6,419 research outputs found

    Uncertainty quantification for kinetic models in socio-economic and life sciences

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    Kinetic equations play a major rule in modeling large systems of interacting particles. Recently the legacy of classical kinetic theory found novel applications in socio-economic and life sciences, where processes characterized by large groups of agents exhibit spontaneous emergence of social structures. Well-known examples are the formation of clusters in opinion dynamics, the appearance of inequalities in wealth distributions, flocking and milling behaviors in swarming models, synchronization phenomena in biological systems and lane formation in pedestrian traffic. The construction of kinetic models describing the above processes, however, has to face the difficulty of the lack of fundamental principles since physical forces are replaced by empirical social forces. These empirical forces are typically constructed with the aim to reproduce qualitatively the observed system behaviors, like the emergence of social structures, and are at best known in terms of statistical information of the modeling parameters. For this reason the presence of random inputs characterizing the parameters uncertainty should be considered as an essential feature in the modeling process. In this survey we introduce several examples of such kinetic models, that are mathematically described by nonlinear Vlasov and Fokker--Planck equations, and present different numerical approaches for uncertainty quantification which preserve the main features of the kinetic solution.Comment: To appear in "Uncertainty Quantification for Hyperbolic and Kinetic Equations

    Synthesis of an orthogonally protected polyhydroxylated cyclopentene from l-Sorbose

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    © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim The use of l-sorbose in the synthesis of functionalized cyclopentene derivatives was accomplished. These cyclopentene derivatives are related to those found in naturally occurring jatrophane frameworks and in other bioactive compounds. The formation of allyl α-l-sorbopyranoside was a key synthetic step. Regioselective introduction of protecting groups was followed by the hydrolysis of the allyl glycoside to furnish a fully protected acyclic l-sorbose derivative. This acyclic intermediate was subsequently used to give an orthogonally protected polyhydroxylated cyclopentene, which has potential for further synthesis of bioactive compounds. The protected cyclopentene itself showed a clear cytotoxic activity when tested against a panel of human cancer cell lines (HT29, LS174T, SW620, A549, and HeLa cells).This work was supported by Science Foundation Ireland (grant Nos. 07/IN.1/B966 and 11/TIDA/B2047). The research leading to these results also received funding from the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) under grant agreement number PIEF‐GA‐2011‐299042 and from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 600404 and from MINECO‐FEDER (Bio2013‐40716‐R). IRB Barcelona is the recipient of a Severo Ochoa Award of Excellence from MINECO (Government of Spain).Published versio

    Arte y Chagas: recorrido por una galería de intercambio y producción colectiva

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    En nuestro recorrido, Arte, Ciencia y otros "subuniversos" se ponen en juego y se integran en la búsqueda por plantear al Chagas más allá de los abordajes tradicionales en contextos educativos diversos. En este trabajo iniciamos el proceso de sistematización del eje Arte-Chagas que atraviesa la propuesta del Grupo ¿De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de Chagas? (La Plata, Argentina). La inclusión del arte como lenguaje de expresión, comunicación y conocimiento quedó plasmada en una suerte de "Galería de Arte" conformada por ejemplos significativos que ilustran nuestro relato. Las situaciones de aprendizaje en las que el arte estuvo presente fueron objeto de reflexión y análisis de nuestras prácticas educativas.Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas BiológicosFacultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Sources of scientific creativity: participant observation of a public research institute in Korea

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    This study aims to find the factors of scientists' creative thoughts by observing directly their laboratories in Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT). The participant observation was performed for 5 months from December 2013 through April 2014, and the research object was the lab which had been selected both as Top KRICT laboratory and Top National R&D Project. For in-depth examination, the target lab was supposed to be observed for a long time, taking part in the lab meetings, interviewing the researchers. From the interview data, Protocol analysis or Verbal data analysis was employed to analyze the recorded data. The research results are as follows. First, as several studies had suggested, the frequent use of analogies was verified as an important source for scientists' creative thoughts, in that those analogies were used for 12 times in 2 lab meetings, which was 6 times per each. Secondly, the frequent appearance of unexpected findings was found, that is, 8 out of 15 experiment findings were unexpected. We found that the scientists pay close attention to the unexpected findings in that 67 out of 88 intra-group interactions were about the unexpected findings, and 21 out of 24 individual reasoningblocks were about the unexpected findings. Finally, we found that the seeds of new knowledge and ideas sprouted and spread through the distributed reasoning process, which is the major characteristic of modern science that is generally conducted by group of scientists. The findings have two theoretical implications. First, it may increase the availability of Ikujiro Nonaka's knowledge-creation model by adding another case study. It may also contribute to balance between supply-side and demand-side perspective of Innovation. System studies by supplementing supply-side perspective

