138 research outputs found

    Constituição de carreiras inexistentes, uma leitura a partir de Max Weber

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    The article discusses, in the light of Max Weber 's concepts of social action, bureaucracy, power and domination, the constitution of the "school management career" in public schools in Curitiba/PR. The expression was coined from the research about the choice, through consultation to the school community, of the management functions of these schools. It was verified, from the result of the disputes occurred since 1983, that a group of professionals, who had been admitted to teaching in the municipality, constituted their careers in a distinct function from that they were admitted in: the direction. Once elected, many in the first election process to school management in the Municipality in the early 1980s, only left the function to retire.El artículo discute, a la luz de los conceptos de acción social, burocracia, poder y dominación, de Max Weber, la constitución de la "carrera de dirección escolar" en escuelas públicas de Curitiba. La expresión, inexistente en el Ayuntamiento Municipal de Curitiba, fue acuñada a partir de la investigación sobre la elección, por medio de consulta a la comunidad escolar, de las funciones de dirección de estas escuelas. Se constató, a partir de una serie histórica construida con el resultado de los pleitos ocurridos desde 1983, que un grupo de profesionales de la educación, concursados para la docencia en el municipio, constituyó sus carreras en función distinta a la de los concursos que prestaron: en la función directiva de las escuelas. Una vez elegidos, sólo salieron de la función de dirección para jubilarse.O artigo discute, à luz dos conceitos de ação social, burocracia, poder e dominação, de Max Weber, a constituição da “carreira de direção escolar” em escolas públicas de Curitiba/PR. O termo foi cunhado a partir da pesquisa sobre a escolha, por meio de consulta à comunidade escolar, das funções de direção e vice-direção das escolas. Constatou-se, a partir do resultado dos pleitos ocorridos desde 1983, que um grupo de profissionais, concursados para a docência no município, constituiu suas carreiras em função distinta àquela dos concursos que prestaram: a função diretiva das escolas. Uma vez eleitos, muitos no primeiro pleito ocorrido no Município, no início dos anos 1980, só saíram da função de direção para aposentar-se

    Eleições como forma de provimento da direção escolar na Rede Municipal de Ensino de Curitiba

