55 research outputs found


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    While innovation is important in our daily life, as a matter of fact many innovation has failed to be accepted. Word of mouth has been wellknown as one among the most effective strategy for innovation adoption. Word of mouth (WOM) is defined as one example of communication pattern which involve individuals or groups, when they talk about their preferences about some product. Despite the importance of WOM, little attention has been given to understand how and why effective WOM induce adoption of innovation products. The purpose of this research is to explore the contributions of innovation attributes on WOM, using the diffusion of innovation theorethical framework. These innovation attributes are measured from the perception of the user of the product. In this research, the innovative product used as the case is the Dropbox application. The data of 156 respondents of Dropbox user was collected using the accidental sampling techinique. Using the multiple linear regression analysis, the result shows that amount of WOM can be influenced by how easily the benefit of the innovation can be seen (observability attribute) and how simplicity the innovation is (complexity attribute). Meanwhile for the valence of WOM (positive or negative) is influenced only with the observability attribute. The research indicates that it is important for companies to show the result of their innovation through opinion leader who have close connection with the target of consumer so the observability attribute from the innovative product can be seen. Companies also need to consider the complexity attribute of their innovation. Attribute of complexity can indeed increase the amount of WOM but might lead to the negative discussion which would be contraproductive for the adoption of the innovation


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    In the management of human resources in the organization, planning, succession or regeneration is one way to ensure sustainability of an organization. One of data that can be used to map potential candidates' work is performance appraisal (PA). In other words, an indicator of an effective performance appraisal is how the PA results could be used as a valid reference for succession planning in an organization. At the foundation X, although assessment work based management by objectives (MBO) is applied, but it has not yet used as a reference for succession planning. For that reason, a mapping of the evaluation process to find the phase of performance appraisal that has not run optimally has been done. The interview is used as a technique of collecting the data to 6 respondents, which includes employees whom is assessed, Department Heads whom assess and give feedback, and the Committee whom set the final score of PA. The research results show all stages the evaluation process work based MBO has been implemented. But, the lack of clarity of the feedback process cause the less positive response of employees towards the final score and self-development efforts to be done. Hence, the provision of feedback as part of the evaluation process work is one of the aspects that is essential to be optimized to ensure employee’s positive response of performance appraisal


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    Policy change and work system is frequently required for organization to keep competitive. Problem raised when employees express lack of readiness to change. PT. ABC is one among the company which deal with this problem. As one of shoes and bags company, PT. ABC make changes to commission and incentives system. The company expects the change will encourage employees to make sales according to predetermined targets to earn higher commissions compared to the old system. However, in the other side employees actually feel aggrieved because they lost the opportunity to get a commission. The research was conducted to 80 employees of sales division of PT. ABC spread across Indonesia using quantitative and qualitative approach. Questionnaires were implemented in the quantitative approach, that measure (1) involvement in the change process and (2) readiness to change. Interviews were conducted in the qualitative approach with three respondents whose involvement and readiness scores were high and low. Results showed there was a positive relationship between the involvement in the change process with the readiness to changes shown by the Spearman correlation coefficient of 0.625 with


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    Change in technology is one among the most frequent change happened in an organization. PT. X now is dealing with technology change by taking a decentralization of SAP management of its business units. This changing is done due to the lack of effectiveness of centralized management, which result on delay in delivery the services. Socializations, trainings, and intensive coaching are conducted to manage the change. The purpose of this research is to describe HR unit employees’ change readiness in PT. X, in regards of the decentralization process of ERP/ SAP module Organization Management (OM).This is a quantitative research. The participants are 41 people HR unit employees in PT. X who responsible of SAP management. The measurement is Readiness for Organizational Change (ROC. The data are analysed using descriptive statistics. The result shows that generally, the HR unit employees’ readiness towards the implementation of SAP OM module in each unit is categorized as moderate level with the lowest readiness on the “management support” dimension. The business unit of SHM has low “personal valence” dimension. Hence, the intervention program focuses to improve the management support dimension by proposing a monitoring program, while to improve personal valence dimension in particular on the SHM business unit by creating survey feedback


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    Sales Office Head (SOH) at PT. Astra International.Tbk. - Honda Sales Operation (HSO) has a huge amount of workload that demand them to be independent. As the result, they’re giving up easily and have a high tendency to resign. This will bring a bad impact for the company as SOH turnover become more frequent. The concept of psychological capital (Psycap) approach is assumedly quite suitable to be used in managing human resources in HSO, especially SOH. Psycap is an approach on positive potential that consists of hope, efficacy, resilience, and optimism that will enable SOH to work optimally, even in a tough situation. Research is conducted on SOH in Honda HSO by using positive psycap approach that aims to obtain an overview of SOH psycap at HSO. The study is descriptive and applied research with a quantitative method using convenience sampling technique. Instrument used in this study is psychological capital questionnaire, distributed throughout the 68 SOH respondents. The result indicates that psychological capital of SOH in HSO is at high levels. In accordance with the conditions of SOH’s work, the dimensions that need further development the most are the dimension of optimism and resilience

    Digital Communication in Organization for Millennial Employees: Need for Guidance from Direct Supervisors

