498 research outputs found

    Menakar Standar Madrasah Bermutu

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    Menakar Standar Madrasah Bermutu. Sebagai lembaga pendidikan Islam, madrasah mengalami pasang dalam perjalannya, terutama jika dilihat dari kedudukannya dalam Perundangan. Sebelumnya madrasah merupakan lembaga pendidikan kelas dua sebagai subsistem pendidikan nasional. Namun semenjak lahirnya Undang-undang No. 2 Tahun 1989 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, madrasah memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan lembaga pendidikan umum pada umumnya. Madrasah adalah sekolah umum berciri khas agama Islam. Madrasah Ibtidaiyah sama dengan SD, Madrasah Tsanawiyah sama dengan SMP, dan Madrasah Aliyah sama dengan SMA. Tamatan Ibtidaiyah dapat melanjutkan ke SMP, tamatan Madrasah Tsanawiyah dapat melanjutkan ke SMA, dan demikian sebaliknya, yang pada masa-masa sebelumnya tidak seperti itu. Dengan kata lain sebenarnya madrasah itu adalah sekolah umum plus. Dari sisi ini, sebenarnya madrasah memiliki modal yang lebih baik atau lebih maju disbanding dengan sekolah umum untuk menjadikan dirinya bermutu. Sekolah bermutu dapat dilihat dari visi, misi yang jelas, pengelola yang professional dan memiliki perencanaan yang bagu

    Respons in Growth and Production of Soybean (Glycine Max (L.) Merrill) to Application of Municipal Waste Compost and P Fertilizer

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    This research was conducted to obtain dose of municipal waste compost and P fertilizer which can improve the growth and production of the soybean. The research was conducted at experimental field of Agricultural Faculty of Sumatera Utara University, Medan which about ± 25 metres above sea level, begun from April to July 2015 using factorial randomized block design with two factors, i.e: doses of municipal waste compost (0 g/plant, 15 g/plant, 30 g/plant, and 45 g/plant) and doses of P fertilizer (0 g/plant, 1.5, and 3 g/plant). Parameters observed were plant height, stem diameter, number of books per plant, number of pods per plant, number of pods per plant lists, number of seeds per plant, seeds per plant weight, weight 100 seeds, and production of seeds per plots. The results showed that application of municipal waste compost significantly affected stem diameter at 2, 4, 5 weeks after planting,production of seeds per plots. Application of P fertilizer significantly affected number of pods per plant lists, number of seeds per plant, and seeds per plant weight. Interaction between aplication of municipal waste compost and P fertilizer not significantly affected on all parameters of observation

    Brief Report: Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies After Exposure to Raltegravir or Elvitegravir During Pregnancy in the United Kingdom and Ireland, 2008–2018

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    BACKGROUND: The indisputable benefits of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in the reduction of mother-to-child-transmission of HIV (MTCT) have to be carefully balanced with the risks of embryo-foetal toxicities due to foetal exposure to maternal ART.The recent report of a potential safety signal with Dolutegravir use in pregnancy and potential increased rate of neural tube defects (NTDs), has raised the question of a potential class effect for Integrase Strand Inhibitors. To contribute real-world evidence we evaluated data on pregnant women receiving Raltegravir (RAL) or Elvitegravir (EVG) in the UK and Ireland. METHODS: The National Study of HIV in Pregnancy and Childhood (NSHPC) is a comprehensive population-based surveillance study collecting data on all HIV-positive pregnant women and their children. We collected data on all pregnancies exposed to an ART regimen containing RAL or EVG resulting in livebirth, stillbirth and induced abortion with an expected date of delivery between September 2008 and April 2018. Pregnancies were stratified into three groups of earliest exposure. RESULTS: A total of 908 pregnancies were exposed to a RAL or EVG-based regimen (875 to RAL and 33 to EVG). There were 886 live-born infants exposed to RAL, eight pregnancies ended in stillbirth and nine in induced abortions. Among the 886 live-born infants there were 23 (2.59% 95% CI 1.65, 3.86) reported congenital anomalies, two nervous system defects but no reported NTDs. Of the 33 pregnancies exposed to EVG, 31 resulted in live-born infants with no congenital anomaly and the remaining two pregnancies ended in induced abortion. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of congenital anomalies is consistent with national population estimates for 2008-2016 in the UK. More data are needed on safety of RAL and EVG in pregnancy