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Ângelo Ricardo de SouzaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação. Defesa: Curitiba, 25/02/2016Inclui referências : f. 135-140Resumo: Este trabalho busca discutir, à luz do conceito de democracia, as virtudes e vicissitudes do processo de provimento das equipes diretivas das unidades educacionais públicas do município de Curitiba. O município tem, desde 1983, normatização que rege esses processos de escolha por meio de eleições ou consultas à comunidade. Não obstante, a operacionalização desta normativa, ao longo destas três décadas, não foi analisada quanto a sua efetividade como princípio democrático, foco desta pesquisa. A democracia é princípio da legislação Brasileira desde o século XIX, ainda que o conceito tenha sido ampliado ou modificado desde então. O Brasil é um Estado Democrático de Direito, como descrito na Constituição Federal e, portanto, o princípio democrático rege as instituições públicas, dentre as quais a escola. Além do imperativo da Constituição Federal/88 para a gestão democrática da educação (art. 206, VI), a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LDB 9394/96) reafirma o princípio em dois artigos, 3º e 14, impondo a cada sistema a definição de normas de gestão democrática do ensino público. Na mesma toada, os Planos Nacional, Estadual e Municipal de Educação explicitam o princípio e a necessidade de se criarem mecanismos para sua efetivação, dentre os quais a consulta à comunidade para provimento da função de dirigente escolar. A pesquisa teve, portanto, como objetivos específicos, a discussão dos conceitos de Estado, democracia e gestão democrática da escola pública; a discussão e análise das eleições como forma de provimento da direção escolar, um dos instrumentos de materialização da gestão democrática da escola pública; descrição e análise de como é tratada a forma de provimento da função de direção das 184 escolas municipais na legislação de Curitiba, à luz do conceito de democracia; e a criação de um banco de dados dos/as profissionais que ocuparam as funções de direção em cada uma das 184 escolas de Curitiba desde os primeiros processos eleitorais (década de 1980). A pesquisa foi desenvolvida a partir de dados documentais e advindos de questionários a diretores/as de escolas municipais, além de análise bibliográfica. Dentre as fontes empíricas, foram estudadas as leis que regeram os processos de eleição/consulta no município de Curitiba, os decretos de nomeação dos/as profissionais que ocuparam função de direção nas unidades escolares após pleitos, a documentação do último processo de escolha, ocorrido em outubro/novembro de 2014, os relatos e observações desta pesquisadora, que esteve atuando na Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Curitiba durante toda a pesquisa, e em especial na equipe de Gestão Escolar durante o processo de consulta e nomeação das candidatas eleitas, bem como um questionário realizado com as novas gestoras, alguns meses após sua nomeação. Os dados demonstram que a rotatividade e de profissionais na função de direção não é garantida nas unidades por meio das eleições, na forma como essas foram tratadas na legislação até 2014, tampouco o instrumento garante gestões democráticas da escola pública. Palavras chaves: Gestão democrática. Escola pública. Eleições de diretores/as. Provimento de dirigentes escolares. Políticas Educacionais.Abstract: This work discuss, in the light of the concept of democracy, the virtues and vicissitudes of the appointment process of the management teams of public educational facilities in the city of Curitiba. The city has, since 1983, regulation that rules this process of choice through elections or community consultation. Nevertheless, over these three decades, the implementation of this legislation was not analyzed for its effectiveness as a democratic principle, focus of this research. Democracy is the principle of Brazilian law since the nineteenth century, although the concept has been expanded or modified since then. Brazil is a democratic state, as described in the Constitution, and therefore the democratic principle rules public institutions, among which the school. In addition to the imperative of the Federal Constitution/88 for the democratic management of education (article 206, VI), the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education (LDB 9394/96) reaffirms the principle in two articles, 3 and 14, imposing every system the definition of democratic management standards of public education. At the same tune, the National, State and Municipal Education Plans explain the principle and the need to create mechanisms for their enforcement, among them community consultation for the post of official school function. The research therefore had specific objectives: the discussion of State concepts, democracy and democratic management of public education; discussion and analysis of elections as a means of providing the school board, one of the materialization of instruments of democratic management of public education; description and analysis of how it is treated the form of provision of direction function of 184 public schools in Curitiba legislation in the light of the concept of democracy; and the creation of a professional database that occupied the functions of direction in each of the 184 schools in Curitiba since the first elections (1980). The research was developed from documentary evidence and arising from questionnaire applied to directors of municipal schools, in addition to literature review. Among the empirical sources, were studied the laws that governed the election processes/consultation in Curitiba, the professional appointment decrees that occupied steering function at schools after elections, the documentation of the last selection process, held in October/November 2014, the reports and observations of this researcher, who was working in Curitiba City Department of Education throughout the research, especially in the School Management team during the consultation process and appointment of elected candidates, as well as a questionnaire performed with the new management a few months after his appointment. The data demonstrate that the staff turnover in the school management role is not guaranteed in the units through elections, nor the instrument ensures the democratic management of public education. Keywords: Democratic management. Public school. Election of directors. Provision of directors. Educational Policies


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    BRANDÃO, Zaia. Pesquisa em educação:conversas com pós-graduandos. Rio deJaneiro: Ed. PUC-Rio; São Paulo: Loyola, 2012

    Design-Based School Improvement: A Practical Guide for Education Leaders

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    Heinrich Mintrop, ou Rick Mintrop, é alemão, professor da Universidadede Califórnia, Berkeley, Estados Unidos. Tendo trabalhado em escolas e nosistema escolar, hoje dedica-se a pesquisá-las. No perfil do pesquisador, nosite próprio ou da Universidade1, é afirmado que a vinculação entre a pesquisae a prática, suas paixões, é o foco de sua atuação profissional. Tem feito issopor meio da formação de líderes educacionais, que lhe permitem trabalhar aabstração, a teoria e os problemas reais educacionais. O livro ora apresentadoé o que o próprio autor afirma: a tentativa de conjugação do mundo acadêmico à prática cotidiana escolar

