Peningkatan Resiliensi pada Remaja Melalui Pelatihan Kekuatan Karakter


Adolescence offers many opportunities to grow and develop, Not only from the physical dimension but also cognition And emotional. Adolescents in their self development have problems where it is difficult to adapt, because of it their need help to adaptation in some situation including facing up that problems especially school education. In proces to facing up the problem it requires the ability call resilience. Resilience is a reflection of strength and toughness for an individual to rise and resolve they problems during the learning process, To increase resilience a treatment is needed which is by character strength training. Based on statement This study aims to know the effectiveness of character strength training in increasing adolescent resilience. This study method using the One-Group Pretest-Posttest Eskperimental Design. with 20 participants from Ambarawa junior high school and combined into experimental groups. The results of this research showing Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test between Pre Test and Pos Tes Z Score 3.585 > 1.645 skor Z Table with sig. (2-tailed) = 0,000 < 0,005 That result has meaning character strength training is effective to increasing resilience in the experimental group significantly

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