114 research outputs found

    A comprehensive study on the buckling behaviour of woven composite plates with major aerospace cutouts under uniaxial loading

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    Current research paper presents a comprehensive study based on Finite Element Method (FEM) to understand the effect of cutout shape and area on the buckling behaviour of E-glass composite plates. Considered plate has a dimension of 150 mm × 75mm × 3mm where loading edges are simple supported (shorter side) and other two edges are free. Major aerospace cutout shapes i.e. circular, square, elliptical (horizontal and vertical) and diamond are studied to understand their effect on plates’ critical buckling load. FE code Ansys is adopted to investigate the case studies. A limited number of experimental tests are also carried out in order to validate the FE code results. Overall, a good agreement between experimental and FE code results are found. From finite element analyses, it is found that for any cutout shape, as the cutout area increases, buckling load decreases significantly. Moreover, increasing the plate thickness by 0.5 mm can raise the buckling load up to 50%. More importantly, fibre orientation angle has most significant effect on the critical buckling load of plates where fibre orientation aligned with loading direction can increase the plates’ critical buckling load from 2.6 to 2.8 times than aligned with 900

    Peningkatan Resiliensi pada Remaja Melalui Pelatihan Kekuatan Karakter

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    Adolescence offers many opportunities to grow and develop, Not only from the physical dimension but also cognition And emotional. Adolescents in their self development have problems where it is difficult to adapt, because of it their need help to adaptation in some situation including facing up that problems especially school education. In proces to facing up the problem it requires the ability call resilience. Resilience is a reflection of strength and toughness for an individual to rise and resolve they problems during the learning process, To increase resilience a treatment is needed which is by character strength training. Based on statement This study aims to know the effectiveness of character strength training in increasing adolescent resilience. This study method using the One-Group Pretest-Posttest Eskperimental Design. with 20 participants from Ambarawa junior high school and combined into experimental groups. The results of this research showing Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test between Pre Test and Pos Tes Z Score 3.585 > 1.645 skor Z Table with sig. (2-tailed) = 0,000 < 0,005 That result has meaning character strength training is effective to increasing resilience in the experimental group significantly

    Peningkatan Resiliensi pada Remaja Melalui Pelatihan Kekuatan Karakter

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    Adolescence offers many opportunities to grow and develop, Not only from the physical dimension but also cognition And emotional. Adolescents in their self development have problems where it is difficult to adapt, because of it their need help to adaptation in some situation including facing up that problems especially school education. In proces to facing up the problem it requires the ability call resilience. Resilience is a reflection of strength and toughness for an individual to rise and resolve they problems during the learning process, To increase resilience a treatment is needed which is by character strength training. Based on statement This study aims to know the effectiveness of character strength training in increasing adolescent resilience. This study method using the One-Group Pretest-Posttest Eskperimental Design. with 20 participants from Ambarawa junior high school and combined into experimental groups. The results of this research showing Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test between Pre Test and Pos Tes Z Score 3.585 > 1.645 skor Z Table with sig. (2-tailed) = 0,000 < 0,005 That result has meaning character strength training is effective to increasing resilience in the experimental group significantly

    Diseminasi Informasi Potensi Desa Wisata Melalui Website: -

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    Priwisata merupakan sektor penting dalam mendorong pembangnandan pertmbuhan ekonomi nasional. Salah satu pendekatan pengembangan pariwisata yang startegis dewasa ini adalah desa wisata. Desa Wisata Tanjung Pasir merupakan wisata pesisir pantai yang dalam pelaksanaannya desa wisata ini menemui berbagai kendala. Salah satunya adalah terbatasnya proses diseminsi informasi terkait potensi wisata yang menyebabkan masyarakat luas tidak mengetahui keberadaan dari desa wisata ini. Website merupakan solusi strategis yang dapat dijadikan sarana diseminasi informasi yang dapat menjangkau khalayak luas tanpa dibatasi oleh jarak dan waktu. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah FGD dan substitsi IPTEKS. FGD ditujukan untuk menggali informasi terkait potensi wisata sedangkan substitusi IPTEKS adalah cara membuat, menawarkan dan mengaplikasikan teknologi yang dibutuhkan. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah terbentuknya website Tanjung Pasir yakni tanjungpasir.com yang dapat diakses oleh kalangan luas dan pemetaan potensi-potensi wisata yang dibutuhkan bagi pemerintah dalam membuat program pengembangan wisata. Website terdiri dari fitur home, jelajah, blog, video dan kontak. Dengan adanya website, informasi terkait desa wisata menjadi lebih mudah diakses oleh masyarakat luas. Adanya website juga menuntut pengelolaan desa wisata agar lebih profesional, modern dan mampu bersaing dengan objek wisata lainnya. Rekomendasi yang dihasilkan dari kegiataan ini diantaranya diperlukannya maintanance terhadap website yang sudah dibuat, dengan memperbahari informasi, video dan gambar terbaru. Diperlukan pendampingan dan kontrol terukur atas pelaksanaan pengembangan desa wisata baik oleh pemerintah,  masyarakat, pelaku UMKM dan masyarakat sekitar. Kerjasama dengan pihak swasta perlu digagas oleh pemerintah dan masyarakat agar pengembangan Desa Wisata Tanjung Pasir lebih tersinergi

    Psychometric validation of the Bangla fear of COVID-19 Scale: confirmatory factor analysis and Rasch analysis

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    The recently developed Fear of COVID-19 Scale (FCV-19S) is a seven-item uni-dimensional scale that assesses the severity of fears of COVID-19. Given the rapid increase of COVID-19 cases in Bangladesh, we aimed to translate and validate the FCV-19S in Bangla. The forward-backward translation method was used to translate the English version of the questionnaire into Bangla. The reliability and validity properties of the Bangla FCV-19S were rigorously psychometrically evaluated (utilizing both confirmatory factor analysis and Rasch analysis) in relation to socio-demographic variables, national lockdown variables, and response to the Bangla Health Patient Questionnaire. The sample comprised 8550 Bangladeshi participants. The Cronbach α value for the Bangla FCV-19S was 0.871 indicating very good internal reliability. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis showed that the uni-dimensional factor structure of the FCV-19S fitted well with the data. The FCV-19S was significantly correlated with the nine-item Bangla Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-90) (r = 0.406,