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    Salah satu ciri generasi milenial adalah penggunaan teknologi ekstensif dalam kehidupan mereka, karena sejak lahir mereka sudah mengenal teknologi. Di dunia kerja, banyak perusahaan berupaya menyediakan sistem teknologi canggih, termasuk dalam komunikasi organisasi, untuk membuat karyawan milenial mereka lebih produktif dan loyal terhadap perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi pandangan karyawan milenial tentang bagaimana komunikasi digital bagi mereka serta kebutuhan komunikasi mereka di tempat kerja. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui dua sesi diskusi kelompok terarah dengan delapan belas karyawan milenial di salah satu perusahaan Badan Usaha Milik Negara. Analisis tema digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi aspek-aspek yang menonjol dalam diskusi kelompok terarah tersebut, berdasar pendekatan induktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan karyawan milenial berpandangan jumlah program aplikasi digital yang diberikan oleh perusahaan terlalu banyak, karena mereka hanya menggunakan satu hingga dua program yang dibutuhkan saja. Program lain yang disediakan hanya dimiliki untuk memenuhi kewajiban yang ditetapkan oleh manajemen tanpa pernah dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Di sisi lain karyawan milenial berpandangan mereka minim mendapatkan arahan dari atasan langsungnya. Mereka mengharapkan informasi yang tersedia secara digital dapat didiskusikan bersama dengan atasannya sehingga mereka mendapatkan arahan yang membantu mereka bekerja secara lebih efektif dan produktif. Mereka juga mengharapkan arahan dari atasannya terkait bagaimana mereka dapat meningkatkan kinerja dan arah pengembangan karirnya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan peran penting komunikasi dari atasan dalam mengarahkan dan memotivasi karyawannya, melengkapi media komunikasi digital yang tersedia, Bentuk dan dinamika komunikasi dengan atasan yang sesuai dengan karakteristik kedua pihak dan bisa melengkapi komunikasi digital yang ada perlu digali lebih lanjut dalam penelitian berikutnya


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    Millenials generation is the generation that grow up during the development of the Internet.One of the millenial generation phenomenon is the high turnover in the workplace. This isdifficult to understand and to predict by management. As a result, organizations areoverwhelmed to deal with this, and recruitment cost is increased to get a new employeeagain. Therefore, it is important to understand the decision-making process of millenialsemployees for changing jobs. This study aimed to explore the decision-making turnoverprocess of millenials employees in Jakarta. The method used is qualitative with datacollection techniques using interviews with five participants, consisted of three women andtwo men, aged 16-36 years old and have a minimum educational background of bachelor’sdegree and work in Jakarta. Other criteria of participants is that they have moved to differentworkplace at least 2 times with an average length of work a maximum of 3 years. Resultsfrom this study was that every participant has a unique dynamic and different from eachother, but there were the same distinctive characteristics of the millenials generation intaking decisions and customization. They knew what they want, and they expressed it to themanagement. The availability of job offers is among the meaningful factor to consider duringthe decision-making proces


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    Companies usually hire consultants to gain professional and methodologically expertise for a particular field. PT. X is one among consulting firms that provides services in the field of psychology. PT. X usually provides short time projects which fulfill the needs of customers. It was evident that there is a bottleneck in the workflow, involving lack of well coordinated schedules, miscommunication between employees, and unclear information about projects. It was assumed that the root of the problem is ineffective communication. This study aims to describe organizational communication in PT. X. It used a qualitative approach involving four respondents who were selected through the maximum variation technique. Two respondents are corporate members and two respondents are associated partners. Data obtained from interviews analysed by content analysis. The results showed that superiors and subordinates often communicate directly, information flow from various parties and tends to run in an informal, where information is not given in written. The channel of communication varies depending on who is delivering the messages. Corporate members coordinate with each other by exchanging information related to the task mostly through informal meetings. Media communication frequently used is the online media. With this informal communication, information on the organization is still considered adequate for corporate members while seems to be inadequate for associated partners


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    This paper explores the pattern of communication between lecturers and students in an educational setting. Using the framework of Communication Accommodation Theory, this study investigates whether the communication patterns between lecturers and students were influenced by an intergroup context. In depth interviews were conducted for 25 pairs of lecturers and students at Unika Atma Jaya, Jakarta. The findings show that participants communication behaviour were influenced by status differences between lecturers and students. Status differences created a social distance between lecturers and students which lead to incongruence perceptions and communication satisfactions. Equal relationships can be managed by employing accommodative communication behaviour.Keywords: intergroup context, communication accommodatio

    The effect of emotional labour on work satisfaction and emotional display behaviour

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    Improving the quality of service in the hospitality industry is a strategic agenda that enables the increase of foreign exchange income. Internal factors affect the quality of service, particularly factors related to emotional processing (emotional labour) of service workers that are associated with the display of an expected emotional expression (emotional display behaviour) when providing services. Furthermore, another essential aspect to consider how to express the expected emotional expression well while also maintaining work comfort (job satisfaction) of the service providers. This research explored the effect of emotional labour on emotional display behaviour and job satisfaction. The study was conducted in a 5-star hotel, involving 94 front liner employees selected through convenience sampling. The study used the Surface and Deep Act Scale, Management Behavior Scale and MSQ-Short Scale. One-way ANOVA was used to analyze the data. The results showed that emotional labour profile had a positive effect on job satisfaction but not on emotional display behaviour. Therefore emotional labour as a personal capital needs to be addressed to enhance job satisfaction.
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