between May and November each year, and most individuals were adult males. The records of SAFS on the southern Brazilian coast were associated with low concentration of chlorophytes interacting with negative sea surface temperature anomalies, and positive events of South Annular Mode, South Atlantic Ocean Dipole and Indian Ocean Dipole. Climatic variability is influencing the ecology SAFS, because it affects the environmental factors, that act as a driver of dispersion of the species. These variables had been interacting together in the region of the breeding colonies, and possibly during the fur seals’ journey towards the Brazilian coast. Considering the current scenario of global climate change, we expect that SAFS will continue to disperse to areas beyond their regular distribution, not only in the direction of the coasts of southern continents, but also further south, towards higher latitudes.The Programa de Suporte à Pós-Graduação de Instituições Comunitárias de Educação Superior da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento Pessoal de Nível Superior – PROSUC/CAPES (Master's scholarship).http://link.springer.com/journal/3002024-12-12hj2024Mammal Research InstituteZoology and EntomologySDG-14:Life below wate