    Do discurso ao compromisso legal : a democracia da gestão da educação pública brasileira normatizada a partir do Plano Nacional de Educação 2014-2024

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Ângelo Ricardo de SouzaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação. Defesa : Curitiba, 23/03/2021Inclui referências: p. 394-425Resumo: Dada a aprovação do Plano Nacional de Educação 2014-2024, por meio da Lei nº 13.005/2014, com indicativo de sanção de normas que disciplinem a gestão democrática da educação pelos entes federados brasileiros, esta tese se desenhou. O PNE, cujo processo de promulgação foi longo, com ampla participação de diferentes agentes sociais, aludiu às expectativas em torno da implementação de políticas para a Educação Brasileira, a fim de qualificá-la conforme os consensos possíveis aos quais a sociedade chegou em 2014. No que tange à gestão da educação, o documento reafirmou sua forma democrática e a necessidade de promulgação de norma específica sobre a matéria no âmbito dos sistemas de ensino (Art. 2º e 9º da Lei e Meta 19), bem como a consideração de consulta pública à comunidade, no espaço das escolas públicas. Destarte, estava posto o problema de pesquisa, objetivando entender a forma pela qual os entes federados responderam (ou não) ao imperativo do PNE de regulamentarem a gestão democrática da educação: como está organizada a gestão democrática dos sistemas de ensino brasileiros frente ao imperativo do Plano Nacional de Educação 2014-2024? O objeto de pesquisa, portanto, se sustenta no interesse público quanto à efetivação de políticas traçadas para a Educação Brasileira, tanto relativas ao PNE quanto ao dispositivo constitucional de democratização da gestão da educação, que ganhou novo destaque e indicativos de materialização com a promulgação do referido plano. Com o intuito de responder à pergunta, não havendo um banco nacional com legislação dos diferentes entes federados, elaborou-se um questionário, enviado por e-mail para secretarias e conselhos locais de educação; Com base nas respostas (mais de 10% dos entes federados brasileiros), as respectivas normas de gestão democrática citadas e os planos locais de educação foram buscados, compondo o banco de dados desta pesquisa; somaram-se ao escopo empírico, com buscas nos sítios eletrônicos próprios, as normas de capitais e estados não participantes na pesquisa nacional. A partir deste arcabouço, as normas foram analisadas à luz das teorias da democracia (LIMA, 1998; MICHELS, 2001; SCHUMPETER, 1961; TOCQUEVILLE, 2005; TOURAINE, 1994) e da gestão democrática da educação (LIMA, 2018b; MENDONÇA, 2001; PARO, 2000; SOUZA, 2009a), cuja fundamentação é feita na primeira parte da tese. Ainda, fez-se necessária a compreensão de planejamento educacional e do processo constitutivo do Plano Nacional de Educação (DOURADO, 2017), que teriam induzido o disciplinamento da gestão democrática da educação. Como sumarização geral dos dados recolhidos e das análises feitas, percebeu-se uma forte aproximação dos planos locais ao Plano Nacional de Educação, a despeito daqueles que, deliberadamente ou não, excluíram a ideia de disciplinamento da gestão democrática da educação das normas locais. Destaca-se a baixa adesão dos entes federados ao imperativo da gestão democrática da educação, ou seja, há, ainda, um número baixo de normas gerais aprovadas sobre a matéria; genericamente, houve forte redução dela a instrumentos de gestão - dentre os quais, especialmente, o provimento das funções diretivas das escolas. O conceito de mínimos democráticos (LIMA, 2009), pois, pareceu alinhado às configurações da gestão democrática locais.Abstract: This thesis was designed due to the approval of the Brazilian National Education Plan 2014-2024 (PNE), through Law nº 13,005/2014, with an indication of approval of patterns that rule the democratic administration of education by Brazilian federated entities. The promulgation of PNE was a long process, with wide participation of different social agents, referred to the expectations surrounding the implementation of policies for Brazilian Education, in order to qualify it according to the possible consensus reached by society in 2014. In regard to education management, the document reaffirmed its democratic form and the need for the promulgation of a specific rule within the scope of education systems (Art. 2 and 9 of the Law and Goal 19), as well as the consideration of community consultation, within the scope of public schools. Thus, the research problem was posed, aiming to understand the way in which the federated entities responded (or not) to PNE's demands to regulate the democratic administration of education: how is the democratic administration of Brazilian education systems organized regarding the demands of PNE? The object of this research, therefore, is based on the public interest regarding the effectiveness of policies designed for Brazilian Education, both regarding PNE and the constitutional provision for democratizing education administration, which gained new prominence and indications of materialization with the promulgation of the plan mentioned before. In order to answer the question, since there is no national bank with legislation from the different federated entities, a questionnaire was designed and sent by e-mail to local education departments and councils; based on the responses (more than 10% of the Brazilian federated entities), the respective democratic management standards mentioned and the local education plans were looked for, and made up the database of this research; with searches on their own websites, norms of capital cities and states not participating in national research were added to the empirical scope. Within this framework, the norms were analyzed in the light of the theories of democracy (LIMA, 1998; MICHELS, 2001; SCHUMPETER, 1961; TOCQUEVILLE, 2005; TOURAINE, 1994) and of the democratic administration of education (LIMA, 2018b; MENDONÇA, 2001; PARO, 2000; SOUZA, 2009a). Still, it was necessary to understand educational planning and the constitutive process of PNE (DOURADO, 2017), which led to the disciplining of the democratic management of education. As a general summary of the data collected and the analysis carried out, a strong approximation of the local plans to PNE was noticed, even though there were those who, deliberately or not, excluded the idea of disciplining the democratic administration of education from local norms. As for the design of democratic education administration, the low adherence of federated entities to the imperative norms stands out, that is, there are still a low number of approved general rules; in general terms there was a strong reduction to management instruments - among which, especially, the provision of the directive functions of schools. The concept of democratic minimums (LIMA, 2009), therefore, seemed to be in line with local democratic administration designs

