13 research outputs found

    Hepatitis A outbreak disproportionately affecting men who have sex with men (MSM) in the European Union and European Economic Area, June 2016 to May 2017

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    Free PMC Article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6205254/Between 1 June 2016 and 31 May 2017, 17 European Union (EU) and European Economic Area countries reported 4,096 cases associated with a multi-country hepatitis A (HA) outbreak. Molecular analysis identified three co-circulating hepatitis A virus (HAV) strains of genotype IA: VRD_521_2016, V16-25801 and RIVM-HAV16-090. We categorised cases as confirmed, probable or possible, according to the EU outbreak case definitions. Confirmed cases were infected with one of the three outbreak strains. We investigated case characteristics and strain-specific risk factors for transmission. A total of 1,400 (34%) cases were confirmed; VRD_521_2016 and RIVM-HAV16-090 accounted for 92% of these. Among confirmed cases with available epidemiological data, 92% (361/393) were unvaccinated, 43% (83/195) travelled to Spain during the incubation period and 84% (565/676) identified as men who have sex with men (MSM). Results depict an HA outbreak of multiple HAV strains, within a cross-European population, that was particularly driven by transmission between non-immune MSM engaging in high-risk sexual behaviour. The most effective preventive measure to curb this outbreak is HAV vaccination of MSM, supplemented by primary prevention campaigns that target the MSM population and promote protective sexual behaviour.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Applied aspects of pineapple flowering

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    Vegetative development, fruits yield and optimization of pineapple cv. Pérola with different levels of irrigation

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    Apesar de ser uma planta com necessidades hídricas relativamente baixas, o abacaxizeiro tem demanda permanente de água, variável ao longo do ciclo e dependente do seu estádio de desenvolvimento. Assim, objetivou-se analisar volumes de irrigação no desenvolvimento vegetativo, no rendimento da fruta e na otimização do abacaxizeiro cv. Pérola. O experimento foi realizado na Universidade Federal de Sergipe, município de São Cristóvão (11°01'S, 37°12'W), no delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos (lâminas de água) (100% da evaporação do tanque Classe A (523,7mm ano-1); 75% da evaporação do tanque Classe A (392,8mm ano-1), 50% da evaporação do tanque Classe A (261,8mm ano-1) e 0% da evaporação do tanque Classe A, seis repetições e 12 plantas úteis por parcela. O sistema de irrigação foi por aspersão convencional disposto em linha, com pressão de 20mca e vazão de 1,33m3 h-1. A área foliar (cm2) mínima atingida de 4552,6cm2 foi observada no volume de água de 122,9mm ano-1, enquanto a massa seca das folhas (147,6g) foi constatada com 17mm ano-1. O máximo comprimento da folha D (88,9cm) foi estimado com 532,7 mm ano-1. Já o máximo comprimento do fruto (23cm) foi observado na lâmina de 296,9mm ano-1. A massa do fruto máxima estimado de 1.736g foi constatado na lâmina de 356,4mm ano-1. No contexto, a irrigação contribui de forma positiva no desenvolvimento vegetativo e rendimento da fruta do abacaxizeiro. Ressalta-se remuneração mensal líquida de R 1.161,17ha-1, quando se adota lâmina de irrigação de 356,4mm ano-1. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: Regardless a relatively low water needs, pineapple fruit has a variable behavior related to water need throughout its biological cycle depending on the development stage. The objective of this work was to analyze irrigation on the vegetative development and fruits yield in pineapple cv. Pérola. The experiment was conducted at the Universidade Federal de Sergipe Experimental Station, at São Cristóvão - SE (11°01'S, 37°12'W), in a randomized block design, with four water level treatments as follow: 100% of Class-A (523.7mm ano-1) evaporation pan; 75% of Class-A (392.8mm ano-1) evaporation pan, 50% of Class-A (261.8mm ano-1) evaporation pan and 0% of Class-A evaporation pan, in six replications and twelve plants per plot. The splinkler watering system of irrigation was installed in a line, with an operating pression of 20 mca and a sprinkler dischrage of 1.33m3h-1. A minimum leaf area of 4552.6cm2 was observed, considering a water level of 122.9mm year-1, while a leaf dry matter was 147.6 g in 17mmyear-1. The maximum leaf length (D) of 88.9cm was estimated considering 532.7mmyear-1. The maximum fruit length of 23cm was observed, considering a water level of 296.9mmyear-1. The maximum estimated fruit weight was 1.736g in a water level of 356.4mm year-1. The irrigation seems to contribute in a positive way to the vegetative development in the pineapple fruit yield. It is important to mention that it could be observed a net profit of R 1,161.17 ha-1, when a water level of 356.4mm ano-1 of irrigation was adopted