    Studi Interaksi Air Tanah Dangkal Dan Air Sungai Di Sepanjang Daerah Aliran Kali Garang Semarang Menggunakan Isotop Stabil δ18O Dan δ2H

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    A study related to shallow groundwater interaction with Kali Garang River water in Semarang, Central Java using stable isotopes of 18O and 2H has been conducted. As much as 16 groundwater and 3 river water samples were taken for stable isotopes d18O and d2H analysis using Liquid water isotope analyzer LGR DLT-100. The results of analysis shows that there are two area of water recharge origin: the first area contains d18O isotope ranging between -9.41 ‰ to -8.5 ‰ and d2H between -58.2 ‰ to -51.6 ‰; the second area contains isotopes of d18O and d2H -7.15 and -41.55 ‰, respectively. Thus, these results indicate that the first water samples originate from a higher elevation than the origin of the second water sample, but both of them have no interrelation with river water. Whereas, other groundwater samples show that the sample (R4) has interrelation (i.e. mixing) with the river water and two other samples (L1 and R1) have interrelation with salty water or seawater

    Application of fractal modeling for integration of data layers in GIS, case study: Sharafabad-Hizehjan area (NW Iran)

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    The aim of this study is to indicate an Au prospect utilizing fractal modelling in the Hizehjan-SharafAbad area, NW Iran, which is located in the Alborz-Azerbayjan structural zone and the Arasbaran metallogenic belt. In this study, Au geochemical anomalies, lithological layers, alteration zones, faults, vein densities and geophysical data were generated and integrated into a GIS package. Different populations of the geochemical anomalies, faults and vein densities were determined based on Concentration-Number (C-N) and Concentration-Area (C-A) fractal models [1, 2]. In addition, these layers were converted to a raster format and subsequently weighted using an Index Overlay method and fractal modelling for the subsequent identification of Au prospects. Finally, results obtained by the Index Overlay method were classified by the C-A fractal modelling. The results revealed that significant Au prospects were situated in the NW and central parts of the study area

    Caracterização da cadeia produtiva da carne ovina em Tauá (CE).

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    Resumo: O presente artigo apresenta a descrição analítica da cadeia produtiva da carne ovina no município de Tauá (CE). A ovinocultura de corte é uma atividade em fase de desenvolvimento e consolidação em diversos locais no Brasil, no entanto ainda enfrenta desafios que precisam ser superados. Dentre os principais entraves para a sua consolidação está a predominância da informalidade nas atividades de abate e de processamento dos ovinos. A caracterização da cadeia produtiva foi realizada por meio de aplicação de questionários junto a 336 produtores rurais criadores de ovinos no município e pela realização de entrevistas com roteiro semiestruturado com sete atravessadores e marchantes que atuam comprando e vendendo ovinos vivos e carne ovina no município. Foram mapeadas as transações realizadas pelos produtores rurais e os principais canais de comercialização por eles utilizados. Constatou-se que 16,7% dos produtores realizam o abate de ovinos com o intuito de comercializar a carne produzida, enquanto 83,3% costumam vender os ovinos vivos para os atravessadores ou para os marchantes. Os produtores rurais são responsáveis pelo abate de 9,9% dos ovinos produzidos e comercializados no município de Tauá, indicando que a maior parte dos abates não inspecionados é realizada por agentes localizados nos estágios pós-porteira da cadeia produtiva da ovinocultura de corte. [Characteristics of lamb meat production chain in Tauá (CE)]. Abstract: This paper presents an analytical description of the production chain of lamb meat in the municipality of Tauá (CE). The production of lamb meat is an activity under a development process and consolidation in several locations of Brazil, but still faces challenges that must be overcome. Among the main obstacles to their consolidation there is the prevalence of informality in the activities of lamb slaughtering. The characterization of the production chain was performed by applying questionnaires from 336 lamb farmers in the municipality, and conducting semi-structured interviews with seven butchers and middlemen that act buying and selling live lamb and lamb meat in the city. It were mapped the transactions carried out by the farmers and the main marketing channels used by them. It was found that 16.7% of producers perform the lamb slaughter on the farm in order to sell the produced meat, while 83.3% usually sell live for middlemen or for the butchers. The farmers are responsible for the slaughter of 9.9% lamb produced and marketed in the municipality of Tauá. This indicates that most of the non-inspected slaughters are performed by agents located in the off-farm stages of this production chain