    Tension-Type Headache in Early Adolescents: Exploring the Predictive Role of Anxiety and Alexithymia

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    Introduction: Primary Headache, including Tension-Type Headache (TTH), represents one of the most common somatic disorders in children and adolescents with a strong impact on quality of life. Several risk factors, as environmental, familiar, and psychological features, including personality traits, are related to the development of Primary Headache. However, studies on specific subgroups of TTH are relatively few in early adolescents. Objectives: Therefore, this cross-sectional pilot study aims at exploring the role of anxiety and alexithymia in early adolescents with and without TTH. Methods: A sample of 70 early adolescents (Mage=14.59, SD=1.85; 71% females) consisting of a clinical group (31 with TTH) enrolled in an Italian Child Neuropsychiatry Clinic and a comparison group (38 without TTH) enrolled in schools, matched on gender and age, completed: 1) Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children (MASC) to detect the Total levels of Anxiety, also in their factor of Physical Symptoms, Social Anxiety, Harm Avoidance, and Separation Anxiety; 2) the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) to detect the Total levels of Alexithymia, also in their factor of Difficulty to Identifying and to Describing Feelings and Externally Oriented Thinking. Results: TTH outcome positively correlated with Harm Avoidance (rho=.68, p<.001) and Total Alexithymia (rho=.72, p<.001). In a logistic regression, Harm Avoidance and Total Alexithymia predicted 69% of the variance in TTH outcome (p<.032). Conclusions: This disorder may be a maladaptive strategy to cope with problems and feeling emotions, then early adolescents could be fostered in the acquisition of more adaptive emotion regulation abilities

    Multimethod Assessment of Mentalizing and its relations with Somatic Symptoms in Adolescents with Primary Headache

