394 research outputs found

    Orígenes e incursión del otro en la creación plástica contemporánea: estudio sobre el taller de Rubens, Warhol y Murakami en contraposición a los primeros equipos españoles de los años 50 y 60.

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    Este estudio recorre dos aspectos fundamentales de la creación plástica colectiva. Así, descubrimos la figura del Otro como centro de la «nueva filosofía» para adentrarnos en los métodos y prácticas del taller –entendido como primera manifestación de creación grupal– y el origen del colectivo artístico, cuya aparición tuvo lugar en los años 50 y 60 del s. XX en territorio español. De este modo, confluyen aquí múltiples ideas sobre la creación plástica colectiva, determinando un posible origen y su relación con las teorías de renombrados filósofos y humanistas. Así como su indudable repercusión en las manifestaciones artísticas contemporáneas; donde encontramos un claro precedente en el desarrollo plástico y teórico de los primeros Grupos y Equipos gestados en la posguerra.This study covers two fundamental aspects of collective artistic creation. Thus, we find the figure of the Other as the center of the "new philosophy" to get into the methods and practices of the workshop –understood as first manifestation of grupal creation– and the origin of the art collective, whose appearance was in the 50s and 60s in Spanish territory. Thus, multiple ideas converge here on collective artistic creation, determining a possible origin and its relation to the theories of famous philosophers and humanists. Just as his undoubted impact on contemporary art forms; where we ran into a clear precedent in the plastic and theoretical development of the first groups and gestated in postwar Teams.Universidad de Sevilla. Máster Oficial en Arte: Idea y Producció

    Señor Cifrián (Esther Señor & Carmen Cifrián): recovery of the memory through the collective identity

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    En la producción artística contemporánea encontramos con frecuencia autores que trabajan con la memoria histórica, colectiva o incluso con la memoria individual. Si nos remontamos al origen de este concepto, fue el sociólogo y filósofo francés Maurice Halbwachs quien dio forma al término “Memoria Colectiva” en la que está considerada su obra póstuma La mémoire collective (1950). Este texto conecta, inevitablemente, con la obra de Esther Señor (Zaragoza, 1982) y Carmen Cifrián (Valencia, 1981), autodenominadas artísticamente como Señor Cifrián –nombre resultante de la unión de sus personalidades y apellidos–.Abstract:In this article we will analyze Señor Cifrián’s work (Esther Señor and Carmen Cifrián) as a creative duo, we will wonder about the origin of their union, about the particularities of their creative process and the impact it may have his work around the memory and social level cultural. Damnatio Memoriae and Smoke Drawings are two of his last series, which recreated, from a unified vision, interest in memory, the object and nature as possible containers. A speech originally present evolving and prevails in her production more im-minent. Numerous awards and exhibitions support the work of these young artists, to highlight BMW i Award, among others

    Syntactic-textual functions of verb forms in oral chess narratives

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    En este artículo analizamos las funciones sintáctico-textuales que despliegan las formas verbales que se utilizan en crónicas orales de partidas de ajedrez. Para ello, nos basamos en un corpus de cuatro crónicas de eventos ajedrecísticos tomados de Chess.com ES y Chess24 en español con su respectiva transcripción. Con base en el corpus en cuestión, identificamos las diferentes formas verbales de las que se sirven los cronistas ajedrecísticos y determinamos la función que desempeñan aquellas que se utilizan con mayor recurrencia tanto a nivel sintáctico como a nivel textual. Con este artículo nos proponemos contribuir en los estudios sobre discurso deportivo, en especial aquellos enfocados en crónicas de deportes de predominio intelectual como el ajedrez.In this article we analyze the syntactic-textual functions that the verb forms used in oral narratives of chess games display. To do so, we examine a corpus of four narratives of chess events taken from Chess.com ES and Chess24 en español with their respective transcriptions. Based on the alluded corpus, we identify different verb forms used by chess journalists and determine the role they play at a syntactic and a textual level. With this article we intend to contribute to the studies on sports discourse, especially those focused on narratives of intellectual sports such as chess

    Pyropyga julietafierroae sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Lampyridae): Un ejemplo de participación ciudadana en la ciencia

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    Se presenta la descripción de Pyropyga julietafierroae sp. nov., incluyendo los genitales de la hembra, de modo que es la primera vez que se describen estas estructuras para una hembra del género Pyropyga Motschulsky, 1852. La especie nueva fue descubierta en un ambiente urbanizado de Ciudad Universitaria en la Ciudad de México, lo que aumenta a 13 especies el género Pyropyga, de las cuales ocho se registran en México. Se muestra un mapa de distribución de las especies mexicanas. Además, se comenta sobre la participación de la ciudadanía para la propuesta y elección del nombre científico con la temática “Mujeres Mexicanas Ilustres”, este ejercicio se realiza por primera vez para nombrar una especie de luciérnaga en nuestro país.We present the description of Pyropyga julietafierroae sp. nov., including the female genitalia, so that it is the first time that these structures are described for a female of the genus Pyropyga Motschulsky, 1852. The new species was recovered from the urbanized environment of Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico City. The total number of species for the genus increases to 13, of which, eight are recorded from Mexico. A distribution map of Mexican species is included. Moreover, herein we comment on the citizen involvement for the proposal and choice of the scientific name with the theme “Illustrious Mexican Women”, this is the first time that a dynamic like this is carried out for naming a firefly species in our country