    Penglibatan wanita yang mengikuti Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) dalam industri Oil & Gas

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    Persediaan wanita yang mengikuti TVET untuk menceburkan diri dalam industri oil & gas merupakan suatu masalah yang sering diperkatakan dikalangan wanita ketika ini. Permasalahan ini menjadi suatu persoalan dalam kalangan wanita tentang apakah persediaan yang perlu mereka lakukan dalam merencana kerjaya dalam industri oil & gas ini. Secara umumnya kajian ini adalah bertujuan mengenalpasti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan kerja dalam industri oil & gas, kesediaan diri wanita dari segi fizikal dan mental serta cabaran yang dihadapi dalam merealisasikan kerjaya mereka dalam industri oil & gas ini. Kajian ini telah dilakukan ke atas pekerja wanita yang telah berkhidmat dalam industri ini bagi zon selatan dan zon tengah. Seramai 110 sampel kajian yang terlibat dalam penyelidikan ini melalui pengedaran borang kaji selidik sebagai instrumen kajian. Data daripada 86 sampel kajian yang diperolehi dari soal selidik kemudiannya dianalisis dengan menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) versi 20.0. Hasil dapatan kajian menunjukkan faktor yang mempengaruhi wanita untuk menceburkan diri dalam industri oil & gas ini adalah faktor gaji iaitu skor min sebanyak 4.41 dan diikuti dengan kesediaan dari segi mental dengan nilai skor min pada tahap yang tinggi iaitu 4.392. Dapatan kajian juga mendapati cabaran semasa mendapatkan pekerjaan adalah perkara paling mencabar yang perlu dihadapi oleh wanita iaitu dengan dapatan skor min sebanyak 4.242. Ini membuktikan bahawa wanita perlu mempersiapkan diri dengan sebaiknya sebelum menceburi industri ini. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan di antara faktor pemilihan kerja dan kesediaan diri wanita. Kesimpulannya, wanita perlu mempersiapkan diri bukan sekadar dengan memperolehi keputusan yang baik dalam akademik, tetapi kecenderungan dan minat dalam meletakkan diri untuk bersaing dengan lelaki bagi membuktikan wanita turut berkemahiran dan mempunyai jati diri yang tinggi untuk berkerja dalam bidang yang sungguh mencabar

    Skin tag as a cutaneous marker for impaired carbohydrate metabolism: A case-control study

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    Background: Skin tags are common benign skin tumors usually occurring on the neck and major flexors of older people. A possible association with impaired carbohydrate metabolism has been suggested in previous studies, but the results are not conclusive. Objective: To investigate and compare the prevalence of diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) in patients with skin tag and a control group. Patients and methods: A case-control study was conducted in individuals over 15 years old, comparing cases (n=104) with at least three skin tags and age-, sex-, and body mass index (BMI)-matched controls (n=94) without skin tag. Cases and controls were recruited from patients consecutively seen at an academic outpatient dermatology clinic. All patients underwent a standard 2-h oral glucose tolerance test with 75 g glucose. Results: Patients with skin tag had higher frequency of diabetes than the control group (23.07 vs. 8.51, �2 -test, P=0.005). The difference in the frequency of IGT was not significant (13.46 vs. 10.63, �2 -test, P=0.543). There was a positive correlation between the total number of skin tags and the mean fasting plasma glucose (Pearson correlation, r=0.260, P=0.031); patients with more than 30 skin tags were particularly at an increased risk of diabetes (52.0). No correlation was found between the number of skin tags and BMI. We did not find any correlation between the anatomical localization of skin tags and impaired carbohydrate metabolism, except for skin tags under the breast in women. Conclusion: These results showan increased risk of diabetes mellitus in patients with multiple skin tags. With regard to the importance of early diagnosis of diabetes, we recommend a high level of suspicion for impaired carbohydrate metabolism in patients with skin tag. © 2007 The International Society of Dermatology