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    Introduction: Difficulties in mentalizing (i.e., the ability to reflect on self and others’ internal mental states, operationalized as reflective functioning [RF]; Fonagy et al., 2012) have been associated with psychological symptoms (Luyten et al., 2020), including somatic symptoms (Bizzi et al., 2019). Therefore, the assessment of its dimensions may be clinically relevant for young patients with somatic symptoms, as with Primary Headache (PH), representing one of the most common somatic complaints in children and adolescents. Objectives: This study aimed to assess RF with a multi-method approach, exploring its relation with somatic symptoms. Methods: 48 adolescents diagnosed with PH (Mage=14.83, SD=2.81; 67% females) were recruited from an Italian Child Neuropsychiatry Clinic. RF was measured both through the Child and Adolescent Reflective Functioning (CRFS) applied to the Child Attachment Interview transcripts and the self-report Reflective Functioning Questionnaire (RFQ), while the Children’s Somatization Inventory (CSI-24) was used to measure the perceived severity of somatic symptoms. Results: Different relations with somatic symptoms depended on the method used to evaluate RF: no significant correlations were found with the CRFS subscales (General, Other, Self), while a negative significant correlation was found with the RFQ subscale Certainty about mental states (RFQ_C) (r=-.46, p=.016). All subscales of CRFS were negatively correlated with RFQ_C (p=.05), but not with the other RFQ subscale (Uncertainty about mental states; RFQ_U). Conclusions: This suggests that two measures may lead to different dimensions of the same construct, thus a multi-method assessment of RF would be advisable in clinical practice

    Neurodevelopmental versus functional tics:A controlled study

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    BACKGROUND: An unprecedented increase in newly developed functional tics, mainly in young females, has been reported during the COVID-19 pandemic. We set out to complement existing case series with the largest controlled study to date on the clinical phenomenology of functional tics versus neurodevelopmental tics.METHODS: Data from 166 patients were collected at a specialist clinic for tic disorders during a three-year period overlapping with the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2023). We compared the clinical features of patients who developed functional tics during the COVID-19 pandemic (N = 83) to patients with Tourette syndrome matched for age and gender (N = 83).RESULTS: Female adolescents and young adults accounted for 86% of the clinical sample of patients with functional tics, who were less likely to report a family history of tic disorders than their matched controls with Tourette syndrome. Co-morbidity profiles were significantly different: anxiety and other functional neurological disorders were more strongly associated with functional tics, whereas attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder and tic-related obsessive-compulsive behaviors co-occurred more frequently with neurodevelopmental tics. Overall, absence of tic-related obsessive-compulsive behaviors (t = 8.096; p &lt; 0.001) and absence of a family history of tics (t = 5.111; p &lt; 0.001) were the strongest predictors of the diagnosis of functional tics. Compared to neurodevelopmental tics, functional tics were more likely to present acutely/subacutely at a later age (21 versus 7 years), without a clear rostro-caudal progression. Coprophenomena, self-injurious behaviors, and complex clinical manifestations such as blocking tics, throwing tics, and tic attacks, were all over-represented in the functional group.CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide robust confirmation of both patient-related variables and tic characteristics contributing to the differential diagnosis between functional tics developed during the pandemic and neurodevelopmental tics reported by patients with Tourette syndrome.</p

    A Thorough Study on the Photoisomerization of Ferulic Acid Derivatives

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    AbstractA thorough study on the (E) to (Z) photoisomerization of ferulic acid derivatives (esters, amides of all types, and ketones) was carried out. At the photostationary state, only aliphatic or benzylic tertiary amides reach a nearly complete conversion of (E) isomers into the (Z) ones, whereas for esters, primary and secondary amides or aromatic tertiary amides mixtures of (Z)/(E) ranging from 7 : 93 to 72 : 28 are observed. Ketones show rather limited photoisomerization. However, (Z) ketones may be obtained by the reaction of organometal compounds with an isomerized (Z) Weinreb amide