    Isolated complete avulsion of the gallbladder (near traumatic cholecystectomy): a case report and review of the literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Injury of the gallbladder after blunt abdominal trauma is an unusual finding; the reported incidence is less than 2%. Three groups of injuries are described: simple contusion, laceration, and avulsion, the last of which can be partial, complete, or total traumatic cholecystectomy.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A case of isolated complete avulsion of the gallbladder (near traumatic cholecystectomy) from its hepatic bed in a 46-year-old Caucasian man without any other sign of injury is presented. The avulsion was due to blunt abdominal trauma after a car accident. The rarity of this injury and the stable condition of our patient at the initial presentation warrant a description. The diagnosis was made incidentally after a computed tomography scan, and our patient was treated successfully with ligation of the cystic duct and artery, removal of the gallbladder, coagulation of the bleeding points, and placement of a drain.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Early diagnosis of such injuries is quite difficult because abdominal signs are poor, non-specific, or even absent. Therefore, a computed tomography scan should be performed when the mechanism of injury is indicated.</p

    Computational optical imaging with a photonic lantern

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    [EN] The thin and flexible nature of optical fibres often makes them the ideal technology to view biological processes in-vivo, but current microendoscopic approaches are limited in spatial resolution. Here, we demonstrate a route to high resolution microendoscopy using a multicore fibre (MCF) with an adiabatic multimode-to-single-mode "photonic lantern" transition formed at the distal end by tapering. We show that distinct multimode patterns of light can be projected from the output of the lantern by individually exciting the single-mode MCF cores, and that these patterns are highly stable to fibre movement. This capability is then exploited to demonstrate a form of single-pixel imaging, where a single pixel detector is used to detect the fraction of light transmitted through the object for each multimode pattern. A custom computational imaging algorithm we call SARA-COIL is used to reconstruct the object using only the pre-measured multimode patterns themselves and the detector signals.This work was funded through the "Proteus" Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration (IRC) (EP/K03197X/1), by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) through STFC-CLASP grants ST/K006509/1 and ST/K006460/1, STFC Consortium grants ST/N000625/1 and ST/N000544/1. S.L. acknowledges support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant no. 61705073. DBP acknowledges support from the Royal Academy of Engineering, and the European Research Council (PhotUntangle, 804626). The authors thank Philip Emanuel for the use of his confocal image of A549 cells and Eckhardt Optics for their image of the USAF 1951 target. The authors sincerely thank the anonymous reviewers of this paper for their detailed and considered feedback which helped us to improve the quality of this paper significantly.Choudhury, D.; Mcnicholl, DK.; Repetti, A.; Gris-Sánchez, I.; Li, S.; Phillips, DB.; Whyte, G.... (2020). Computational optical imaging with a photonic lantern. Nature Communications. 11(1):1-9. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-18818-6S19111Wood, H. A. C., Harrington, K., Birks, T. A., Knight, J. C. & Stone, J. M. High-resolution air-clad imaging fibers. Opt. Lett. 43, 5311–5314 (2018).Akram, A. R. et al. In situ identification of Gram-negative bacteria in human lungs using a topical fluorescent peptide targeting lipid A. Sci. Transl. Med. 10, eaal0033 (2018).Shin, J., Bosworth, B. T. & Foster, M. A. Compressive fluorescence imaging using a multi-core fiber and spatially dependent scattering. Opt. Lett. 42, 109–112 (2017).Papadopoulos, I. N., Farahi, S., Moser, C. & Psaltis, D. 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    Current challenges in software solutions for mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomics

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    This work was in part supported by the PRIME-XS project, grant agreement number 262067, funded by the European Union seventh Framework Programme; The Netherlands Proteomics Centre, embedded in The Netherlands Genomics Initiative; The Netherlands Bioinformatics Centre; and the Centre for Biomedical Genetics (to S.C., B.B. and A.J.R.H); by NIH grants NCRR RR001614 and RR019934 (to the UCSF Mass Spectrometry Facility, director: A.L. Burlingame, P.B.); and by grants from the MRC, CR-UK, BBSRC and Barts and the London Charity (to P.C.

    Cold Hardiness and Supercooling Capacity in the Overwintering Larvae of the Codling Moth, Cydia pomonella

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    The codling moth, Cydia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), a worldwide apple pest, is classified as a freeze-intolerant organism and one of the most cold-tolerant pests. The objectives of this study were to examine the supercooling point of overwintering and non-diapausing larvae of C. pomonella as an index of its cold hardiness, and to assess larval mortality following 24 h exposure to extreme low temperatures ranging from -5 to -25°C. The mean (±SE) supercooling point for feeding larvae (third through fifth instars) was -12.4 ± 1.1°C. The mean supercooling point for cocooned, non-diapausing larvae (i.e., non-feeding stages) decreased as the days that the arvae were cocooned increased and changed between -15.1 ± 1.2°C for one to two day cocooned arvae and -19.2 ± 1.8°C for less than five day cocooned larvae. The mean (±SE) supercooling point for other non-feeding stages containing pupae and overwintering larvae were -19.9 ± 1.0°C and -20.2 ± 0.2°C, respectively. Mean supercooling points of C. pomonella larvae were significantly lower during the winter months than the summer months, and sex had no effect on the supercooling point of C. pomonella larvae. The mortality of larvae increased significantly after individuals were exposed to temperatures below the mean supercooling point of the population. The supercooling point was a good predictor of cold hardiness