2,124 research outputs found

    Do hydrotherapy exercise programmes improve exercise tolerance and quality of life in patients with chronic heart failure? A systematic review

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether hydrotherapy programmes improve exercise tolerance and quality of life in patients with chronic heart failure. Data sources utilised were EBSCO, Scopus, Medline, PubMed, OVID, Proquest, PEDro and Cochrane Systematic Reviews databases. A systematic review of randomised controlled trials or quasi randomised controlled trials investigated hydrotherapy compared with a suitable control. Methodological quality was assessed using a modified version of the Downs and Black critical appraisal tool. Findings demonstrated that hydrotherapy was well tolerated with few adverse events reported. Two studies demonstrated hydrotherapy intervention groups significantly improved 6MWT from baseline (p≤0.05), while two studies found significantly greater improvements when compared to non-exercising (p=0.01) and land based exercising (p=0.001) controls. Four studies found significant gains (p≤0.05) in VO2 peak from baseline following hydrotherapy interventions. Two studies reported significant (p=0.01) intragroup improvements in total score of the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire in hydrotherapy intervention groups when compared with baseline and a non-exercising control respectively. In conclusion, hydrotherapy exercise programmes were well tolerated and appear to improve exercise capacity and quality of life in people with chronic heart failure but firm conclusions could not be drawn due to the poor to moderate quality of the evidence

    Genome sequence and plasmid transformation of the model high-yield bacterial cellulose producer Gluconacetobacter hansenii ATCC 53582.

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    Bacterial cellulose is a strong, highly pure form of cellulose that is used in a range of applications in industry, consumer goods and medicine. Gluconacetobacter hansenii ATCC 53582 is one of the highest reported bacterial cellulose producing strains and has been used as a model organism in numerous studies of bacterial cellulose production and studies aiming to increased cellulose productivity. Here we present a high-quality draft genome sequence for G. hansenii ATCC 53582 and find that in addition to the previously described cellulose synthase operon, ATCC 53582 contains two additional cellulose synthase operons and several previously undescribed genes associated with cellulose production. In parallel, we also develop optimized protocols and identify plasmid backbones suitable for transformation of ATCC 53582, albeit with low efficiencies. Together, these results provide important information for further studies into cellulose synthesis and for future studies aiming to genetically engineer G. hansenii ATCC 53582 for increased cellulose productivity

    The Cinderella moment:Exploring consumers’ motivations to engage with renting as collaborative luxury consumption mode

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    Past literature argued that the purchase of luxury goods is driven by people’s motivation to conform or fit into our economic and social system. In this study, the authors focus on a new aspect of consumption, i.e. renting instead of purchasing luxury goods, backed by the emerging opportunities of sharing economy platforms. Drawing upon the analysis of spontaneous consumers’ online communications (in the form of tweets), this research aims to investigate the motivations to engage with luxury garment renting within a collaborative consumption context. To this end, a series of automatic content analyses, via two studies, were conducted using the tweets posted with respect to the Run the Runway collaborative consumption platform. Results demonstrate consumers’ increased willingness to show their social status through renting rather than owning luxurious apparel based on five main motivators (need to wear new clothes for a special event, inspirations created by the products/brands, possibility to explore a new way of consuming luxury goods, need to make more sustainable choices, and to increase the life cycle of each luxury product). The implications of these findings are discussed, while they pave the way for future research in collaborative consumption of luxury retailing

    Ковчег Ноя: рух матерії у Сонячній системі та на ядерних рівнях Землі

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    У Стародавньому світі пророку Мойсею було відкрито таємницю створення світу. Як науковий геній свого часу, Мойсей зашифрував у алегоричну форму в родоводі Адама і Потопі прикладну науку про будову ядра Землі, Сонячної системи і рухи космічної водневої і сонячної вуглецевої матерій (енергій) крізь Землю.В Древнем мире пророку Моисею была открыта тайна создания мира. Как научный гений своего времени Моисей зашифровал в форму аллегории в родословной Адама и Потопе прикладную науку о строении ядра Земли, Солнечной системы и движениях космической водородной и солнечной углеродной материи (энергии) сквозь Землю.In the Ancient history the mystery of the Creation of the world was revealed to the Prophet Moses. As a scientific genius of that époque Moses codified in allegoric way in the genealogy of Adam and The Flood the applied science on the structure of the Earth core, of the Solar System and motion of cosmic hydrogenous and solar carbonic substance (energy) through the Earth

    Experimental study of double beta decay modes using a CdZnTe detector array

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    An array of sixteen 1 cm^3 CdZnTe semiconductor detectors was operated at the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory (LNGS) to further investigate the feasibility of double-beta decay searches with such devices. As one of the double-beta decay experiments with the highest granularity the 4 x 4 array accumulated an overall exposure of 18 kg days. The setup and performance of the array is described. Half-life limits for various double-beta decay modes of Cd, Zn and Te isotopes are obtained. No signal has been found, but several limits beyond 10^20 years have been performed. They are an order of magnitude better than those obtained with this technology before and comparable to most other experimental approaches for the isotopes under investigation. An improved limit for the beta^+/EC decay of Te 120 is given.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    The impact of surgical complications on health-related quality of life in women undergoing gynecologic and gynecologic oncology procedures: a prospective longitudinal cohort study

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    There are currently no assessments of the impact of surgical complications on health-related quality of life in gynecology and gynecologic oncology. This is despite complications being a central focus of surgical outcome measurement, and an increasing awareness of the need for patient-reported data when measuring surgical quality

    Examining exercise dependence symptomatology from a self-determination perspective

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    Background: Based on the theoretical propositions of Self-Determination Theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 1985) this study examined whether individuals classified as “nondependent-symptomatic” and “nondependent-asymptomatic” for exercise dependence differed in terms of the level of exercise-related psychological need satisfaction and self-determined versus controlling motivation they reported. Further, we examined if the type of motivational regulations predicting exercise behaviour differed among these groups. Methods: Participants (N = 339), recruited from fitness, community, and retail settings, completed measures of exercise-specific psychological need satisfaction, motivational regulations, exercise behaviour and exercise dependence. Results: Individuals who were nondependent-symptomatic for exercise dependence reported higher levels of competence need satisfaction and all forms of motivational regulation, compared to nondependent-asymptomatic individuals. Introjected regulation approached significance as a positive predictor of strenuous exercise behaviour for symptomatic individuals. Identified regulation was a positive predictor of strenuous exercise for asymptomatic individuals. Conclusions: The findings reinforce the applicability of SDT to understanding engagement in exercise

    Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder-like traits and distractibility in the visual periphery

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    We examined the performance of non-clinical subjects with high and low levels of self-reported ADHD-like traits in a novel distractibility paradigm with far peripheral visual distractors, the likely origin of many distractors in everyday life. Subjects were tested on a Sustained Attention to Response Task with distractors appearing before some of the target/non-target stimuli. When the distractors appeared 80 ms before the targets/non-targets, participants with high levels of ADHD-like traits were less affected in their reaction times than those with lower levels. Reducing the distractor-target/non-target interval to 10 ms removed the reaction time advantage for the high group. We suggest that at 80 ms the distractors were cueing the arrival of the target/non-target and that those with high levels of ADHD-like traits were more sensitive to the cues. Increased sensitivity to stimuli in the visual periphery is consistent with hyper-responsiveness at the level of the superior colliculus