    Resultaten bronanalyse zwerfafval Griend : Resultaten van een gedetailleerde bronanalyse van zwerfafval dat op het Waddeneiland Griend verzameld is en samen met lokale stakeholders tijdens een Litter-ID-sessie in oktober 2019 onderzocht is

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    This report contains the results of a detailed source analysis of beach litter that had been collected on the Wadden island of Griend in September 2019. This analysis took place during a Litter-ID session, which is an interactive method developed by Wageningen University & Research where local stakeholders and experts are involved in mapping out the sources, origin, causes, interaction with the ecosystem and, where possible, the solutions in as much detail as possible. The results show that on the island of Griend, consumer and fishing waste are the main types of litter in terms of numbers and weight. In terms of origin, most litter is from the Netherlands, including the Wadden Sea region. Litter that has its origin outside of the Netherlands, mainly comes from France and Great Britain

    High antibody level: An accurate serologic marker of viremia in asymptomatic people with hepatitis C infection

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    Background: The screening and diagnosis of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is initiated by testing for antibody to HCV (anti-HCV). A positive anti-HCV test in blood donors represents ongoing infection in only a variable proportion of individuals. Because a high anti-HCV level has been associated with viremia, a study was conducted to determine whether a high antibody level is an accurate serologic marker for viremia in asymptomatic anti-HCV-positive persons. Study design and methods: In a diagnostic test study, we included 856 anti-HCV-positive blood donors in a blood bank at Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, between 2002 and 2007. A third-generation amplified chemiluminescence assay (ChLIA HCV) was used to detect anti-HCV. A positive result of the qualitative nucleic acid test (HCV RNA) was considered the gold standard for viremia. RESULTS: By receiver operating characteristic analysis, the signal-to-cutoff (S/CO) ratio of 20 or more was chosen as optimal to identify viremia and so was defined as high anti-HCV level. There was a significant difference in the proportion of viremia between subjects with high antibody level and those with lower levels (93.7% vs. 1.8%, respectively; p < 0.001). A high antibody level showed a sensitivity for viremia of 96.6% (95% confidence interval [CI], 93.8%-98.1%), a specificity of 96.6% (95% CI, 94.8%-97.8%), and a likelihood ratio of 28.6 (95% CI, 18.4%-44.6%). CONCLUSION: A high antibody level (S/CO ratio ≥20 by ChLIA HCV) clearly divides the viremic from the nonviremic blood donors and functions as an accurate serologic marker to guide the use of routine HCV RNA testing to confirm hepatitis C infection. © 2010 American Association of Blood Banks

    Ácido giberélico no raleio de cachos de uva da cv. superior seedless, enxertada sobre o porta-enxerto 'SO4', cultivada na região do Vale do Submédio São Francisco Giberelic acid in grape cluster thinning, cv. superior seedless, grafted on the rootstock "SO4", cultivated at São Francisco Valley

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    Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de concentrações de ácido giberélico no raleio e melhoria da qualidade de cachos de uva da cv. Superior Seedless, foi realizado este experimento em pomar comercial na Fazenda Copa Fruit S.A., município de Petrolina-PE. o delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com sete tratamentos (GA3: 0,0; 0,5; 1,0; 2,0; 4,0; 6,0 e 8,0 mg.L-1), quatro repetições e duas plantas por parcela, e os dados foram interpretados por meio de análise de variância e regressão. As aplicações dos tratamentos foram realizadas em três fases, a primeira antes da antese e a segunda e terceira com aproximadamente25% e 80% de flores abertas, respectivamente, utilizando-se de um volume de calda de 2.000 litros/ha. Os cachos foram colhidos com 60 dias após a poda, e as características avaliadas foram: comprimento médio de cacho, engaço e "ombros"; densidade de bagas; massa da matéria fresca do cacho e bagas; e diâmetro e comprimento de bagas. os melhores resultados para o raleio foram obtidos com a concentração de 0,5 mg.L-1, que proporcionou uma densidade de 5,39 bagas/cm de cacho, contra 8,24 bagas/cm de cacho obtido pela testemunha. Em relação à melhoria da qualidade de cachos e bagas, aplicações de GA3 acima de 2,0 mg.L-1, apesar de mostrarem eficiência no aumento do comprimento de cachos, tiveram efeitos negativos na massa da matéria fresca de cachos e bagas, inviabilizando os cachos comercialmente.<br>With the objective to evaluate the effect of concentrations of gibberellic acid in thinning and in the quality improvement in grape clusters cv. Superior Seedless it was carried out an experiment in a commercial orchard in Copa Fruit S.A. farm, in Petrolina-PE. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design, with seven treatments (GA3: 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0 and 8.0 mg.L-1), four replications and two plants/plot, and the data were interpreted by analysis of variance and regression. The applications of the treatments had been carried out in three phases, the first one before the flower opening and the second and the third with approximately 25% and 80% of flowers opened, respectively, using a volume of 2.000 liters per hectare. The clusters had been harvested with 60 days after pruning and the evaluated characteristics had been: average length of cluster, stem and "shoulders"; density of berries/cm of cluster; mass of fresh matter of the cluster and berries; e diameter and length of berries. The best results for thinning had been gotten with the concentration of 0.5 mg.L-1, which provided a density of 5.39 berries/cm of cluster, from 8.24 berries/cm of cluster gotten from the witness. In relation to the improvement of the quality of clusters and berries, applications of GA3 above of 2.0 mg.L-1, although will show efficiency in the increase of the length of the cluster, had negative effect in the mass of fresh matter of clusters and berries, making the clusters commercially impracticable

    Adubação N-P-K e o desenvolvimento, produtividade e qualidade dos frutos do abacaxi 'gold' (MD-2)

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    O abacaxi Gold (MD-2) tem atraído interesse no Brasil, visando à exportação. No entanto, há poucas informações científicas no País sobre o manejo nutricional dessa cultivar. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo determinar o efeito da adubação com N, P e K no estado nutricional da planta, no desenvolvimento, na produtividade e na qualidade dos frutos do abacaxi MD-2. Foram avaliados os efeitos de cinco doses de N, cinco de P2O5 e cinco de K 2O sobre as características de crescimento da folha D e do fruto, bem como sobre os teores de N, P e K das folhas D e as características de qualidade do fruto. Concluiu-se que as maiores produtividade e massa de fruto foram obtidas com a aplicação de 650,6 kg ha-1 de N e 735,9 kg ha-1 de K2O, correspondendo a 12,7 e 14,4 g/planta de N e K2O, respectivamente. Nesse caso, a indução floral deve ser recomendada quando a folha D apresentar comprimento > 75,5 cm. Os valores das características de qualidade do fruto diminuíram com a aplicação de N e aumentaram com a adição de P e K, sendo que as doses máximas de 205,8 kg ha-1 de P2O5 e 703,4 kg ha-1 de K2O corresponderam a 4,01 e 13,7 g/planta de N e K2O, respectivamente