    Lmo2 expression defines tumor cell identity during T-cell leukemogenesis

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    The impact of LMO2 expression on cell lineage decisions during T-cell leukemogenesis remains largely elusive. Using genetic lineage tracing, we have explored the potential of LMO2 in dictating a T-cell malignant phenotype. We first initiated LMO2 expression in hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells and maintained its expression in all hematopoietic cells. These mice develop exclusively aggressive human-like T-ALL. In order to uncover a potential exclusive reprogramming effect of LMO2 in murine hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells, we next showed that transient LMO2 expression is sufficient for oncogenic function and induction of T-ALL. The resulting T-ALLs lacked LMO2 and its target-gene expression, and histologically, transcriptionally, and genetically similar to human LMO2-driven T-ALL. We next found that during T-ALL development, secondary genomic alterations take place within the thymus. However, the permissiveness for development of T-ALL seems to be associated with wider windows of differentiation than previously appreciated. Restricted Cre-mediated activation of Lmo2 at different stages of B-cell development induces systematically and unexpectedly T-ALL that closely resembled those of their natural counterparts. Together, these results provide a novel paradigm for the generation of tumor T cells through reprogramming in vivo and could be relevant to improve the response of T-ALL to current therapies.J.H. has been supported by the German Cancer Aid (Project 110997 and Translational Oncology Program 70112951), the German Jose Carreras Leukemia Foundation (DJCLS 02R/2016), Deutsches Konsortium für Translationale Krebsforschung (DKTK), Joint funding (Targeting MYC L*10), the Kinderkrebsstiftung (2016/17), and the “Elterninitiative Kinderkrebsklinik e.V. Düsseldorf”. SG has been supported by a scholarship of the Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg. AB has been supported by the German Children's Cancer Foundation and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Bonn, Germany. Research in ISG group is partially supported by FEDER and by MINECO (SAF2012-32810, SAF2015-64420-R, and Red de Excelencia Consolider OncoBIO SAF2014-57791-REDC), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PIE14/00066), ISCIII- Plan de Ayudas IBSAL 2015 Proyectos Integrados (IBY15/00003), by Junta de Castilla y León (BIO/SA51/15, CSI001U14, UIC-017, and CSI001U16), Fundacion Inocente Inocente, and by the ARIMMORA project (European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 282891). ISG Lab is a member of the EuroSyStem and the DECIDE Network funded by the European Union under the FP7 program. AB and ISG have been supported by the German Carreras Foundation (DJCLS R13/26). IGR was supported by BES-Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (BES-2013-063789). AML and GRH were supported by FSE-Conserjería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León (CSI001-13, CSI001-15). Research in CVD group is partially supported by FEDER, “Miguel Servet” Grant (CP14/00082—AES 2013-2016) from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad), “Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias/Instituto de Salud Carlos III” (PI17/00167), and by the Lady Tata International Award for Research in Leukaemia 2016–2017

    A deletion at Adamts9-magi1 Locus is associated with psoriatic arthritis risk

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    Objective: Copy number variants (CNVs) have been associated with the risk to develop multiple autoimmune diseases. Our objective was to identify CNVs associated with the risk to develop psoriatic arthritis (PsA) using a genome-wide analysis approach. Methods: A total of 835 patients with PsA and 1498 healthy controls were genotyped for CNVs using the Illumina HumanHap610 BeadChip genotyping platform. Genomic CNVs were characterised using CNstream analysis software and analysed for association using the χ2 test. The most significant genomic CNV associations with PsA risk were independently tested in a validation sample of 1133 patients with PsA and 1831 healthy controls. In order to test for the specificity of the variants with PsA aetiology, we also analysed the association to a cohort of 822 patients with purely cutaneous psoriasis (PsC). Results: A total of 165 common CNVs were identified in the genome-wide analysis. We found a highly significant association of an intergenic deletion between ADAMTS9 and MAGI1 genes on chromosome 3p14.1 (p=0.00014). Using the independent patient and control cohort, we validated the association between ADAMTS9-MAGI1 deletion and PsA risk (p=0.032). Using next-generation sequencing, we characterised the 26 kb associated deletion. Finally, analysing the PsC cohort we found a lower frequency of the deletion compared with the PsA cohort (p=0.0088) and a similar frequency to that of healthy controls (p>0.3). Conclusions: The present genome-wide scan for CNVs associated with PsA risk has identified a new deletion associated with disease risk and which is also differential from PsC risk

    Estudos Artísticos

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    Cidadania e arte, uma questão de revolução. A perfeição do gosto académico reproduz a perfeição do Estado absoluto, a disciplina é descoberta e lança mão de toda a coreografia: os gestos significam, e por isso os gestos são determinados no novo ballet da política esclarecida. Então como é que a revolução chega às artes? Precisamente por as artes funcionarem a um ponto tão modelar e exigente, nas academias, que vão ser chamadas a fornecer novos espelhos da nova perfeição programática. Quando a revolução começa a anunciar-se, os artistas vão reivindicar a representação apolínea da revolução, perfeita como as artes decorativas, como as alamedas de Versailles. Neste número da revista Croma apresenta-se uma seleção de artigos que, além de tratarem a obra de artistas pelo olhar de outros artistas, fazem-no apontando perspetivas implicadas, comprometidas, relacionais.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio